President Obama of our Greatest Presidents

Hussein obozo was an embarrassment to this country and I don't care what any historian has to say about him. Trump is no prize either, but he is night and day better than hussein.
when do you think dump will beat the 15 million jobs added under Obamas presidency?,,,,2 years? 4? 8? never?....and beat the unemployment rate of 4.7%?
Is that 15,000,000 figure a Net Gain, or just a raw "Added" number, without factoring Jobs Lost into the equation?

Also, do we have any macro-level data on the quality of those 15,000,000 jobs? Were most of them McJobs? Were some of them actually good jobs?

Finally, how many people exited the workforce and gave up looking for jobs? Are they counted in the "low" unemployment rate?
kondor I don't have answers to your questions right now ,shouldn't be too hard to get ....but can you understand obama came into office amidst one of the greatest recessions of our time,,and whatever good he did was done with no help from republicans that cared more for their jobs than they did america?...Just saw new approval rating on trump 38%......think he might get it above the over 50% obama left with?? or sink below what the last repub gwb left with??
Oh, there's no getting around the fact that Shrub left Obumble a genuine mess...

And there's no getting around the idea that Obumble and his people headed off another Great(est) Depression through fast, intelligent action...

But then he had to phukk it up, jamming half-assed socialized medicine and gay marriage and Illegal Alien accommodation down America's throat...

Not to mention drawing lines in the Syrian sand that other world powers laughed at, screwing-up the Iraq withdrawal, and generally phukking-up foreign policy...

As well as losing his momentum (and control of Congress) in the 2010 mid-terms and never getting it back...

Two steps forward, three steps back...

He led his party into a period arrogance and hubris and over-confidence and complacency and cost them their Middle America working-folk base, and cost them the election...

He did OK in some respects, and truly screwed-the-pooch in others... a pleasant, intelligent, personable, capable fellow, whose adult-years Elitist Mentality added more fuel...

He did his part in setting the stage to leave us all stuck with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named...
What did you want from Obama with congress pulling hard against him? Blood?? Nice post
"Dear Trump Supporter,

You lost too.
It just hasn't hit you yet"

This is in line with your other inaccurate prediction, remember?

"The next Republican President hasn't been born yet..."

The Silent Majority is taking action now, you need to run and hide if you expect to survive!!!
Nixon invented the Silent Majority

How did that work out?

They did agree with his policies, that is what he meant with "The Silent Majority" dumb ass...

And Kennedy / Johnson stuffed ballot boxes in Starr County, which led to Nixon's paranoia...

No one agreed with Watergate, myself included...

Your dream will not come true, want to bet?
Trump is no dream

He is a nightmare
I expect him to rise into the top 10 once we see the impact of the Trump Presidency

Where does Obama's leadership rank in presidential history? These historians say 12th.

For the third time in a row, Abraham Lincoln ranked as the nation's best presidential leader, according to the panel. George Washington came in second, and Franklin D. Roosevelt rounded out the podium at third.

Others are: Theodore Roosevelt (4), Dwight Eisenhower (5), Harry Truman (6), Thomas Jefferson (7), John F. Kennedy (8), Ronald Reagan (9) and Lyndon Johnson (10), Woodrow Wilson (11), Barack Obama (12), James Monroe (13)

Doubling the national debt and getting nothing for it, other then enriching the 1% and his cronies.

Good job.
and ronnie tripling it and bush doubling it gave us what???
I expect him to rise into the top 10 once we see the impact of the Trump Presidency

Where does Obama's leadership rank in presidential history? These historians say 12th.

For the third time in a row, Abraham Lincoln ranked as the nation's best presidential leader, according to the panel. George Washington came in second, and Franklin D. Roosevelt rounded out the podium at third.

Others are: Theodore Roosevelt (4), Dwight Eisenhower (5), Harry Truman (6), Thomas Jefferson (7), John F. Kennedy (8), Ronald Reagan (9) and Lyndon Johnson (10), Woodrow Wilson (11), Barack Obama (12), James Monroe (13)


I expect him to rise into the top 10 once we see the impact of the Trump Presidency

Where does Obama's leadership rank in presidential history? These historians say 12th.

For the third time in a row, Abraham Lincoln ranked as the nation's best presidential leader, according to the panel. George Washington came in second, and Franklin D. Roosevelt rounded out the podium at third.

Others are: Theodore Roosevelt (4), Dwight Eisenhower (5), Harry Truman (6), Thomas Jefferson (7), John F. Kennedy (8), Ronald Reagan (9) and Lyndon Johnson (10), Woodrow Wilson (11), Barack Obama (12), James Monroe (13)


Is Reagan as number nine bullshit too?
Hussein obozo was an embarrassment to this country and I don't care what any historian has to say about him. Trump is no prize either, but he is night and day better than hussein.
when do you think dump will beat the 15 million jobs added under Obamas presidency?,,,,2 years? 4? 8? never?....and beat the unemployment rate of 4.7%?
Is that 15,000,000 figure a Net Gain, or just a raw "Added" number, without factoring Jobs Lost into the equation?

Also, do we have any macro-level data on the quality of those 15,000,000 jobs? Were most of them McJobs? Were some of them actually good jobs?

Finally, how many people exited the workforce and gave up looking for jobs? Are they counted in the "low" unemployment rate?
kondor I don't have answers to your questions right now ,shouldn't be too hard to get ....but can you understand obama came into office amidst one of the greatest recessions of our time,,and whatever good he did was done with no help from republicans that cared more for their jobs than they did america?...Just saw new approval rating on trump 38%......think he might get it above the over 50% obama left with?? or sink below what the last repub gwb left with??
Oh, there's no getting around the fact that Shrub left Obumble a genuine mess...

And there's no getting around the idea that Obumble and his people headed off another Great(est) Depression through fast, intelligent action...

But then he had to phukk it up, jamming half-assed socialized medicine and gay marriage and Illegal Alien accommodation down America's throat...

Not to mention drawing lines in the Syrian sand that other world powers laughed at, screwing-up the Iraq withdrawal, and generally phukking-up foreign policy...

As well as losing his momentum (and control of Congress) in the 2010 mid-terms and never getting it back...

Two steps forward, three steps back...

He led his party into a period arrogance and hubris and over-confidence and complacency and cost them their Middle America working-folk base, and cost them the election...

He did OK in some respects, and truly screwed-the-pooch in others... a pleasant, intelligent, personable, capable fellow, whose adult-years Elitist Mentality added more fuel...

He did his part in setting the stage to leave us all stuck with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named...
What did you want from Obama with congress pulling hard against him? Blood?? Nice post
Obama had two years with a Democratic majority in the Senate and a Democratic majority in the House (2009-2011) and screwed that up.

And, yes, I agree that it was, indeed, a "nice post" - nice, insofar as it accurately portrayed both the Pluses and Minuses of the Obama presidency.

Giving credit where credit was due.

Giving brickbats where brickbats were due.

Then again, the handful of remaining Orgasmic ObamaBots will brook no criticism of their Dear Departed Fearless Leader.

In addition to giving him props, I also had the temerity to criticize your Failed Messiah.

Shame on me.

If all goes as usual soon another set of historians will rate all the presidents, That survey will be the Siena College rating. Rating the presidents began big-time in 1948. Many polls today simply ask people's opinions on the president and they vote according to their politics. The historian's rating, is the rating that will go into the history books, .
when do you think dump will beat the 15 million jobs added under Obamas presidency?,,,,2 years? 4? 8? never?....and beat the unemployment rate of 4.7%?
Is that 15,000,000 figure a Net Gain, or just a raw "Added" number, without factoring Jobs Lost into the equation?

Also, do we have any macro-level data on the quality of those 15,000,000 jobs? Were most of them McJobs? Were some of them actually good jobs?

Finally, how many people exited the workforce and gave up looking for jobs? Are they counted in the "low" unemployment rate?
kondor I don't have answers to your questions right now ,shouldn't be too hard to get ....but can you understand obama came into office amidst one of the greatest recessions of our time,,and whatever good he did was done with no help from republicans that cared more for their jobs than they did america?...Just saw new approval rating on trump 38%......think he might get it above the over 50% obama left with?? or sink below what the last repub gwb left with??
Oh, there's no getting around the fact that Shrub left Obumble a genuine mess...

And there's no getting around the idea that Obumble and his people headed off another Great(est) Depression through fast, intelligent action...

But then he had to phukk it up, jamming half-assed socialized medicine and gay marriage and Illegal Alien accommodation down America's throat...

Not to mention drawing lines in the Syrian sand that other world powers laughed at, screwing-up the Iraq withdrawal, and generally phukking-up foreign policy...

As well as losing his momentum (and control of Congress) in the 2010 mid-terms and never getting it back...

Two steps forward, three steps back...

He led his party into a period arrogance and hubris and over-confidence and complacency and cost them their Middle America working-folk base, and cost them the election...

He did OK in some respects, and truly screwed-the-pooch in others... a pleasant, intelligent, personable, capable fellow, whose adult-years Elitist Mentality added more fuel...

He did his part in setting the stage to leave us all stuck with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named...
What did you want from Obama with congress pulling hard against him? Blood?? Nice post
Obama had two years with a Democratic majority in the Senate and a Democratic majority in the House (2009-2011) and screwed that up.

And, yes, I agree that it was, indeed, a "nice post" - nice, insofar as it accurately portrayed both the Pluses and Minuses of the Obama presidency.

Giving credit where credit was due.

Giving brickbats where brickbats were due.

Then again, the handful of remaining Orgasmic ObamaBots will brook no criticism of their Dear Departed Fearless Leader.

In addition to giving him props, I also had the temerity to criticize your Failed Messiah.

Shame on me.

there are very few here if any, that would go as far as you did in giving obama his due ,,,,and while I give you kudos in that I must remind you of the fall of saddam and his army that changed into ISIS bringing on most of obamas faux pas... and the mid east has always been a stink hole for us
I expect him to rise into the top 10 once we see the impact of the Trump Presidency

Where does Obama's leadership rank in presidential history? These historians say 12th.

For the third time in a row, Abraham Lincoln ranked as the nation's best presidential leader, according to the panel. George Washington came in second, and Franklin D. Roosevelt rounded out the podium at third.

Others are: Theodore Roosevelt (4), Dwight Eisenhower (5), Harry Truman (6), Thomas Jefferson (7), John F. Kennedy (8), Ronald Reagan (9) and Lyndon Johnson (10), Woodrow Wilson (11), Barack Obama (12), James Monroe (13)


Is Reagan as number nine bullshit too?
Since Reagan is riding a white horse in heaven with Jesus that should count for something.
Irans nuclear material was transfered to Russia. Who knows what Russia will do now? Trump isn't going to stand up to Putin..

More bullshit....we have no idea what was transferred and what wasn't and Iran still has active centrifuges....they ain't making candy with them, dumbass.

Iran never stopped working on getting a weapon......anyone who thinks they did is brain dead....which pretty much includes every left wing moron on U.S. message....
I expect him to rise into the top 10 once we see the impact of the Trump Presidency

Where does Obama's leadership rank in presidential history? These historians say 12th.

For the third time in a row, Abraham Lincoln ranked as the nation's best presidential leader, according to the panel. George Washington came in second, and Franklin D. Roosevelt rounded out the podium at third.

Others are: Theodore Roosevelt (4), Dwight Eisenhower (5), Harry Truman (6), Thomas Jefferson (7), John F. Kennedy (8), Ronald Reagan (9) and Lyndon Johnson (10), Woodrow Wilson (11), Barack Obama (12), James Monroe (13)

Doubling the national debt and getting nothing for it, other then enriching the 1% and his cronies.

Good job.
and ronnie tripling it and bush doubling it gave us what???
It got us more in debt, but your boy Big Ears is the King of deficit spending.

You must be so proud.
Irans nuclear material was transfered to Russia. Who knows what Russia will do now? Trump isn't going to stand up to Putin..

More bullshit....we have no idea what was transferred and what wasn't and Iran still has active centrifuges....they ain't making candy with them, dumbass.

Iran never stopped working on getting a weapon......anyone who thinks they did is brain dead....which pretty much includes every left wing moron on U.S. message....
Why would a country working to get a bomb get rid of their enriched uranium when they are only months away from having bomb strength?
I expect him to rise into the top 10 once we see the impact of the Trump Presidency

Where does Obama's leadership rank in presidential history? These historians say 12th.

For the third time in a row, Abraham Lincoln ranked as the nation's best presidential leader, according to the panel. George Washington came in second, and Franklin D. Roosevelt rounded out the podium at third.

Others are: Theodore Roosevelt (4), Dwight Eisenhower (5), Harry Truman (6), Thomas Jefferson (7), John F. Kennedy (8), Ronald Reagan (9) and Lyndon Johnson (10), Woodrow Wilson (11), Barack Obama (12), James Monroe (13)

Doubling the national debt and getting nothing for it, other then enriching the 1% and his cronies.

Good job.
and ronnie tripling it and bush doubling it gave us what???
It gave us lots of debt, but no one beats your beloved boy Big Ears. He is the Messiah of debt.

You must be so proud.
I expect him to rise into the top 10 once we see the impact of the Trump Presidency

Where does Obama's leadership rank in presidential history? These historians say 12th.

For the third time in a row, Abraham Lincoln ranked as the nation's best presidential leader, according to the panel. George Washington came in second, and Franklin D. Roosevelt rounded out the podium at third.

Others are: Theodore Roosevelt (4), Dwight Eisenhower (5), Harry Truman (6), Thomas Jefferson (7), John F. Kennedy (8), Ronald Reagan (9) and Lyndon Johnson (10), Woodrow Wilson (11), Barack Obama (12), James Monroe (13)

Doubling the national debt and getting nothing for it, other then enriching the 1% and his cronies.

Good job.
and ronnie tripling it and bush doubling it gave us what???
It gave us lots of debt, but no one beats your beloved boy Big Ears. He is the Messiah of debt.

You must be so proud.
Reagan Mr triple the debt had big ears?? I never noticed
Irans nuclear material was transfered to Russia. Who knows what Russia will do now? Trump isn't going to stand up to Putin..

More bullshit....we have no idea what was transferred and what wasn't and Iran still has active centrifuges....they ain't making candy with them, dumbass.

Iran never stopped working on getting a weapon......anyone who thinks they did is brain dead....which pretty much includes every left wing moron on U.S. message....

And O.J. never stopped looking for Nicolles real killer. Iran can't make a nuke without fissile material. And Rrussia took all but the reactor fuel which is under close monitoring.

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