President Obama of our Greatest Presidents

I'd rather just see Trump do a great job, even though I voted against him, and have him considered great.

I don't give a shit about the politics, I just care about results.

I would love to see Trump be one of our great Presidents bringing peace and prosperity.
I will be retiring under Trump and would love nothing better than to retire under a strong economy
I saw what happened to people who retired under Bush and saw their savings and investments disappear

But after yesterdays press conference....I don't have much faith
All he did, for the most part, was take advantage of the opportunity to slam the media. Judging from their silly, non-stop wailing since then, looks like he really struck a nerve.

Rather than that, and the Russia conspiracy theories, and the shakeups in the administration, I'd rather see the media ask for specifics on health care, taxes, infrastructure, the economy, business, etc.

I know he's hurt their feelings, but I just don't care.

They did ask for specifics on policy being implemented even just a general outline, and Trump had NOTHING, just a vague "It'll be terrific. You'll see". And a promise that it's coming soon.

Then it was back to ranting against the media.

But there's no chaos. The administration is functioning like a well oiled machine.

Yeah. Riiiiiight. Too bad nobody wants to work for the White House. Why would you willingly sign on to work for a thin-skinned narcissistic who lives and works in fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants chaos, lies about EVERYTHING and can't take criticism.
I expect him to rise into the top 10 once we see the impact of the Trump Presidency

Where does Obama's leadership rank in presidential history? These historians say 12th.

For the third time in a row, Abraham Lincoln ranked as the nation's best presidential leader, according to the panel. George Washington came in second, and Franklin D. Roosevelt rounded out the podium at third.

Others are: Theodore Roosevelt (4), Dwight Eisenhower (5), Harry Truman (6), Thomas Jefferson (7), John F. Kennedy (8), Ronald Reagan (9) and Lyndon Johnson (10), Woodrow Wilson (11), Barack Obama (12), James Monroe (13)


Yeah....that's President Trump dismantles the disaster that was the First Black President's time in office.......he will eventually only be recognized as the First Black President...the guy with the funny sounding name, since he will have left nothing permanent in his wake......

And once time has passed and historians who aren't left wing butt kissers are actually evaluating his time in office objectively...he will be seen as a bad, if not horrible President.....whose only claim to fame was being the First Black President....
I'd rather just see Trump do a great job, even though I voted against him, and have him considered great.

I don't give a shit about the politics, I just care about results.

I would love to see Trump be one of our great Presidents bringing peace and prosperity.
I will be retiring under Trump and would love nothing better than to retire under a strong economy
I saw what happened to people who retired under Bush and saw their savings and investments disappear

But after yesterdays press conference....I don't have much faith
All he did, for the most part, was take advantage of the opportunity to slam the media. Judging from their silly, non-stop wailing since then, looks like he really struck a nerve.

Rather than that, and the Russia conspiracy theories, and the shakeups in the administration, I'd rather see the media ask for specifics on health care, taxes, infrastructure, the economy, business, etc.

I know he's hurt their feelings, but I just don't care.

Yeah, how dare the media react to being insulted.
They're not above being insulted. If they can dish it out, they can take it.

If they don't like it, too bad.

They're not special or entitled in any way.

"They" are not a monolith. That's why his war with "the media" is so stupid. He's making enemies out of the very people he will need.

Good luck making it two years, ya orange fucking turd.
I expect him to rise into the top 10 once we see the impact of the Trump Presidency

Where does Obama's leadership rank in presidential history? These historians say 12th.

For the third time in a row, Abraham Lincoln ranked as the nation's best presidential leader, according to the panel. George Washington came in second, and Franklin D. Roosevelt rounded out the podium at third.

Others are: Theodore Roosevelt (4), Dwight Eisenhower (5), Harry Truman (6), Thomas Jefferson (7), John F. Kennedy (8), Ronald Reagan (9) and Lyndon Johnson (10), Woodrow Wilson (11), Barack Obama (12), James Monroe (13)


Yeah....that's President Trump dismantles the disaster that was the First Black President's time in office.......he will eventually only be recognized as the First Black President...the guy with the funny sounding name, since he will have left nothing permanent in his wake......

And once time has passed and historians who aren't left wing butt kissers are actually evaluating his time in office objectively...he will be seen as a bad, if not horrible President.....whose only claim to fame was being the First Black President....

Yeah, such a disaster left for Trump.

I'd rather just see Trump do a great job, even though I voted against him, and have him considered great.

I don't give a shit about the politics, I just care about results.

I would love to see Trump be one of our great Presidents bringing peace and prosperity.
I will be retiring under Trump and would love nothing better than to retire under a strong economy
I saw what happened to people who retired under Bush and saw their savings and investments disappear

But after yesterdays press conference....I don't have much faith
All he did, for the most part, was take advantage of the opportunity to slam the media. Judging from their silly, non-stop wailing since then, looks like he really struck a nerve.

Rather than that, and the Russia conspiracy theories, and the shakeups in the administration, I'd rather see the media ask for specifics on health care, taxes, infrastructure, the economy, business, etc.

I know he's hurt their feelings, but I just don't care.

Yeah, how dare the media react to being insulted.
They're not above being insulted. If they can dish it out, they can take it.

If they don't like it, too bad.

They're not special or entitled in any way.

"They" are not a monolith. That's why his war with "the media" is so stupid. He's making enemies out of the very people he will need.

Good luck making it two years, ya orange fucking turd.
He's not convinced he needs them.

Their approvals are even lower than his.
I would love to see Trump be one of our great Presidents bringing peace and prosperity.
I will be retiring under Trump and would love nothing better than to retire under a strong economy
I saw what happened to people who retired under Bush and saw their savings and investments disappear

But after yesterdays press conference....I don't have much faith
All he did, for the most part, was take advantage of the opportunity to slam the media. Judging from their silly, non-stop wailing since then, looks like he really struck a nerve.

Rather than that, and the Russia conspiracy theories, and the shakeups in the administration, I'd rather see the media ask for specifics on health care, taxes, infrastructure, the economy, business, etc.

I know he's hurt their feelings, but I just don't care.

Yeah, how dare the media react to being insulted.
They're not above being insulted. If they can dish it out, they can take it.

If they don't like it, too bad.

They're not special or entitled in any way.

"They" are not a monolith. That's why his war with "the media" is so stupid. He's making enemies out of the very people he will need.

Good luck making it two years, ya orange fucking turd.
He's not convinced he needs them.

Their approvals are even lower than his.

Oh I'm certain he's not convinced he needs them. Many presidents have been convinced of that, and they've all been wrong.
All he did, for the most part, was take advantage of the opportunity to slam the media. Judging from their silly, non-stop wailing since then, looks like he really struck a nerve.

Rather than that, and the Russia conspiracy theories, and the shakeups in the administration, I'd rather see the media ask for specifics on health care, taxes, infrastructure, the economy, business, etc.

I know he's hurt their feelings, but I just don't care.

Yeah, how dare the media react to being insulted.
They're not above being insulted. If they can dish it out, they can take it.

If they don't like it, too bad.

They're not special or entitled in any way.

"They" are not a monolith. That's why his war with "the media" is so stupid. He's making enemies out of the very people he will need.

Good luck making it two years, ya orange fucking turd.
He's not convinced he needs them.

Their approvals are even lower than his.

Oh I'm certain he's not convinced he needs them. Many presidents have been convinced of that, and they've all been wrong.
Well, I would think that too, but I also thought Hillary was going to win going away.

This is uncharted territory, where assumptions are dangerous.
Yeah, how dare the media react to being insulted.
They're not above being insulted. If they can dish it out, they can take it.

If they don't like it, too bad.

They're not special or entitled in any way.

"They" are not a monolith. That's why his war with "the media" is so stupid. He's making enemies out of the very people he will need.

Good luck making it two years, ya orange fucking turd.
He's not convinced he needs them.

Their approvals are even lower than his.

Oh I'm certain he's not convinced he needs them. Many presidents have been convinced of that, and they've all been wrong.
Well, I would think that too, but I also thought Hillary was going to win going away.

This is uncharted territory, where assumptions are dangerous.

Uh, I assume if I jump out a 20-story window, I'll die. But, you know, I thought Hillary would win, so....

I am so shocked that George W. Bush is 33. Way, way too high. The guy was like Midas. Only everything he touched he turned to sh!t.
W is the worst modern President

Hard to rate some of the guys in the early 1800s. It was a different world
I thrived under Obama as my retirement fund tripled and I made real estate investments due to low interest rates

Greedy American Capitalist. :lmao:

Why did you fail under Obama? With low interest rates, low housing costs, a stock market that tripled, rising job market........What happened with you?

Ha, you're one of those 'Occupy Wall Street' nutters shitting on police cars. So no one's buying your lies. :lol:
You avoided the question

How could you have been such a failure in the last eight years? Did you even try?

Yeah, we should listen to you 'Occupy Wall Street' nutters who shit on police cars. You're not very credible. So i think i'll move on. Take care.

You make no sense

Is that the best you can do? Why are you an admitted failure?
I expect him to rise into the top 10 once we see the impact of the Trump Presidency

Where does Obama's leadership rank in presidential history? These historians say 12th.

For the third time in a row, Abraham Lincoln ranked as the nation's best presidential leader, according to the panel. George Washington came in second, and Franklin D. Roosevelt rounded out the podium at third.

Others are: Theodore Roosevelt (4), Dwight Eisenhower (5), Harry Truman (6), Thomas Jefferson (7), John F. Kennedy (8), Ronald Reagan (9) and Lyndon Johnson (10), Woodrow Wilson (11), Barack Obama (12), James Monroe (13)


Yeah....that's President Trump dismantles the disaster that was the First Black President's time in office.......he will eventually only be recognized as the First Black President...the guy with the funny sounding name, since he will have left nothing permanent in his wake......

And once time has passed and historians who aren't left wing butt kissers are actually evaluating his time in office objectively...he will be seen as a bad, if not horrible President.....whose only claim to fame was being the First Black President....
Obama is only responsible for what he accomplished

If Trump topples the apple cart, it becomes his responsibility. So easy to replace Obamacare? Trump is then responsible for Trumpcare
Destroy relations with Cuba and Iran? Goes on Trump

Obama will be looked at as a period of sanity between two extreme Republicans. We have already seen where Bush ended up
Greedy American Capitalist. :lmao:

Why did you fail under Obama? With low interest rates, low housing costs, a stock market that tripled, rising job market........What happened with you?

Ha, you're one of those 'Occupy Wall Street' nutters shitting on police cars. So no one's buying your lies. :lol:
You avoided the question

How could you have been such a failure in the last eight years? Did you even try?

Yeah, we should listen to you 'Occupy Wall Street' nutters who shit on police cars. You're not very credible. So i think i'll move on. Take care.

You make no sense

Is that the best you can do? Why are you an admitted failure?

Careful, you might just lose your Anti-American Communist/Progressive cred. Boasting about about being financially successful? Not very Hussein Obama of you. Shame shame. :(
After eight years of Presidency, I think being rated 12th is a good start for Obama

History will view him as a sane and cautious President who kept us out of a Depression and foreign entanglements. He also eased tensions with Iran and Cuba

With the disaster of a Bush Presidency (9-11, two unpopular wars and a collapsed economy) and who knowing what Trump will bring....Obama should move into the top ten
Obamas presidency has a legacy of over-the-top debt and a whole bunch of dead kids and people from progressive mass shooters...
I expect him to rise into the top 10 once we see the impact of the Trump Presidency

Where does Obama's leadership rank in presidential history? These historians say 12th.

For the third time in a row, Abraham Lincoln ranked as the nation's best presidential leader, according to the panel. George Washington came in second, and Franklin D. Roosevelt rounded out the podium at third.

Others are: Theodore Roosevelt (4), Dwight Eisenhower (5), Harry Truman (6), Thomas Jefferson (7), John F. Kennedy (8), Ronald Reagan (9) and Lyndon Johnson (10), Woodrow Wilson (11), Barack Obama (12), James Monroe (13)

As an essentially nonpartisan (if not an anti-partisan) person and a realist, for a variety of reasons, I honestly don't expect Obama to go down in history as one of the greatest presidents. However, I do give him high marks for meeting the challenge of the economic meltdown known as the Great Recession and guiding the economy back to positive growth while also saving the auto industry even as some Republican ideological purists were willing to let several economic engines fail. What's more, he did these things while projecting both a public confidence in America's future and a calming influence at a time of almost unprecedented nervousness about what tomorrow might bring.

However, in light of Trump's erratic behavior, it's Obama's calming influence that I most miss now. Over time, I think most Americans took that aspect of his personality for granted. Only now is it apparent how much we need that in a leader. After all, in almost any situation, it's reassuring to know that the person in charge (whether it's your parent when you're a child, or your boss at work) has the requisite qualities to keep you from unnecessarily worrying about situations completely out of your control even as your attention must be focused on your own daily issues of providing for yourself and your loved ones.

It's only been 4 weeks since Trump took office, and I have to admit that I can't help but worry about his seeming inability to focus on the job at hand even as his time and attention seems to be focused primarily on himself and how he's perceived by others. He wanted the job of president. Now he's got it. Please don't tell me that it's now my responsibility (as well as hundreds of other Americans) to reassure him on a daily basis that he's valued as if he's he's some kind of insecure girlfriend who always needs constant reassurance that she's loved. In a girlfriend like that, the daily back and forth is tiring if not downright exhausting. It also tends to take the joy out of the relationship. In a president, it's worrying, if not downright scary.

"Dear Trump Supporter,

You lost too.
It just hasn't hit you yet"

This is in line with your other inaccurate prediction, remember?

"The next Republican President hasn't been born yet..."

The Silent Majority is taking action now, you need to run and hide if you expect to survive!!!
I expect him to rise into the top 10 once we see the impact of the Trump Presidency

Where does Obama's leadership rank in presidential history? These historians say 12th.

For the third time in a row, Abraham Lincoln ranked as the nation's best presidential leader, according to the panel. George Washington came in second, and Franklin D. Roosevelt rounded out the podium at third.

Others are: Theodore Roosevelt (4), Dwight Eisenhower (5), Harry Truman (6), Thomas Jefferson (7), John F. Kennedy (8), Ronald Reagan (9) and Lyndon Johnson (10), Woodrow Wilson (11), Barack Obama (12), James Monroe (13)


Does lying to yourself sooth your butthurt?
Findings of 91 of our most respected Historians

Those same Historians rated Reagan ninth. Were they lying then?

That's not an answer to my question. Does lying to yourself soothe your butthurt?
Thanks for the OP. It is always good to know what the opinion is of the enemy. That poll has to be from a left wing liberal site to even mention LBJ. let alone Obama as 11.
"Dear Trump Supporter,

You lost too.
It just hasn't hit you yet"

This is in line with your other inaccurate prediction, remember?

"The next Republican President hasn't been born yet..."

The Silent Majority is taking action now, you need to run and hide if you expect to survive!!!
Nixon invented the Silent Majority

How did that work out?
Thanks for the OP. It is always good to know what the opinion is of the enemy. That poll has to be from a left wing liberal site to even mention LBJ. let alone Obama as 11.
It also has Eisenhower as five and Reagan at nine

How liberal is that?

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