President Obama: "7.1 Million Americans"

How many of those signed up for free medicaid?

It is not necessary to use one of the exchanges to sign up for the Medicaid expansion.

It is possible to do so, but not necessary. So the 7.1 million figure does not include all of those people who have been accepted into the Medicaid expansion part of ObamaCare.

Yeah? You sure? Did you get that from the ACA Website or from your OFA Talking Points memo?
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How many of those signed up for free medicaid? How may signed up for subsidized premiums? How many actually paid?

How many looked into it and said "screw this" I'll just pay the penalty?

How many lost policies they liked?

how many now have higher premiums and higher deductibles?

Give us all the numbers--------Obozo, you lying bastard.

Neil Kuvoto on Fox calculated the real number. It's more like 1.5 million. Everyone knows Obama was lying because he lies about everything.
The number of enrolled is going up. That's the only thing that matters. No amount of smoke up the asses of the rubes will be able to deflect from this significant demographic factor.

Ayup and almost all of them are receiving welfare subsidy checks to pay for their health insurance. Bunch of deadbeats.
Why was it that when it was announced that 5 million people lost their coverage because it didn't meet
the standard of ObamaCare the left downplayed that number as insignificant.

Then when only 7 million sign up it's regarded as a huge success?

Anyone on the left want to address this?
Why was it that when it was announced that 5 million people lost their coverage because it didn't meet
the standard of ObamaCare the left downplayed that number as insignificant.

Then when only 7 million sign up it's regarded as a huge success?

Anyone on the left want to address this?

The 5 million number was an estimate and never actually backed up with real numbers. It was mostly just a right wing talking point. There are estimates that the real number that lost insurance and didn't get their old plan grandfathered are less then 1 million, but once again, that's just estimate because we really don't know the real numbers yet.
How many of those signed up for free medicaid? How may signed up for subsidized premiums? How many actually paid?

How many looked into it and said "screw this" I'll just pay the penalty?

How many lost policies they liked?

how many now have higher premiums and higher deductibles?

Give us all the numbers--------Obozo, you lying bastard.

Neil Kuvoto on Fox calculated the real number. It's more like 1.5 million.

When was that?

Got a link or transcript location?
Why was it that when it was announced that 5 million people lost their coverage because it didn't meet
the standard of ObamaCare the left downplayed that number as insignificant.

Then when only 7 million sign up it's regarded as a huge success?

Anyone on the left want to address this?

The 5 million number was an estimate and never actually backed up with real numbers. It was mostly just a right wing talking point. There are estimates that the real number that lost insurance and didn't get their old plan grandfathered are less then 1 million, but once again, that's just estimate because we really don't know the real numbers yet.

The WH and Democrat party and Jay Carney accepted those numbers when they responded.They never said that number was not real.
Until the breakdown on the 7 million that signed up are known I can't see how
anyone on the left can say much of anything.
No one seems to know the exact number of people affected by canceled plans. While the number four million has been tossed around, insurance industry analyst Robert Laszewski told me he believes that number is "way low," adding there's no doubt in his mind that 80 percent of these individual policies in force at the end of last year will ultimately be canceled.The Dilemma of Canceled Insurance Policies | Center for Advancing Health

How many of those signed up for free medicaid?

It is not necessary to use one of the exchanges to sign up for the Medicaid expansion.

It is possible to do so, but not necessary. So the 7.1 million figure does not include all of those people who have been accepted into the Medicaid expansion part of ObamaCare.

Not true.

I spend my day on CANNOT apply for Meidcaid on the Federal Site.

Why was it that when it was announced that 5 million people lost their coverage because it didn't meet
the standard of ObamaCare the left downplayed that number as insignificant.

Then when only 7 million sign up it's regarded as a huge success?

Anyone on the left want to address this?

The 5 million number was an estimate and never actually backed up with real numbers. It was mostly just a right wing talking point. There are estimates that the real number that lost insurance and didn't get their old plan grandfathered are less then 1 million, but once again, that's just estimate because we really don't know the real numbers yet.
Let's see if I understand Lib math....
Five million dropped and that number is bullshit,not verified.
Seven million signed up and we as of right now have no data on that....
But that number is accurate.....

Is that a fair assessment.
How many of those signed up for free medicaid? How may signed up for subsidized premiums? How many actually paid?

How many looked into it and said "screw this" I'll just pay the penalty?

How many lost policies they liked?

how many now have higher premiums and higher deductibles?

Give us all the numbers--------Obozo, you lying bastard.

Neil Kuvoto on Fox calculated the real number. It's more like 1.5 million.

When was that?

Got a link or transcript location?
. I can't find Cavuto's 4pm show on 4 Apr, but here is a summary video.
Here you go.
A closer look at ObamaCare enrollment numbers | On Air Videos | Fox News
It is rather sickening to watch....and even more intensely sickening that so many American's still listen to anything he has to say :(
Read in the Salt Lake Tribune today that with the ACA and exchange and Medicaid sign ups that the number is ten million and rising.
Maybe, maybe not.

The President sent the message below to the White House email list this afternoon following his remarks in the Rose Garden, announcing that 7.1 million Americans have now signed up for private insurance through the new Health Insurance Marketplaces.

(Through the exchanges?)

Last night, the first open enrollment period under the Affordable Care Act came to an end.
And this afternoon, we announced that 7.1 million Americans have now signed up for private insurance plans through
new Health Insurance Marketplaces

President Obama: "7.1 Million Americans" | The White House

7.1 million through the Exchanges....remember he said that.

one wonders how did the enrollment numbers jump so quickly

from 5 million to 7 point 1

well it is pretty easy when the government decides to

enroll you without your consent or knowledge

In the closing days of the open enrollment period for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) , the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) was mailing out letters notifying certain Americans that they had already started a healthcare coverage application on their behalf. The HHS letter stated that the information they used to begin the application for individual Healthcare was obtain by the state agency in charge of implementing Obamacare. The next step for the individual would be visit and complete the already started application to see if they qualify for “Marketplace coverage.” News of the HHS letter was first mentioned by a listener of the popular “Daybreak with Drew Steele” Show on Fox 92.5, which is out of Fort Myers, Florida.

HHS "Started" Individual Obamacare Applications Prior To Deadline,Obtained Personal Info From States - The Shark Tank | The Shark Tank
Maybe, maybe not.

The President sent the message below to the White House email list this afternoon following his remarks in the Rose Garden, announcing that 7.1 million Americans have now signed up for private insurance through the new Health Insurance Marketplaces.

(Through the exchanges?)

Last night, the first open enrollment period under the Affordable Care Act came to an end.
And this afternoon, we announced that 7.1 million Americans have now signed up for private insurance plans through
new Health Insurance Marketplaces

President Obama: "7.1 Million Americans" | The White House

7.1 million through the Exchanges....remember he said that.

one wonders how did the enrollment numbers jump so quickly

from 5 million to 7 point 1

well it is pretty easy when the government decides to

enroll you without your consent or knowledge

In the closing days of the open enrollment period for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) , the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) was mailing out letters notifying certain Americans that they had already started a healthcare coverage application on their behalf. The HHS letter stated that the information they used to begin the application for individual Healthcare was obtain by the state agency in charge of implementing Obamacare. The next step for the individual would be visit and complete the already started application to see if they qualify for “Marketplace coverage.” News of the HHS letter was first mentioned by a listener of the popular “Daybreak with Drew Steele” Show on Fox 92.5, which is out of Fort Myers, Florida.

HHS "Started" Individual Obamacare Applications Prior To Deadline,Obtained Personal Info From States - The Shark Tank | The Shark Tank
Obama must be removed from office. How can We The People hold our elected leaders responsible if they lie or pull these sort of stunts?
The dead-enders who keep yelping about Obama's birth certificate, college app and who denounce every number about ACA as lies and fraud are becoming an increasingly grave liability to Republicans trying to block the rising demographic tide which threatens the GOP across the board and on real issues.

These older, whiter, Southern men are becoming a lunatic fringe now that the steam has gone out of the TEA Party, none of the Obama scandals have hit pay dirt, and the "marxist moozlum" starts his lame duck victory lap.

The next couple of election cycles are going to be critical in determining whether American policies on domestic entitlements stay on the liberal side of conservatism or tilt over to the conservative side of liberalism. Pure conservatism just isn't in the cards, any more than pure socialism is. This is America, folks.

But while Republicans fight for critical footholds in the tactical struggle to minimize entitlements and maximize the power of the propertied class, the crowd of media rabble rousers and demagogue opportunists on the fringe right threatens the success of the entire enterprise of the GOP.

American government policy is not set by either of our two minority parties, Republicans and Democrats. Control rests, now more than ever, with the largest voting block, the independent voters. The party which can keep most of its base while winning over those independents wins national elections The shattered remnants of the now-defunct TEA Party are not increasing Republican share of the independent vote with their obstructive tactics and crazy talk. Quite the opposite.

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