President Obama: Zero tolerance on terrorist attacks

Why is it that Obama is given zero tolerance when a terrorist attack happens? Immediately after yesterday's attack we hear how Obama does not keep us safe, terrorists have no respect for Obama, he allows Muslims to do as they please

After the 9-11 attacks, the whole country rallied around the President. He was given unparalleled support after 3000 were killed in four attacks.

Bush was given a free pass....why is Obama held to a zero tolerance standard?

I would very much like to hear from our critics here how one stops lone-wolf attacks like yesterday.....any suggestions?
Why is it that Obama is given zero tolerance when a terrorist attack happens? Immediately after yesterday's attack we hear how Obama does not keep us safe, terrorists have no respect for Obama, he allows Muslims to do as they please

After the 9-11 attacks, the whole country rallied around the President. He was given unparalleled support after 3000 were killed in four attacks.

Bush was given a free pass....why is Obama held to a zero tolerance standard?

Maybe because he sticks up for them every chance he can. Maybe because he refuses to call a spade a spade. We know why that is tho don't we?
President Obama stuck up for that shooter? When did he do that?
When 4 Marines are killed under Obama, the right viciously attacks him for being incompetent

what exactly is he competent about.., other than his constant stream of lies ?

The Jerk Store called...........They are running out of YOU! :lmao:

Why is it that Obama is given zero tolerance when a terrorist attack happens? Immediately after yesterday's attack we hear how Obama does not keep us safe, terrorists have no respect for Obama, he allows Muslims to do as they please

After the 9-11 attacks, the whole country rallied around the President. He was given unparalleled support after 3000 were killed in four attacks.

Bush was given a free pass....why is Obama held to a zero tolerance standard?

I would very much like to hear from our critics here how one stops lone-wolf attacks like yesterday.....any suggestions?

be prepared for them helps
Why is it that Obama is given zero tolerance when a terrorist attack happens? Immediately after yesterday's attack we hear how Obama does not keep us safe, terrorists have no respect for Obama, he allows Muslims to do as they please

After the 9-11 attacks, the whole country rallied around the President. He was given unparalleled support after 3000 were killed in four attacks.

Bush was given a free pass....why is Obama held to a zero tolerance standard?

Maybe because he sticks up for them every chance he can. Maybe because he refuses to call a spade a spade. We know why that is tho don't we?
President Obama stuck up for that shooter? When did he do that?


does this answer your question ?

why do you defend a profuse liar ?

AlQaeda's on the run??? Has anybody told them yet???

They have actually spread to Syria, Tunisia, and other countries and have been growing stronger, so they must not have gotten the word.....
Because after 9-11 Bush went to war with the terrorist and confronted radical Islam where Obama is reluctant to do either. If he responds to this attack with something other than his standard talking points I will gladly rally behind him.
Because after 9/11, Bush went to war with the nation of Iraq, destroying its government, allowing radicals to come in and find a prime environment.
Why is it that Obama is given zero tolerance when a terrorist attack happens? Immediately after yesterday's attack we hear how Obama does not keep us safe, terrorists have no respect for Obama, he allows Muslims to do as they please

After the 9-11 attacks, the whole country rallied around the President. He was given unparalleled support after 3000 were killed in four attacks.

Bush was given a free pass....why is Obama held to a zero tolerance standard?

I would very much like to hear from our critics here how one stops lone-wolf attacks like yesterday.....any suggestions?
The reaction after 9-11 could Bush have stopped it?

Yet, Obama is expected to stop a moron with a gun from shooting up a storefront
Because after 9-11 Bush went to war with the terrorist and confronted radical Islam where Obama is reluctant to do either. If he responds to this attack with something other than his standard talking points I will gladly rally behind him.
Seems you have it backwards

Bush invaded a non terrorist country and gave up looking for bin laden

Obama took the fight to the terrorists wherever they were hiding and killed bin laden
Bush invaded Afghanistan and went after Al-Qaeda yes he also went into Iraq which was a mistake as I have acknowledged yes Obama got Bin Laden which I have given him credit for
now that we have covered the past on to the present. In the fight against ISIS the President has done next to nothing when ISIS first started making headlines he dismissed them as the JV when could no longer do that he took only minimal action against them just enough to say he was doing something but not enough to impact ISIS in a serious way that is a trend he continues to this day. If you want people to rally behind the President he is going to have to give them a reason to so far in the fight against ISIS he hasn't.
Because after 9-11 Bush went to war with the terrorist and confronted radical Islam where Obama is reluctant to do either. If he responds to this attack with something other than his standard talking points I will gladly rally behind him.
Because after 9/11, Bush went to war with the nation of Iraq, destroying its government, allowing radicals to come in and find a prime environment.
Really when Obama was bringing all the troops home from Iraq the administration was saying they had won the war and was leaving behind a stable democratic Iraq.
Because he likes to call Islamic terrorist attacks workplace violence.

Major Hasan still lives!
Why isn't it both? Or is there a problem holding both ideas in one's head at the same time?
Because Obama does believe Islamic terrorism exists. He sees workplace violence or crazy people perverting Islam...It can never be Islamic terror in his deluded mind....don't you agree?

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