President Trump erupts: 1st time kneeling, out for game. 2nd time kneeling, out for season/no pay!

He's trying to revive the kneeling issue so that he can deflect attention from what he did at Helsinki.

Bullshit! It was a Tennessee Titans player that said he would kneel and pay the fine. Trump had nothing to do with the issue being brought up. Educate yourself!
Trump is trying to divert attention away from his embarrassing performance in front of Putin
He's trying to revive the kneeling issue so that he can deflect attention from what he did at Helsinki.

Bullshit! It was a Tennessee Titans player that said he would kneel and pay the fine. Trump had nothing to do with the issue being brought up. Educate yourself!
Trump is trying to divert attention away from his embarrassing performance in front of Putin
No doubt about it.

And one other thing, what is the difference between a player and me sitting or standing when I happen to walk by the T.V., seeing that a football game is about to come on, hear the national anthem, and I, neither kneel or stand for it, but decide to sit on the couch, because my tax dollars went to something I don't care about or want? Do I get fined too? Seeing that I'm paying for it, why can't I watch the players Kneel? I just protested the game by sitting down on the couch, so how come the player I'm paying for doesn't get to kneel in protest, because of a racially charged justice system?
Looks like a violation of the 1st amendment to me?

Nope. A violation of 1st Amendment more closely looks like people being denied the right to accept an invitation to speak on campus, or being denied the right to have a pleasant night at the theater or restaurant with their family purely because they don't parrot the leftist line. Stuff like that.

A football organization setting the standards of what is expected of its employees/players is not only within the spirit of the Constitution, but in my opinion is the civic duty of management. And the football organization that chooses not to insult the majority of its fans and chooses not to set a terrible example for the kids it should be role models for will get the Good Housekeeping Stamp of Approval from tens of millions of us.

Those who don't will continue to earn contempt from us as well as lose advertisers, fans, and respect.
The real violation here, is the fact that I never willfully decided to make players and coaches well off through my tax dollars, by creating a socialist football program to enriches others. And since I have a stake in this program, and not by choice by the way, my first amendment rights are being violated. The "spirit of the Constitution" applies to those socialized programs I do not care for, that I am mandated to pay for. Remember the Obamacare mandate that was taken out because of protest? Same thing applies here;

I do not deny that the central government does many things that would have the Founders rolling in their graves and which the Founders would see as constitutionally illegal and violations of the Bill of Rights.

However, none of that applies to privately owned sporting organizations and how those organizations are run when tax dollars or government authority are not issues. You, I, anybody else, even the President, has a First Amendment right to express their personal opinions about that and/or disagree with anybody else's opinion about that.
Looks like a violation of the 1st amendment to me?

Nope. A violation of 1st Amendment more closely looks like people being denied the right to accept an invitation to speak on campus, or being denied the right to have a pleasant night at the theater or restaurant with their family purely because they don't parrot the leftist line. Stuff like that.

A football organization setting the standards of what is expected of its employees/players is not only within the spirit of the Constitution, but in my opinion is the civic duty of management. And the football organization that chooses not to insult the majority of its fans and chooses not to set a terrible example for the kids it should be role models for will get the Good Housekeeping Stamp of Approval from tens of millions of us.

Those who don't will continue to earn contempt from us as well as lose advertisers, fans, and respect.
The real violation here, is the fact that I never willfully decided to make players and coaches well off through my tax dollars, by creating a socialist football program to enriches others. And since I have a stake in this program, and not by choice by the way, my first amendment rights are being violated. The "spirit of the Constitution" applies to those socialized programs I do not care for, that I am mandated to pay for. Remember the Obamacare mandate that was taken out because of protest? Same thing applies here;

I do not deny that the central government does many things that would have the Founders rolling in their graves and which the Founders would see as constitutionally illegal and violations of the Bill of Rights.

However, none of that applies to privately owned sporting organizations and how those organizations are run when tax dollars or government authority are not issues. You, I, anybody else, even the President, has a First Amendment right to express their personal opinions about that and/or disagree with anybody else's opinion about that.

Except Football is paid for with our tax dollars. I have a say. "PERIOD"! Trump works for us, not the other way around. Trump has his opinion, and I have mine. And, it is as valid as his. The Constitution tells us that. He is not a king. Remember that.
With all the shit going on in the world this is the shit people get worked up about.
What happened to the 1st amendment ? And why bring patriotism crap to sports qnd entertainment ? I dont fo to an even to stand up for the anthem and be remember about wars and Putin. The orange tries and pass aa a patriot that he is not, he is a fucking traitor.
Looks like a violation of the 1st amendment to me?

Nope. A violation of 1st Amendment more closely looks like people being denied the right to accept an invitation to speak on campus, or being denied the right to have a pleasant night at the theater or restaurant with their family purely because they don't parrot the leftist line. Stuff like that.

A football organization setting the standards of what is expected of its employees/players is not only within the spirit of the Constitution, but in my opinion is the civic duty of management. And the football organization that chooses not to insult the majority of its fans and chooses not to set a terrible example for the kids it should be role models for will get the Good Housekeeping Stamp of Approval from tens of millions of us.

Those who don't will continue to earn contempt from us as well as lose advertisers, fans, and respect.
The real violation here, is the fact that I never willfully decided to make players and coaches well off through my tax dollars, by creating a socialist football program to enriches others. And since I have a stake in this program, and not by choice by the way, my first amendment rights are being violated. The "spirit of the Constitution" applies to those socialized programs I do not care for, that I am mandated to pay for. Remember the Obamacare mandate that was taken out because of protest? Same thing applies here;

I do not deny that the central government does many things that would have the Founders rolling in their graves and which the Founders would see as constitutionally illegal and violations of the Bill of Rights.

However, none of that applies to privately owned sporting organizations and how those organizations are run when tax dollars or government authority are not issues. You, I, anybody else, even the President, has a First Amendment right to express their personal opinions about that and/or disagree with anybody else's opinion about that.

Except Football is paid for with our tax dollars. I have a say. "PERIOD"! Trump works for us, not the other way around. Trump has his opinion, and I have mine. And, it is as valid as his. The Constitution tells us that. He is not a king. Remember that.

Tax payers pay for football? They do get tax breaks most businesses don't get, but I am unaware of any subsidies going to the NFL. And President Trump is being a 'king' by expressing his opinion about kneeling players any more than any of us are. He is issuing no executive orders; pushing no legislation. He says how he feels about it. And that's that.
trump lies and this is just another deflection from his lies...dont fall for kneeling is a minor issue compared to his love of russia...his selling out of americans...the list just goes on and on
trump saying what he feels can have major impact on businesses and people....he should try to be a bit less immature and realize he is leading this country
The NFL is going to bleed support this season because these players want the Nat'l Anthem to be a platform for their politics rather than a simple part of the game where they can show some appreciation or, at the very least, just be paid to do a job.

So that's fine, Americans will speak back, as they did last year. But this years we will speak back even more forcefully like we have been speaking back to Hollywood: by withholding our $$$$$. And that is a language that rich Leftists understand all too well.
Looks like a violation of the 1st amendment to me?
The NFL is a private organization and like any other business they can enact certain standards that employees have to follow.
The NFL is actually a tax payer funded organization
Looks like a violation of the 1st amendment to me?
The NFL is a private organization and like any other business they can enact certain standards that employees have to follow.
The NFL is a taxpayer paid Socialist program operating tax free. Why should those getting paid with my tax dollars have to be subjected to standing for the national anthem, because of the past and current injustices in our criminal justice system? Especially when no one asked me if I wanted to pay for football players, stadiums, coaches, and their owners to begin with? Since I am forcefully mandated to pay for well off players, stadiums, and coaches, where is my say in all of this? Trump works for us, we don't work for him. And since my taxpayer dollars go to them, I say they have that right.

I'm curious as to how much money a NFL team brings to the local economy ? Is it more than the tax breaks they get ? Only a socialist thinks tax breaks are stealing from the tax payer.
Sounds good
This “look at me I’m protesting a non existent situation and sticking it in your face and wallet” is not what we go to games for. Retire, buy a car wash and kneel down in front of that

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