President Obama need to learn a lesson! ( Opinion Piece )


Platinum Member
May 27, 2014
It seem our dear leader of the United States of America believe when he speak everyone should do as he demands, and if not he will act like a little child when he does not get his way.

The President of the United States of America need to learn that he has to work with the Congress, and no this country does not have to let in ten thousand refugees if the Congress feel those refugees may pose a security threat to the citizens of this country.

Also this President need to understand that bringing in those refugees mean more money spent on non-American citizens and I do not and will never endorse that when we have Americans that are also in need of the Government help.

This country is a Democracy and it seem the President of the United States of America has forgotten this fact. It seem the President believe he is above the Congress and the USSC and does not have to work with either one when it does not suit his interest or when they do not follow his direct orders.

I see no issue with doing more scrutiny when bringing in Refugees from Syria or any region of the world because it is better to be safe than sorry.

Now I know the Die-hard of supporters of President Obama will clamour to defend President Obama comments when it come to the Syrian crisis but his supporters must also learn that the President is part of this country Federal Government and has to still answer to the Congress and if they have objections to bringing in Syrian Refugees then he should listen to their objections and not dismiss their objections as childish.

So if President Obama still want to push forward with his agenda and demand the Congress to step aside and do as he demands then if something does go wrong and one Syrian Refugee commits a terroristic act within the borders of this country then President Obama should be accountable for allowing it to happen!

I know his ( President Obama ) supporters will disagree and defend President Obama reckless idealism, but reality is the Refugees should not be brought here, and in fact if there are men that are fit that are not under the age of 18 and not over the age of 50 then they should be sent back so they can fight for their country and not allow to run like sniveling cowards.

So as I finish my little rant the fact is the President of this fine nation need to realize he is as much of a child that throws a tantrum when he does not get his way, and this time I agree with Paul Ryan on the Syrian refugee crisis, and believe President Obama is out of line, and need to learn he is not a dictator and in fact is a lame duck President that need to work with the Congress and not chastise them!


Edit note:

Added not in front of Chastise.
Last edited:
too late for LARNIN' -----the pres can be hog tied for the duration of his term----
and stored in the root cellar

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