President elect Trump says maybe fencing instead of a wall...LOL

Boy, they're not taking this very well. I thought after the period of shock they'd come to terms with their failure, but obviously I was being overly-optimistic.
After Hussein flooding the country with Illegals, and the nightmarish prospect of Hillary Clinton, i'll take any effort Trump makes at securing our border. If he just attempts to address our Immigration Nightmare, he'll always have my support.

The alternatives to Trump are far worse. I wish the man the best of luck. Because cleaning up Bush and Obama's awful Immigration mess, is gonna take an almost impossible herculean effort.

Illegal immigration exploded under Bush. It did not grow under Obama.

Both refused to do their jobs. And Clinton was probably gonna be worse. Our Immigration System is in shambles. If Trump at least makes an effort to address it, he'll always have my support.
Just the beginning of right wingers' "disappointments"........

So, dear Trumpsters, will Mexico be required to pay for the now "fence"?

I see no disappointment on our side. We are quite pleased, and yes, one way or another, Mexico will pay. I assume that will be more likely done by withholding checks from Mexico, as opposed to them writing one to us, but either way they will pay.

In the army in the 1960's if they had built a fence between Ft. Bliss, TX and Juarez, MX we would have climbed over the son-of-a-bitch.
what you liberals don't understand is every extreme proposal from Trump is basically an opening statement to a negotiation which makes the likely compromise appear to be a Trump concession, but really was the ultimate goal. Art of the deal
Another right winger who kind of likes getting screwed........After so many decades, most right wingers have grown to accept the screwing as part of being whores.

No, we were sick of getting screwed which is why you lost the election.,
Just the beginning of right wingers' "disappointments"........

So, dear Trumpsters, will Mexico be required to pay for the now "fence"?

What's to be disappointed about? If he put up a half-mile of fence, that's ten times more than what DumBama did.
A "wall" is a symbolic term. Why does the hysterical angry left "LOL" about a fence? Most prisons in the United States rely on fences topped with razor wire to keep convicts in and they seem to work pretty well. The key of course is the willingness of the federal agencies to enforce the immigration law and since the Border Patrol union unanimously endorsed president Trump it's reasonable to assume that immigration laws and respect for America's borders will be enforced.
Just wait....the only thing he will do is cut tax rates for the rich. That's all the Republican party stands for any more.

Is that so? Because if I remember correctly, last time the Republicans addressed taxes, they increased them.

They increased them on corporations.
They increased taxes for those making over 450 K a year.
They increased them on capital gains.
Trump says 'certain areas' of border wall with Mexico could be fence

You RWers feeling stupid yet. Not even sworn in and he is flipping :badgrin:you all off.:rofl:

You're damn right I feel stupid. He also told us our healthcare coverage would be cheaper by $2,500 a year. He told us if we liked our doctor, we could keep our doctor. He told us if we liked our hospital, we can keep our hospital. He told us if we liked our insurance company, we could keep our insurance company. He told us we were going to have shovel ready jobs.

Oh wait.......I'm sorry.......that wasn't Trump. I was thinking about somebody else.
Another right winger who kind of likes getting screwed........After so many decades, most right wingers have grown to accept the screwing as part of being whores.

No, we were sick of getting screwed which is why you lost the election.,

My wife and I had the most profitable eight years in our careers and now we're both retired. Our monthly checks, social security and pensions total about $8,000.
Just wait....the only thing he will do is cut tax rates for the rich. That's all the Republican party stands for any more.

Is that so? Because if I remember correctly, last time the Republicans addressed taxes, they increased them.

They increased them on corporations.
They increased taxes for those making over 450 K a year.
They increased them on capital gains.

That's not only incorrect it's a goddamned lie. When you're spouting off like that give us some reference. You watch too much Faux News.

Trump says 'certain areas' of border wall with Mexico could be fence

You RWers feeling stupid yet. Not even sworn in and he is flipping :badgrin:you all off.:rofl:
Poor little liberals. Crying and squalling after receiving the biggest electoral defeat in living memory.

Why should anyone pay attention to you? We know you'll just keep complaining and whining no matter what we say. Since you're no longer in a position to do harm to the country, there's no point in paying attention to you. You're just not worth the trouble.
That's not only incorrect it's a goddamned lie. When you're spouting off like that give us some reference. You watch too much Faux News.

Okay, so how about a Communist source like the Huff and Puff Post?

The last time Republicans joined Democrats to increase taxes on the wealthy was 1990. Yesterday, they were forced to join Democrats in increasing the top income tax rate to the Clinton-era levels of 39.6 percent — and increasing the capital gains tax rate from 15 percent to 20 percent.

Raising Top Tax Rates Is a Very Big Deal | The Huffington Post

We Report--you decide.
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Maybe Trump will bus the welfare loser mooching fat lard asses down to the border and make them guard a post.

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