President Obamaloney's "Foreign Policy Credentials" Collapsiing.


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Look for president Hussein Obama's poll numbers to stsrt taking a huge nosedive as the Cairo and Tripoli US Embassy sieges continue and Islamists burn and stomp American flags, while the so called "Democratically" elected Islamic leaders of these shitholes stand aside and watch our embassies burn. These are the fruits of the much advertised "Arab Spring" that this administration kept telling us about.

Bin Laden is dead and Obama had nothing to do with it (other than order the mission and take credit for it), and the economy has been in shambles for the last four years. Anybody who thinks we are better off than we were four years ago when this socialist bullshit artist took over has got to be on DRUGS.

It's time we set party affiliation aside and do what's best for the country!
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Obama should immediately put out a statement demanding that the Egyptian and Libyan governments apologize for the barbaric behavior of these extremists.
Obama should immediately put out a statement demanding that the Egyptian and Libyan governments apologize for the barbaric behavior of these extremists.
Oh but he did. His state dept put out a statement condemning a film the oppressed and persecuted Christian Copts of Egypt made about their plight, which supposedly set off the whole thing anyhow. Apparently, Hussein Obama thinks it "insulted Muslim sensitivities". The oppressed Christians of the Middle East according of course have no right to free speech and expression in this "new democracy", according to the state dept., because Muslims don't like to hear the truth about themselves and their religion, and Hussein Obama will always side with and apologize to Muslims, regardless of how barbaric and savage their behavior.
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Obama should immediately put out a statement demanding that the Egyptian and Libyan governments apologize for the barbaric behavior of these extremists.
Oh but he did. His state dept put out a statement condemning a film the oppressed and persecuted Christian Copts of Egypt made about their plight, which supposedly set off the whole thing anyhow. Apparently, Hussein Obama thinks it "insulted Muslim sensitivities". The oppressed Christians of the Middle East according of course have no right to free speech and expression in this "new democracy", according to the state dept., because Muslims don't like to hear the truth about themselves and their religion, and Hussein Obama will always side with and apologize to Muslims, regardless of how barbaric and savage their behavior.

Apparently the Obama administration has already put out a statement distancing itself from the idiotic message put out by the Embassy in Cairo. But the President must go much further and unequivocally condemn these attacks as barbaric and demand that Egypt and Libya apologize and pay compensation.
Oh but he did. His state dept put out a statement condemning a film the oppressed and persecuted Christian Copts of Egypt made about their plight, which supposedly set off the whole thing anyhow...
I HOPE that doesn't surprise anyone. It shouldn't given his predilection for going to the middle east and bowing and scraping before those who funded the 9/11 terrorist.
This is the time to stand up unequivocally for the basic US and Western values of freedom of speech and freedom of thought. Let's see if Obama will do this.
Obama should immediately put out a statement demanding that the Egyptian and Libyan governments apologize for the barbaric behavior of these extremists.
Oh but he did. His state dept put out a statement condemning a film the oppressed and persecuted Christian Copts of Egypt made about their plight, which supposedly set off the whole thing anyhow. Apparently, Hussein Obama thinks it "insulted Muslim sensitivities". The oppressed Christians of the Middle East according of course have no right to free speech and expression in this "new democracy", according to the state dept., because Muslims don't like to hear the truth about themselves and their religion, and Hussein Obama will always side with and apologize to Muslims, regardless of how barbaric and savage their behavior.

Apparently the Obama administration has already put out a statement distancing itself from the idiotic message put out by the Embassy in Cairo. But the President must go much further and unequivocally condemn these attacks as barbaric and demand that Egypt and Libya apologize and pay compensation.
Apparently this is yet another instance of "we were for God and Jerusalem"...before we were actually totally against it. <wink wink>.

Yes of course he's too busy to meet with Netanyahu. I think Netanyahu should address both houses of congress again, the country needs to hear what an asshole this president is, behind all the sugar coating and protection he gets from the media.
This is the time to stand up unequivocally for the basic US and Western values of freedom of speech and freedom of thought. Let's see if Obama will do this.
If he does, Art, it's only a matter of political expedience. He has long since abdicated his and more importantly...OUR credibility in the world through his actions.

So at this point, I don't give a crap what he does. I just hope our Republic can survive a man who can not bring himself to quote the words, "endowed by their creator" from our Declaration of Independence on 3 separate occasions, but will stand on the soil of full on oppressive theocracies and praise the followers of Islam as agents of peace!

He was done a long time ago in my mind!
This is the time to stand up unequivocally for the basic US and Western values of freedom of speech and freedom of thought. Let's see if Obama will do this.
If he does, Art, it's only a matter of political expedience. He has long since abdicated his and more importantly...OUR credibility in the world through his actions.

So at this point, I don't give a crap what he does. I just hope our Republic can survive a man who can not bring himself to quote the words, "endowed by their creator" from our Declaration of Independence on 3 separate occasions, but will stand on the soil of full on oppressive theocracies and praise the followers of Islam as agents of peace!

He was done a long time ago in my mind!
Well, woke up this morning to find out that the Islamist animals murdered the US Ambassador to Libya, and a few Embassy officials. All this while the new govt of Libya stood aside and OFFERED NO PROTECTION WHATSOEVER. This is the freedom and "Democracy" that Obama's Arab Spring has brought to the Middle East. And the thanks and gift the US gets on the anniversary of 9-11. President Hussein Obamaloney has brought more shame to this country than Carter. Carter created one Islamist Iran in 1979 while Obamaloney created 5 and counting.
the Obama Caliphate is nearly complete.




Obama should immediately put out a statement demanding that the Egyptian and Libyan governments apologize for the barbaric behavior of these extremists.

I'd find it a step forward for Cairo and Tripoli condemning the actions of the extremists. An expression of condolences for lives lost from Libya would be called for, no?
fist off, calling obama by his middle name first, is racist and it sudgests he is a person of middle easten decent or a person of islamic faith, neither is true. Also you are NOT looking at the other side. and another thing, he did release a statment, why would you want him to throw gas on the fire? its cause of fucking fools like you that vote in tea party EXTREAMESTS that insist on throwing our weight around all over the place that makes over a billion people hate us. how do you combat terrorsim? I dont think by committing terror back.
fist off, calling obama by his middle name first, is racist and it sudgests he is a person of middle easten decent or a person of islamic faith, neither is true. Also you are NOT looking at the other side. and another thing, he did release a statment, why would you want him to throw gas on the fire? its cause of fucking fools like you that vote in tea party EXTREAMESTS that insist on throwing our weight around all over the place that makes over a billion people hate us. how do you combat terrorsim? I dont think by committing terror back.
Obama watched his Muslim father face Mecca and pray five times a day. Why do you think he was given the middle name Hussein? And why did Obama change his name from Barry Soltero back to Barack HUSSIEN OBAMA, during his college years, if he doesn't somehow identify himself as a Muslim?

Yes, the other side of it is that HUSSIEN Obama has heralded a new age of Islamic radicalism in the Middle East, and has only EMBOLDENED the Islamists and those who wish to destroy America, by everything he has done. Hussien is Jimmy Carter on steroids.
fist off, calling obama by his middle name first, is racist and it sudgests he is a person of middle easten decent or a person of islamic faith, neither is true. Also you are NOT looking at the other side. and another thing, he did release a statment, why would you want him to throw gas on the fire? its cause of fucking fools like you that vote in tea party EXTREAMESTS that insist on throwing our weight around all over the place that makes over a billion people hate us. how do you combat terrorsim? I dont think by committing terror back.
Are you kidding Me?

What country is he President of, moron. He first berates people for the exercise of their first Amendment rights, AND ONLY AFTER THAT, does he say that there is no justification for violence.

Now, understand this well.

America, and America's President, have no need to apologize for the rights and freedoms we enjoy.

These followers of the false prophet are going ape-shit crazy over a slight to their religion. Essentially, they are saying, "Look at what you made us do by exercising your freedom!"

Obama's only legitimate response is to condemn the people who have done this, and to demand justice for our fallen Embassy staff.

Nothing more, nothing less.
fist off, calling obama by his middle name first, is racist and it sudgests he is a person of middle easten decent or a person of islamic faith, neither is true. Also you are NOT looking at the other side. and another thing, he did release a statment, why would you want him to throw gas on the fire? its cause of fucking fools like you that vote in tea party EXTREAMESTS that insist on throwing our weight around all over the place that makes over a billion people hate us. how do you combat terrorsim? I dont think by committing terror back.
Shadap Luke, or is it ABDUL?
fist off, calling obama by his middle name first, is racist and it sudgests he is a person of middle easten decent or a person of islamic faith, neither is true. Also you are NOT looking at the other side. and another thing, he did release a statment, why would you want him to throw gas on the fire? its cause of fucking fools like you that vote in tea party EXTREAMESTS that insist on throwing our weight around all over the place that makes over a billion people hate us. how do you combat terrorsim? I dont think by committing terror back.

Yes, we're all racists.. every last one of us.. ever since Obama was elected, the entire Conservative/Independent voter who questioned Obama all became a bunch of fuckin racists.. Feel better??????

Hussein code word for racist-- Add this one to the other 2,550 code words in the secret decoder liberal book for racism!

Ok, we're all set.. Thanks for letting all of us racists know the deal.. As soon as you figure out a new code word, shoot me an email.. I'll be certain to crucify myself and all the other 65 million or so racist Americans.

Gee, you're swell! Thanks so much! ~ With bigoted smooches..
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