President Trump and the First lady sends best wishes from Iraq

Isn’t it strange that the press did not know that the President and First Lady left on Christmas Eve to go to Iraq?

Not strange at all.

They knew and they knew that if they spilled the news they wold never have access to the White House again.
Our President has spent very little time visiting our troops

A token visit to silence his critics
Isn’t it strange that the press did not know that the President and First Lady left on Christmas Eve to go to Iraq?

Simple, because they wanted to surprise US troops. CNN would have been reporting "Trump wastes money traveling on Christmas" had they known.
Isn’t it strange that the press did not know that the President and First Lady left on Christmas Eve to go to Iraq?
Yeah, because that's what they do in warzones. Full itinerary, ETAs, the lot. Helps security.

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Especially at this time of year it is nice to forget politics and feel good that the troops are being acknowledged in such manner.
Trumpo announced he won’t pull Troops out of Iraq. Putin is not deeply invested in Iraq so he must not have told Trumpo to get out Iraq?
Too bad cadet bone spurs waited until now to visit a war zone, Vietnam called first.

But he dodged the call.

As if you REALLY cared about that. Get over it.

I'm worried that those bone spurs might ache and old trumpy would have to see the doctor.

Hopefully, it doesn't rain and threaten to get his hair wet.

I'm worried that you may have access to a gun.

Well not worried, just hopeful that if you use it , it's only on yourself.

You're a flake, you don't worry because your base of intelligence doesn't include that.
Trump, first lady in Iraq for surprise visit with troops

Well done Mr Trump. I held no punches about you not going to see the front line troops, and I will applaud you for doing so.

What a very nice Christmas surprise for the troops.

Desperation to save his ass!

I am not going to fault for for whatever reasons he might have had.

The troops that are far from home truly appreciate this sort of thing, they do not care about his motivations so I will not either.

Why can we not just let a good thing be good thing...just this once.

It was a good thing - but Trump is just trying to divert attention to another shiny object and away from all the scandals surrounding him. His motives are self-serving political survival.
It was a good thing - but Trump is just trying to divert attention to another shiny object and away from all the scandals surrounding him. His motives are self-serving political survival.

No, that would be Scum-Willy firing cruise missiles at a Sudan aspirin factory to scare Monica into believing he was the baddest man on the planet, too scary to testify against.
It was a good thing - but Trump is just trying to divert attention to another shiny object and away from all the scandals surrounding him. His motives are self-serving political survival.

No, that would be Scum-Willy firing cruise missiles at a Sudan aspirin factory to scare Monica into believing he was the baddest man on the planet, too scary to testify against.

It is both Trump and Clifton and Bush II and Bush and Reagan and Obama....they are all the same
Trump has been very good to our military folk, his popularity among them speaks for itself.

There is no reason for us to be in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan…

No there isn't, time to bring our troops home! Actually way past time.
Would this make Melania the first First Lady to visit a combat zone?

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