President gets a unanimous ruling & Vance doesn’t get his tax returns


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Well, it looks like the Democrat Party will have to wait at least until after the election to see that President Trump has paid more taxes than they have. Adam Schiff is undoubtedly heart broken.

Until he produces the tax returns, he must be considered a tax cheat and deported.

So now you're a fan of someone being guilty until proven innocent?

The gipper is a useless troll. It claims to be against the duopoly but when presented a candidate who is an independent he whines, snivels, and refuses to act like an adult.
Until he produces the tax returns, he must be considered a tax cheat and deported.
He has ALREADY submitted ALL of his tax returns to an organization known as the IRS.

They have found nothing wrong and they have CPAs and Tax Lawyers aplenty.

Yup and you can bet he's been audited both personally and professionally many times. If there were something to find, the IRS would have found it long ago.
I've never understood why the democrats think they have a right to see Trump's tax returns. Divulging tax returns has never been a requirement for the Presidency, and the only reason they insist on it is so they can continue their little fishing expedition.

Fuck 'em...
Trump has never done a tax return for Christ Sakes..They're audited and reaudited. Then the goobermint audits them.

They just want a gotcha transaction for 100 bucks to indict.
I've never understood why the democrats think they have a right to see Trump's tax returns. Divulging tax returns has never been a requirement for the Presidency, and the only reason they insist on it is so they can continue their little fishing expedition.

Fuck 'em...
Trump has never done a tax return for Christ Sakes. Their called CPAs .They're audited and reaudited. Then the goobermint audits them.

They just want a gotcha transaction for 100 bucks to indict.
I've never understood why the democrats think they have a right to see Trump's tax returns. Divulging tax returns has never been a requirement for the Presidency, and the only reason they insist on it is so they can continue their little fishing expedition.

Fuck 'em...
It's all that it is. It's their version of the birth cert for Obama.

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