President Obama of our Greatest Presidents

I expect him to rise into the top 10 once we see the impact of the Trump Presidency

Where does Obama's leadership rank in presidential history? These historians say 12th.

For the third time in a row, Abraham Lincoln ranked as the nation's best presidential leader, according to the panel. George Washington came in second, and Franklin D. Roosevelt rounded out the podium at third.

Others are: Theodore Roosevelt (4), Dwight Eisenhower (5), Harry Truman (6), Thomas Jefferson (7), John F. Kennedy (8), Ronald Reagan (9) and Lyndon Johnson (10), Woodrow Wilson (11), Barack Obama (12), James Monroe (13)


Does lying to yourself sooth your butthurt?
Findings of 91 of our most respected Historians

Those same Historians rated Reagan ninth. Were they lying then?

That's not an answer to my question. Does lying to yourself soothe your butthurt?

Where is the lie?

I'm reporting the opinions of Historians. Is this the part where you call anything you don't like....fake news?

Last edited:
Barack Obama did alright on the domestic front.

Barack Obama was a train wreck on the foreign policy front.

One positive...

One negative...

It's a "wash"...

He did OK...

But he'll look positively stellar compared to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named...
Hussein obozo was an embarrassment to this country and I don't care what any historian has to say about him. Trump is no prize either, but he is night and day better than hussein.
when do you think dump will beat the 15 million jobs added under Obamas presidency?,,,,2 years? 4? 8? never?....and beat the unemployment rate of 4.7%?
Hussein obozo was an embarrassment to this country and I don't care what any historian has to say about him. Trump is no prize either, but he is night and day better than hussein.
when do you think dump will beat the 15 million jobs added under Obamas presidency?,,,,2 years? 4? 8? never?....and beat the unemployment rate of 4.7%?
Is that 15,000,000 figure a Net Gain, or just a raw "Added" number, without factoring Jobs Lost into the equation?

Also, do we have any macro-level data on the quality of those 15,000,000 jobs? Were most of them McJobs? Were some of them actually good jobs?

Finally, how many people exited the workforce and gave up looking for jobs? Are they counted in the "low" unemployment rate?
"Ranking" presidents is little more than partisan mental masturbation, because there is no consistent empirical unit of measurement. Nor can there be.

The terrain under every president is ENTIRELY different, and is affected by the actions of prior presidents, by Congress, by international events, by the unforeseen.

My guy is better than your guy. Great, okay.
I expect him to rise into the top 10 once we see the impact of the Trump Presidency

Where does Obama's leadership rank in presidential history? These historians say 12th.

For the third time in a row, Abraham Lincoln ranked as the nation's best presidential leader, according to the panel. George Washington came in second, and Franklin D. Roosevelt rounded out the podium at third.

Others are: Theodore Roosevelt (4), Dwight Eisenhower (5), Harry Truman (6), Thomas Jefferson (7), John F. Kennedy (8), Ronald Reagan (9) and Lyndon Johnson (10), Woodrow Wilson (11), Barack Obama (12), James Monroe (13)


Yeah....that's President Trump dismantles the disaster that was the First Black President's time in office.......he will eventually only be recognized as the First Black President...the guy with the funny sounding name, since he will have left nothing permanent in his wake......

And once time has passed and historians who aren't left wing butt kissers are actually evaluating his time in office objectively...he will be seen as a bad, if not horrible President.....whose only claim to fame was being the First Black President....
Obama is only responsible for what he accomplished

If Trump topples the apple cart, it becomes his responsibility. So easy to replace Obamacare? Trump is then responsible for Trumpcare
Destroy relations with Cuba and Iran? Goes on Trump

Obama will be looked at as a period of sanity between two extreme Republicans. We have already seen where Bush ended up

Obama will be forgotten.......he will in fact simply be known as the "First Black President who had the funny sounding name" and that will be all he is known for..........that, and the chaos in the middle east as Iran gets a nuclear weapon......
"Dear Trump Supporter,

You lost too.
It just hasn't hit you yet"

This is in line with your other inaccurate prediction, remember?

"The next Republican President hasn't been born yet..."

The Silent Majority is taking action now, you need to run and hide if you expect to survive!!!
Nixon invented the Silent Majority

How did that work out?

Trump did Bush......
Hussein obozo was an embarrassment to this country and I don't care what any historian has to say about him. Trump is no prize either, but he is night and day better than hussein.
when do you think dump will beat the 15 million jobs added under Obamas presidency?,,,,2 years? 4? 8? never?....and beat the unemployment rate of 4.7%?
Is that 15,000,000 figure a Net Gain, or just a raw "Added" number, without factoring Jobs Lost into the equation?

Also, do we have any macro-level data on the quality of those 15,000,000 jobs? Were most of them McJobs? Were some of them actually good jobs?

Finally, how many people exited the workforce and gave up looking for jobs? Are they counted in the "low" unemployment rate?
kondor I don't have answers to your questions right now ,shouldn't be too hard to get ....but can you understand obama came into office amidst one of the greatest recessions of our time,,and whatever good he did was done with no help from republicans that cared more for their jobs than they did america?...Just saw new approval rating on trump 38%......think he might get it above the over 50% obama left with?? or sink below what the last repub gwb left with??
I expect him to rise into the top 10 once we see the impact of the Trump Presidency

Where does Obama's leadership rank in presidential history? These historians say 12th.

For the third time in a row, Abraham Lincoln ranked as the nation's best presidential leader, according to the panel. George Washington came in second, and Franklin D. Roosevelt rounded out the podium at third.

Others are: Theodore Roosevelt (4), Dwight Eisenhower (5), Harry Truman (6), Thomas Jefferson (7), John F. Kennedy (8), Ronald Reagan (9) and Lyndon Johnson (10), Woodrow Wilson (11), Barack Obama (12), James Monroe (13)


Yeah....that's President Trump dismantles the disaster that was the First Black President's time in office.......he will eventually only be recognized as the First Black President...the guy with the funny sounding name, since he will have left nothing permanent in his wake......

And once time has passed and historians who aren't left wing butt kissers are actually evaluating his time in office objectively...he will be seen as a bad, if not horrible President.....whose only claim to fame was being the First Black President....
Obama is only responsible for what he accomplished

If Trump topples the apple cart, it becomes his responsibility. So easy to replace Obamacare? Trump is then responsible for Trumpcare
Destroy relations with Cuba and Iran? Goes on Trump

Obama will be looked at as a period of sanity between two extreme Republicans. We have already seen where Bush ended up

Obama will be forgotten.......he will in fact simply be known as the "First Black President who had the funny sounding name" and that will be all he is known for..........that, and the chaos in the middle east as Iran gets a nuclear weapon......
and gwb will be known for 9'11 and starting a bs war
I expect him to rise into the top 10 once we see the impact of the Trump Presidency

Where does Obama's leadership rank in presidential history? These historians say 12th.

For the third time in a row, Abraham Lincoln ranked as the nation's best presidential leader, according to the panel. George Washington came in second, and Franklin D. Roosevelt rounded out the podium at third.

Others are: Theodore Roosevelt (4), Dwight Eisenhower (5), Harry Truman (6), Thomas Jefferson (7), John F. Kennedy (8), Ronald Reagan (9) and Lyndon Johnson (10), Woodrow Wilson (11), Barack Obama (12), James Monroe (13)


Yeah....that's President Trump dismantles the disaster that was the First Black President's time in office.......he will eventually only be recognized as the First Black President...the guy with the funny sounding name, since he will have left nothing permanent in his wake......

And once time has passed and historians who aren't left wing butt kissers are actually evaluating his time in office objectively...he will be seen as a bad, if not horrible President.....whose only claim to fame was being the First Black President....
Obama is only responsible for what he accomplished

If Trump topples the apple cart, it becomes his responsibility. So easy to replace Obamacare? Trump is then responsible for Trumpcare
Destroy relations with Cuba and Iran? Goes on Trump

Obama will be looked at as a period of sanity between two extreme Republicans. We have already seen where Bush ended up

Obama will be forgotten.......he will in fact simply be known as the "First Black President who had the funny sounding name" and that will be all he is known for..........that, and the chaos in the middle east as Iran gets a nuclear weapon......
and gwb will be known for 9'11 and starting a bs war

No.....when historians look down from the future they will see that he stablized Iraq and Afganistan, pacified Libya, getting kadafi to give up his weapons, and had Iran backed down...then that guy.....the First Black President with the funny sounding name got into office as the first affirmative action President...having no real qualifications to be President, and turned the middle east into a hell hole .....
Barack Obama did alright on the domestic front.

Barack Obama was a train wreck on the foreign policy front.

One positive...

One negative...

It's a "wash"...

He did OK...

But he'll look positively stellar compared to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named...

Foreign policy wise, Obama was ineffective in the Middle East but still negotiated treaties with Iran and Cuba.

Has anyone since Carter been effective with their Middle East policy?
I expect him to rise into the top 10 once we see the impact of the Trump Presidency

Where does Obama's leadership rank in presidential history? These historians say 12th.

For the third time in a row, Abraham Lincoln ranked as the nation's best presidential leader, according to the panel. George Washington came in second, and Franklin D. Roosevelt rounded out the podium at third.

Others are: Theodore Roosevelt (4), Dwight Eisenhower (5), Harry Truman (6), Thomas Jefferson (7), John F. Kennedy (8), Ronald Reagan (9) and Lyndon Johnson (10), Woodrow Wilson (11), Barack Obama (12), James Monroe (13)


Yeah....that's President Trump dismantles the disaster that was the First Black President's time in office.......he will eventually only be recognized as the First Black President...the guy with the funny sounding name, since he will have left nothing permanent in his wake......

And once time has passed and historians who aren't left wing butt kissers are actually evaluating his time in office objectively...he will be seen as a bad, if not horrible President.....whose only claim to fame was being the First Black President....
Obama is only responsible for what he accomplished

If Trump topples the apple cart, it becomes his responsibility. So easy to replace Obamacare? Trump is then responsible for Trumpcare
Destroy relations with Cuba and Iran? Goes on Trump

Obama will be looked at as a period of sanity between two extreme Republicans. We have already seen where Bush ended up

Obama will be forgotten.......he will in fact simply be known as the "First Black President who had the funny sounding name" and that will be all he is known for..........that, and the chaos in the middle east as Iran gets a nuclear weapon......
and gwb will be known for 9'11 and starting a bs war

No.....when historians look down from the future they will see that he stablized Iraq and Afganistan, pacified Libya, getting kadafi to give up his weapons, and had Iran backed down...then that guy.....the First Black President with the funny sounding name got into office as the first affirmative action President...having no real qualifications to be President, and turned the middle east into a hell hole .....

The Iraq War will go down as a major blunder that unnecessarily cost 6000 American lives and over 100,000 Iraqis. It destabilized the region and never resulted in the desired domino theory of Democracy
Barack Obama did alright on the domestic front.

Barack Obama was a train wreck on the foreign policy front.

One positive...

One negative...

It's a "wash"...

He did OK...

But he'll look positively stellar compared to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named...

Foreign policy wise, Obama was ineffective in the Middle East but still negotiated treaties with Iran and Cuba.

Has anyone since Carter been effective with their Middle East policy?

He gave Iran 150 billion dollars...which they are now using to increase their world wide terrorism networks and training camps, and he gave them the glide path to nuclear weapons...which they have stated they will use to destroy Israel.........and still a prison island.....that is how an incompetent boob conducts foreign policy....

Again, he is the first affirmative action President.........
Yeah....that's President Trump dismantles the disaster that was the First Black President's time in office.......he will eventually only be recognized as the First Black President...the guy with the funny sounding name, since he will have left nothing permanent in his wake......

And once time has passed and historians who aren't left wing butt kissers are actually evaluating his time in office objectively...he will be seen as a bad, if not horrible President.....whose only claim to fame was being the First Black President....
Obama is only responsible for what he accomplished

If Trump topples the apple cart, it becomes his responsibility. So easy to replace Obamacare? Trump is then responsible for Trumpcare
Destroy relations with Cuba and Iran? Goes on Trump

Obama will be looked at as a period of sanity between two extreme Republicans. We have already seen where Bush ended up

Obama will be forgotten.......he will in fact simply be known as the "First Black President who had the funny sounding name" and that will be all he is known for..........that, and the chaos in the middle east as Iran gets a nuclear weapon......
and gwb will be known for 9'11 and starting a bs war

No.....when historians look down from the future they will see that he stablized Iraq and Afganistan, pacified Libya, getting kadafi to give up his weapons, and had Iran backed down...then that guy.....the First Black President with the funny sounding name got into office as the first affirmative action President...having no real qualifications to be President, and turned the middle east into a hell hole .....

The Iraq War will go down as a major blunder that unnecessarily cost 6000 American lives and over 100,000 Iraqis. It destabilized the region and never resulted in the desired domino theory of Democracy will be seen as an effort that obama threw away for childish reasons........he pulled troops out of countries that were stable and making progress...simply because he didn't like America....and allowed isis and Iran to grow in power........the first affirmative action President at work...
I expect him to rise into the top 10 once we see the impact of the Trump Presidency

Where does Obama's leadership rank in presidential history? These historians say 12th.

For the third time in a row, Abraham Lincoln ranked as the nation's best presidential leader, according to the panel. George Washington came in second, and Franklin D. Roosevelt rounded out the podium at third.

Others are: Theodore Roosevelt (4), Dwight Eisenhower (5), Harry Truman (6), Thomas Jefferson (7), John F. Kennedy (8), Ronald Reagan (9) and Lyndon Johnson (10), Woodrow Wilson (11), Barack Obama (12), James Monroe (13)


Yeah....that's President Trump dismantles the disaster that was the First Black President's time in office.......he will eventually only be recognized as the First Black President...the guy with the funny sounding name, since he will have left nothing permanent in his wake......

And once time has passed and historians who aren't left wing butt kissers are actually evaluating his time in office objectively...he will be seen as a bad, if not horrible President.....whose only claim to fame was being the First Black President....
Obama is only responsible for what he accomplished

If Trump topples the apple cart, it becomes his responsibility. So easy to replace Obamacare? Trump is then responsible for Trumpcare
Destroy relations with Cuba and Iran? Goes on Trump

Obama will be looked at as a period of sanity between two extreme Republicans. We have already seen where Bush ended up

Obama will be forgotten.......he will in fact simply be known as the "First Black President who had the funny sounding name" and that will be all he is known for..........that, and the chaos in the middle east as Iran gets a nuclear weapon......

Yea , you already said that. If Republicans destroy what Obama accomplished, it becomes their legacy

So far, repealing Obamacare on day one is now.....maybe a year......maybe after the 2018 elections

Here is the deal......Iran never develops a nuclear weapon....Obama was right
If they do, Republicans were right to try to fuck up the deal

We will see what history says
Obama is only responsible for what he accomplished

If Trump topples the apple cart, it becomes his responsibility. So easy to replace Obamacare? Trump is then responsible for Trumpcare
Destroy relations with Cuba and Iran? Goes on Trump

Obama will be looked at as a period of sanity between two extreme Republicans. We have already seen where Bush ended up

Obama will be forgotten.......he will in fact simply be known as the "First Black President who had the funny sounding name" and that will be all he is known for..........that, and the chaos in the middle east as Iran gets a nuclear weapon......
and gwb will be known for 9'11 and starting a bs war

No.....when historians look down from the future they will see that he stablized Iraq and Afganistan, pacified Libya, getting kadafi to give up his weapons, and had Iran backed down...then that guy.....the First Black President with the funny sounding name got into office as the first affirmative action President...having no real qualifications to be President, and turned the middle east into a hell hole .....

The Iraq War will go down as a major blunder that unnecessarily cost 6000 American lives and over 100,000 Iraqis. It destabilized the region and never resulted in the desired domino theory of Democracy will be seen as an effort that obama threw away for childish reasons........he pulled troops out of countries that were stable and making progress...simply because he didn't like America....and allowed isis and Iran to grow in power........the first affirmative action President at work...
He came into office being handed a treaty agreement signed only one month previous that obligated him to remove troops on a timetable set in the treaty. Why the previous President fount it necessary to put that mess on the incoming President is not a mystery.
Barack Obama did alright on the domestic front.

Barack Obama was a train wreck on the foreign policy front.

One positive...

One negative...

It's a "wash"...

He did OK...

But he'll look positively stellar compared to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named...

Foreign policy wise, Obama was ineffective in the Middle East but still negotiated treaties with Iran and Cuba.

Has anyone since Carter been effective with their Middle East policy?

He gave Iran 150 billion dollars...which they are now using to increase their world wide terrorism networks and training camps, and he gave them the glide path to nuclear weapons...which they have stated they will use to destroy Israel.........and still a prison island.....that is how an incompetent boob conducts foreign policy....

Again, he is the first affirmative action President.........
He unfroze $150 billion of their own assets. They were frozen in retaliation for Iran building a nuclear program. How do you expect Iran to agree to abandon their nuclear program if you are going to continue freezing their assets?
Cuba is recognized by the entire world with the exception of Butthurt conservatives who are still living in the 1950s
Barack Obama did alright on the domestic front.

Barack Obama was a train wreck on the foreign policy front.

One positive...

One negative...

It's a "wash"...

He did OK...

But he'll look positively stellar compared to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named...

Foreign policy wise, Obama was ineffective in the Middle East but still negotiated treaties with Iran and Cuba.

Has anyone since Carter been effective with their Middle East policy?

He gave Iran 150 billion dollars...which they are now using to increase their world wide terrorism networks and training camps, and he gave them the glide path to nuclear weapons...which they have stated they will use to destroy Israel.........and still a prison island.....that is how an incompetent boob conducts foreign policy....

Again, he is the first affirmative action President.........
He unfroze $150 billion of their own assets. They were frozen in retaliation for Iran building a nuclear program. How do you expect Iran to agree to abandon their nuclear program if you are going to continue freezing their assets?
Cuba is recognized by the entire world with the exception of Butthurt conservatives who are still living in the 1950s

Moron...they want their nuclear program to build a bomb to use on Israel and the U.S. You don't let them have a nuclear program when they state they want to commit genocide against another country......

Cuba is a prison island....the other countries should have joined the boycott to force the communist murderers to end their atrocities against their people.......

again, the affirmative action President was and still is a fool...
Barack Obama did alright on the domestic front.

Barack Obama was a train wreck on the foreign policy front.

One positive...

One negative...

It's a "wash"...

He did OK...

But he'll look positively stellar compared to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named...

Foreign policy wise, Obama was ineffective in the Middle East but still negotiated treaties with Iran and Cuba.

Has anyone since Carter been effective with their Middle East policy?

He gave Iran 150 billion dollars...which they are now using to increase their world wide terrorism networks and training camps, and he gave them the glide path to nuclear weapons...which they have stated they will use to destroy Israel.........and still a prison island.....that is how an incompetent boob conducts foreign policy....

Again, he is the first affirmative action President.........
He unfroze $150 billion of their own assets. They were frozen in retaliation for Iran building a nuclear program. How do you expect Iran to agree to abandon their nuclear program if you are going to continue freezing their assets?
Cuba is recognized by the entire world with the exception of Butthurt conservatives who are still living in the 1950s

Moron...they want their nuclear program to build a bomb to use on Israel and the U.S. You don't let them have a nuclear program when they state they want to commit genocide against another country......

Cuba is a prison island....the other countries should have joined the boycott to force the communist murderers to end their atrocities against their people.......

again, the affirmative action President was and still is a fool...
Guy look in the fn mirror when calling someone a moron Iran for all their bs knows using a bomb on us or israel would cause the complete destruction of their country
Barack Obama did alright on the domestic front.

Barack Obama was a train wreck on the foreign policy front.

One positive...

One negative...

It's a "wash"...

He did OK...

But he'll look positively stellar compared to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named...

Foreign policy wise, Obama was ineffective in the Middle East but still negotiated treaties with Iran and Cuba.

Has anyone since Carter been effective with their Middle East policy?

He gave Iran 150 billion dollars...which they are now using to increase their world wide terrorism networks and training camps, and he gave them the glide path to nuclear weapons...which they have stated they will use to destroy Israel.........and still a prison island.....that is how an incompetent boob conducts foreign policy....

Again, he is the first affirmative action President.........
He unfroze $150 billion of their own assets. They were frozen in retaliation for Iran building a nuclear program. How do you expect Iran to agree to abandon their nuclear program if you are going to continue freezing their assets?
Cuba is recognized by the entire world with the exception of Butthurt conservatives who are still living in the 1950s

Moron...they want their nuclear program to build a bomb to use on Israel and the U.S. You don't let them have a nuclear program when they state they want to commit genocide against another country......

Cuba is a prison island....the other countries should have joined the boycott to force the communist murderers to end their atrocities against their people.......

again, the affirmative action President was and still is a fool...
Guy look in the fn mirror when calling someone a moron Iran for all their bs knows using a bomb on us or israel would cause the complete destruction of their country

They don't care......that is what you morons don't understand.....they believe in the virgins....they have stated over and over they are going to destroy Israel....committing genocide.......and you guys pretend like they are joking......

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