President you have got to be loving this sh*** LOLOLO

Yes. Women can vote,


"On January 12, 1915, a suffrage bill was brought before the House of Representatives but was defeated by a vote of 204 to 174, (Democrats 170-85 against, Republicans 81-34 for, Progressives 6-0 for).[219] President Woodrow Wilson held off until he was sure the Democratic Party was supportive; the 1917 referendum in New York State in favor of suffrage proved decisive for him. When another bill was brought before the House in January, 1918, Wilson made a strong and widely published appeal to the House to pass the bill."
"The Amendment passed by two-thirds of the House, with only one vote to spare. The vote was then carried into the Senate. Again President Wilson made an appeal, but on September 30, 1918, the amendment fell two votes short of the two-thirds necessary for passage, 53-31 (Republicans 27-10 for, Democrats 26-21 for).[222] On February 10, 1919, it was again voted upon, and then it was lost by only one vote, 54-30 (Republicans 30-12 for, Democrats 24-18 for).[223]"
" On May 21, 1919, it was passed, 304 to 89, (Republicans 200-19 for, Democrats 102-69 for, Union Labor 1-0 for, Prohibitionist 1-0 for),[224] 42 votes more than necessary being obtained. On June 4, 1919, it was brought the Senate, and after a long discussion it was passed, with 56 ayes and 25 nays (Republicans 36-8 for, Democrats 20-17 for)"

Women's suffrage in the United States - Wikipedia

black people can sit at the counter


Civil Rights Act Of 1964 Votes:

The original House version:[22]
  • Democratic Party: 152–96 (61–39%)
  • Republican Party: 138–34 (80–20%)
Cloture in the Senate:[23]
  • Democratic Party: 44–23 (66–34%)
  • Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)
The Senate version:[22]
  • Democratic Party: 46–21 (69–31%)
  • Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)
The Senate version, voted on by the House:[22]
  • Democratic Party: 153–91 (63–37%)
  • Republican Party: 136–35 (80–20%)

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia

gay people can marry


This was a court decision that does not correlate with the other two. Moreover, it does not reflect the will of the people. Or did you forget Prop 8 in California - an overwhelmingly "progressive" state that voted AGAINST same sex marriage?

You leftists are great at revisionist history, I'll give you that much.
Yes. Women can vote, black people can sit at the counter, gay people can marry, etc. That’s the thing about time; it always progresses forward, and you conservatives can never turn it back. Look how the goalposts have shofted from Dubya to Trump. Back then you were war-mongering evangelicals demanding religion be written into law. Now you’ve backed Trump, a whoring liberal criminal and living representation of the 7 deadly sins, and you have forsaken Dubya and oppose war. Progress :thup:

Since when would I want my wife to not vote?

So let me get your argument straight. You make up crazy crap no Conservative is pushing for... call it conservative... and then say we're losing the arguments that no conservative is in favor of?

You are one stupid poster. You just made yourself look like the biggest idiot on the forum. Congrats. You justified every conservative that called people like you, a left-wing loon bag.
Well that went over your head. Not surprising.

Well that wasn't an argument. Not surprising.
The argument was how every generation of social conservatives loses their wars, and the ensuing generations take up new causes that will eventually face the same fate. 15 years ago the die-hard social conservative argued for escalating war in the middle east, that gay marriage would destroy the nation, that pre-existing conditins should not be covered by healthcare, that marijuana must never be legalized, etc. They lost. Now you fight over scraps like gay bakers and who can use what bathroom.

Sadly you are correct. History has taught us that most great empires rot from the inside, and are not defeated, but simply fall.

We are about there now, and the whole process will start again.

Bet our grandkids will be happy.

Conservatives from every empire spent the entirety of those empires saying the exact same thing you just said.
Yes. Women can vote,


"On January 12, 1915, a suffrage bill was brought before the House of Representatives but was defeated by a vote of 204 to 174, (Democrats 170-85 against, Republicans 81-34 for, Progressives 6-0 for).[219] President Woodrow Wilson held off until he was sure the Democratic Party was supportive; the 1917 referendum in New York State in favor of suffrage proved decisive for him. When another bill was brought before the House in January, 1918, Wilson made a strong and widely published appeal to the House to pass the bill."
"The Amendment passed by two-thirds of the House, with only one vote to spare. The vote was then carried into the Senate. Again President Wilson made an appeal, but on September 30, 1918, the amendment fell two votes short of the two-thirds necessary for passage, 53-31 (Republicans 27-10 for, Democrats 26-21 for).[222] On February 10, 1919, it was again voted upon, and then it was lost by only one vote, 54-30 (Republicans 30-12 for, Democrats 24-18 for).[223]"
" On May 21, 1919, it was passed, 304 to 89, (Republicans 200-19 for, Democrats 102-69 for, Union Labor 1-0 for, Prohibitionist 1-0 for),[224] 42 votes more than necessary being obtained. On June 4, 1919, it was brought the Senate, and after a long discussion it was passed, with 56 ayes and 25 nays (Republicans 36-8 for, Democrats 20-17 for)"

Women's suffrage in the United States - Wikipedia

black people can sit at the counter


Civil Rights Act Of 1964 Votes:

The original House version:[22]
  • Democratic Party: 152–96 (61–39%)
  • Republican Party: 138–34 (80–20%)
Cloture in the Senate:[23]
  • Democratic Party: 44–23 (66–34%)
  • Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)
The Senate version:[22]
  • Democratic Party: 46–21 (69–31%)
  • Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)
The Senate version, voted on by the House:[22]
  • Democratic Party: 153–91 (63–37%)
  • Republican Party: 136–35 (80–20%)
Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia

gay people can marry


This was a court decision that does not correlate with the other two. Moreover, it does not reflect the will of the people. Or did you forget Prop 8 in California - an overwhelmingly "progressive" state that voted AGAINST same sex marriage?

You leftists are great at revisionist history, I'll give you that much.
Democrats were the social conservatives once. Now it is republicans carrying that torch. Just take a look at which party celebrates the confederate flag, wants Christianity as the basis for governance, wants to scale back civil rights, opposes feminism, etc. It used to be Democrats, especially in the socially conservative south, that held those stances. Those people vote republican now. Unless, are you claiming to support things like gay marriage and affirmative action?
Mitch McConnell and the GOP for 8 long torturous years, made Obama and his administration a living hell...from threats to gov. shut downs, to complete obstruction any way they could...8 years of this crap. 8 years later, in steps, Ms. Karma...and I have witnessed for the first time in my life, grown bad ass white men who loved torturing the black guy Obama, coward like little bitches to a orange guy with a tweet account. Never seen nothing like it in my life.

This gentlemen is the price you must pay, when you single handily disrupt integrity and honor that Obama possessed, in order to further your racist agenda of obstruction and hate.

May the chips keep falling where they may...and to Ms. nice to meet you, stick around a bit longer....Obama and the country, deserves you!!
Before anyone even knew who Obama was, how was Bush treated by the left?
He wasn`t treated bad until he lied 4,500 U,S, soldiers to their deaths and caused thousands more to have single and double amputations.
Mitch McConnell and the GOP for 8 long torturous years, made Obama and his administration a living hell...from threats to gov. shut downs, to complete obstruction any way they could...8 years of this crap. 8 years later, in steps, Ms. Karma...and I have witnessed for the first time in my life, grown bad ass white men who loved torturing the black guy Obama, coward like little bitches to a orange guy with a tweet account. Never seen nothing like it in my life.

This gentlemen is the price you must pay, when you single handily disrupt integrity and honor that Obama possessed, in order to further your racist agenda of obstruction and hate.

May the chips keep falling where they may...and to Ms. nice to meet you, stick around a bit longer....Obama and the country, deserves you!!
Before anyone even knew who Obama was, how was Bush treated by the left?
He wasn`t treated bad until he lied 4,500 U,S, soldiers to their deaths and caused thousands more to have single and double amputations.
What the fuck are you babbling about now?
Since when would I want my wife to not vote?

So let me get your argument straight. You make up crazy crap no Conservative is pushing for... call it conservative... and then say we're losing the arguments that no conservative is in favor of?

You are one stupid poster. You just made yourself look like the biggest idiot on the forum. Congrats. You justified every conservative that called people like you, a left-wing loon bag.
Well that went over your head. Not surprising.

Well that wasn't an argument. Not surprising.
The argument was how every generation of social conservatives loses their wars, and the ensuing generations take up new causes that will eventually face the same fate. 15 years ago the die-hard social conservative argued for escalating war in the middle east, that gay marriage would destroy the nation, that pre-existing conditins should not be covered by healthcare, that marijuana must never be legalized, etc. They lost. Now you fight over scraps like gay bakers and who can use what bathroom.

Sadly you are correct. History has taught us that most great empires rot from the inside, and are not defeated, but simply fall.

We are about there now, and the whole process will start again.

Bet our grandkids will be happy.

Conservatives from every empire spent the entirety of those empires saying the exact same thing you just said.

Yep. Because it led to them all falling.

Well that went over your head. Not surprising.

Well that wasn't an argument. Not surprising.
The argument was how every generation of social conservatives loses their wars, and the ensuing generations take up new causes that will eventually face the same fate. 15 years ago the die-hard social conservative argued for escalating war in the middle east, that gay marriage would destroy the nation, that pre-existing conditins should not be covered by healthcare, that marijuana must never be legalized, etc. They lost. Now you fight over scraps like gay bakers and who can use what bathroom.

Sadly you are correct. History has taught us that most great empires rot from the inside, and are not defeated, but simply fall.

We are about there now, and the whole process will start again.

Bet our grandkids will be happy.

Conservatives from every empire spent the entirety of those empires saying the exact same thing you just said.

Yep. Because it led to them all falling.

Yeah bro. Only eternal conservative civilizations have ever been successful or advanced the human race :lmao:
Really? Bush won two terms.

We 'always' lose? Always? Really? Sure about that?
Yes. Women can vote, black people can sit at the counter, gay people can marry, etc. That’s the thing about time; it always progresses forward, and you conservatives can never turn it back. Look how the goalposts have shofted from Dubya to Trump. Back then you were war-mongering evangelicals demanding religion be written into law. Now you’ve backed Trump, a whoring liberal criminal and living representation of the 7 deadly sins, and you have forsaken Dubya and oppose war. Progress :thup:

Since when would I want my wife to not vote?

So let me get your argument straight. You make up crazy crap no Conservative is pushing for... call it conservative... and then say we're losing the arguments that no conservative is in favor of?

You are one stupid poster. You just made yourself look like the biggest idiot on the forum. Congrats. You justified every conservative that called people like you, a left-wing loon bag.
Well that went over your head. Not surprising.

Well that wasn't an argument. Not surprising.
The argument was how every generation of social conservatives loses their wars, and the ensuing generations take up new causes that will eventually face the same fate. 15 years ago the die-hard social conservative argued for escalating war in the middle east, that gay marriage would destroy the nation, that pre-existing conditins should not be covered by healthcare, that marijuana must never be legalized, etc. They lost. Now you fight over scraps like gay bakers and who can use what bathroom.

Right. So unsurprisingly you have to go back 100 years, to collect examples supporting your 2019 position.

As for pre-existing conditions, we won that argument with facts. What did conservatives say about the topic? That no matter what dumb policies Obama pushed, the result would be if you eliminate pre-existing conditions, insurance would increase deductions, or increase premiums, or a combination of both to offset that policy.


Facts prove conservatives right.

As for marijuana, everything suggests that this is a net loss for the country. Just like when they legalize gambling here in Ohio, the first thing that happened was gambling addicts and recovering centers opened. Well that's a drain on the economy, in exchange for a few low pay casino jobs that produce nothing, but wealthy casino owners on the backs of casino addicts.

Same is true of pot growers and pot addicts. I don't think conservatives lost the argument.

Just because you changed a good policy into a bad policy, doesn't mean you won any argument. You didn't. You lost the argument, and are destroying people with your bad policies.
Yes. Women can vote, black people can sit at the counter, gay people can marry, etc. That’s the thing about time; it always progresses forward, and you conservatives can never turn it back. Look how the goalposts have shofted from Dubya to Trump. Back then you were war-mongering evangelicals demanding religion be written into law. Now you’ve backed Trump, a whoring liberal criminal and living representation of the 7 deadly sins, and you have forsaken Dubya and oppose war. Progress :thup:

Since when would I want my wife to not vote?

So let me get your argument straight. You make up crazy crap no Conservative is pushing for... call it conservative... and then say we're losing the arguments that no conservative is in favor of?

You are one stupid poster. You just made yourself look like the biggest idiot on the forum. Congrats. You justified every conservative that called people like you, a left-wing loon bag.
Well that went over your head. Not surprising.

Well that wasn't an argument. Not surprising.
The argument was how every generation of social conservatives loses their wars, and the ensuing generations take up new causes that will eventually face the same fate. 15 years ago the die-hard social conservative argued for escalating war in the middle east, that gay marriage would destroy the nation, that pre-existing conditins should not be covered by healthcare, that marijuana must never be legalized, etc. They lost. Now you fight over scraps like gay bakers and who can use what bathroom.

Right. So unsurprisingly you have to go back 100 years, to collect examples supporting your 2019 position.

As for pre-existing conditions, we won that argument with facts. What did conservatives say about the topic? That no matter what dumb policies Obama pushed, the result would be if you eliminate pre-existing conditions, insurance would increase deductions, or increase premiums, or a combination of both to offset that policy.


Facts prove conservatives right.

As for marijuana, everything suggests that this is a net loss for the country. Just like when they legalize gambling here in Ohio, the first thing that happened was gambling addicts and recovering centers opened. Well that's a drain on the economy, in exchange for a few low pay casino jobs that produce nothing, but wealthy casino owners on the backs of casino addicts.

Same is true of pot growers and pot addicts. I don't think conservatives lost the argument.

Just because you changed a good policy into a bad policy, doesn't mean you won any argument. You didn't. You lost the argument, and are destroying people with your bad policies.
100 years? You are just too stupid to talk to. Btw cinservatives are now embracing coverage of pre-existing conditions and their resistance against marijuana is at the lowest ever
Mitch McConnell and the GOP for 8 long torturous years, made Obama and his administration a living hell...from threats to gov. shut downs, to complete obstruction any way they could...8 years of this crap. 8 years later, in steps, Ms. Karma...and I have witnessed for the first time in my life, grown bad ass white men who loved torturing the black guy Obama, coward like little bitches to a orange guy with a tweet account. Never seen nothing like it in my life.

This gentlemen is the price you must pay, when you single handily disrupt integrity and honor that Obama possessed, in order to further your racist agenda of obstruction and hate.

May the chips keep falling where they may...and to Ms. nice to meet you, stick around a bit longer....Obama and the country, deserves you!!
But we knew all along this was going to come back to bite them. Just look at Trump. They've got him on a conspiracy. This is what hatred, corruption, and criminal behavior looks like for the GOP. Look how long they have been working to get it, and now they've got it. Enjoy; napolitano tells shepard smith that the conspiracy between manafort and russia can be proven - Google Search

Napolitano on Collusion: Mueller Can Show Trump Campaign "Had A Connection To Russian Intelligence"
Well that wasn't an argument. Not surprising.
The argument was how every generation of social conservatives loses their wars, and the ensuing generations take up new causes that will eventually face the same fate. 15 years ago the die-hard social conservative argued for escalating war in the middle east, that gay marriage would destroy the nation, that pre-existing conditins should not be covered by healthcare, that marijuana must never be legalized, etc. They lost. Now you fight over scraps like gay bakers and who can use what bathroom.

Sadly you are correct. History has taught us that most great empires rot from the inside, and are not defeated, but simply fall.

We are about there now, and the whole process will start again.

Bet our grandkids will be happy.

Conservatives from every empire spent the entirety of those empires saying the exact same thing you just said.

Yep. Because it led to them all falling.

Yeah bro. Only eternal conservative civilizations have ever been successful or advanced the human race :lmao:

No, only a moral, structured society has ever lasted.

The argument was how every generation of social conservatives loses their wars, and the ensuing generations take up new causes that will eventually face the same fate. 15 years ago the die-hard social conservative argued for escalating war in the middle east, that gay marriage would destroy the nation, that pre-existing conditins should not be covered by healthcare, that marijuana must never be legalized, etc. They lost. Now you fight over scraps like gay bakers and who can use what bathroom.

Sadly you are correct. History has taught us that most great empires rot from the inside, and are not defeated, but simply fall.

We are about there now, and the whole process will start again.

Bet our grandkids will be happy.

Conservatives from every empire spent the entirety of those empires saying the exact same thing you just said.

Yep. Because it led to them all falling.

Yeah bro. Only eternal conservative civilizations have ever been successful or advanced the human race :lmao:

No, only a moral, structured society has ever lasted.

Name one
Since when would I want my wife to not vote?

So let me get your argument straight. You make up crazy crap no Conservative is pushing for... call it conservative... and then say we're losing the arguments that no conservative is in favor of?

You are one stupid poster. You just made yourself look like the biggest idiot on the forum. Congrats. You justified every conservative that called people like you, a left-wing loon bag.
Well that went over your head. Not surprising.

Well that wasn't an argument. Not surprising.
The argument was how every generation of social conservatives loses their wars, and the ensuing generations take up new causes that will eventually face the same fate. 15 years ago the die-hard social conservative argued for escalating war in the middle east, that gay marriage would destroy the nation, that pre-existing conditins should not be covered by healthcare, that marijuana must never be legalized, etc. They lost. Now you fight over scraps like gay bakers and who can use what bathroom.

Right. So unsurprisingly you have to go back 100 years, to collect examples supporting your 2019 position.

As for pre-existing conditions, we won that argument with facts. What did conservatives say about the topic? That no matter what dumb policies Obama pushed, the result would be if you eliminate pre-existing conditions, insurance would increase deductions, or increase premiums, or a combination of both to offset that policy.


Facts prove conservatives right.

As for marijuana, everything suggests that this is a net loss for the country. Just like when they legalize gambling here in Ohio, the first thing that happened was gambling addicts and recovering centers opened. Well that's a drain on the economy, in exchange for a few low pay casino jobs that produce nothing, but wealthy casino owners on the backs of casino addicts.

Same is true of pot growers and pot addicts. I don't think conservatives lost the argument.

Just because you changed a good policy into a bad policy, doesn't mean you won any argument. You didn't. You lost the argument, and are destroying people with your bad policies.
100 years? You are just too stupid to talk to. Btw cinservatives are now embracing coverage of pre-existing conditions and their resistance against marijuana is at the lowest ever

You missed the point, too-stupid-to-talk-boy.

The facts are that everything we said about what would happen if you eliminated pre-existing conditions, happened exactly like we said it would.

And again, like I said about pot... the facts are still the facts. We were right about pot. Everything we said would happen... so far.... is happening. I've met more people in the last few years, that are in their 40s, done nothing of any value with their lives, and are sitting their momma's basement smoking pot.

Saying that we are no longer going to fight it legally, doesn't mean we were wrong. I myself have come to the position that we should let the pagans kill themselves with drugs. You want to smoke pot? Go for it. But my point is still dead on accurate and true. You want to a waste for the rest of your life? Go for it. Legally you can be a waste. But you are still a waste, just like I said.

We haven't lost the argument. You have. We're just no longer trying to stop you from being stupid.
Well that went over your head. Not surprising.

Well that wasn't an argument. Not surprising.
The argument was how every generation of social conservatives loses their wars, and the ensuing generations take up new causes that will eventually face the same fate. 15 years ago the die-hard social conservative argued for escalating war in the middle east, that gay marriage would destroy the nation, that pre-existing conditins should not be covered by healthcare, that marijuana must never be legalized, etc. They lost. Now you fight over scraps like gay bakers and who can use what bathroom.

Right. So unsurprisingly you have to go back 100 years, to collect examples supporting your 2019 position.

As for pre-existing conditions, we won that argument with facts. What did conservatives say about the topic? That no matter what dumb policies Obama pushed, the result would be if you eliminate pre-existing conditions, insurance would increase deductions, or increase premiums, or a combination of both to offset that policy.


Facts prove conservatives right.

As for marijuana, everything suggests that this is a net loss for the country. Just like when they legalize gambling here in Ohio, the first thing that happened was gambling addicts and recovering centers opened. Well that's a drain on the economy, in exchange for a few low pay casino jobs that produce nothing, but wealthy casino owners on the backs of casino addicts.

Same is true of pot growers and pot addicts. I don't think conservatives lost the argument.

Just because you changed a good policy into a bad policy, doesn't mean you won any argument. You didn't. You lost the argument, and are destroying people with your bad policies.
100 years? You are just too stupid to talk to. Btw cinservatives are now embracing coverage of pre-existing conditions and their resistance against marijuana is at the lowest ever

You missed the point, too-stupid-to-talk-boy.

The facts are that everything we said about what would happen if you eliminated pre-existing conditions, happened exactly like we said it would.

And again, like I said about pot... the facts are still the facts. We were right about pot. Everything we said would happen... so far.... is happening. I've met more people in the last few years, that are in their 40s, done nothing of any value with their lives, and are sitting their momma's basement smoking pot.

Saying that we are no longer going to fight it legally, doesn't mean we were wrong. I myself have come to the position that we should let the pagans kill themselves with drugs. You want to smoke pot? Go for it. But my point is still dead on accurate and true. You want to a waste for the rest of your life? Go for it. Legally you can be a waste. But you are still a waste, just like I said.

We haven't lost the argument. You have. We're just no longer trying to stop you from being stupid.
Your point doesn’t matter. You will lose, as always, and the country will go on. In 10 years, conservatives will be butthurt about something new, and pre-existing conditions will be covered, and marijuana will be legal in more states if not all, etc. You will probably still be arguing that conservatives never lose.
Sadly you are correct. History has taught us that most great empires rot from the inside, and are not defeated, but simply fall.

We are about there now, and the whole process will start again.

Bet our grandkids will be happy.

Conservatives from every empire spent the entirety of those empires saying the exact same thing you just said.

Yep. Because it led to them all falling.

Yeah bro. Only eternal conservative civilizations have ever been successful or advanced the human race :lmao:

No, only a moral, structured society has ever lasted.

Name one

I can't. They all devolved into liberalism, and then they failed.

Same thing is already happening here.

Conservatives from every empire spent the entirety of those empires saying the exact same thing you just said.

Yep. Because it led to them all falling.

Yeah bro. Only eternal conservative civilizations have ever been successful or advanced the human race :lmao:

No, only a moral, structured society has ever lasted.

Name one

I can't. They all devolved into liberalism, and then they failed.

Same thing is already happening here.

Well that wasn't an argument. Not surprising.
The argument was how every generation of social conservatives loses their wars, and the ensuing generations take up new causes that will eventually face the same fate. 15 years ago the die-hard social conservative argued for escalating war in the middle east, that gay marriage would destroy the nation, that pre-existing conditins should not be covered by healthcare, that marijuana must never be legalized, etc. They lost. Now you fight over scraps like gay bakers and who can use what bathroom.

Right. So unsurprisingly you have to go back 100 years, to collect examples supporting your 2019 position.

As for pre-existing conditions, we won that argument with facts. What did conservatives say about the topic? That no matter what dumb policies Obama pushed, the result would be if you eliminate pre-existing conditions, insurance would increase deductions, or increase premiums, or a combination of both to offset that policy.


Facts prove conservatives right.

As for marijuana, everything suggests that this is a net loss for the country. Just like when they legalize gambling here in Ohio, the first thing that happened was gambling addicts and recovering centers opened. Well that's a drain on the economy, in exchange for a few low pay casino jobs that produce nothing, but wealthy casino owners on the backs of casino addicts.

Same is true of pot growers and pot addicts. I don't think conservatives lost the argument.

Just because you changed a good policy into a bad policy, doesn't mean you won any argument. You didn't. You lost the argument, and are destroying people with your bad policies.
100 years? You are just too stupid to talk to. Btw cinservatives are now embracing coverage of pre-existing conditions and their resistance against marijuana is at the lowest ever

You missed the point, too-stupid-to-talk-boy.

The facts are that everything we said about what would happen if you eliminated pre-existing conditions, happened exactly like we said it would.

And again, like I said about pot... the facts are still the facts. We were right about pot. Everything we said would happen... so far.... is happening. I've met more people in the last few years, that are in their 40s, done nothing of any value with their lives, and are sitting their momma's basement smoking pot.

Saying that we are no longer going to fight it legally, doesn't mean we were wrong. I myself have come to the position that we should let the pagans kill themselves with drugs. You want to smoke pot? Go for it. But my point is still dead on accurate and true. You want to a waste for the rest of your life? Go for it. Legally you can be a waste. But you are still a waste, just like I said.

We haven't lost the argument. You have. We're just no longer trying to stop you from being stupid.
Your point doesn’t matter. You will lose, as always, and the country will go on. In 10 years, conservatives will be butthurt about something new, and pre-existing conditions will be covered, and marijuana will be legal in more states if not all, etc. You will probably still be arguing that conservatives never lose.

I heard that 10 years ago, and 10 years before that, and 10 years before that.

Oh well that sucks, we're all still here, and you are all still lamely attempting to claim you have won.

Yeah, good luck with your delusions.
The argument was how every generation of social conservatives loses their wars, and the ensuing generations take up new causes that will eventually face the same fate. 15 years ago the die-hard social conservative argued for escalating war in the middle east, that gay marriage would destroy the nation, that pre-existing conditins should not be covered by healthcare, that marijuana must never be legalized, etc. They lost. Now you fight over scraps like gay bakers and who can use what bathroom.

Right. So unsurprisingly you have to go back 100 years, to collect examples supporting your 2019 position.

As for pre-existing conditions, we won that argument with facts. What did conservatives say about the topic? That no matter what dumb policies Obama pushed, the result would be if you eliminate pre-existing conditions, insurance would increase deductions, or increase premiums, or a combination of both to offset that policy.


Facts prove conservatives right.

As for marijuana, everything suggests that this is a net loss for the country. Just like when they legalize gambling here in Ohio, the first thing that happened was gambling addicts and recovering centers opened. Well that's a drain on the economy, in exchange for a few low pay casino jobs that produce nothing, but wealthy casino owners on the backs of casino addicts.

Same is true of pot growers and pot addicts. I don't think conservatives lost the argument.

Just because you changed a good policy into a bad policy, doesn't mean you won any argument. You didn't. You lost the argument, and are destroying people with your bad policies.
100 years? You are just too stupid to talk to. Btw cinservatives are now embracing coverage of pre-existing conditions and their resistance against marijuana is at the lowest ever

You missed the point, too-stupid-to-talk-boy.

The facts are that everything we said about what would happen if you eliminated pre-existing conditions, happened exactly like we said it would.

And again, like I said about pot... the facts are still the facts. We were right about pot. Everything we said would happen... so far.... is happening. I've met more people in the last few years, that are in their 40s, done nothing of any value with their lives, and are sitting their momma's basement smoking pot.

Saying that we are no longer going to fight it legally, doesn't mean we were wrong. I myself have come to the position that we should let the pagans kill themselves with drugs. You want to smoke pot? Go for it. But my point is still dead on accurate and true. You want to a waste for the rest of your life? Go for it. Legally you can be a waste. But you are still a waste, just like I said.

We haven't lost the argument. You have. We're just no longer trying to stop you from being stupid.
Your point doesn’t matter. You will lose, as always, and the country will go on. In 10 years, conservatives will be butthurt about something new, and pre-existing conditions will be covered, and marijuana will be legal in more states if not all, etc. You will probably still be arguing that conservatives never lose.

I heard that 10 years ago, and 10 years before that, and 10 years before that.

Oh well that sucks, we're all still here, and you are all still lamely attempting to claim you have won.

Yeah, good luck with your delusions.
Seems you’ve come to terms wih it. :thup:
Right. So unsurprisingly you have to go back 100 years, to collect examples supporting your 2019 position.

As for pre-existing conditions, we won that argument with facts. What did conservatives say about the topic? That no matter what dumb policies Obama pushed, the result would be if you eliminate pre-existing conditions, insurance would increase deductions, or increase premiums, or a combination of both to offset that policy.


Facts prove conservatives right.

As for marijuana, everything suggests that this is a net loss for the country. Just like when they legalize gambling here in Ohio, the first thing that happened was gambling addicts and recovering centers opened. Well that's a drain on the economy, in exchange for a few low pay casino jobs that produce nothing, but wealthy casino owners on the backs of casino addicts.

Same is true of pot growers and pot addicts. I don't think conservatives lost the argument.

Just because you changed a good policy into a bad policy, doesn't mean you won any argument. You didn't. You lost the argument, and are destroying people with your bad policies.
100 years? You are just too stupid to talk to. Btw cinservatives are now embracing coverage of pre-existing conditions and their resistance against marijuana is at the lowest ever

You missed the point, too-stupid-to-talk-boy.

The facts are that everything we said about what would happen if you eliminated pre-existing conditions, happened exactly like we said it would.

And again, like I said about pot... the facts are still the facts. We were right about pot. Everything we said would happen... so far.... is happening. I've met more people in the last few years, that are in their 40s, done nothing of any value with their lives, and are sitting their momma's basement smoking pot.

Saying that we are no longer going to fight it legally, doesn't mean we were wrong. I myself have come to the position that we should let the pagans kill themselves with drugs. You want to smoke pot? Go for it. But my point is still dead on accurate and true. You want to a waste for the rest of your life? Go for it. Legally you can be a waste. But you are still a waste, just like I said.

We haven't lost the argument. You have. We're just no longer trying to stop you from being stupid.
Your point doesn’t matter. You will lose, as always, and the country will go on. In 10 years, conservatives will be butthurt about something new, and pre-existing conditions will be covered, and marijuana will be legal in more states if not all, etc. You will probably still be arguing that conservatives never lose.

I heard that 10 years ago, and 10 years before that, and 10 years before that.

Oh well that sucks, we're all still here, and you are all still lamely attempting to claim you have won.

Yeah, good luck with your delusions.
Seems you’ve come to terms wih it. :thup:

I wish. Left-wing delusional beliefs have been around for ages. Just like the Soviets no longer exist, neither will you people in the end.
100 years? You are just too stupid to talk to. Btw cinservatives are now embracing coverage of pre-existing conditions and their resistance against marijuana is at the lowest ever

You missed the point, too-stupid-to-talk-boy.

The facts are that everything we said about what would happen if you eliminated pre-existing conditions, happened exactly like we said it would.

And again, like I said about pot... the facts are still the facts. We were right about pot. Everything we said would happen... so far.... is happening. I've met more people in the last few years, that are in their 40s, done nothing of any value with their lives, and are sitting their momma's basement smoking pot.

Saying that we are no longer going to fight it legally, doesn't mean we were wrong. I myself have come to the position that we should let the pagans kill themselves with drugs. You want to smoke pot? Go for it. But my point is still dead on accurate and true. You want to a waste for the rest of your life? Go for it. Legally you can be a waste. But you are still a waste, just like I said.

We haven't lost the argument. You have. We're just no longer trying to stop you from being stupid.
Your point doesn’t matter. You will lose, as always, and the country will go on. In 10 years, conservatives will be butthurt about something new, and pre-existing conditions will be covered, and marijuana will be legal in more states if not all, etc. You will probably still be arguing that conservatives never lose.

I heard that 10 years ago, and 10 years before that, and 10 years before that.

Oh well that sucks, we're all still here, and you are all still lamely attempting to claim you have won.

Yeah, good luck with your delusions.
Seems you’ve come to terms wih it. :thup:

I wish. Left-wing delusional beliefs have been around for ages. Just like the Soviets no longer exist, neither will you people in the end.
Left wing beliefs made the world what it is today. Your welcome.

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