President Obama – To Trust Or Not To Trust Is The Question


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
nothing about Obama I trust..He has blatantly lied to us over and over
links in article at site

By LD Jackson

It is a true thing for me to state the following. I do not trust President Obama to do the right thing for America. He is wont to throw his victories in the face of his enemies, telling them “I won”. Because of those victories, he has expected to bully his way into getting everything he wants from Congress. He managed to convince many Republicans to go along with a deal that increased taxes for many Americans. Following that, he went on another offensive of blaming the Republicans for the sequester. He huffed and puffed so much about the spending cuts that weren’t real spending cuts, I’m surprised he isn’t out of breath.

When President Obama was called out on his lies about the sequester, even by some of his friends in the media, he may have suddenly realized his tactics were not working this time. When the Republicans refused (finally) to cave on the sequester, allowing it to take affect on March 1, he immediately started quibbling and back tracking on the dire warnings he had issued for weeks.

When it became clear that the sequester was not going to equal to the sky falling on Washington and the rest of the country, President Obama is suddenly interested, or so he says, in a grand bargain with the Republicans in Congress. He has even went so far as to have dinner Wednesday night with 12 Republican Senators and invited Paul Ryan to the White House for lunch. I can not think of anything Obama would dislike more than having lunch with Paul Ryan. Tensions had to have been high, given the number of times Ryan has called the President out on his lies. Once, it was in a room full of their peers, right to Obama’s face. It had to be uncomfortable for the President, so why is he engaging in what the news organizations are calling Obama’s charm offensive?

According to CNN, it is because he has been advised, by more than a few of the people he listens to, that making friends with the opposition party is the thing to do. Maybe, just maybe, he may find he likes it more than he first thought. Some have even speculated that former President Bill Clinton gave him the same advice when he and Hillary Clinton were dinning at the White House a few days ago.

all of it here
President Obama - To Trust Or Not To Trust Is The Question
Trust a politician?

Why would any intelligent person do that? Regardless of party - the majority are lying, self serving bastards.
obama's invitations are for show. It's so he can say "See, I tried". It's like the meeting he called with Republicans. He went, for seven minutes. No one can say he didn't go. He went. He invited 12 republicans to dinner. See how hard he's trying to get along. It's not his fault republicans just don't like him cause he's black.
nothing about Obama I trust..He has blatantly lied to us over and over
links in article at site

By LD Jackson

It is a true thing for me to state the following. I do not trust President Obama to do the right thing for America. He is wont to throw his victories in the face of his enemies, telling them “I won”. Because of those victories, he has expected to bully his way into getting everything he wants from Congress. He managed to convince many Republicans to go along with a deal that increased taxes for many Americans. Following that, he went on another offensive of blaming the Republicans for the sequester. He huffed and puffed so much about the spending cuts that weren’t real spending cuts, I’m surprised he isn’t out of breath.

When President Obama was called out on his lies about the sequester, even by some of his friends in the media, he may have suddenly realized his tactics were not working this time. When the Republicans refused (finally) to cave on the sequester, allowing it to take affect on March 1, he immediately started quibbling and back tracking on the dire warnings he had issued for weeks.

When it became clear that the sequester was not going to equal to the sky falling on Washington and the rest of the country, President Obama is suddenly interested, or so he says, in a grand bargain with the Republicans in Congress. He has even went so far as to have dinner Wednesday night with 12 Republican Senators and invited Paul Ryan to the White House for lunch. I can not think of anything Obama would dislike more than having lunch with Paul Ryan. Tensions had to have been high, given the number of times Ryan has called the President out on his lies. Once, it was in a room full of their peers, right to Obama’s face. It had to be uncomfortable for the President, so why is he engaging in what the news organizations are calling Obama’s charm offensive?

According to CNN, it is because he has been advised, by more than a few of the people he listens to, that making friends with the opposition party is the thing to do. Maybe, just maybe, he may find he likes it more than he first thought. Some have even speculated that former President Bill Clinton gave him the same advice when he and Hillary Clinton were dinning at the White House a few days ago.

all of it here
President Obama - To Trust Or Not To Trust Is The Question

Did you trust Bush?
Did you trust Clinton?
Did you trust Bush Sr.?
Did you trust Reagan?

The last President I actually trusted implicitly was John Kennedy. However....I was only 14 years old when he died and didn't know much about the ways of the world.

But, I suppose your question should be qualified like this: Trust him with WHAT? Nobody in his right mind trusts anybody for everything all the time, so it must be asked just what you're talking about.
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I trusted that Bush and Reagan basically wanted to do the right thing by America. Not 100%, not always. But generally speaking.
I trust that Obama is interested only in making America a poorer weaker country subservient to others. Certainly his record in office supports that trust.
nothing about Obama I trust..He has blatantly lied to us over and over
links in article at site

By LD Jackson

It is a true thing for me to state the following. I do not trust President Obama to do the right thing for America. He is wont to throw his victories in the face of his enemies, telling them “I won”. Because of those victories, he has expected to bully his way into getting everything he wants from Congress. He managed to convince many Republicans to go along with a deal that increased taxes for many Americans. Following that, he went on another offensive of blaming the Republicans for the sequester. He huffed and puffed so much about the spending cuts that weren’t real spending cuts, I’m surprised he isn’t out of breath.

When President Obama was called out on his lies about the sequester, even by some of his friends in the media, he may have suddenly realized his tactics were not working this time. When the Republicans refused (finally) to cave on the sequester, allowing it to take affect on March 1, he immediately started quibbling and back tracking on the dire warnings he had issued for weeks.

When it became clear that the sequester was not going to equal to the sky falling on Washington and the rest of the country, President Obama is suddenly interested, or so he says, in a grand bargain with the Republicans in Congress. He has even went so far as to have dinner Wednesday night with 12 Republican Senators and invited Paul Ryan to the White House for lunch. I can not think of anything Obama would dislike more than having lunch with Paul Ryan. Tensions had to have been high, given the number of times Ryan has called the President out on his lies. Once, it was in a room full of their peers, right to Obama’s face. It had to be uncomfortable for the President, so why is he engaging in what the news organizations are calling Obama’s charm offensive?

According to CNN, it is because he has been advised, by more than a few of the people he listens to, that making friends with the opposition party is the thing to do. Maybe, just maybe, he may find he likes it more than he first thought. Some have even speculated that former President Bill Clinton gave him the same advice when he and Hillary Clinton were dinning at the White House a few days ago.

all of it here
President Obama - To Trust Or Not To Trust Is The Question
No fucking way.
nothing about Obama I trust..He has blatantly lied to us over and over
links in article at site

By LD Jackson

It is a true thing for me to state the following. I do not trust President Obama to do the right thing for America. He is wont to throw his victories in the face of his enemies, telling them “I won”. Because of those victories, he has expected to bully his way into getting everything he wants from Congress. He managed to convince many Republicans to go along with a deal that increased taxes for many Americans. Following that, he went on another offensive of blaming the Republicans for the sequester. He huffed and puffed so much about the spending cuts that weren’t real spending cuts, I’m surprised he isn’t out of breath.

When President Obama was called out on his lies about the sequester, even by some of his friends in the media, he may have suddenly realized his tactics were not working this time. When the Republicans refused (finally) to cave on the sequester, allowing it to take affect on March 1, he immediately started quibbling and back tracking on the dire warnings he had issued for weeks.

When it became clear that the sequester was not going to equal to the sky falling on Washington and the rest of the country, President Obama is suddenly interested, or so he says, in a grand bargain with the Republicans in Congress. He has even went so far as to have dinner Wednesday night with 12 Republican Senators and invited Paul Ryan to the White House for lunch. I can not think of anything Obama would dislike more than having lunch with Paul Ryan. Tensions had to have been high, given the number of times Ryan has called the President out on his lies. Once, it was in a room full of their peers, right to Obama’s face. It had to be uncomfortable for the President, so why is he engaging in what the news organizations are calling Obama’s charm offensive?

According to CNN, it is because he has been advised, by more than a few of the people he listens to, that making friends with the opposition party is the thing to do. Maybe, just maybe, he may find he likes it more than he first thought. Some have even speculated that former President Bill Clinton gave him the same advice when he and Hillary Clinton were dinning at the White House a few days ago.

all of it here
President Obama - To Trust Or Not To Trust Is The Question

Did you trust Bush?
Did you trust Clinton?
Did you trust Bush Sr.?
Did you trust Reagan?

The last President I actually trusted implicitly was John Kennedy. However....I was only 14 years old when he died and didn't know much about the ways of the world.

But, I suppose your question should be qualified like this: Trust him with WHAT? Nobody in his right mind trusts anybody for everything all the time, so it must be asked just what you're talking about.

Did you trust Bush? After 9/11 no
Did you trust Clinton? after 94 NO
Did you trust Bush Sr.? after read my lips No.
obama September 17th 2004 hell no
Too many lies coming out of this White House to trust Obama. I feel very uneasy every time he opens his mouth.
A pathological liar such as Obama cannot go unnoticed for an extended time. Obama epitomizes lying. Harry and Nancy are not far behind.
Every politician I have ever know has a personal agenda. I am sure Obama has one as well. Do not trust any of them.
Every politician I have ever know has a personal agenda. I am sure Obama has one as well. Do not trust any of them.

I agree... to a certain point they all have one ! but oh boy! ... Obama takes the cake!:confused:
They ALL lie, but Obama is the worst.

He simply oesn't give a fuck about anybody but himself and his power.
To be perfectly honest I don't trust any politician. On either side ever. Nor any leader of any country.

They all lie.

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