President Obama gets High Marks for handling Christmas incident

This has been argued ad nauseun multiple times, but here goes - there was no actionable intelligence - nothing specific enough to act on. The political climate at the time in the Congress and the public would not have supported any kind of pre-emptive actions based on such vague warnings. Look at all the crap that flew over Somalia and Bosnia. No one believed America would ever be attacked in that fashion. Add to that - 9/11 was in the planning for years - it didn't come into being spontaneously so if you have to blame Bush, well - blame Clinton too - it would be just as inaccurate. And, frankly - I think one of Bush's finest hours was in his handling of 9/11 and the aftermath. To bad he screwed it up by invading Iraq.
Prior to 9/11 when Bush visited Italy, he slept on an aircraft carrier, because they had warnings that terrorists would highjack planes and fly them into buildings.

Again....what exactly could have been acted on? Got a date? Maybe an idea of what planes? Out of where? Hijacked by which people? Anything to actually act on in a preventative manner? Or, simply unspecified threats?
Condi said, after 9/11, that they never thought of anyone flying planes into a building, another lie.
This has been argued ad nauseun multiple times, but here goes - there was no actionable intelligence - nothing specific enough to act on. The political climate at the time in the Congress and the public would not have supported any kind of pre-emptive actions based on such vague warnings. Look at all the crap that flew over Somalia and Bosnia. No one believed America would ever be attacked in that fashion. Add to that - 9/11 was in the planning for years - it didn't come into being spontaneously so if you have to blame Bush, well - blame Clinton too - it would be just as inaccurate. And, frankly - I think one of Bush's finest hours was in his handling of 9/11 and the aftermath. To bad he screwed it up by invading Iraq.
Prior to 9/11 when Bush visited Italy, he slept on an aircraft carrier, because they had warnings that terrorists would highjack planes and fly them into buildings.

they had those warnings when clinton was vague....and from what you saying, the warnigns were buildings in ITALY, not the US

nice try at gotcha though....they had no where near the actionable intelligence as obama had with the christmas incident though....

Actually there were a lot of similarities between the crotch bomber and 9/11 - in that agencies were not communicating well and part of the problem was with the policies in place (such as how people are put on the no fly list) which predated the incidents.
Prior to 9/11 when Bush visited Italy, he slept on an aircraft carrier, because they had warnings that terrorists would highjack planes and fly them into buildings.

Again....what exactly could have been acted on? Got a date? Maybe an idea of what planes? Out of where? Hijacked by which people? Anything to actually act on in a preventative manner? Or, simply unspecified threats?
Condi said, after 9/11, that they never thought of anyone flying planes into a building, another lie.

Nice deflection but...still doesn't answer the question does it?
No complaints from this conservative about how he handled it.


OK. How did he handle it?

He took 72 hours to initially respond, then did it in a golf shirt. Janet Napalitano, really Janet Incompetano, stated the system worked. Yeah, that's really handling things then we turn the jock strap bomber over to the civilian criminal justice system and allow him to lawyer up, instead of our FBI or CIA, who could have gotten names, numbers and addresses of people who are going to attack us later. Yeah, he handled it real well. :cuckoo::cuckoo:
No complaints from this conservative about how he handled it.


OK. How did he handle it?

Obama handeled it by sending out Janet Incompetano to let us know that all security systems "worked".

In reality the only thing that worked for us is that the underware bombers explosive device "didn't" work---:lol::lol:

What about 9/11?
Yes, Bush ignored the warnings of an attack, took the longest vacation in history and then went to Florida to read "My Pet Goat".

President Clinton had 3 clear shots at Osama Bin Lauden and did not take any of them. He is still losing sleep over those decisions.

Not only did Bill Clinton not take those shots at Bin Laden--when he was hiding in plain site--but he let Sadam Husien kick out WMD inspectors out of Iraq in 1997. When Clinton could have insisted that they stay.

Therefore--we could have avoided 9/11 & the invasion of Iraq--simply by Clinton acting as a President instead of a LAWYER--:cuckoo::cuckoo:
What about 9/11?
Yes, Bush ignored the warnings of an attack, took the longest vacation in history and then went to Florida to read "My Pet Goat".

President Clinton had 3 clear shots at Osama Bin Lauden and did not take any of them. He is still losing sleep over those decisions.
The Clinton Administration warned the Bush Administration that Al Qaeda was a number one priority. Bush ignored that and also the warning that "Al Qaeda determined to strike inside the US".
Bush had 7 and a half years to catch bin Laden, but said he really didn't think about him.
Bush let bin Laden go at Tora Bora.
Yes, Bush ignored the warnings of an attack, took the longest vacation in history and then went to Florida to read "My Pet Goat".

This has been argued ad nauseun multiple times, but here goes - there was no actionable intelligence - nothing specific enough to act on. The political climate at the time in the Congress and the public would not have supported any kind of pre-emptive actions based on such vague warnings. Look at all the crap that flew over Somalia and Bosnia. No one believed America would ever be attacked in that fashion. Add to that - 9/11 was in the planning for years - it didn't come into being spontaneously so if you have to blame Bush, well - blame Clinton too - it would be just as inaccurate. And, frankly - I think one of Bush's finest hours was in his handling of 9/11 and the aftermath. To bad he screwed it up by invading Iraq.
Prior to 9/11 when Bush visited Italy, he slept on an aircraft carrier, because they had warnings that terrorists would highjack planes and fly them into buildings.


What would have been your recommendation based on that intelligence?

Let me guess... as a liberal, I suspect you would have chosen to reach out and hug the nearest terrorist. Yeah!! That would work.

As a conservative, I would have been extremely pissed off, if the President had decided to take pre-emptive measures against people of a foreign land based on rumors no matter how sound those rumors were. Hell, I wasn't even happy with the way the War on Terror focused on Iraq and Afghanistan and now you want to say we should have moved faster? Taken the first steps?

Please tell me you are joking!

No complaints from this conservative about how he handled it.


OK. How did he handle it?

He took 72 hours to initially respond, then did it in a golf shirt. Janet Napalitano, really Janet Incompetano, stated the system worked. Yeah, that's really handling things then we turn the jock strap bomber over to the civilian criminal justice system and allow him to lawyer up, instead of our FBI or CIA, who could have gotten names, numbers and addresses of people who are going to attack us later. Yeah, he handled it real well. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Sorry, Maple, on this one we disagree.

I'm thrilled to death that we still relish human rights here.

I realize that terrorists are not protected by our Constitution, but our Constitution is based upon a belief that humans have rights. I don't want my government behaving like Stalin's Russia whether the accused is a U.S. Citizen or not. What I mean is that whether or not this man is protected by the U.S. Constitution, he's not, that Constitution enumerates human rights and those rights should be extended to all.

Sure, I'd like to have the information and I doubt it would be gotten without "incentives", but there is a line that I don't believe should be crossed.


PS That being said, I love "24"
By a wide margin, Americans approve of how Obama has handled the Christmas failed terrorist attack.


CNN/Opinion Research 57 - 39

CBSnews 57 - 29

Once again, rightwing propaganda turns out to be more bark than bite.

Apparently.........nobody cares s0n............

See the newest CBS poll on the BHO approval rate? = fail ( lowest ever)
OK. How did he handle it?

Obama manned up to it and took ownership of the mistakes. Something Bush could never bring himself to do.

" The situation in Iraq is unacceptable to the American people – and it is unacceptable to me. Our troops in Iraq have fought bravely. They have done everything we have asked them to do. Where mistakes have been made, the responsibility rests with me."--President Bush, January 10, 2007 address to the nation.

Mission accomplished!
OK. How did he handle it?

He took 72 hours to initially respond, then did it in a golf shirt. Janet Napalitano, really Janet Incompetano, stated the system worked. Yeah, that's really handling things then we turn the jock strap bomber over to the civilian criminal justice system and allow him to lawyer up, instead of our FBI or CIA, who could have gotten names, numbers and addresses of people who are going to attack us later. Yeah, he handled it real well. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Sorry, Maple, on this one we disagree.

I'm thrilled to death that we still relish human rights here.

I realize that terrorists are not protected by our Constitution, but our Constitution is based upon a belief that humans have rights. I don't want my government behaving like Stalin's Russia whether the accused is a U.S. Citizen or not. What I mean is that whether or not this man is protected by the U.S. Constitution, he's not, that Constitution enumerates human rights and those rights should be extended to all.

Sure, I'd like to have the information and I doubt it would be gotten without "incentives", but there is a line that I don't believe should be crossed.


PS That being said, I love "24"


as we both know...our constitution elevates treaties that we sign with other nations to the status of "supreme law of the land". Knowing that, our constitution DOES give rights to ALL human beings around the globe whether they are terrorists or enemy combatants or not.
He took 72 hours to initially respond, then did it in a golf shirt. Janet Napalitano, really Janet Incompetano, stated the system worked. Yeah, that's really handling things then we turn the jock strap bomber over to the civilian criminal justice system and allow him to lawyer up, instead of our FBI or CIA, who could have gotten names, numbers and addresses of people who are going to attack us later. Yeah, he handled it real well. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Sorry, Maple, on this one we disagree.

I'm thrilled to death that we still relish human rights here.

I realize that terrorists are not protected by our Constitution, but our Constitution is based upon a belief that humans have rights. I don't want my government behaving like Stalin's Russia whether the accused is a U.S. Citizen or not. What I mean is that whether or not this man is protected by the U.S. Constitution, he's not, that Constitution enumerates human rights and those rights should be extended to all.

Sure, I'd like to have the information and I doubt it would be gotten without "incentives", but there is a line that I don't believe should be crossed.


PS That being said, I love "24"


as we both know...our constitution elevates treaties that we sign with other nations to the status of "supreme law of the land". Knowing that, our constitution DOES give rights to ALL human beings around the globe whether they are terrorists or enemy combatants or not.

Okay, good point... but what treaties have we signed with terrorists?

What about 9/11?
Yes, Bush ignored the warnings of an attack, took the longest vacation in history and then went to Florida to read "My Pet Goat".

This has been argued ad nauseun multiple times, but here goes - there was no actionable intelligence - nothing specific enough to act on. The political climate at the time in the Congress and the public would not have supported any kind of pre-emptive actions based on such vague warnings. Look at all the crap that flew over Somalia and Bosnia. No one believed America would ever be attacked in that fashion. Add to that - 9/11 was in the planning for years - it didn't come into being spontaneously so if you have to blame Bush, well - blame Clinton too - it would be just as inaccurate. And, frankly - I think one of Bush's finest hours was in his handling of 9/11 and the aftermath. To bad he screwed it up by invading Iraq.

Wonder how many times this has to be explained?? I got it. You got it. Apparantly some just don't get it.
He handled it? All I heard was more "it really isn't my fault".

Napalatano said we did great, he said there was a systemic failure.. that was all Bush's fault.


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