President Obamaloney's "Foreign Policy Credentials" Collapsiing.

fist off, calling obama by his middle name first, is racist and it sudgests he is a person of middle easten decent or a person of islamic faith, neither is true. Also you are NOT looking at the other side. and another thing, he did release a statment, why would you want him to throw gas on the fire? its cause of fucking fools like you that vote in tea party EXTREAMESTS that insist on throwing our weight around all over the place that makes over a billion people hate us. how do you combat terrorsim? I dont think by committing terror back.
Obama watched his Muslim father face Mecca and pray five times a day. Why do you think he was given the middle name Hussein? And why did Obama change his name from Barry Soltero back to Barack HUSSIEN OBAMA, during his college years, if he doesn't somehow identify himself as a Muslim?

Yes, the other side of it is that HUSSIEN Obama has heralded a new age of Islamic radicalism in the Middle East, and has only EMBOLDENED the Islamists and those who wish to destroy America, by everything he has done. Hussien is Jimmy Carter on steroids.

I think you have fallen off the wagon and hit every stupid rock while tumbling. to start his father left when he was still unable to form any ideas as well as even remember him. Having your named changed to something your father NAMED YOU, is not un normal, infact its a pretty common thing. When a woman gets divorced she changes her name back. Also the Islamist movement was NOT ushered in by Obama, remember 9/11? remember the attacks in 94? remember the embassy attack in 79? remember the cole? there have been MANY apon MANY attacks agaisnt the west, since the US is seen as the "head" of the western allies, most attacks are directed at us. More over, if the united states was oppressed by sancations, invasions, incararation, bombings, do you really think we would take it either? Infact we have shown that we dont, after 9/11 muslims were being beaten in the streets of NY even though they were innocent, and as bad as it was that was after only ONE attack against the united states. Now reverst that, imagine your town was bombed and a school bus full of children including your own were killed, then multiply that x get the point.
President Obamaloney's "Foreign Policy Credentials" Collapsiing.

Until Mittens steps in it and looks not only un-presidential, but down right ignorant of what it takes to be CIC.
fist off, calling obama by his middle name first, is racist and it sudgests he is a person of middle easten decent or a person of islamic faith, neither is true. Also you are NOT looking at the other side. and another thing, he did release a statment, why would you want him to throw gas on the fire? its cause of fucking fools like you that vote in tea party EXTREAMESTS that insist on throwing our weight around all over the place that makes over a billion people hate us. how do you combat terrorsim? I dont think by committing terror back.
Shadap Luke, or is it ABDUL?

fuck you KKK, nazi, you are whats wrong with OUR country, fuck you
fist off, calling obama by his middle name first, is racist and it sudgests he is a person of middle easten decent or a person of islamic faith, neither is true. Also you are NOT looking at the other side. and another thing, he did release a statment, why would you want him to throw gas on the fire? its cause of fucking fools like you that vote in tea party EXTREAMESTS that insist on throwing our weight around all over the place that makes over a billion people hate us. how do you combat terrorsim? I dont think by committing terror back.
Obama watched his Muslim father face Mecca and pray five times a day. Why do you think he was given the middle name Hussein? And why did Obama change his name from Barry Soltero back to Barack HUSSIEN OBAMA, during his college years, if he doesn't somehow identify himself as a Muslim?

Yes, the other side of it is that HUSSIEN Obama has heralded a new age of Islamic radicalism in the Middle East, and has only EMBOLDENED the Islamists and those who wish to destroy America, by everything he has done. Hussien is Jimmy Carter on steroids.

I think you have fallen off the wagon and hit every stupid rock while tumbling. to start his father left when he was still unable to form any ideas as well as even remember him. Having your named changed to something your father NAMED YOU, is not un normal, infact its a pretty common thing. When a woman gets divorced she changes her name back. Also the Islamist movement was NOT ushered in by Obama, remember 9/11? remember the attacks in 94? remember the embassy attack in 79? remember the cole? there have been MANY apon MANY attacks agaisnt the west, since the US is seen as the "head" of the western allies, most attacks are directed at us. More over, if the united states was oppressed by sancations, invasions, incararation, bombings, do you really think we would take it either? Infact we have shown that we dont, after 9/11 muslims were being beaten in the streets of NY even though they were innocent, and as bad as it was that was after only ONE attack against the united states. Now reverst that, imagine your town was bombed and a school bus full of children including your own were killed, then multiply that x get the point.
No DOUCHEBAG, his LEGAL NAME ie the name on his Driver License and his college application was Barry Soltero. Why did he change it BACK to his Muslim name Barack HUSSIEN Obama? Any ideas?

Let's do a quick check on the countries that Hussien pulled the rug out from under the leaders' legs, that ISLAMISTS ARE NOW IN CHARGE: Egypt, Tunisia, Now the country's that HE SHOULD STAND UP TO, IE Iran, Syria, etc. Hussien Obama is "missing in action". As I said, this president is Jimmy Carter on steroids.
fist off, calling obama by his middle name first, is racist and it sudgests he is a person of middle easten decent or a person of islamic faith, neither is true. Also you are NOT looking at the other side. and another thing, he did release a statment, why would you want him to throw gas on the fire? its cause of fucking fools like you that vote in tea party EXTREAMESTS that insist on throwing our weight around all over the place that makes over a billion people hate us. how do you combat terrorsim? I dont think by committing terror back.
Shadap Luke, or is it ABDUL?

fuck you KKK, nazi, you are whats wrong with OUR country, fuck you
When confronted with the truth, the Nazis call other people Nazis.
Obama praised the Arab Spring. How's that working out for us now?

He's the most apallingly bad president the US has ever had the misfortune of experiencing.
Well, woke up this morning to find out that the Islamist animals murdered the US Ambassador to Libya, and a few Embassy officials. All this while the new govt of Libya stood aside and OFFERED NO PROTECTION WHATSOEVER. This is the freedom and "Democracy" that Obama's Arab Spring has brought to the Middle East. And the thanks and gift the US gets on the anniversary of 9-11. President Hussein Obamaloney has brought more shame to this country than Carter. Carter created one Islamist Iran in 1979 while Obamaloney created 5 and counting.

It is FAR worse than this guys. The Egyptian government KNEW this was going to happen on September 4...and did nothing. Worse yet OBAMA knew about the planned attacks on the embassies in both Egypt AND Libya and DID NOTHING!

Now either the daily security briefing that warned his cabinet about the attacks on the 11th anniversary of 9/11 didn't seem credible to the moron...OR it was on one of the days he DOESN'T SHOW UP to the daily security briefings!

The fool liberals have half dozen active threads claiming Bush should have stopped 9/11 because of some random intelligence about planned attacks, at some point, SOME where inside the continental US.

Yet here, Obama was given the exact date, place and times of the attacks that killed 4 and wounded dozens and he does NOTHING and the nut jobs on the left SAY NOTHING!

I guess Clint Eastwood had it exactly right. Obama really IS an empty chair!!!

fist off, calling obama by his middle name first, is racist and it sudgests he is a person of middle easten decent or a person of islamic faith, neither is true. Also you are NOT looking at the other side. and another thing, he did release a statment, why would you want him to throw gas on the fire? its cause of fucking fools like you that vote in tea party EXTREAMESTS that insist on throwing our weight around all over the place that makes over a billion people hate us. how do you combat terrorsim? I dont think by committing terror back.

Hey genius...Hussien is his funkin name. It's his middle name. I...go by my middle name. If he didn't like it, he should have left it off when he changed his name. But since he didn't...YOU are the only one offended by it. Cause I don't hear the word cracker or limey when my black friends call me by my middle name!

Which leads me to the conclusion that YOU are the racist since that is the FIRST place your mind goes!

And by the way, his name IS from the Islamic faith. His father WAS a Muslim...who was married to 3 other women besides Obama's momma at the same time...AND a socialist radical and the man from whom he got his dreams. Even wrote a damn book about it. What was the title of that book? Oh yeah, Dreams From My Father!

And just so you know, there is NO SUCH THING AS A TEA PARTY TO VOTE IN...MORON!

There are green party candidates, libertarian candidates...even socialist, independent, democrat and republican party candidates...but NO TEA Party candidates!

And next, let me ask you something genius. Obama went on his middle east apology tour, sent diplomats and consultants to work with the rebels in Egypt Tunisia and Libya to help guide the through the Arab Spring and kick out and KILL their former leaders. One of those people he sent was a fella named Chris Stevens. He did what Obama asked, was appointed Obama's Ambassador to Lybia and on 9/11/2012 Became the first US Ambassador SINCE 1979 TO BE KILLED IN SERVICE!!!

So, my question to you is, just what the FUCK did all Obama's ass kissin' and apologizing accomplish?


Obama is a dangerously naive ideologue who has led MILLIONS of Americans down the primrose path to poverty, lowered expectations, abject despair and made the world a more dangerous place!

His policies, both foreign and domestic are feckless and unfocused. His only accomplishments are things that the MAJORITY of Americans did not want and DO NOT AGREE WITH.

He is a man who did not meet with the republican leaders of the House or Senate for 2 YEARS, only shows up to the daily security briefings about half the time, refuses to meet with the leader of Israel on 2 different occasions unless he's shamed into it, blames Bush for his every failure...including a worsting economy when the recession OFFICIALLY ENDED in January of 2009 and then at the democrat convention, took credit for ending the Iraq war when all he did was live up to the level of force agreement negotiated and signed by Bush before he left office.

The man is a liar and failed president of an historic magnitude. I lived through Carter, Obama makes Carter look like a piker!

Dude, you liberals really are a train wreak!

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