President Donald Trump Addresses United Nations [VIDEO]...

Guess they haven't figured it out yet. They're not running this world... The US is.

China and Russia aren't friends with each other either. And like i said, neither is running this world. The US is.

We were until trump came along Breaking treaties badmouthing leaders of other countries who won't take his shit

He's only "badmouthing" the chubby little Rocket Man in North Korea. Why are you so upset about that? The little Rocket Man likely isn't long for this world. He's set up his own demise. Other than him, i don't see him "badmouthing" other leaders.

Yeah, and?? If i were the chubby little Rocket Man, i would be digging the world's deepest bunker ever conceived. His days are definitely numbered. He can't win any war with the US, whether it be a 'war of words', or other. It is what it is.
China and Russia are not Trump's Friend!!!!

Guess they haven't figured it out yet. They're not running this world... The US is.

China and Russia aren't friends with each other either. And like i said, neither is running this world. The US is.

We were until trump came along Breaking treaties badmouthing leaders of other countries who won't take his shit

He's only "badmouthing" the chubby little Rocket Man in North Korea. Why are you so upset about that? The little Rocket Man likely isn't long for this world. He's set up his own demise. Other than him, i don't see him "badmouthing" other leaders.

you haven't been listening ,,,only one I know of he didn't badmouth was his election helper Putin
Yeah! England and NATO are our enemies! Russia is our friend! Down with the Establishment!

You pseudocons have turned into 1960s hippies.

Are you wearing a tie-dye shirt? Do you have lice?
America first...always.
Trump will be responsible for starting WW3.....Launch the nukes.

So far the dems are leading the way, 2 to 0, in starting WWs.
Trump will start WW3 and bring back the draft!!!

Another dem did that, LBJ, and 50,000 Americans lost their lives in that Asian adventure. You're batting .000.


You misspelled Dwight D. Eisenhower.
It seems Democrats only like their Presidents bent over, corrupt, divisive, compulsive lying sacks of shit and whimpy these days.

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So please tell us what part of Trump speech that impressed you because to us it's total embarrassment and a total joke.

Well, you've been swallowed by intolerance and emotional distress so I've decided I'd just be wasting my time and effort on you little blue guy...:itsok:

In short----- You don't have any intelligence for honest rebuttal.
Conservatives believe every ounce of bullsh!t uttered by their Big Orange Idiot hero. However, unlike conservatives, the diplomats attending his speech at the U.N. have the ability to read and gather facts, which enables them to understand every word out of Big Orange’s pie hole is a lie.

The speech gave the Big Orange Idiot another opportunity to embarrass this country, and he took full advantage of the usual.

The article, by at the link below, describes, in detail, every misleading statement and outright lie that made the Big Orange Idiot’s speech into a comedy monologue. As expected, the assembled crowd was laughing at the Big Orange Idiot, not with him.

As a nation we must explain to the world population how well we realize he is a liar and an embarrassment, and ask graciously for their patience and understanding.


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He's such a liar, everyone but the conservatives are laughing at him.


The speech was great. The author of that drivel he spewed is butthurt, anti-American libtard like you.

Truth hurts you?

You mean the "truth" wherein the author confirmed that everything Trump said was true? LOL.

This the POTUS like a chimpanzee showing his muscles. Instead of de escalating the crisis. He wants to go to war. Since when that is acceptable? Is that supposed to be impressive or just unfit POTUS?
Conservatives believe every ounce of bullsh!t uttered by their Big Orange Idiot hero. However, unlike conservatives, the diplomats attending his speech at the U.N. have the ability to read and gather facts, which enables them to understand every word out of Big Orange’s pie hole is a lie.

The speech gave the Big Orange Idiot another opportunity to embarrass this country, and he took full advantage of the usual.

The article, by at the link below, describes, in detail, every misleading statement and outright lie that made the Big Orange Idiot’s speech into a comedy monologue. As expected, the assembled crowd was laughing at the Big Orange Idiot, not with him.

As a nation we must explain to the world population how well we realize he is a liar and an embarrassment, and ask graciously for their patience and understanding.


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He's such a liar, everyone but the conservatives are laughing at him.


It's impossible for the US to be embarrassed at the UN unless you are part of the minority that capitulates to an international organization that was set up as an apology for America's exceptionalism. Outside of Liberal elite circles here in the US, you are not going to find too many voters that gives a shit what the UN thinks.

Are you trying to prove that Trump supporters are poorly informed as always?

Here is the problem. Trump lied several times in that speech like a chimpanzee stomping his chest. It's an abnormal unfit president. You are all so used to it that you think it's normal.

Not going to find too many voters who give a shit? Remember Trump only garnered anemically 63+ millions votes from 212 millions registered voters. That 63 millions are dwindling fast. Do you honestly believe he is getting more votes from all the rotten beans and lies that he keep promoting?

What were the horrific LIES that Trump told at the UN?

This funny. This is Exactly what I've been saying all along that you cult members are so used to it that you don't even realized he is lying.
1. Jobs bullshit he created first 8 months is incorrect. Jobs created first 8 months of 2016 is better than 2017. Not to mention he should not get the credit for first quarter of 2017.
2. Jobs moving back. Few but companies are still moving overseas or Mexico. Even Carrier company that he bragged still moving to Mexico.
3. Because of his EO against regulations there are more people working. Some of those doesn't even take effect till next year.
4. Unemployment lowest in 16 years. He need to go back and check.

Do you even think the UN members give a rats ass his bullshit?

On top of that he Insult his own country.
The Iran nuclear deal is it the NOT the worst deal. Only Trump and Bibi disagree. But France and Germany do not disagree and they are also part of the inspection.

Remember most of the time he LIED. A real pathological liar.
Conservatives believe every ounce of bullsh!t uttered by their Big Orange Idiot hero. However, unlike conservatives, the diplomats attending his speech at the U.N. have the ability to read and gather facts, which enables them to understand every word out of Big Orange’s pie hole is a lie.

The speech gave the Big Orange Idiot another opportunity to embarrass this country, and he took full advantage of the usual.

The article, by at the link below, describes, in detail, every misleading statement and outright lie that made the Big Orange Idiot’s speech into a comedy monologue. As expected, the assembled crowd was laughing at the Big Orange Idiot, not with him.

As a nation we must explain to the world population how well we realize he is a liar and an embarrassment, and ask graciously for their patience and understanding.


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He's such a liar, everyone but the conservatives are laughing at him.


It's impossible for the US to be embarrassed at the UN unless you are part of the minority that capitulates to an international organization that was set up as an apology for America's exceptionalism. Outside of Liberal elite circles here in the US, you are not going to find too many voters that gives a shit what the UN thinks.

Obama was an embarrassment. He was the laughing stock of the world. The whole world knew that Obama was a delusional, libtard and a PUSSY that nobody respected, let alone feared.

Really? I mean REALLY?
Obama well respected here and around the globe. Compared to Trump garbage popularity here in US and overseas. He is being attacked by almost anybody because he is a good example of UNFIT and ignorant POTUS.

Trump is a real laughing stock around the globe, made us racist, ignorant and dumb and unreliable ally.

Trump is not being respected and feared by anybody. Actually he is being challenged right now.
You have China and Russia having a live military exercise next to North Korea and in Eastern Europe. You have Turkey buying arms from Russia. Abandoned only friend we have in Syria.
They hate us before because of US policies ----- Think how much they hate us today in last 8 months.

Even Iranians that living here in US that hate the current government hard liners in Iran---- They hate and turning against us because we have a dumb president---- Who doesn't give a rats ass except his own big ego.

Can you give an example why you think Obama a pussy?
Conservatives believe every ounce of bullsh!t uttered by their Big Orange Idiot hero. However, unlike conservatives, the diplomats attending his speech at the U.N. have the ability to read and gather facts, which enables them to understand every word out of Big Orange’s pie hole is a lie.

The speech gave the Big Orange Idiot another opportunity to embarrass this country, and he took full advantage of the usual.

The article, by at the link below, describes, in detail, every misleading statement and outright lie that made the Big Orange Idiot’s speech into a comedy monologue. As expected, the assembled crowd was laughing at the Big Orange Idiot, not with him.

As a nation we must explain to the world population how well we realize he is a liar and an embarrassment, and ask graciously for their patience and understanding.


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He's such a liar, everyone but the conservatives are laughing at him.


It's impossible for the US to be embarrassed at the UN unless you are part of the minority that capitulates to an international organization that was set up as an apology for America's exceptionalism. Outside of Liberal elite circles here in the US, you are not going to find too many voters that gives a shit what the UN thinks.

Obama was an embarrassment. He was the laughing stock of the world. The whole world knew that Obama was a delusional, libtard and a PUSSY that nobody respected, let alone feared.

Really? I mean REALLY?
Obama well respected here and around the globe. Compared to Trump garbage popularity here in US and overseas. He is being attacked by almost anybody because he is a good example of UNFIT and ignorant POTUS.

Trump is a real laughing stock around the globe, made us racist, ignorant and dumb and unreliable ally.

Trump is not being respected and feared by anybody. Actually he is being challenged right now.
You have China and Russia having a live military exercise next to North Korea and in Eastern Europe. You have Turkey buying arms from Russia. Abandoned only friend we have in Syria.
They hate us before because of US policies ----- Think how much they hate us today in last 8 months.

Even Iranians that living here in US that hate the current government hard liners in Iran---- They hate and turning against us because we have a dumb president---- Who doesn't give a rats ass except his own big ego.

Can you give an example why you think Obama a pussy?
Great post Just one error Not being respected by anyone ,,,The morons who voted for him and those here that support his doings respect him
Trump is an insane zionistic moron who provokes WWIII and serves Israel Interests only.[/MEDIA]

Sir, I will suggest to you in all seriousness, that you are very mentally ill. Mental illness is no laughing matter. Please seek psychiatric care. Good luck.

And I suggest you are a Zionist Jew and Freemason who wants the war USA vs. NK + Russia + China

I'm a white Christian. I support Israel because they're a good people and a great country. I don't want war.

Do you have a problem with Jews or just Zionist Jews? And, if so, why?

Really? I support Israel but not puppet Bibi who wants to go to war with Iran using US as a pit bull.

You are not fooling anyone. You support Trump waging war and wants to annihilate NK. You support war ---- it's that simple.
The typical nonsense from people who haven't understood a single thing Trump said other than something about destroying North Korea. And they don't care what he said.

The funny thing is he said "It is an outrage that some nations would not only trade with such a regime, but would arm, supply and financially support a country that imperils the world with nuclear conflict"

Wait, is he talking about the USA here? I mean, the US is trying to imperil the world with nuclear conflict here.

"No nation on Earth has an interest in seeing this band of criminals arm itself with nuclear weapons and missiles"

Are we still talking about the US here?

Trump then goes off talking about Iran, as if the US doesn't go around bombing and invading at will.

He says that Iran is a corrupt dictatorship under the false guise of a democracy. Isn't that what the US is? It pretends to be democratic, but Trump isn't the Democratically elected leader of the US, is he?

He says that Iran has turned itself into an economical depleted state. No, US sanctions did that.

He says that Iran's chief exports are violence, bloodshed and chaos.

Wait, this is from the country that invaded Iraq, caused ISIS, helped keep the Syrian conflict going for years, invaded Afghanistan, bombed Libya, supported the Arab Spring, bombed Yemen, Pakistan, and many, many more.

He says it's "up to us" to decide whether to lift the world up, or bring it down. Well, in the last 15 years, the US has chosen the latter.

Basically Trump's speech is so full of irony, it's ridiculous. And those partisan hacks don't even know what they've heard.

Liberals love North Korea, the liberal utopia!

You are poorly misinformed. A Trump doll.
Filthy anti Trump scum .... every political leader (especially at UN level) is putting some "special interest" first.
None of them are putting "world interest" first.

Then spout their filthy bs when Trump claims he aspires to put "America first"

Then explain ----- Where and what is there to like and love about your god?

Put America first? Since when a leader of any country ANY country that don't put their citizens first? Can you name one country or a leader?

Except Trump------- How is Trump insulted his own country at the UN speech? Is that supposed to be put America first? Or just an ignorant dumb POTUS?
The thread title does not match the post in the OP.

But that is a far left drone for you, making assertions not connected to reality based on debunked far left religious dogma.

If anything watching Pelosi get called a liar by the far left was quite refreshing!

Trump speech at UN covers a lot of verticals and horizontals ignorant scenarios.

But how dare you injected Pelosi to this topic.
What is about 'spectacular' Zar Bombe from NK to USA or a nuke to Yellowstone?

Trump is an insane zionistic moron who provokes WWIII and serves Israel Interests only.
LOL! I love watching you leftist marxists cry!

I'm neither left nor Marxist, but I do not desire to burn in WWIII.
Therefore it is vital that this madman does not obtain a nuclear arsenal. By all means necessary I would surmise.

He has already a hydrogen bomb!!!
It is insane to provoke an idiot. Do you know exactly how many Zar Bombs the baby faced moron has?
One, two or probably 100 ?
Three hydrogen bombs and USA ceases out to exist: Yellowstone, SF and NYC.
Do not forget Russia and China will attack USA too after dumb Trump begin to bomb NK.
NK interests nobody, Zionist Trump wants to place nukes in South Korea against Russia, therefore he attacks NK

Actually China said that if NK started it they would /not/ defend Kimmy.

Why the fuck would Russia defend Kimmy if he attacked the US? Putin doesn't want a war with us...

What made you sure China and Russia
will not defend Kimmy even if he started the war.
They said that to make sure Kimmy doesn't start bombing Japan and SK.
I will not be surprised if one of them will sneak in anti aircraft missiles.
Do you even think Russia care or give a rats ass about USA?
Conservatives believe every ounce of bullsh!t uttered by their Big Orange Idiot hero. However, unlike conservatives, the diplomats attending his speech at the U.N. have the ability to read and gather facts, which enables them to understand every word out of Big Orange’s pie hole is a lie.

The speech gave the Big Orange Idiot another opportunity to embarrass this country, and he took full advantage of the usual.

The article, by at the link below, describes, in detail, every misleading statement and outright lie that made the Big Orange Idiot’s speech into a comedy monologue. As expected, the assembled crowd was laughing at the Big Orange Idiot, not with him.

As a nation we must explain to the world population how well we realize he is a liar and an embarrassment, and ask graciously for their patience and understanding.


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He's such a liar, everyone but the conservatives are laughing at him.

Yep, diplomats from third world dictatorships hate it when a U.S. president tells the truth.

BTW, is fake news. Citing them only shows that you're a gullible clueless snowflake.

What truth? He lied in front of everybody and they all know it.
WTF kind of president is that attacking his own country and his enemies want to nuke a country?
The typical nonsense from people who haven't understood a single thing Trump said other than something about destroying North Korea. And they don't care what he said.

The funny thing is he said "It is an outrage that some nations would not only trade with such a regime, but would arm, supply and financially support a country that imperils the world with nuclear conflict"

Wait, is he talking about the USA here? I mean, the US is trying to imperil the world with nuclear conflict here.

"No nation on Earth has an interest in seeing this band of criminals arm itself with nuclear weapons and missiles"

Are we still talking about the US here?

Trump then goes off talking about Iran, as if the US doesn't go around bombing and invading at will.

He says that Iran is a corrupt dictatorship under the false guise of a democracy. Isn't that what the US is? It pretends to be democratic, but Trump isn't the Democratically elected leader of the US, is he?

He says that Iran has turned itself into an economical depleted state. No, US sanctions did that.

He says that Iran's chief exports are violence, bloodshed and chaos.

Wait, this is from the country that invaded Iraq, caused ISIS, helped keep the Syrian conflict going for years, invaded Afghanistan, bombed Libya, supported the Arab Spring, bombed Yemen, Pakistan, and many, many more.

He says it's "up to us" to decide whether to lift the world up, or bring it down. Well, in the last 15 years, the US has chosen the latter.

Basically Trump's speech is so full of irony, it's ridiculous. And those partisan hacks don't even know what they've heard.

Liberals love North Korea, the liberal utopia!

You are poorly misinformed. A Trump doll.

You guys love to suppress the expression of others, hate religion, want guns banned and want government to run everything under the sun. Undoubtedly, if given the chance, the American left would also have concentration camps under the guise of "re-education" for conservatives. LOL.
Conservatives believe every ounce of bullsh!t uttered by their Big Orange Idiot hero. However, unlike conservatives, the diplomats attending his speech at the U.N. have the ability to read and gather facts, which enables them to understand every word out of Big Orange’s pie hole is a lie.

The speech gave the Big Orange Idiot another opportunity to embarrass this country, and he took full advantage of the usual.

The article, by at the link below, describes, in detail, every misleading statement and outright lie that made the Big Orange Idiot’s speech into a comedy monologue. As expected, the assembled crowd was laughing at the Big Orange Idiot, not with him.

As a nation we must explain to the world population how well we realize he is a liar and an embarrassment, and ask graciously for their patience and understanding.


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He's such a liar, everyone but the conservatives are laughing at him.

Yep, diplomats from third world dictatorships hate it when a U.S. president tells the truth.

BTW, is fake news. Citing them only shows that you're a gullible clueless snowflake.

What truth? He lied in front of everybody and they all know it.
WTF kind of president is that attacking his own country and his enemies want to nuke a country?

What horrific lie did Trump make? Don't refer me to a link. You tell me.
Trump is an insane zionistic moron who provokes WWIII and serves Israel Interests only.[/MEDIA]

Sir, I will suggest to you in all seriousness, that you are very mentally ill. Mental illness is no laughing matter. Please seek psychiatric care. Good luck.

And I suggest you are a Zionist Jew and Freemason who wants the war USA vs. NK + Russia + China

I'm a white Christian. I support Israel because they're a good people and a great country. I don't want war.

Do you have a problem with Jews or just Zionist Jews? And, if so, why?

Really? I support Israel but not puppet Bibi who wants to go to war with Iran using US as a pit bull.

You are not fooling anyone. You support Trump waging war and wants to annihilate NK. You support war ---- it's that simple.

You're another hysterical libtard. Thanks for the laugh.
It seems Democrats only like their Presidents bent over, corrupt, divisive, compulsive lying sacks of shit and whimpy these days.

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So please tell us what part of Trump speech that impressed you because to us it's total embarrassment and a total joke.

Well, you've been swallowed by intolerance and emotional distress so I've decided I'd just be wasting my time and effort on you little blue guy...:itsok:

In short----- You don't have any intelligence for honest rebuttal.

And you lack the honesty to engage in an intelligent discussion. Personal attacks, smears. rhetoric and lies is your contribution.

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