President Obama is a FAR less radical President than either Bush or Reagan.


You don't know the meaning of the word.

The government has been expanded many times.

Starting with the creation of a full time army. Then when Jefferson decided to spend tax money on warships.

And it hasn't stopped in the slightest.

When you fundamentally change the course of this country from its foundational view of the "role" of government, yes that's pretty radical.

The constitution specifically allows for the funding of the military.

Congress therefor provides funding, for every aspect of military existence from operations to equipment. The specific responsibility , " raise and support Armies," and , "provide and maintain a Navy, " are specifically out lines in Section 8. Additionally appropriating funding for this provision is stated as not to exceed a period of, "two years, " without review by the Congress for the appropriation of funding.

The actual use of the military Constitutionally is the sole responsibility of the Executive Branch and specifically The President of The United States as Commander in Chief. Article II, Section 2 specifically states that , "The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States."As Commander in Chief, the President is the appointed governmental head of the military and as stated in the Constitution he, " he may require the Opinion, " of Department Heads in his responsibility as Commander in Chief, but he alone is the sole Constitutionally appointed officer of the government for the military and responsible for the military, "when called into the actual Service of the United States."

Government however, has not been granted the position to force it's citizens to purchase anything, nowhere can anything close to that be found in our Framer's intention for government nor for this nation.

He thinks "Radical" means it's never been done before! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

"a radical overhaul of the existing regulatory framework" .... to use the definition. In departing from it's original framework down an uncharted path towards a completely different "form" of government.
I've opened up a thread to discuss how and why some presidents are radical..and some aren't and used examples.

That's the framework of the discussion. Not who's posting.
I've opened up a thread to discuss how and why some presidents are radical..and some aren't and used examples.

That's the framework of the discussion. Not who's posting.

its a waste since you don't know what the word "radical" means. Maybe you need to read Alinsky's book.
President Obama has expanded government though instituting an individual mandate, stating every citizen within the confines of the United States MUST purchase and carry health care. A government stance never before heard of (much less a path even CONSIDERED for government to be taking) since the foundation of this country. I'd say that makes Obama even more radical.


You don't know the meaning of the word.

The government has been expanded many times.

Starting with the creation of a full time army. Then when Jefferson decided to spend tax money on warships.

And it hasn't stopped in the slightest.

When you fundamentally change the course of this country from its foundational view of the "role" of government, yes that's pretty radical.

The constitution specifically allows for the funding of the military.

Congress therefor provides funding, for every aspect of military existence from operations to equipment. The specific responsibility , " raise and support Armies," and , "provide and maintain a Navy, " are specifically out lines in Section 8. Additionally appropriating funding for this provision is stated as not to exceed a period of, "two years, " without review by the Congress for the appropriation of funding.

The actual use of the military Constitutionally is the sole responsibility of the Executive Branch and specifically The President of The United States as Commander in Chief. Article II, Section 2 specifically states that , "The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States."As Commander in Chief, the President is the appointed governmental head of the military and as stated in the Constitution he, " he may require the Opinion, " of Department Heads in his responsibility as Commander in Chief, but he alone is the sole Constitutionally appointed officer of the government for the military and responsible for the military, "when called into the actual Service of the United States."

Government however, has not been granted the position to force it's citizens to purchase anything, nowhere can anything close to that be found in our Framer's intention for government nor for this nation.
We, as citizens, purchase military hardware from privately owned corporations all the time.

That's not in the Constitution.

Which is WHY there was a great deal of resistance when Jefferson started the practice.

And the type of army that the Constitution advocates for is a part time militia, not a full time federal controlled military made up of professionals. Which is why the Continental army was disbanded and the 2nd Amendment was added.

And these moves DID change the direction of the Country. Which were why they were radical. They led to expansionism and involvement in foreign wars.

You don't know the meaning of the word.

The government has been expanded many times.

Starting with the creation of a full time army. Then when Jefferson decided to spend tax money on warships.

And it hasn't stopped in the slightest.

When you fundamentally change the course of this country from its foundational view of the "role" of government, yes that's pretty radical.

The constitution specifically allows for the funding of the military.

Congress therefor provides funding, for every aspect of military existence from operations to equipment. The specific responsibility , " raise and support Armies," and , "provide and maintain a Navy, " are specifically out lines in Section 8. Additionally appropriating funding for this provision is stated as not to exceed a period of, "two years, " without review by the Congress for the appropriation of funding.

The actual use of the military Constitutionally is the sole responsibility of the Executive Branch and specifically The President of The United States as Commander in Chief. Article II, Section 2 specifically states that , "The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States."As Commander in Chief, the President is the appointed governmental head of the military and as stated in the Constitution he, " he may require the Opinion, " of Department Heads in his responsibility as Commander in Chief, but he alone is the sole Constitutionally appointed officer of the government for the military and responsible for the military, "when called into the actual Service of the United States."

Government however, has not been granted the position to force it's citizens to purchase anything, nowhere can anything close to that be found in our Framer's intention for government nor for this nation.
We, as citizens, purchase military hardware from privately owned corporations all the time.

That's not in the Constitution.

Which is WHY there was a great deal of resistance when Jefferson started the practice.

And the type of army that the Constitution advocates for is a part time militia, not a full time federal controlled military made up of professionals. Which is why the Continental army was disbanded and the 2nd Amendment was added.

And these moves DID change the direction of the Country. Which were why they were radical. They led to expansionism and involvement in foreign wars.

what the hell does that have to do with obama ramming obamacare up our asses, spying on americans, and blowing up US citizens with drones?
When someone says they are going to "Fundamentally Change America", that's about as Radical as you can get.

I think Obama likes being called a Radical, it's in honor of his most admired Radical teacher, Saul Alinsky.
I've opened up a thread to discuss how and why some presidents are radical..and some aren't and used examples.

That's the framework of the discussion. Not who's posting.

its a waste since you don't know what the word "radical" means. Maybe you need to read Alinsky's book.

I know exactly what the word means.

Nothing Obama has done is radical.

Even the ACA.

It's part of an incremental march to healthcare reform in this country. Before it, there was medicare and Romney care.

And it's been in bills that have been put up in the legislature for the last century.

The Bush Doctrine?

THAT was radical.

Never before has this country attacked another country because it believed it "might" be a threat.

That's completely new, a complete deviation on what the Constitution advocates and changes, fundamentally, the purpose of the United States Military.
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When you fundamentally change the course of this country from its foundational view of the "role" of government, yes that's pretty radical.

The constitution specifically allows for the funding of the military.

Government however, has not been granted the position to force it's citizens to purchase anything, nowhere can anything close to that be found in our Framer's intention for government nor for this nation.
We, as citizens, purchase military hardware from privately owned corporations all the time.

That's not in the Constitution.

Which is WHY there was a great deal of resistance when Jefferson started the practice.

And the type of army that the Constitution advocates for is a part time militia, not a full time federal controlled military made up of professionals. Which is why the Continental army was disbanded and the 2nd Amendment was added.

And these moves DID change the direction of the Country. Which were why they were radical. They led to expansionism and involvement in foreign wars.

what the hell does that have to do with obama ramming obamacare up our asses, spying on americans, and blowing up US citizens with drones?

You forget the Patriot Act and the Authorization to Use Military force?
We, as citizens, purchase military hardware from privately owned corporations all the time.

That's not in the Constitution.

Which is WHY there was a great deal of resistance when Jefferson started the practice.

And the type of army that the Constitution advocates for is a part time militia, not a full time federal controlled military made up of professionals. Which is why the Continental army was disbanded and the 2nd Amendment was added.

And these moves DID change the direction of the Country. Which were why they were radical. They led to expansionism and involvement in foreign wars.

what the hell does that have to do with obama ramming obamacare up our asses, spying on americans, and blowing up US citizens with drones?

You forget the Patriot Act and the Authorization to Use Military force?

has obama repealed either of those? he is using the patriot act for invasions of privacy that bush never imagined.
Your proposition is completely subjective.

I'll see your Reagan rant and raise you an Obama one.

Obama is arming and funding known terrorists. Aiding and providing comfort. Treason.


After what Reagan did with the Iranian terrorists? And arming the Muj?


Ollie North did the deal with the ragheads without Dutch's knowledge or approval. Why? Because the Rat Congress funded the Contras one year and then cut funding the next. You can't maintain a fighting force without money. So Ollie got the dough and the ragheads got a couple truckloads of DUD missles. Not a one of them was ever fired because they were inoperable. :lol:

President Obama has basically been painting in the lines with regards to both the constitution and remaining, when possible, consistent with the prior administration.

Neither Reagan nor Bush did that.

In fact, they were far more radical Presidents.

-Reagan made deals with terrorists in Iran, bargaining arms for hostages.
-Reagan violated the Boland amendment and funded the contras.
-Reagan promised to lower the debt and deficit yet went on a wild military spending spree and issued tax cuts to the wealthy.

-Bush immediately violated international agreements and began testing anti-ballistic missiles.
-Bush issued two major tax cuts despite not having support from the Democrats, one during the time of war.
-Bush started the "Bush Doctrine" which lowered the bar for US aggression and military action.
-Bush engaged in openly advocated for the torture of prisoners of war.

Those are just the short lists.

With all due respect you are out of your feckin mind.
I do find it interesting that the last few months idiot fucktards like Shallow have been bringing up Reagan more often than Bish. The MO of the log jammed blame game remains. That's intellectual bankruptcy for you.

Of course, when you start a thread that fails to navigate the context you thought you were introducing and then calling others out for it, you might be a fuckin moron. No, definitely a moron.
Remember when Reagan refused to negotiate with Congress after his 56 state victory in 1984?
O'Bama is a moderate except in the eye's of the eXtremist rw'ers/t-partiers/water-carriers for big biz.

"Dottie"....until you detach your lips from the guys ass i dont really think you are the right person to say how far left or right Obama would never question the cant do no wrong in your eyes....
Your proposition is completely subjective.

I'll see your Reagan rant and raise you an Obama one.

Obama is arming and funding known terrorists. Aiding and providing comfort. Treason.


After what Reagan did with the Iranian terrorists? And arming the Muj?


Ollie North did the deal with the ragheads without Dutch's knowledge or approval. Why? Because the Rat Congress funded the Contras one year and then cut funding the next. You can't maintain a fighting force without money. So Ollie got the dough and the ragheads got a couple truckloads of DUD missles. Not a one of them was ever fired because they were inoperable. :lol:


Which of course is bullshit. But that's what they went with when they let him slide from his lies which would have course and should have led to his impeachment and removal from office.

And that's the way the process works. Congress decides about things like war and funding. The President implements.

And yeah..the Muj were funded through the Pakistan ISI..another Reaganista attempt at "Plausible Deniablity".
Complete BS.

Now, if you wanted to state that Reagan and Bush acted like Presidents and statesmen and obama is just a whiny thin-skinned narcissistic failure, well, I totally agree with that :D
I do find it interesting that the last few months idiot fucktards like Shallow have been bringing up Reagan more often than Bish. The MO of the log jammed blame game remains. That's intellectual bankruptcy for you.

Of course, when you start a thread that fails to navigate the context you thought you were introducing and then calling others out for it, you might be a fuckin moron. No, definitely a moron.

Who's Bish..and why should he/she/it be brought into the discussion?

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