President Trump and Melania did go to the Warsaw Ghetto Memorial


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
In another thread I was wrong. I beleived the only reason the President wouldn't attend the Ghetto Memorial had to be because of a scheduling conflict.

I spoke too soon. But then I was pissed off at the OP :).

They did attend and Melania gave an emotional speech.


Melania Trump delivered one of her most assured speeches to date on Thursday afternoon as she addressed a crowd in Warsaw after a day spent with her Polish counterpart visiting children at a local science center.

The First Lady appeared alongside President Trump at the Warsaw Uprising Monument, where she offered up some brief remarks before introducing her husband to the crowd.

Melania said at one point in her speech that 'people should be able to live their lives without fear' while standing beside the landmark which serves as a reminder of Poland's occupation by Nazi forces during World War II.

Read more: Melania Trump in hot pink dress at Poland science center | Daily Mail Online
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The Memorials are being confused. The Uprising Memorial is for fighters and civilian Poles who fought the Germans and had nothing to do with the Jewish Ghetto Rebellion. Two Memorials paying tribute to two different things. Trump skipped the one traditionally visited that pays tribute to the Jewish Ghetto Rebellion.
No biggie...

Jewish folk already know that Drumpf backs Israel...

Polish folk learned today - given surprisingly good speechwriting - that Drumpf backs Poland to the hilt...

The rest of Europe (NATO et al) learned today, that Drumpf is committed to preserving their civilization - our own ancestral one - against all comers...

Article 5 has been reaffirmed in unmistakable terms...

For once, the Orange Fellow had a decent day, and that on the opening of a European Grand Tour...

Assuming that he doesn't phukk it up with another in an endless series of off-the-wall 2:00 AM tweets...
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The Memorials are being confused. The Uprising Memorial is for fighters and civilian Poles who fought the Germans and had nothing to do with the Jewish Ghetto Rebellion. Two Memorials paying tribute to two different things. Trump skipped the one traditionally visited that pays tribute to the Jewish Ghetto Rebellion.
He spoke about it this said.
There are some interesting politics going on in regards to which monument was visited. The one that is normally visited and the President is being criticized for not visiting is the monument that pays tribute to the Jews who tried to rise up against the Germans. Not a good thing to always bring up. Kind of negative for the Germans and their past.

The monument that was visited this time by an American President is dedicated to the 1944 uprising and rebellion of Polish citizens and underground soldiers against the German occupiers of Warsaw. This was done as Russian Armies stood practically at the gates of Warsaw and not only refused to help, they actually prevented Allied aircraft from helping supply the Poles by refusing them permission to land in Russian controlled areas. The rebellion was crushed and Russia has always been blamed for sharing in the determination of that campaign and revolt. It made the conquering and occupation of Poland much easier for the Russians.
The world is so tired of the jewish memorial things. Nobody cares. Besides they profited quite handsomely as a result of WWII.
Some people think jews did not enlist in WWII, the Big One, but in fact some did. My father mentioned an incident that back when he was a Sergeant a card game the dudes were playing (while he was eating a steak brought in special for him) went bad in the barracks and a Southern dude beat the hell out of a jewish dude before they could break it up.
How is it we are attacking Jews because Trump did not visit the Warsaw Ghetto Memorial? Like it's their fault.
Some people think jews did not enlist in WWII, the Big One, but in fact some did. My father mentioned an incident that back when he was a Sergeant a card game the dudes were playing (while he was eating a steak brought in special for him) went bad in the barracks and a Southern dude beat the hell out of a jewish dude before they could break it up.
Some people are morons and racists. They signed up in huge numbers.

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