President Ebola


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Pictures speak more than words.

Our illustrious president conveniently used the ebola outbreak for political purposes and here's what we end up with.

Read the story @ US-built Ebola treatment centers reportedly sit empty in Liberia Fox News
Eh. I see no problem with spending the money. Though the epidemic is subsiding there is always the chance of it flaring up again in the future. The best way to fight an epidemic of that kind is to fight it at it's source. That's why we built the treatment centers in the first place. Next time the world will be much better prepared.
Eh. I see no problem with spending the money. Though the epidemic is subsiding there is always the chance of it flaring up again in the future. The best way to fight an epidemic of that kind is to fight it at it's source. That's why we built the treatment centers in the first place. Next time the world will be much better prepared.

Uhh, and the construction of the treatment center was so substantial...just look at what they got for only $750 million. Next time...I would have to be crazy to go to that junkyard for treatment. Just take me to the nearest human waste dump and lay me down.
Unscreened ‘Diplomats, UN Workers, U.S. Gov’t Employees’ from Ebola-Affected Countries admitted to US during ebola outbreak...

IG: During Outbreak, DHS Admitted ‘Diplomats, UN Workers, U.S. Gov’t Employees’ from Ebola-Affected Countries Without Screening
February 1, 2016 | A recent oversight report by the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) inspector general found that during the 2014 Ebola outbreak, "Diplomats, United Nations workers, U.S. Government employees, or other dignitaries were not thoroughly scrutinized or were incorrectly assumed to be exempt from Ebola screening” by Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
The DHS Office of the Inspector General’s (OIG) Audit Division confirmed to via email that some of these dignitaries “were allowed back into the US from Ebola-affected countries without screening.” The report, “DHS' Ebola Response Needs Better Coordination, Training, and Execution,” contained information from “an internal CBP (Customs and Border Patrol) report identifying problems with processing travelers with a nexus to Ebola-affected countries,” according to the DHS IG Office. asked how many of the dignitaries mentioned in the IG report were exempt from screening, and the IG explained that the internal CBP report “did not stipulate the number of instances that Diplomats, UN workers, government employees or other dignitaries were exempted from screening.”

The internal CBP report also did not stipulate whether the diplomats erroneously exempted from screening were U.S. or foreign diplomats. also reached out to CBP about the report asking, “How many of these ‘Diplomats, United Nations workers, U.S. Government employees, or other dignitaries’ were exempted from screening, and why did that occur?” No response was received by press time.

The report also found that CBP “released 169 passengers with recent travel to an Ebola-affected country into the public from October 2014 through June 2015, without ensuring passengers had their temperatures taken, or were otherwise cleared by health professionals." asked the IG whether these 169 individuals were not screened in addition to the dignitaries mentioned on the report or if that number included them. The IG replied that the 169 passengers identified in the report were “at ports other than the 5 main airports (JFK/Newark/Chicago/Atlanta/Dulles) that passengers were funneled to for Ebola screening.”

According to the IG, the internal CBP report, which identified the erroneous exemption of dignitaries, “included all ports of entry,” and because “CBP did not include specific numbers in their report or the locations where the passengers arrived in the U.S.,” the IG “cannot determine if there are passengers that did not complete screening in addition to the 169 identified in the report.” Additionally, the IG report found that due to “multiple errors in CBP Ebola screening data,” which the CBP attributed to “inconsistent understanding, variances in data entry, and differences in activity summarized by CBP personnel,” the CBP Ebola screening data “is unreliable and CBP cannot determine how many passengers were not fully screened.”

IG: During Outbreak, DHS Admitted ‘Diplomats, UN Workers, U.S. Gov’t Employees’ from Ebola-Affected Countries Without Screening

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