President Trump just filed a lawsuit against Hillary over the "Russian Collusion" allegations

I would. If you can't say, that reveals there is none.


When it is appropriate for a peon, such as you, to know anything, you will. Till then, enjoy the not knowing.

Translation: there's been no progress whatsoever

I already knew that, dumbfuck.


No, you don't. You're a know nothing peon. You have no right, nor ability, to know anything at all.

I know you couldn't show an ounce of progress in that case.


Why would anyone share information with a twit, like you.

lol :p

I keep referencing the grand liberal delusion (which is they can somehow change human nature through legislation) -

But this ^^^ may be the equivalent rightie delusion, that one can somehow separate the collective from the individual.

Righties tend to be polite civilized people, they're mostly the opposite of in-your-face (with rare exceptions), and they don't like to diss individuals for their party's idiotic ideas.

Me, I've gone quite the other way. I can't have a political discussion in public without some jackass accusing me of being a Trump lover, and then it's a short step from there to racist and all the rest. So, I've become very proactive at the individual level. I will not hesitate to make an example out of someone in public.

The last time, I was standing in line at a restaurant, back when it was outdoor-only and we all had to wear masks, and we struck up a discussion about the masks with the next people in line. So this young teenage girl who's like three couples down in line, walks back and starts ragging on me for being a Trumpie, and the minute she uttered the word "racist" I said okay that's it you're toast. So I let her go on for a while, just to the point where everyone was starting to look at me wondering if I really was a racist.

Then I made her cry. I pulled out pictures of my kids and showed them to her. Her face turned beet red, she was so humiliated she was literally speechless, and when she looked up there were tears in her eyes. I didn't say a word after that, I just flashed the pics around so everyone could see, and they all turned away like okay we're done here.... y'know?

I'm not going to be passive about that kind of thing any more. I'll put the progtards right down on Front and Main, where they can't POSSIBLY manipulate public opinion!
why should pics of your kids make anyone cry?
When it is appropriate for a peon, such as you, to know anything, you will. Till then, enjoy the not knowing.
Lying again, I see. And deflecting by name calling. Same old, Same old. :heehee:

Anyone here got the Truth rather than lies on this lawsuit?
It will end up the way 99% or the orange slob's lawsuits end up.
with the dembot playing his legal fees? and the dembot lawyer in prison ?

how’s your old golden boy mike avantti enjoying prison by the way? shame how msdnc and the cuomo news network won’t call him anymore
with the dembot playing his legal fees? and the dembot lawyer in prison ?

how’s your old golden boy mike avantti enjoying prison by the way? shame how msdnc and the cuomo news network won’t call him anymore
Are you so desperate you have to try to derail this thread by going off on a "mike avantti" deflection?
Are you so desperate you have to try to derail this thread by going off on a "mike avantti" deflection?
i was just responding to the question

wasn’t that one of the trump lawsuits you were talking about?

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