President you have got to be loving this sh*** LOLOLO

You missed the point, too-stupid-to-talk-boy.

The facts are that everything we said about what would happen if you eliminated pre-existing conditions, happened exactly like we said it would.

And again, like I said about pot... the facts are still the facts. We were right about pot. Everything we said would happen... so far.... is happening. I've met more people in the last few years, that are in their 40s, done nothing of any value with their lives, and are sitting their momma's basement smoking pot.

Saying that we are no longer going to fight it legally, doesn't mean we were wrong. I myself have come to the position that we should let the pagans kill themselves with drugs. You want to smoke pot? Go for it. But my point is still dead on accurate and true. You want to a waste for the rest of your life? Go for it. Legally you can be a waste. But you are still a waste, just like I said.

We haven't lost the argument. You have. We're just no longer trying to stop you from being stupid.
Your point doesn’t matter. You will lose, as always, and the country will go on. In 10 years, conservatives will be butthurt about something new, and pre-existing conditions will be covered, and marijuana will be legal in more states if not all, etc. You will probably still be arguing that conservatives never lose.

I heard that 10 years ago, and 10 years before that, and 10 years before that.

Oh well that sucks, we're all still here, and you are all still lamely attempting to claim you have won.

Yeah, good luck with your delusions.
Seems you’ve come to terms wih it. :thup:

I wish. Left-wing delusional beliefs have been around for ages. Just like the Soviets no longer exist, neither will you people in the end.
Left wing beliefs made the world what it is today. Your welcome.

Welcome? We now have a society that hates each other. You're welcome? We have a national debt that exceed the total GDP of the entire nation. You're welcome? We have a social security system, and a medicare system, that are both going broke, which will require ever increasing taxes. You're welcome? We have a public education system pumping out some of the dumbest kids in the OECD. You're welcome? We have a number of states that are dangerously close to default, and at least one major city that has, Detroit. You're welcome?

All of these and much more, are all due to left-wing ideology. And you expect to be thanked for it? There is not one.... not even one.... positive aspect of our society, that is due to left-wing ideology.

Screwing over the working people, to pay for those who don't work... and you want people to thank you for that? Giving bailouts to banks and GM, and expecting to be thanked for it?

Please.... that's joke, right? You really think you should be thanked for the destruction your failed ideology has had across this country?
Sucks to be you huh? Too bad we can vote too. Welcome to Democracy baby. We don't have to vote the way you want. Too bad.

Thank the Republicans for preventing Obama from screwing up this country more.
The only screwing the Obama's did was in their bedroom.
Obama and the country, deserves you!!

Tiger, you really need to get over your boy-love obsession with Barry Hussein Obama, he's not even president anymore. Time to move on and get relevant. Obama and his countless disasters are a thing of the past now. Time for the nation to heal.
Heal? How the hell do you heal, when you have a fully certified racist occupying the white house and just for the record hommie, nobody brings up Obama more than you nuts and that orange fuck in the white house....hell, Obama can't even have a wall around his home without nut for brains Trump talking about it. Get your facts straight,
Mitch McConnell and the GOP for 8 long torturous years, made Obama and his administration a living hell...from threats to gov. shut downs, to complete obstruction any way they could...8 years of this crap. 8 years later, in steps, Ms. Karma...and I have witnessed for the first time in my life, grown bad ass white men who loved torturing the black guy Obama, coward like little bitches to a orange guy with a tweet account. Never seen nothing like it in my life.

This gentlemen is the price you must pay, when you single handily disrupt integrity and honor that Obama possessed, in order to further your racist agenda of obstruction and hate.

May the chips keep falling where they may...and to Ms. nice to meet you, stick around a bit longer....Obama and the country, deserves you!!

The shutdowns were more that threats. The Republicans shut down government from Oct 1-Oct 17 2013 which is the 3rd longest shutdown on record.
The difference between those who opposed Obama and those who opposed Trump is that those who opposed Obama did it LEGALLY. Bush didn't enlist the FBI to commit felonies to try to stop him, they didn't jail everyone around him and pressure them to make shit up about him for an excuse to impeach. They didn't encourage violence against him and his supporters. See the difference?
(SIGH)...another nut case.....listen, if you think Trump is this clean decent honorable businessman who's president....than I have nothing and I mean nothing to say to you, except get help by any means necessary before its too late and I mean this sincerely.
Mitch McConnell and the GOP for 8 long torturous years, made Obama and his administration a living hell...from threats to gov. shut downs, to complete obstruction any way they could...8 years of this crap. 8 years later, in steps, Ms. Karma...and I have witnessed for the first time in my life, grown bad ass white men who loved torturing the black guy Obama, coward like little bitches to a orange guy with a tweet account. Never seen nothing like it in my life.

This gentlemen is the price you must pay, when you single handily disrupt integrity and honor that Obama possessed, in order to further your racist agenda of obstruction and hate.

May the chips keep falling where they may...and to Ms. nice to meet you, stick around a bit longer....Obama and the country, deserves you!!
Before anyone even knew who Obama was, how was Bush treated by the left?
Have you seen the movie VICE? I never hated Bush, like most conservative presidents, you deal with the motherfuckers until they're gone....when he got that shoe thrown at his head....LOLOLOL...all I thought, was why did the guy miss? He was that much of a joke...Trump however is beyond funny, he's dangerous and if people like you keep on this path of support, I honestly feel sorry for you.
Mitch McConnell and the GOP for 8 long torturous years, made Obama and his administration a living hell...from threats to gov. shut downs, to complete obstruction any way they could...8 years of this crap. 8 years later, in steps, Ms. Karma...and I have witnessed for the first time in my life, grown bad ass white men who loved torturing the black guy Obama, coward like little bitches to a orange guy with a tweet account. Never seen nothing like it in my life.

This gentlemen is the price you must pay, when you single handily disrupt integrity and honor that Obama possessed, in order to further your racist agenda of obstruction and hate.

May the chips keep falling where they may...and to Ms. nice to meet you, stick around a bit longer....Obama and the country, deserves you!!
I don't think Obama likes this-he is part of the reason for it. Talked about wall, but never did anything. Talked about border security and then encouraged catch and release-same as open borders. Made an illegal executive decision, DACA and now that's a problem. If Hillary were elected, she would have the same problems. No, there is no integrity or honor in this for Obama. And if you hadn't noticed, Trump loves this confrontation stuff.
I want you to google this...President Obama is on attention...for deporting more illegals than any president in US history....
How many people have been deported under Obama?
President Barack Obama has often been referred to by immigration groups as the "Deporter in Chief."
Between 2009 and 2015 his administration has removed more than 2.5 million people through immigration orders, which doesn’t include the number of people who "self-deported" or were turned away and/or returned to their home country at the border by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

How does he compare to other presidents?
According to governmental data, the Obama administration has deported more people than any other president's administration in history.
In fact, they have deported more than the sum of all the presidents of the 20th century.

Well that wasn't an argument. Not surprising.
The argument was how every generation of social conservatives loses their wars, and the ensuing generations take up new causes that will eventually face the same fate. 15 years ago the die-hard social conservative argued for escalating war in the middle east, that gay marriage would destroy the nation, that pre-existing conditins should not be covered by healthcare, that marijuana must never be legalized, etc. They lost. Now you fight over scraps like gay bakers and who can use what bathroom.

Sadly you are correct. History has taught us that most great empires rot from the inside, and are not defeated, but simply fall.

We are about there now, and the whole process will start again.

Bet our grandkids will be happy.

Conservatives from every empire spent the entirety of those empires saying the exact same thing you just said.

Yep. Because it led to them all falling.

Yeah bro. Only eternal conservative civilizations have ever been successful or advanced the human race :lmao:
Every single empire led by white people, all emploded with the US next.."Last Great Civilizations" Read it
Obama and the country, deserves you!!

Tiger, you really need to get over your boy-love obsession with Barry Hussein Obama, he's not even president anymore. Time to move on and get relevant. Obama and his countless disasters are a thing of the past now. Time for the nation to heal.
Heal? How the hell do you heal, when you have a fully certified racist occupying the white house

Like I said, Tiger, you have to let Obummar GO. I KNOW you can do it, dammit! That fully certified racist anti-American, illegal, floppy-eared POS worthless bastard is out of office more than TWO YEARS now, and his saggy-skinned, lying, corrupt, stumbling bitch is home eating Oreo cookies wishing she had never called 75% of the nation deplorable.
Obama and the country, deserves you!!

Tiger, you really need to get over your boy-love obsession with Barry Hussein Obama, he's not even president anymore. Time to move on and get relevant. Obama and his countless disasters are a thing of the past now. Time for the nation to heal.
Heal? How the hell do you heal, when you have a fully certified racist occupying the white house

Like I said, Tiger, you have to let Obummar GO. I KNOW you can do it, dammit! That fully certified racist anti-American, illegal, floppy-eared POS worthless bastard is out of office more than TWO YEARS now, and his saggy-skinned, lying, corrupt, stumbling bitch is home eating Oreo cookies wishing she had never called 75% of the nation deplorable.
Oh, now Obama is a she? Dude, put down the pipe, back away from the computer and get outside and breath....and keep breathing the fresh air until you realize Hillary is a girl and Obama is a more time, Hillary is a girl and Obama, is fine slice of delicate milk chocolate.....:pinkygirly:
Obama and the country, deserves you!!

Tiger, you really need to get over your boy-love obsession with Barry Hussein Obama, he's not even president anymore. Time to move on and get relevant. Obama and his countless disasters are a thing of the past now. Time for the nation to heal.
Heal? How the hell do you heal, when you have a fully certified racist occupying the white house

Like I said, Tiger, you have to let Obummar GO. I KNOW you can do it, dammit! That fully certified racist anti-American, illegal, floppy-eared POS worthless bastard is out of office more than TWO YEARS now, and his saggy-skinned, lying, corrupt, stumbling bitch is home eating Oreo cookies wishing she had never called 75% of the nation deplorable.
Oh, now Obama is a she? Dude, put down the pipe, back away from the computer and get outside and breath....and keep breathing the fresh air until you realize Hillary is a girl and Obama is a more time, Hillary is a girl and Obama, is fine slice of delicate milk chocolate.....:pinkygirly:

We get it already. You're a delusional partisan uneducated hack who thinks her fat ass deserves a trophy for not throwing things at Trump supporting co-workers. By the way Bath House Barry is no man. That would be his husband Michael (he called him that so don't even try to deflect). Our country isn't going anywhere and neither is PRESIDENT Trump.
Mitch McConnell and the GOP for 8 long torturous years, made Obama and his administration a living hell...from threats to gov. shut downs, to complete obstruction any way they could...8 years of this crap. 8 years later, in steps, Ms. Karma...and I have witnessed for the first time in my life, grown bad ass white men who loved torturing the black guy Obama, coward like little bitches to a orange guy with a tweet account. Never seen nothing like it in my life.

This gentlemen is the price you must pay, when you single handily disrupt integrity and honor that Obama possessed, in order to further your racist agenda of obstruction and hate.

May the chips keep falling where they may...and to Ms. nice to meet you, stick around a bit longer....Obama and the country, deserves you!!
Before anyone even knew who Obama was, how was Bush treated by the left?
Have you seen the movie VICE? I never hated Bush, like most conservative presidents, you deal with the motherfuckers until they're gone....when he got that shoe thrown at his head....LOLOLOL...all I thought, was why did the guy miss? He was that much of a joke...Trump however is beyond funny, he's dangerous and if people like you keep on this path of support, I honestly feel sorry for you.
You dodged the question. Bush was treated awfully. You guys called him Hitler and the Devil. You wanted him thrown in prison for "war crimes". What a shocker that you now suddenly want Trump thrown in prison too.

Get the fuck out of here with this "Obama wasnt treated fairly" bullshit.
Mitch McConnell and the GOP for 8 long torturous years, made Obama and his administration a living hell...from threats to gov. shut downs, to complete obstruction any way they could...8 years of this crap. 8 years later, in steps, Ms. Karma...and I have witnessed for the first time in my life, grown bad ass white men who loved torturing the black guy Obama, coward like little bitches to a orange guy with a tweet account. Never seen nothing like it in my life.

This gentlemen is the price you must pay, when you single handily disrupt integrity and honor that Obama possessed, in order to further your racist agenda of obstruction and hate.

May the chips keep falling where they may...and to Ms. nice to meet you, stick around a bit longer....Obama and the country, deserves you!!
Before anyone even knew who Obama was, how was Bush treated by the left?
Have you seen the movie VICE? I never hated Bush, like most conservative presidents, you deal with the motherfuckers until they're gone....when he got that shoe thrown at his head....LOLOLOL...all I thought, was why did the guy miss? He was that much of a joke...Trump however is beyond funny, he's dangerous and if people like you keep on this path of support, I honestly feel sorry for you.
You dodged the question. Bush was treated awfully. You guys called him Hitler and the Devil. You wanted him thrown in prison for "war crimes". What a shocker that you now suddenly want Trump thrown in prison too.

Get the fuck out of here with this "Obama wasnt treated fairly" bullshit.
Trump is a proven criminal who should go to jail.
Mitch McConnell and the GOP for 8 long torturous years, made Obama and his administration a living hell...from threats to gov. shut downs, to complete obstruction any way they could...8 years of this crap. 8 years later, in steps, Ms. Karma...and I have witnessed for the first time in my life, grown bad ass white men who loved torturing the black guy Obama, coward like little bitches to a orange guy with a tweet account. Never seen nothing like it in my life.

This gentlemen is the price you must pay, when you single handily disrupt integrity and honor that Obama possessed, in order to further your racist agenda of obstruction and hate.

May the chips keep falling where they may...and to Ms. nice to meet you, stick around a bit longer....Obama and the country, deserves you!!
I see you know very time about the government of the last president. He had both the senate and house when he was first voted in. So it was not eight years. If the Republicans had not reigned him in no telling how far in debt we would have been.
I will not even go into how bad of a president he actually was.
Obama and the country, deserves you!!

Tiger, you really need to get over your boy-love obsession with Barry Hussein Obama, he's not even president anymore. Time to move on and get relevant. Obama and his countless disasters are a thing of the past now. Time for the nation to heal.
Heal? How the hell do you heal, when you have a fully certified racist occupying the white house

Like I said, Tiger, you have to let Obummar GO. I KNOW you can do it, dammit! That fully certified racist anti-American, illegal, floppy-eared POS worthless bastard is out of office more than TWO YEARS now, and his saggy-skinned, lying, corrupt, stumbling bitch is home eating Oreo cookies wishing she had never called 75% of the nation deplorable.
Oh, now Obama is a she? Dude, put down the pipe, back away from the computer and get outside and breath....and keep breathing the fresh air until you realize Hillary is a girl and Obama is a more time, Hillary is a girl and Obama, is fine slice of delicate milk chocolate.....:pinkygirly:

Well it's nice to hear a Democrat admit there are only 2 genders anyway...

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