President Trump can't allow this to happen.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
They're trying to cover for the deep state and what could be more telling than trying to railroad Michael Flynn in front of a Bill Clinton-appointed federal judge ?

Mr President, if you're listening, you need to stop this injustice.

The Justice Department rejected claims by retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn’s lawyers that the agency watchdog’s recent surveillance abuse report contained evidence that would justify dismissing the case against him.

Prosecutors argued on Wednesday that DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuse report bore “no relevance” to Flynn’s guilt.

'No relevance': DOJ says FISA report doesn’t justify dismissing Michael Flynn case
Is this another one of those threads, claiming the Lt Gen Flynn and his lawyers were too stupid to read or know what was in the confession/plea agreement, even signing away his right to appeal? I've met a lot of Generals. Flynn knew what he was confessing too. Not much sentence time involved. Why should anybody give a damn?
I always told my children never admit guilt when you know your are not guilty but that is what many attorneys encourage people to do to save long and drawn out court cases which are very costly. Knowing that corruption is at play it would be hard to judge another person's choices in such matters. If law enforcement and the courts were corrupt and you knew it and you know you don't have the money to fight them or an attorney at the time to stand with you you are truly left with few choices. God bless Michael Flynn for standing long enough to allow the reveal of the corruption at play in our current justice system.
I always told my children never admit guilt when you know your are not guilty but that is what many attorneys encourage people to do to save long and drawn out court cases which are very costly. Knowing that corruption is at play it would be hard to judge another person's choices in such matters. If law enforcement and the courts were corrupt and you knew it and you know you don't have the money to fight them or an attorney at the time to stand with you you are truly left with few choices. God bless Michael Flynn for standing long enough to allow the reveal of the corruption at play in our current justice system.
The double standard Comey, Brennan and all these clowns perpetrated between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump
should anger every American , left , right or center. Wrong is wrong
no matter how Chuck Todd and Don Lemon spin it.
I always told my children never admit guilt when you know your are not guilty but that is what many attorneys encourage people to do to save long and drawn out court cases which are very costly. Knowing that corruption is at play it would be hard to judge another person's choices in such matters. If law enforcement and the courts were corrupt and you knew it and you know you don't have the money to fight them or an attorney at the time to stand with you you are truly left with few choices. God bless Michael Flynn for standing long enough to allow the reveal of the corruption at play in our current justice system.
The double standard Comey, Brennan and all these clowns perpetrated between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump
should anger every American , left , right or center. Wrong is wrong
no matter how Chuck Todd and Don Lemon spin it.
I've seen too much corruption in courts and attorneys first hand to just make some off the wall judgment on someone; especially when it appears fishy on the surface. Courts and corrupt attorneys, etc. can break a person financially and it is very mentally taxing to to go through that type of crap, it tears apart family, business, etc...and as its happening the even more corrupt ones take every advantage possible while its all going down. I could write several books on just what we went through as people went after us for various reasons. One was a judge who played golf with my book keepers druggy husband while she was working a scam to embezzle $27,000.00 through creative accounting in my books. The judge got the prosecutor to dream up bogus charges. Hell, the SOB even filed a warrant for my arrest on a fraudulent charge. That whole mess took years to get through and it took a heavy toll on our family and finances. Years later another person whose family suffered at the hands of that unconstitutional bastard came to me an asked if I would help get the guy off the bench. I thought it over and knowing my family would never have to stand in front of him again and if I didn't how many more would suffer I agreed to help. Talk about a shit storm that pissed off a hell of a lot of Democrats and his crook supporters. We would feel the effects of all of that later on even though I walked away from a multi-million dollar business and moved with Rod 1,300 miles away. I was simply fed up with all the bs and walked away. Anyhow, lotz more to everything than most could or would ever dream of or experience.
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It's a cold assed February day outside...

... the wind is colder n' a well digger's ass...

... another typical February day in Kentucky...

... we all gonna die.
They're trying to cover for the deep state and what could be more telling than trying to railroad Michael Flynn in front of a Bill Clinton-appointed federal judge ?

Mr President, if you're listening, you need to stop this injustice.

The Justice Department rejected claims by retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn’s lawyers that the agency watchdog’s recent surveillance abuse report contained evidence that would justify dismissing the case against him.

Prosecutors argued on Wednesday that DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuse report bore “no relevance” to Flynn’s guilt.

'No relevance': DOJ says FISA report doesn’t justify dismissing Michael Flynn case

It is illegal for the President to interfere in a case currently before the courts.

That said. General Flynn has been in government all of his working life. As an Army General, he knew that all calls going into and out of the Russian Embassy are monitored by the FBI, so he must have known that the FBI already had a transcript of that call. He also knew that lying to the FBI is a felony.

So how stupid did Flynn have to be to lie to the FBI? Not only did he lie to the FBI, but he took a several payments from Russia and Turkey, and was still acting as an agent for Turkey, even after he agreed to be NSA.

Trump surrounds himself with criminals because decent honest people won't work for him. There is no "Deep State". This is a made up excuse for Trump to fire people who have served their country throughout their adult lives. The peole he calls "Deep State" and "never Trumpers" are all people HE hired. Fiona Hill worked for John Bolton. It's hard to imagine anyone who isn't far right wing taking a job with Bolton, or that he would hire someone who didn't have the countries best interests at heart.

Now Trump wants Bolton charged. Bolton committed no crimes. But Flynn and Stone did, and he wants them to go free.
It's a cold assed February day outside...

... the wind is colder n' a well digger's ass...

... another typical February day in Kentucky...

... we all gonna die.
Nah, even Musky the duck who refuses to go in the duck house seems to be surviving it all out there in her lonely lil box.
Sunny 5°
8° to -7°
NNW 12 mph humidity 57%

What's colder 'a well digger's ass' or a 'witches tit'?

Many in DOJ and/or their contract firms are corrupt as can be!
Under NDA's too, including many media figures.
Operation Mockingbird never went away.
I've seen some videos similar previously. Rod keeps up on what's new and generally has at least two or three videos every day now for me to watch. I generally just tell him give me the scoop and jest of it all or I'd be up 24/7 trying to keep up on all of it.
It is illegal for the President to interfere in a case currently before the courts.
I'm telling you right now, if General Flynn spends one night in jail over this, the president will pardon him. You guys can fight it all the way to the SCOTUS if you dare.

Pardons cannot be granted until the sentence is served.

You keep acting like these people didn't plead guilty, or weren't convicted in jury trials. There were grand jury indictments, a jury trial, or in Flynn's case, a guilty plea.

In Flynn's case, they could have charged him with failing to register as an agent of a foreign government, taking payments from foreign governments within 2 years of leaving the military, and a host of other crimes. They ALLOWED him to plead guilty to the lesser crime of lying to the FBI, under a promise to cooperate with their investigations, and then he renegged on that promise.

Throw the bum in jail, and leave him there.
It is illegal for the President to interfere in a case currently before the courts.
I'm telling you right now, if General Flynn spends one night in jail over this, the president will pardon him. You guys can fight it all the way to the SCOTUS if you dare.
We can hope so.
Still a lot we won't know until the Durham investigation wraps up, but also what we don't know is how
much the CIA is cooperating, keeping in mind Gina Haspel's probable involvement. She was in London at the time communications were going on with Christopher Steele, which means she's likely covering for Brennan among others.

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