President Bush PAID for the Health Care for Illegal Immigrants for 8 Years!


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
HOW could you let him do that? Pay for the health care of illegals with our tax dollars for the LAST 8 YEARS?


Bush was a Librul Traitor on Domestic policy

The question is: Why aren't Libruls sucking Bush dick like they suck Obamas?
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Bush was a Librul Traitor on Domestic policy

The question is: Why are Libruls sucking Bush dick like they suck Obamas?

Was THAT necessary Frank?

I realize my thread was mostly in jest....mocking a few people and a few stances while hopefully still making my point...

and in case it did not come across, my point is, that as we stand now as a country, if an illegal alien or anyone poor comes in to the emergency room with a real emergency, they are to be treated by law, for their accident or illness. Our government, reimburses the Hospitals for a portion of this LOSS, that the hospitals take on by treating every Emergency without question or emphasis on any one's means to pay until AFTER they are treated.

So, The entire Bush Presidency, most of which the republicans were in charge, why didn't they throw a FIT and cry like a baby the way they are now, regarding illegal immigrants getting health care on the tax payer's dime? Can you say, Hypocrisy?

I was just playing, but the gist of the title is absolutely true as those saying Obama will pay for illegal's health care.

Do you want to stop emergency rooms from treating every human being with an emergency...should I be CARDED first before they treat me in an emergency room?

Bush was a Librul Traitor on Domestic policy

The question is: Why are Libruls sucking Bush dick like they suck Obamas?

Was THAT necessary Frank?

I realize my thread was mostly in jest....mocking a few people and a few stances while hopefully still making my point...

and in case it did not come across, my point is, that as we stand now as a country, if an illegal alien or anyone poor comes in to the emergency room with a real emergency, they are to be treated by law, for their accident or illness. Our government, reimburses the Hospitals for a portion of this LOSS, that the hospitals take on by treating every Emergency without question or emphasis on any one's means to pay until AFTER they are treated.

So, The entire Bush Presidency, most of which the republicans were in charge, why didn't they throw a FIT and cry like a baby the way they are now, regarding illegal immigrants getting health care on the tax payer's dime? Can you say, Hypocrisy?

I was just playing, but the gist of the title is absolutely true as those saying Obama will pay for illegal's health care.

Do you want to stop emergency rooms from treating every human being with an emergency...should I be CARDED first before they treat me in an emergency room?


care for em--then charge em.
Bush was a Librul Traitor on Domestic policy

The question is: Why are Libruls sucking Bush dick like they suck Obamas?

Was THAT necessary Frank?

I realize my thread was mostly in jest....mocking a few people and a few stances while hopefully still making my point...

and in case it did not come across, my point is, that as we stand now as a country, if an illegal alien or anyone poor comes in to the emergency room with a real emergency, they are to be treated by law, for their accident or illness. Our government, reimburses the Hospitals for a portion of this LOSS, that the hospitals take on by treating every Emergency without question or emphasis on any one's means to pay until AFTER they are treated.

So, The entire Bush Presidency, most of which the republicans were in charge, why didn't they throw a FIT and cry like a baby the way they are now, regarding illegal immigrants getting health care on the tax payer's dime? Can you say, Hypocrisy?

I was just playing, but the gist of the title is absolutely true as those saying Obama will pay for illegal's health care.

Do you want to stop emergency rooms from treating every human being with an emergency...should I be CARDED first before they treat me in an emergency room?


care for em--then charge em.

You think they are not charged for it? Why do you think that?
Bush was a Librul Traitor on Domestic policy

The question is: Why are Libruls sucking Bush dick like they suck Obamas?

Was THAT necessary Frank?

I realize my thread was mostly in jest....mocking a few people and a few stances while hopefully still making my point...

and in case it did not come across, my point is, that as we stand now as a country, if an illegal alien or anyone poor comes in to the emergency room with a real emergency, they are to be treated by law, for their accident or illness. Our government, reimburses the Hospitals for a portion of this LOSS, that the hospitals take on by treating every Emergency without question or emphasis on any one's means to pay until AFTER they are treated.

So, The entire Bush Presidency, most of which the republicans were in charge, why didn't they throw a FIT and cry like a baby the way they are now, regarding illegal immigrants getting health care on the tax payer's dime? Can you say, Hypocrisy?

I was just playing, but the gist of the title is absolutely true as those saying Obama will pay for illegal's health care.

Do you want to stop emergency rooms from treating every human being with an emergency...should I be CARDED first before they treat me in an emergency room?


Republicans suck and Bush and his asshole buddy Tom Delay suck worse of all! Conservatives got screwed by that lying punk!

If Dante were still handing out seats to teh Inferno Bush would be down with Brutus Cassius and Judas, but instead of joining them in Satans mouth Bush would be under Satans ass where he'd crapped chewed up pieces of Brutus Cassius and Judas on Delay and Bush for all eternity.
Was THAT necessary Frank?

I realize my thread was mostly in jest....mocking a few people and a few stances while hopefully still making my point...

and in case it did not come across, my point is, that as we stand now as a country, if an illegal alien or anyone poor comes in to the emergency room with a real emergency, they are to be treated by law, for their accident or illness. Our government, reimburses the Hospitals for a portion of this LOSS, that the hospitals take on by treating every Emergency without question or emphasis on any one's means to pay until AFTER they are treated.

So, The entire Bush Presidency, most of which the republicans were in charge, why didn't they throw a FIT and cry like a baby the way they are now, regarding illegal immigrants getting health care on the tax payer's dime? Can you say, Hypocrisy?

I was just playing, but the gist of the title is absolutely true as those saying Obama will pay for illegal's health care.

Do you want to stop emergency rooms from treating every human being with an emergency...should I be CARDED first before they treat me in an emergency room?


care for em--then charge em.

You think they are not charged for it? Why do you think that?

good point---what happens after they don't pay?
care for em--then charge em.

You think they are not charged for it? Why do you think that?

good point---what happens after they don't pay?

Well, for those with insurance, the Insurance companies don't pay for the total cost.

For those without insurance but the means to pay, pay it.

For those without insurance, but are American citizens poor enough to qualify for MEDICAID, medicaid pays but they too do not pay for the total cost to the Hospital, and this since 2006 requires proof of citizenship.

For those without insurance but do not qualify for medicaid because they are making a tad too much money to qualify for Medicaid but still too poor to manage the entire bill...they are means tested and pay a portion and the hospital applies for government help to help cover their cost.

If you fall in to none of those or are hit with a good portion of the bill yourself that the Insurance refused to pay, you can ignore the bill and it goes to a collection agency and ruin your credit. The hospital then counts you and your bill as a LOSS on their taxes and gets a tax write off for such....they get to take a loss on all of the "difference" of what they charge and what the insurance companies do not pay on their income taxes, I mean corporate taxes....

This is my understanding of it...I could have left some thing out, but the gist of it is above...
You think they are not charged for it? Why do you think that?

good point---what happens after they don't pay?

Well, for those with insurance, the Insurance companies don't pay for the total cost.

For those without insurance but the means to pay, pay it.

For those without insurance, but are American citizens poor enough to qualify for MEDICAID, medicaid pays but they too do not pay for the total cost to the Hospital, and this since 2006 requires proof of citizenship.

For those without insurance but do not qualify for medicaid because they are making a tad too much money to qualify for Medicaid but still too poor to manage the entire bill...they are means tested and pay a portion and the hospital applies for government help to help cover their cost.

If you fall in to none of those or are hit with a good portion of the bill yourself that the Insurance refused to pay, you can ignore the bill and it goes to a collection agency and ruin your credit. The hospital then counts you and your bill as a LOSS on their taxes and gets a tax write off for such....they get to take a loss on all of the "difference" of what they charge and what the insurance companies do not pay on their income taxes, I mean corporate taxes....

This is my understanding of it...I could have left some thing out, but the gist of it is above...

And you think illegals care about their credit rating ?
They go get their medical needs taken care of and toss the bills as if they were junk mail.
President Bush PAID for the Health Care for Illegal Immigrants for 8 Years!

HOW could you let him do that? Pay for the health care of illegals with our tax dollars for the LAST 8 YEARS?


President Bush didn't pay for it, I did. My tax dollars and your tax dollars.
I was against it then, and I am against it now. My stance hasn't changed.
good point---what happens after they don't pay?

Well, for those with insurance, the Insurance companies don't pay for the total cost.

For those without insurance but the means to pay, pay it.

For those without insurance, but are American citizens poor enough to qualify for MEDICAID, medicaid pays but they too do not pay for the total cost to the Hospital, and this since 2006 requires proof of citizenship.

For those without insurance but do not qualify for medicaid because they are making a tad too much money to qualify for Medicaid but still too poor to manage the entire bill...they are means tested and pay a portion and the hospital applies for government help to help cover their cost.

If you fall in to none of those or are hit with a good portion of the bill yourself that the Insurance refused to pay, you can ignore the bill and it goes to a collection agency and ruin your credit. The hospital then counts you and your bill as a LOSS on their taxes and gets a tax write off for such....they get to take a loss on all of the "difference" of what they charge and what the insurance companies do not pay on their income taxes, I mean corporate taxes....

This is my understanding of it...I could have left some thing out, but the gist of it is above...

And you think illegals care about their credit rating ?
They go get their medical needs taken care of and toss the bills as if they were junk mail.

No, I don't think they do care about their credit rating, especially if they don't make that much money....but if they do care about their credit rating, they wil pay their bill. I can imagine that some do care...I mean HALF or nearly half of illegal aliens already have health insurance according to a Pew Institute Study...purchased through their employer benefits what it said...

(and YES amazing that individual institutes can figure this stuff out without a problem but OUR GOVERNMENT says they are clueless on how many illegals are here and where they are...yet we can get study after study from institutes or Universities on the illegals with EASE??)

Soo, the Hospital can request money from the gvt to pay a portion of the uncollected Emergency Room bill due to anyone, legal or illegal, not having the means to pay for it...or something like that...the precise Law is on the internet somewhere....

Hospitals also by Law I believe, can not ask whether a patient is legal or illegal...whether for a hospital visit or a Hospital Emergency.....

Well, for those with insurance, the Insurance companies don't pay for the total cost.

For those without insurance but the means to pay, pay it.

For those without insurance, but are American citizens poor enough to qualify for MEDICAID, medicaid pays but they too do not pay for the total cost to the Hospital, and this since 2006 requires proof of citizenship.

For those without insurance but do not qualify for medicaid because they are making a tad too much money to qualify for Medicaid but still too poor to manage the entire bill...they are means tested and pay a portion and the hospital applies for government help to help cover their cost.

If you fall in to none of those or are hit with a good portion of the bill yourself that the Insurance refused to pay, you can ignore the bill and it goes to a collection agency and ruin your credit. The hospital then counts you and your bill as a LOSS on their taxes and gets a tax write off for such....they get to take a loss on all of the "difference" of what they charge and what the insurance companies do not pay on their income taxes, I mean corporate taxes....

This is my understanding of it...I could have left some thing out, but the gist of it is above...

And you think illegals care about their credit rating ?
They go get their medical needs taken care of and toss the bills as if they were junk mail.

No, I don't think they do care about their credit rating, especially if they don't make that much money....but if they do care about their credit rating, they wil pay their bill. I can imagine that some do care...I mean HALF or nearly half of illegal aliens already have health insurance according to a Pew Institute Study...purchased through their employer benefits what it said...

(and YES amazing that individual institutes can figure this stuff out without a problem but OUR GOVERNMENT says they are clueless on how many illegals are here and where they are...yet we can get study after study from institutes or Universities on the illegals with EASE??)

Soo, the Hospital can request money from the gvt to pay a portion of the uncollected Emergency Room bill due to anyone, legal or illegal, not having the means to pay for it...or something like that...the precise Law is on the internet somewhere....

Hospitals also by Law I believe, can not ask whether a patient is legal or illegal...whether for a hospital visit or a Hospital Emergency.....


cool--well lets get institutes to handle health care and NOT the government.
Illegals see free health care as an entitlement and suffer no repurcussions for not paying their bills. Can you get away with that ?
President Bush PAID for the Health Care for Illegal Immigrants for 8 Years!

HOW could you let him do that? Pay for the health care of illegals with our tax dollars for the LAST 8 YEARS?


President Bush didn't pay for it, I did. My tax dollars and your tax dollars.
I was against it then, and I am against it now. My stance hasn't changed.

Yes, just as Obama isn't paying for it...:eusa_whistle:

It's the Law that Emergency Rooms treat all emergencies, as IT SHOULD BE.

But because of this unfunded mandate on the Hospitals, they decided to fund a portion of it, so to help the Hospital's forced Loss.

I disagree with your stance and I don't have a problem with this...not now and not under President Bush or all Presidents before him that had this measure in place.

I DO NOT believe that ANYONE should need to be CARDED to get help in an Emergency and I do not believe in a National ID card which it would take to have it any other way, never have...and never will! :eek:

President Bush PAID for the Health Care for Illegal Immigrants for 8 Years!

HOW could you let him do that? Pay for the health care of illegals with our tax dollars for the LAST 8 YEARS?


President Bush didn't pay for it, I did. My tax dollars and your tax dollars.
I was against it then, and I am against it now. My stance hasn't changed.

Yes, just as Obama isn't paying for it...:eusa_whistle:

It's the Law that Emergency Rooms treat all emergencies, as IT SHOULD BE.

But because of this unfunded mandate on the Hospitals, they decided to fund a portion of it, so to help the Hospital's forced Loss.

I disagree with your stance and I don't have a problem with this...not now and not under President Bush or all Presidents before him that had this measure in place.

I DO NOT believe that ANYONE should need to be CARDED to get help in an Emergency and I do not believe in a National ID card which it would take to have it any other way, never have...and never will! :eek:


Emergency rooms are FULL of illegals WITHOUT medical emergencies. They already have free health care---do you ?
And you think illegals care about their credit rating ?
They go get their medical needs taken care of and toss the bills as if they were junk mail.

No, I don't think they do care about their credit rating, especially if they don't make that much money....but if they do care about their credit rating, they wil pay their bill. I can imagine that some do care...I mean HALF or nearly half of illegal aliens already have health insurance according to a Pew Institute Study...purchased through their employer benefits what it said...

(and YES amazing that individual institutes can figure this stuff out without a problem but OUR GOVERNMENT says they are clueless on how many illegals are here and where they are...yet we can get study after study from institutes or Universities on the illegals with EASE??)

Soo, the Hospital can request money from the gvt to pay a portion of the uncollected Emergency Room bill due to anyone, legal or illegal, not having the means to pay for it...or something like that...the precise Law is on the internet somewhere....

Hospitals also by Law I believe, can not ask whether a patient is legal or illegal...whether for a hospital visit or a Hospital Emergency.....


cool--well lets get institutes to handle health care and NOT the government.
Illegals see free health care as an entitlement and suffer no repurcussions for not paying their bills. Can you get away with that ?

Yes, I can get away with that if I do not care about my credit rating for a 7 year period, and I also have the legal means to declare bankruptcy or to work out a deal with the hospital to pay $50 bucks a month for the rest of my life.

Illegals DO NOT GET free health care....they get Emergency Care...there is a huge prevents you from getting extremely ill, the other treats you once you are extremely ill...they can get this same care in, no bennies in the usa for THAT.

No, I don't think they do care about their credit rating, especially if they don't make that much money....but if they do care about their credit rating, they wil pay their bill. I can imagine that some do care...I mean HALF or nearly half of illegal aliens already have health insurance according to a Pew Institute Study...purchased through their employer benefits what it said...

(and YES amazing that individual institutes can figure this stuff out without a problem but OUR GOVERNMENT says they are clueless on how many illegals are here and where they are...yet we can get study after study from institutes or Universities on the illegals with EASE??)

Soo, the Hospital can request money from the gvt to pay a portion of the uncollected Emergency Room bill due to anyone, legal or illegal, not having the means to pay for it...or something like that...the precise Law is on the internet somewhere....

Hospitals also by Law I believe, can not ask whether a patient is legal or illegal...whether for a hospital visit or a Hospital Emergency.....


cool--well lets get institutes to handle health care and NOT the government.
Illegals see free health care as an entitlement and suffer no repurcussions for not paying their bills. Can you get away with that ?

Yes, I can get away with that if I do not care about my credit rating for a 7 year period, and I also have the legal means to declare bankruptcy or to work out a deal with the hospital to pay $50 bucks a month for the rest of my life.

Illegals DO NOT GET free health care....they get Emergency Care...there is a huge prevents you from getting extremely ill, the other treats you once you are extremely ill...they can get this same care in, no bennies in the usa for THAT.


Garbage---they line the emergency room in Austin with kids who have sniffles and ouchies that you can treat with a bandaid. They pay NOTHING.
When all else fails,


More of the "Appeal to Mom" fallacy.

Are you really THAT DENSE MM? That you don't see the irony, at least? That there are 15 plus threads started by Republicans or Conservatives or whatever name that pleases you all now...with a Header stating that Obama will force you to pay for the health care of illegals?

Did ALL those threads just fly by you?

HOW could you let him do that? Pay for the health care of illegals with our tax dollars for the LAST 8 YEARS?



You are so brain dead it is amazing your able to function. You may want to explain first how, with no Federal health care program in existence except Medicare and Tricare, neither of which illegals qualify for, President Bush paid for anyone on medical care. Once we get past that hurdle we can get down to more reasons why your ignorant rant is, well ignorant.

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