President call North Korean action"cyber vandalism "

Apparently he will retaliate by sending Dennis Rodman to North Korea to steal a box of Swisher Sweets from Un's favorite 7-11.

Obama North Korea s hack not war but cybervandalism -

The President thinks State Sponsored Cyber Vandalism clearly meets the criteria for the country to be placed on the State Sponsored Terrorism List but not an act of war.

The President then indicates it is a judgement he doesn't make regarding the news of the day ... Which is exactly why he is talking to Candy Crowley about it.

The president obviously doesn't know if he is coming or going ... Basically includes everything in the answer ... And lies from one statement to the next.

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Apparently he will retaliate by sending Dennis Rodman to North Korea to steal a box of Swisher Sweets from Un's favorite 7-11.

Obama North Korea s hack not war but cybervandalism -

In other news. Little midget piss ant had comedy night


North Korea Warns Of Attacks Against White House Pentagon And Entire Cesspool Of Terrorism That Is America Zero Hedge

Of course, the situation would be far less idiotic if it wasn't for the US being the lead provocateur this time: "The threat comes as US officials are scrambling to come up with ways to retaliate after the FBI announced on Friday that it believed North Korea was behind the cyber attack against Sony, and warned that it would impose “costs and consequences” on those responsible."

Kim and his army generals watching Obama warn about "costs"

It would be so nice if we could just believe what the WH or the government was telling us. I really have to wonder about Sony's cyber security if they can be hacked so easily. Or worse what does it say about everyone else?

I read where there is little evidence that it is the NKs. Logic dictates that they are the only ones with motive so I am not sure why anyone else would threaten the studio over the movie...................unless it is all hype with the help of the WH.

SONY hack fuels speculation about studio's possible sale...

'Anonymous' Says Hackers Aren't Korean...

Apparently he will retaliate by sending Dennis Rodman to North Korea to steal a box of Swisher Sweets from Un's favorite 7-11.

Obama North Korea s hack not war but cybervandalism -

In other news. Little midget piss ant had comedy night


North Korea Warns Of Attacks Against White House Pentagon And Entire Cesspool Of Terrorism That Is America Zero Hedge

Of course, the situation would be far less idiotic if it wasn't for the US being the lead provocateur this time: "The threat comes as US officials are scrambling to come up with ways to retaliate after the FBI announced on Friday that it believed North Korea was behind the cyber attack against Sony, and warned that it would impose “costs and consequences” on those responsible."

Kim and his army generals watching Obama warn about "costs"

Why are their hats too big for their heads?
Apparently he will retaliate by sending Dennis Rodman to North Korea to steal a box of Swisher Sweets from Un's favorite 7-11.
Isn't it funny how the worst dictators suddenly get sympathy from the wingnuts when Obama takes them on?!?! :cuckoo:
The White House likes to use the sudden (and not always unexpected) events to escalate tensions with the countries, which can not be inclined to the US course and to the trampling of their (these countries) and its neighbors interests.
First of all, McCain - McCain Calls Sony Hack An Act Of War
I am beginning to think that North Korea might be innocent and somebody right here is playing Obama like a cheap K-Mart guitar.
Apparently he will retaliate by sending Dennis Rodman to North Korea to steal a box of Swisher Sweets from Un's favorite 7-11.
Isn't it funny how the worst dictators suddenly get sympathy from the wingnuts when Obama takes them on?!?! :cuckoo:
To avoid getting awarded several Katyushas, could you describe the fear in Kim Jung Un's heart when he hears he is accountable for cyber vandalism? Will he be in time out for a month?

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