President Trump is the Only US President of the 21st Century....

Trump was the only US President to do a lot of things

Be Impeached TWICE
Never win the popular vote
Attack the Capitol
Refuse the peaceful transfer of power
Refuse to concede

Guess you could call it an Historic Presidency
You can't deal or debate the truth. Your lies are exposed constantly, so you run from accountability with excuses.
Pot, meet kettle.


Instead you want to use the thread to attack the messenger
What is the documented failure? Gas prices? Inflation? Biden has nothing to do with it. The Movement To Stick Inflation Blame On Biden
It's all on Biden with his war on gas. All Biden would have to do is open federal lands back up for drilling and start approving the permits on the books. The prices on everything will start to go down. Just wait till people see increase in consumer goods when this gas increase hits them. Until Biden starts doing that, it's all on him.
Trump was the only US President to do a lot of things

Be Impeached TWICE
Never win the popular vote
Attack the Capitol
Refuse the peaceful transfer of power
Refuse to concede

Guess you could call it an Historic Presidency
Lol, Biden will be impeached and most likely run out of Washington next year.
....Under whose watch Russia did not invade another country

Btw, I can now post raw youtube links again

View attachment 615035

I noticed your video left out key elements as to why Putin did not invade Ukraine at the time;

Why would Putin invade, when the two had business deals together? It's all about money and power. Trump had no diplomatic policies with Russia. He didn't need to. They were in bed with each other. It's why Team Trump got caught colluding with Russia.
It's all on Biden with his war on gas. All Biden would have to do is open federal lands back up for drilling and start approving the permits on the books. The prices on everything will start to go down. Just wait till people see increase in consumer goods when this gas increase hits them. Until Biden starts doing that, it's all on him.
There is no such thing. Biden has a war to protect the environment, as all people should. He has nothing to do with gas prices or their ability to drill. I've presented numerous links explaining this. It's your problem if your willful ignorance and stupidity get in the way.
It's all on Biden with his war on gas. All Biden would have to do is open federal lands back up for drilling and start approving the permits on the books. The prices on everything will start to go down. Just wait till people see increase in consumer goods when this gas increase hits them. Until Biden starts doing that, it's all on him.
There has to be an environmental impact study done first..
No there wasn't Hillary started it, but of course none of the deep state will pay for their crimes. She will when she dies, the devil doesn't want competition.
Dude, do you have vegetables growing out of your skull. Debate, show us something to argue about. You only talk shit. You've made no argument dumbass.
I noticed your video left out key elements as to why Putin did not invade Ukraine at the time;

Why would Putin invade, when the two had business deals together? It's all about money and power. Trump had no diplomatic policies with Russia. He didn't need to. They were in bed with each other. It's why Team Trump got caught colluding with Russia.
Why did Biden do away with Trump's sanctions? Why did Biden personally go to the house floor and plead against putting the sanctions back on Russia? The only president to ever do that.
Trump was the only US President to do a lot of things

Be Impeached TWICE
Never win the popular vote
Attack the Capitol
Refuse the peaceful transfer of power
Refuse to concede

Guess you could call it an Historic Presidency

You do know that Biden and Harris will both be impeached next year, at least twice each, if the GOP can take the House? It isn't going to be a long lasting record.
You do know that Biden and Harris will both be impeached next year, at least twice each, if the GOP can take the House? It isn't going to be a long lasting record.
They've committed no impeachable offenses.
No there wasn't Hillary started it, but of course none of the deep state will pay for their crimes. She will when she dies, the devil doesn't want competition.
There is no such thing as a Deep State. You are a liar.
There has to be an environmental impact study done first..
Nothing happened under Trump on it. Anyway global warming is another liberal lie. The world has been predicted to be gone multiple times and we passed those dates and nothing. Anyway your green energy pollutes the earth way more than fossil fuels.
Nothing happened under Trump on it. Anyway global warming is another liberal lie. The world has been predicted to be gone multiple times and we passed those dates and nothing. Anyway your green energy pollutes the earth way more than fossil fuels.
Why did Trump have to do an environmental impact on Keystone XL when he wanted it started in his fourth year? I don't make the rules I consume the products, as far as oil or green I don't care, so shove you propaganda up yer ass.
There is no such thing as a Deep State. You are a liar.
You keep believing that, multiple crimes in Washington, but they all look the other way. Unless you're Trump, which isn't in the club. That's why they are still trying to destroy him.

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