President Obama of our Greatest Presidents

RW Mcquarters aka rightwinger All the stimulus did save the jobs of state government beureaucrats (we would have been better off if half of them got fired and got jobs in the private sector), and gave us tax cuts that were to small and too broad based to have an affect. The stimulus was a dud. I need you and your liberal friends to stop saying it saved us from a Great Depression, unless of course you can show us some CREDIBLE studies that proves it did.
Stimulus added money to the economy at a time everyone else was pulling out
Saved thousands of teachers and police jobs
They are not beureaucrats
Stimulus reversed a crashing stock market and negative employment

So in other words nothing to back up your wild assertion. We would have been better off spending the money on the military or even infrastructure would have been better, RW mcquarters rightwinger
Barack Obama did alright on the domestic front.

Barack Obama was a train wreck on the foreign policy front.

One positive...

One negative...

It's a "wash"...

He did OK...

But he'll look positively stellar compared to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named...

Foreign policy wise, Obama was ineffective in the Middle East but still negotiated treaties with Iran and Cuba.

Has anyone since Carter been effective with their Middle East policy?

He gave Iran 150 billion dollars...which they are now using to increase their world wide terrorism networks and training camps, and he gave them the glide path to nuclear weapons...which they have stated they will use to destroy Israel.........and still a prison island.....that is how an incompetent boob conducts foreign policy....

Again, he is the first affirmative action President.........
He unfroze $150 billion of their own assets. They were frozen in retaliation for Iran building a nuclear program. How do you expect Iran to agree to abandon their nuclear program if you are going to continue freezing their assets?
Cuba is recognized by the entire world with the exception of Butthurt conservatives who are still living in the 1950s

Moron...they want their nuclear program to build a bomb to use on Israel and the U.S. You don't let them have a nuclear program when they state they want to commit genocide against another country......

Cuba is a prison island....the other countries should have joined the boycott to force the communist murderers to end their atrocities against their people.......

again, the affirmative action President was and still is a fool...

They do not have a nuclear program. Obama took care of that
Iran gave up its stockpiles of enriched uranium and the centerfuges needed to enrich it. They were once close to a bomb and now are years away

If they restart a nuclear program, it will be on Trumps watch. If he brings back sanctions and starts to threaten their security....a bomb becomes an attractive option.

Obama gave Trump a nuclear free Iran......what happens next is Trumps baby

Irans nuclear material was transfered to Russia. Who knows what Russia will do now? Trump isn't going to stand up to Putin..
FDR didn't know we produced a working nuke. He died in april, the bomb wasn't tested until july. FDR didn't tell anybody we had aa nuke.

Baloney....they'd done extensive testing in Tennessee and Nevada and he not only knew it, he oversaw every detail of it.
They had no idea it would work until the first test in July
Three months after FDR died
RW Mcquarters aka rightwinger All the stimulus did save the jobs of state government beureaucrats (we would have been better off if half of them got fired and got jobs in the private sector), and gave us tax cuts that were to small and too broad based to have an affect. The stimulus was a dud. I need you and your liberal friends to stop saying it saved us from a Great Depression, unless of course you can show us some CREDIBLE studies that proves it did.
Stimulus added money to the economy at a time everyone else was pulling out
Saved thousands of teachers and police jobs
They are not beureaucrats
Stimulus reversed a crashing stock market and negative employment

So in other words nothing to back up your wild assertion. We would have been better off spending the money on the military or even infrastructure would have been better, RW mcquarters rightwinger
Hence the term shovel ready

Projects needed to be ready to go immediately not in five or more years
Irans nuclear material was transfered to Russia. Who knows what Russia will do now? Trump isn't going to stand up to Putin..

More bullshit....we have no idea what was transferred and what wasn't and Iran still has active centrifuges....they ain't making candy with them, dumbass.
FDR didn't know we produced a working nuke. He died in april, the bomb wasn't tested until july. FDR didn't tell anybody we had aa nuke.

Baloney....they'd done extensive testing in Tennessee and Nevada and he not only knew it, he oversaw every detail of it.

They didn't put together the shell of a bomb until may. And didn't have the core until july. FDR died in april before they assembled anything.
RW Mcquarters aka rightwinger All the stimulus did save the jobs of state government beureaucrats (we would have been better off if half of them got fired and got jobs in the private sector), and gave us tax cuts that were to small and too broad based to have an affect. The stimulus was a dud. I need you and your liberal friends to stop saying it saved us from a Great Depression, unless of course you can show us some CREDIBLE studies that proves it did.
Stimulus added money to the economy at a time everyone else was pulling out
Saved thousands of teachers and police jobs
They are not beureaucrats
Stimulus reversed a crashing stock market and negative employment

So in other words nothing to back up your wild assertion. We would have been better off spending the money on the military or even infrastructure would have been better, RW mcquarters rightwinger
Hence the term shovel ready

Projects needed to be ready to go immediately not in five or more years

Face it, you're a good man, you just buy into all the BS, rightwinger . Part of the problem is is that you want to believe all the BS because you want people to believe in. Trust me these politicians are not the ones to worship. You're better off believing in a God.
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They had no idea it would work until the first test in July
Three months after FDR died

Bullshit....the triggers and desired reactions were all tested...they had no doubt they would work. The only issue was how many devices they could make with the materials they had.....they made two...."Fat Man" a plutonium bomb they dropped on Nagasaki, and "Little Boy". a uranium projectile bomb that was used on Hiroshima. Two types of bombs, both tested sufficiently and they both worked.
Irans nuclear material was transfered to Russia. Who knows what Russia will do now? Trump isn't going to stand up to Putin..

More bullshit....we have no idea what was transferred and what wasn't and Iran still has active centrifuges....they ain't making candy with them, dumbass.

Iran is under IAEA inspection. The centrifuges are monitored. The reactors are monitored. The only thing not monitored is Putin.
They had no idea it would work until the first test in July
Three months after FDR died

Bullshit....the triggers and desired reactions were all tested...they had no doubt they would work. The only issue was how many devices they could make with the materials they had.....they made two...."Fat Man" a plutonium bomb they dropped on Nagasaki, and "Little Boy". a uranium projectile bomb that was used on Hiroshima. Two types of bombs, both tested sufficiently and they both worked.

They made three bombs you delusional clown.
I expect him to rise into the top 10 once we see the impact of the Trump Presidency

Where does Obama's leadership rank in presidential history? These historians say 12th.

For the third time in a row, Abraham Lincoln ranked as the nation's best presidential leader, according to the panel. George Washington came in second, and Franklin D. Roosevelt rounded out the podium at third.

Others are: Theodore Roosevelt (4), Dwight Eisenhower (5), Harry Truman (6), Thomas Jefferson (7), John F. Kennedy (8), Ronald Reagan (9) and Lyndon Johnson (10), Woodrow Wilson (11), Barack Obama (12), James Monroe (13)


Delusional Moon Bats. They are everywhere. The only good thing about them is that they provide amusement. Your stupid made me laugh.
Irans nuclear material was transfered to Russia. Who knows what Russia will do now? Trump isn't going to stand up to Putin..

More bullshit....we have no idea what was transferred and what wasn't and Iran still has active centrifuges....they ain't making candy with them, dumbass.
Yes we do know how much enriched uranium was transferred and how many centrifuges were dismantled
I expect him to rise into the top 10 once we see the impact of the Trump Presidency

Where does Obama's leadership rank in presidential history? These historians say 12th.

For the third time in a row, Abraham Lincoln ranked as the nation's best presidential leader, according to the panel. George Washington came in second, and Franklin D. Roosevelt rounded out the podium at third.

Others are: Theodore Roosevelt (4), Dwight Eisenhower (5), Harry Truman (6), Thomas Jefferson (7), John F. Kennedy (8), Ronald Reagan (9) and Lyndon Johnson (10), Woodrow Wilson (11), Barack Obama (12), James Monroe (13)


Delusional Moon Bats. They are everywhere. The only good thing about them is that they provide amusement. Your stupid made me laugh.
Facts confuse you don't they?
"Dear Trump Supporter,

You lost too.
It just hasn't hit you yet"

This is in line with your other inaccurate prediction, remember?

"The next Republican President hasn't been born yet..."

The Silent Majority is taking action now, you need to run and hide if you expect to survive!!!
Nixon invented the Silent Majority

How did that work out?

They did agree with his policies, that is what he meant with "The Silent Majority" dumb ass...

And Kennedy / Johnson stuffed ballot boxes in Starr County, which led to Nixon's paranoia...

No one agreed with Watergate, myself included...

Your dream will not come true, want to bet?
Iran is under IAEA inspection. The centrifuges are monitored. The reactors are monitored. The only thing not monitored is Putin.

How much notice does the IAEA have to give the ragheads to inspect?
Nuclear sites require ZERO notice. So centrifuges require zero notice. Reactors require zero notice. Processing sites require zero notice.
Irans nuclear material was transfered to Russia. Who knows what Russia will do now? Trump isn't going to stand up to Putin..

More bullshit....we have no idea what was transferred and what wasn't and Iran still has active centrifuges....they ain't making candy with them, dumbass.
Yes we do know how much enriched uranium was transferred and how many centrifuges were dismantled

Some people refuse to accept reality. Hense his answer is "shut up"

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