President Obama endorses universal basic income for poor areas like Chicago in South Africa speech


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
if he only he was in a position of power at some point to enact such a thing!

yeah, America has the superior economic system, yet we keep importing these stupid ideas from loser countries

if he only he was in a position of power at some point to enact such a thing!

yeah, America has the superior economic system, yet we keep importing these stupid ideas from loser countries

What a guy.
I'm gonna name my first kid after him.
This Universal Basic Income is another language for "communism".

Now I will say, I did some reading on the subject simply because it was so inherently against my principles that I wanted to be informed. There is an argument in high wage government locations like Canada that such a program actually cuts out so many administrative and government middle men, along with overlap and abuses, that it CAN (I say can as I have to be leery of what some are selling) be cheaper than giving people welfare, disability. Old Age benefits (thats what we call them in Canada at least) etc.

If this is truly the case, than it can be a good idea. I think Finland tried it and abandoned the idea, so if those experienced socialists can't pull it off, what are the chances America can? We are also doing a test run in Ontario, not surprising...

Oh, one other point, I didn't hear the speech but I did read someone quite him as saying "right wing billionaires". Now it may have been a shot at Trump, but I can say, he was in bed with many left-left billionaires. So if he is one again denouncing wealth, while he himself being paid gobs of money and rubbing shoulders with great wealth, it's insulting.
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Did President Darkie explain that he is recommending the very essence of socialism in which no one is without a minimal life-supporting income, including those who simply refuse to work and who live on welfare which they supplement via various illegal means? It is also known as N!gger Paradise and is a predictable socio-economic disaster.

Certain socialist policies, such as Social Security, Medicare and public education can, if properly managed, work splendidly within a fundamentally capitalist system. But fundamental socialism is a pipe-dream that operates in direct conflict with human nature.
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if he only he was in a position of power at some point to enact such a thing!

yeah, America has the superior economic system, yet we keep importing these stupid ideas from loser countries

Obama was talking about paying people to sit on their asses and making everyone a business owner.
Sounds wonderful, but it will never work.
Just like his idea of making everyone a home owner. Not everyone is cut out for it because some people aren't responsible enough to own a home
of course Obama gave a great speech. he is married to Melania's speechwriter!

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