President Obama's Leadership

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
The President has addressed two major issues that affect the world in front of the whole world at the UN. Definately a show of leadership.
The President has addressed two major issues that affect the world in front of the whole world at the UN. Definately a show of leadership.
this is a joke...., RIGHT, soooooooo,
:lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :up:
:dev3: .......:funnyface:...........:gives:...............:whip::fu:

:lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :up:
Yep, Romney made his 47% comment and threw any chance of the Presidency right out the window.

But he was wrong. 51% voted for President Obama. And our President will be remembered far more kindly by history than his predecessor.
The President has addressed two major issues that affect the world in front of the whole world at the UN. Definately a show of leadership.

Leadership would have been Obama telling the US that we needed to start a new air campaign to thwart a new threat known as ISIS/ISIL/DAAISH.

The President telling the US that he's going to respond to a catastrophic situation by ordering airstrikes on a group that has already gained power and territory due to demands by the allies being directly threatened is not leadership.
Congratulations. You are a member of Club 47%. :thup:
It was the 47% thing that did Romney in ... remember that speech? Obama was the only president since Eisenhower to win 51% twice.

Obama First Since Eisenhower to Win 51% of Vote Twice
Yeah, since Reagan got 50.8, 9.8 more than Carter in a three way race in 1980. Second term a laughable 58.8, more than 18 over Mondale. Reagan more than tripled Obama's margin in the first race alone.

Stats are funny.
Congratulations. You are a member of Club 47%. :thup:
It was the 47% thing that did Romney in ... remember that speech? Obama was the only president since Eisenhower to win 51% twice.

Obama First Since Eisenhower to Win 51% of Vote Twice
Yeah, since Reagan got 50.8, 9.8 more than Carter in a three way race in 1980. Second term a laughable 58.8, more than 18 over Mondale. Reagan more than tripled Obama's margin in the first race alone.

Stats are funny.
Reagan was the first president to sell arms to Arabs (the enemy). Stats on that also. He's still popular world wide but right keeps telling these lies and now you believe them also.

How the world sees Obama 8211 Global Public Square - Blogs
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The President has addressed two major issues that affect the world in front of the whole world at the UN. Definately a show of leadership.

Show of leadership? Perhaps, but not in the manner you infer.

It is instead more of a show of a dangerous narcissist in love with his own voice, a master teleprompter-reader, all to a rather sycophantic echo chamber.
Failure in Chief


Obama’s breathtaking naivete at the United Nations

Obama’s breathtaking naivete at the United Nations

President Barack Obama raises his glass to toast during a luncheon hosted by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2014, at the United Nations headquarters. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais) more >

By Joseph Curl - - Wednesday, September 24, 2014

President Obama on Wednesday delivered a speech at the United Nations filled with his usual soaring rhetoric of global collectivism and the importance of “international norms.” But the president also displayed a shocking naivete about global affairs, religion, Islam — a Pollyannaish interpretation on the state of the world and America’s role in it.

Read more: CURL Obama s breathtaking naivete at the United Nations - Washington Times
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Reagan was the first president to sell arms to Arabs (the enemy). Stats on that also. He's still popular world wide but right keeps telling these lies and now you believe them also.

How the world sees Obama 8211 Global Public Square - Blogs
Ignorant, just a hack or both?

Even before announcing this decision, Carter had made a virtual about-face on the arms export issue. In February 1978 he authorized the transfer of two hundred advanced combat aircraft to three countries in the Middle East—-supplying sixty F-15s to Saudi Arabia, fifty F-5Es to Egypt, and a combination of ninety F-15s and F-16s to Israel. Six months later he gave preliminary approval to the sale of another $12 billion worth of high-tech weaponry to Iran. Other major sales of this sort were announced in the final months of his administration.

Read more: Carter and reagan - Arms Transfers and Trade

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