President Trump Drawing HUGE Support Today!

Aren't you a nice piece of shit.
You've got some anger issues son.
Republicans are racist. Get over it.
And how is that going? How still the president? Is everybody still singing Kum by yah? Oh how lovely.
Gorge yourselves on memories son.

That TDS is just still burning, huh?

Have you considered special Preparation H for massive butt hurt?
View attachment 510008

Wow. It must take amazing TDS to be able to find and compile a set of photos like that! I've never seen such displays!

Oh wait. Yeah. More specifically, I've yet to see one truck, one ship, one boat, one plane, one store or fan carrying or displaying ANY kind of pro-Biddum flags, pictures or gear!

Even VP Harris isn't a Biddum supporter! She is just a Biddum putter-upper, while Dr. Jill is a Biddum cleaner-upper. :71:

What you find at Joe Dufus rallies are Hammer and Sickle and Queer flags. Sometimes Mexico flags.

I just did a search for Trump gear and got nearly 22 million hits.

View attachment 510012

I just tried doing a similar search for Biddum gear and my browser came back:


So I expanded my search to include all Biddum and Harris gear and got back three manufactures of bevel and helical gears! :smoke:
Yep. Trump never passes up a chance to scam his supporters. His latest fund raising scam is suing social networks that banned him. No chance for him to win, but he'll make a fortune from new donations.

Get over yourself. You're a fucking moron. And learn to think for yourself instead of parroting Democrat nonsense talking points
View attachment 510292

BULLCRAP: No I'm not, kaz, YOU are.

Classic, that's your response to that you're just parroting Democrat talking points and coming up with nothing on our own. I'm not, kaz, you are!

Too funny. Well, I guess your eight year old playground response is better than your parroting content that isn't even yours, fucking racist. Then again, even that wasn't your response, you copied it from the internet
Are you trying to say that isn't an accurate quote?

I addressed it already, fucking racist moron
No you didn't, you coward.

I just did a search for Trump gear and got nearly 22 million hits.

View attachment 510012

I just tried doing a similar search for Biddum gear and my browser came back:


So I expanded my search to include all Biddum and Harris gear and got back three manufactures of bevel and helical gears! :smoke:
Yep. Trump never passes up a chance to scam his supporters. His latest fund raising scam is suing social networks that banned him. No chance for him to win, but he'll make a fortune from new donations.
Trump is suing on behalf of every republican. You would sue if you were no longer allowed to loot the Walmart
Wow. That was pretty goofy.
Goofy is the democraps saying that the republicans are defunding the police. You and all of your friends are wacked out of your minds
it wasnt "democraps", it was Chris Wallace

Chris Wallace: the democrapiest of them all.

Wallace is a despicable piece of shit the way he treated Trump in the debate and the stupid TDS afflicted crap he said about Trump on air.

We don't watch Fox any more and won't until they fire the sonofabitch.

Chris Wallace is a piece of shit for sure and he never acknowledged that he asked Trump the same question in 2016 and Trump immediately and fully condemned white supremacy and white supremacist groups. Wallace also didn't acknowledge that Trump repeatedly condemned them in 2020. He made it sound like he didn't.

It was obvious what Wallace was doing and what his partisan Democrat bias is
you kidding, thats where Trump made his famous "standy by stand back".

also, Chris Wallace is hardly liberal. case in point is when he pointed out the gentle treatment from media. Also grilled john kerry on syria.

When has the media ever asked Joe Biden to denounce: China, George Soros, socialism, CRT, BLM or Antifa?

The Left media doesn't even have the courage or moral clarity to grill Joe Dufus about selling out his country to foreign interest.
The reason is that its impossible to grill someone about something that doesnt exist.
Biden has ramped up the trade pressure on China, and is selling arms to Taiwan.
Yet gettr is funded by chinese billionare.

You are confused Moon Bat. The Joe Dufus family received billions of dollars from foreign interest and his record of weak "give away the store" foreign policy is the price Americans pay for the corruption. No wonder the Chinese were so damn happy when Dufus stole the election. Their man was in the White House. They remember the days when The Worthless Negro/Joe Dufus administration had weak trade deals, significant technology transfers and a weak American military. They are looking forward to more of the same and they are getting it.

Iran is also happy as horseshit and we have yet to find out what the Ukrainians are going to get for their $80K a months payment to the Hunter cocaine addict.
you must have been listening to Trump's lies, there is no evidence of Biden ties to China.
Biden is no friend of Iran either, he airstriked Iran's militias on the syrian border.
Yes. Your a dickhead. Probably a godbotberer also.

Can you give me a subject? You're such a racist.

You racist morons don't grasp hitting quote. You have to COPY THE QUOTE YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT so people know what the fuck you're talking about, fucking racist.

You racists just hit reply with mention and assume everyone memorized the discussion

I just did a search for Trump gear and got nearly 22 million hits.

View attachment 510012

I just tried doing a similar search for Biddum gear and my browser came back:


So I expanded my search to include all Biddum and Harris gear and got back three manufactures of bevel and helical gears! :smoke:
Yep. Trump never passes up a chance to scam his supporters. His latest fund raising scam is suing social networks that banned him. No chance for him to win, but he'll make a fortune from new donations.
Trump is suing on behalf of every republican. You would sue if you were no longer allowed to loot the Walmart
Wow. That was pretty goofy.
Goofy is the democraps saying that the republicans are defunding the police. You and all of your friends are wacked out of your minds
it wasnt "democraps", it was Chris Wallace

Chris Wallace: the democrapiest of them all.

Wallace is a despicable piece of shit the way he treated Trump in the debate and the stupid TDS afflicted crap he said about Trump on air.

We don't watch Fox any more and won't until they fire the sonofabitch.

Chris Wallace is a piece of shit for sure and he never acknowledged that he asked Trump the same question in 2016 and Trump immediately and fully condemned white supremacy and white supremacist groups. Wallace also didn't acknowledge that Trump repeatedly condemned them in 2020. He made it sound like he didn't.

It was obvious what Wallace was doing and what his partisan Democrat bias is
you kidding, thats where Trump made his famous "standy by stand back".

also, Chris Wallace is hardly liberal. case in point is when he pointed out the gentle treatment from media. Also grilled john kerry on syria.

When has the media ever asked Joe Biden to denounce: China, George Soros, socialism, CRT, BLM or Antifa?

The Left media doesn't even have the courage or moral clarity to grill Joe Dufus about selling out his country to foreign interest.
The reason is that its impossible to grill someone about something that doesnt exist.
Biden has ramped up the trade pressure on China, and is selling arms to Taiwan.
Yet gettr is funded by chinese billionare.

You are confused Moon Bat. The Joe Dufus family received billions of dollars from foreign interest and his record of weak "give away the store" foreign policy is the price Americans pay for the corruption. No wonder the Chinese were so damn happy when Dufus stole the election. Their man was in the White House. They remember the days when The Worthless Negro/Joe Dufus administration had weak trade deals, significant technology transfers and a weak American military. They are looking forward to more of the same and they are getting it.

Iran is also happy as horseshit and we have yet to find out what the Ukrainians are going to get for their $80K a months payment to the Hunter cocaine addict.
you must have been listening to Trump's lies, there is no evidence of Biden ties to China.
Biden is no friend of Iran either, he airstriked Iran's militias on the syrian border.
Yes Hunter if you say so, but do try to lay off the chinese crack before you post
  • Funny
Reactions: kaz

That TDS is just still burning, huh?

Have you considered special Preparation H for massive butt hurt?
View attachment 510008

Wow. It must take amazing TDS to be able to find and compile a set of photos like that! I've never seen such displays!

Oh wait. Yeah. More specifically, I've yet to see one truck, one ship, one boat, one plane, one store or fan carrying or displaying ANY kind of pro-Biddum flags, pictures or gear!

Even VP Harris isn't a Biddum supporter! She is just a Biddum putter-upper, while Dr. Jill is a Biddum cleaner-upper. :71:

What you find at Joe Dufus rallies are Hammer and Sickle and Queer flags. Sometimes Mexico flags.

I just did a search for Trump gear and got nearly 22 million hits.

View attachment 510012

I just tried doing a similar search for Biddum gear and my browser came back:


So I expanded my search to include all Biddum and Harris gear and got back three manufactures of bevel and helical gears! :smoke:
Yep. Trump never passes up a chance to scam his supporters. His latest fund raising scam is suing social networks that banned him. No chance for him to win, but he'll make a fortune from new donations.

Get over yourself. You're a fucking moron. And learn to think for yourself instead of parroting Democrat nonsense talking points
View attachment 510292

BULLCRAP: No I'm not, kaz, YOU are.

Classic, that's your response to that you're just parroting Democrat talking points and coming up with nothing on our own. I'm not, kaz, you are!

Too funny. Well, I guess your eight year old playground response is better than your parroting content that isn't even yours, fucking racist. Then again, even that wasn't your response, you copied it from the internet
Are you trying to say that isn't an accurate quote?

I addressed it already, fucking racist moron
No you didn't, you coward.

Go back to what you said and address my response, racist nut job.

You really aren't following the discussion, are you? I'm not surprised, but it's kind of sad
you kidding, thats where Trump made his famous "standy by stand back".

also, Chris Wallace is hardly liberal. case in point is when he pointed out the gentle treatment from media. Also grilled john kerry on syria.

When has the media ever asked Joe Biden to denounce: China, George Soros, socialism, CRT, BLM or Antifa?

The Left media doesn't even have the courage or moral clarity to grill Joe Dufus about selling out his country to foreign interest.
The reason is that its impossible to grill someone about something that doesnt exist.
Biden has ramped up the trade pressure on China, and is selling arms to Taiwan.
Yet gettr is funded by chinese billionare.

You are confused Moon Bat. The Joe Dufus family received billions of dollars from foreign interest and his record of weak "give away the store" foreign policy is the price Americans pay for the corruption. No wonder the Chinese were so damn happy when Dufus stole the election. Their man was in the White House. They remember the days when The Worthless Negro/Joe Dufus administration had weak trade deals, significant technology transfers and a weak American military. They are looking forward to more of the same and they are getting it.

Iran is also happy as horseshit and we have yet to find out what the Ukrainians are going to get for their $80K a months payment to the Hunter cocaine addict.
you must have been listening to Trump's lies, there is no evidence of Biden ties to China.
Biden is no friend of Iran either, he airstriked Iran's militias on the syrian border.

Again, when you lie about what Trump said, that doesn't make Trump the liar, it makes you the liar, DaSchmuck.

Note yet again you can't condemn white supremacy because you are a white supremacist
Concentrate on justifying being a dickhead. I'm not interested in protocol regardless how it upsets you.
It's not as if you are an intellectual mountain or a wall full of diplomas.
You're just another brain dead hate filled Republican. Probably a delusional godbotherer also.

Are there any parts of that you aren't clear about.
Concentrate on justifying being a dickhead. I'm not interested in protocol regardless how it upsets you.
It's not as if you are an intellectual mountain or a wall full of diplomas.
You're just another brain dead hate filled Republican. Probably a delusional godbotherer also.

Are there any parts of that you aren't clear about.
Colin's asshole makes a howling sound when he has his back to the wind .
You're so funny you could make concrete smile.
Keep working on that because you don't have any options for anything intellectually.
Rambunctious LOL! Are you in Arkansas or Mississippi drowning in Covid? Idiots for Trump.
No I'm in AZ watching the audit that's about to turn the state to Trump.....
Im also in Arizona and I see the republicans with a kot of explaining to do. No affect on the 2020 election and this cost how much?
No price is too high to ensure our elections are fair and free of fraud....the people must have confidence in the way we select our leaders....if the outcome was reversed you would be saying the same thing...they are only auditing one county because they had more ballots than registered the thousands....
Rambunctious LOL! Are you in Arkansas or Mississippi drowning in Covid? Idiots for Trump.
No I'm in AZ watching the audit that's about to turn the state to Trump.....
Im also in Arizona and I see the republicans with a kot of explaining to do. No affect on the 2020 election and this cost how much?
No price is too high to ensure our elections are fair and free of fraud....the people must have confidence in the way we select our leaders....if the outcome was reversed you would be saying the same thing...they are only auditing one county because they had more ballots than registered the thousands....
You're not going to trust anything unless it agrees with you, be real. You dolts have been trained for this for years.

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