President Obama is a FAR less radical President than either Bush or Reagan.

Actually no.

I made a reasonably good argument and used facts to support it.

The assertion the right makes, that somehow President Obama is deviating from what other Presidents have done, is ridiculous. And I used 2 conservative Presidents, who are gold standards for conservatives, to put on display, Presidential behavior that deviates from best and normal practices.

Additionally, Obama is engaged in combating tactics already employed by conservatives in this country (With Clinton) and totalitarians world wide. Just recently Vladmir Putin closed down the Russian government when it did not adhere to his policy. This is exactly what conservatives are engaged in now.

Closing down the government.
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Your argument failed by your own framework and context. Furthermore, I rebuttaled your failure and, because of your lack of intelligence, you were forced to ignore it completely.

Your thread, much like most of what you plaster here, is a failure.
Your argument failed by your own framework and context. Furthermore, I rebuttaled your failure and, because of your lack of intelligence, you were forced to ignore it completely.

Your thread, much like most of what you plaster here, is a failure.

Quite possibly because you are using your own metrics and benchmarks, used completely privately and no where else in the world, you think you've accomplished what you point out in your post.

And to boot, you need insults to bolster your point.

But the fact remains, in the real world, in the world outside your head, I am completely correct about this.

Both Reagan and Bush were far more radical than Obama.
The only one using their own metrics and benchmarks is you. Probably because you're a skidmark.

You wanted so badly for this thread to be a hit. But t's not because most of your list, especially when you let everyone know by which metric (falsely, to boot) you're rating as 'radical", isn't radical (in your dopey use of the word).

You got slam dunk in my first post in the thread and all you could do, like you're doing now, is ignore it. Intellectual Bankruptcy, son. You should file for it.
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Not really. Obama has just furthered Bush's policies. Medicare Part D expansion under Bush to Obamacare under Obama. Lawless drone bombing under Bush gets expanded under Obama. And so on and so forth.
The biggest issue that Barry has is that he is an AMATEUR and he is unbelievably narcissistic. His way or the highway, and if no one goes along, then by Executive Order.

Sorry Sallow, no agreement at all... GWB had major problems but not in his attempts to protect this nation. Reagan wasn't completely perfect, but God in heaven, he was SO MUCH MORE DESIREABLE than this idiot. Any budget issues you have with Reagan, why don't you take it up with those who were in the house at the time (those responsible for spending) and were led by Tip O'Neal.

After what Reagan did with the Iranian terrorists? And arming the Muj?


Ollie North did the deal with the ragheads without Dutch's knowledge or approval. Why? Because the Rat Congress funded the Contras one year and then cut funding the next. You can't maintain a fighting force without money. So Ollie got the dough and the ragheads got a couple truckloads of DUD missles. Not a one of them was ever fired because they were inoperable. :lol:


Which of course is bullshit. But that's what they went with when they let him slide from his lies which would have course and should have led to his impeachment and removal from office.

And that's the way the process works. Congress decides about things like war and funding. The President implements.

And yeah..the Muj were funded through the Pakistan ISI..another Reaganista attempt at "Plausible Deniablity".

Maintaining the fighting Contras against Ortega's sandanistas was not only right and just, we couldn't have another communist stronghold in Nicauragua and prevailed. Ortega later came to power, a chastined relic of the Castro puppet he'd been in the past. Don't know where you get Congress "decides about things like war". :lol: That's never been true, never will be.....You got that backwards same as the "ISI funding the mooj" horseshit and I know because I was superficially involved in all that. That was strictly a Company operation from head to toe, and as I stated, no ARAB got a dime of money. Afghans ain't arabs in case you're confused. :cuckoo:
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Actually no.

I made a reasonably good argument and used facts to support it.

The assertion the right makes, that somehow President Obama is deviating from what other Presidents have done, is ridiculous. And I used 2 conservative Presidents, who are gold standards for conservatives, to put on display, Presidential behavior that deviates from best and normal practices.

Additionally, Obama is engaged in combating tactics already employed by conservatives in this country (With Clinton) and totalitarians world wide. Just recently Vladmir Putin closed down the Russian government when it did not adhere to his policy. This is exactly what conservatives are engaged in now.

Closing down the government.

Wait, what?? I thought the Republicans closed down the government. Lordy I can't keep up with the BS that comes out of the Left wing.

The man in the white house is a pansy and is using kids as his weapon. Now I don't care how many dud missiles Iran got but I do give a crap about kids with cancer and WIC.

Obama's war on Children. Disgusting.
Obama supporters have so little to be happy about, Putin is the go-to guy for foreign matters, a few people disagreeing with Obama in the House sent him into a tizzy; what can Progressive be cheerful of?
The biggest issue that Barry has is that he is an AMATEUR and he is unbelievably narcissistic. His way or the highway, and if no one goes along, then by Executive Order.

Sorry Sallow, no agreement at all... GWB had major problems but not in his attempts to protect this nation. Reagan wasn't completely perfect, but God in heaven, he was SO MUCH MORE DESIREABLE than this idiot. Any budget issues you have with Reagan, why don't you take it up with those who were in the house at the time (those responsible for spending) and were led by Tip O'Neal.

No worries..I'd still buy you a beer..

After you got the first round.

Obama supporters have so little to be happy about, Putin is the go-to guy for foreign matters, a few people disagreeing with Obama in the House sent him into a tizzy; what can Progressive be cheerful of?

When did anyone go to Putin?

And what tizzy?
Obama supporters have so little to be happy about, Putin is the go-to guy for foreign matters, a few people disagreeing with Obama in the House sent him into a tizzy; what can Progressive be cheerful of?

When did anyone go to Putin?

And what tizzy?

Obama went to Putin when he needed to borrow a pair of testicles to deal with Syria. Apparently both Michelle and Val Jarrett were out and left Obama dangling
Obama supporters have so little to be happy about, Putin is the go-to guy for foreign matters, a few people disagreeing with Obama in the House sent him into a tizzy; what can Progressive be cheerful of?

When did anyone go to Putin?

And what tizzy?

Obama went to Putin when he needed to borrow a pair of testicles to deal with Syria. Apparently both Michelle and Val Jarrett were out and left Obama dangling

That never happened.

Besides Putin doesn't have any balls. He lost them while wrestling a bear in Siberia.

The bear lost, but still..
When did anyone go to Putin?

And what tizzy?

Obama went to Putin when he needed to borrow a pair of testicles to deal with Syria. Apparently both Michelle and Val Jarrett were out and left Obama dangling

That never happened.

Besides Putin doesn't have any balls. He lost them while wrestling a bear in Siberia.

The bear lost, but still..

Laughed out loud on the train

Well played, Sir. Well played indeed
Obama went to Putin when he needed to borrow a pair of testicles to deal with Syria. Apparently both Michelle and Val Jarrett were out and left Obama dangling

That never happened.

Besides Putin doesn't have any balls. He lost them while wrestling a bear in Siberia.

The bear lost, but still..

Laughed out loud on the train

Well played, Sir. Well played indeed

Sallow may be mostly wrong on everything, but he does have a sense of humor! You da man Sallow! :lol::lol:

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