President Trump to Attend Rally to Protect Our Elections

Actual verifiable evidence by neutral persons, not debunked, and provable in a courtroom.
And do you really believe a partisan investigation can achieve the truth at this point?
I'm on board for President Trump to continue doing rallies pointing out the Corrupt Joe regime.
But wouldn't it be nice if he'd throw a little 'go-get-em' for vaccines?
As we know it is the red states....his base.....that is tardy on getting their shots.
Maybe in these rallies Don Trump could tell 'em all what a great job he did in getting the vaccines out to the market.....and it would be a sign of their loyalty to him and to Making America Great if they went and got their double dose?

BTW, did he do that in the Phoenix rally?

"....stoled (sic) the 2020 election and was 100 percent obvious about it"
"100% obvious".
OK, got it.
Should be a slam dunk case to make in any one of dozens and dozens of courts.
How's that going for you Quasar?

"Voting is great but Biden took it to extremes with the dead people,........."

You know that has been a subject here before.
And, like before, I will make the request to any poster ---maybe even 'wamose'? --- If
you know any of the dead people who voted, well,
ask if they've seen my Mom.

She went to her reward many years ago; however, a cousin recently had one of those genealogy/DNA tests done.
And lemme tell you, it has now raised some questions among our wide family circle.
Questions that really would be nice-to-knows.

So, posters who saw dead people voting.....are you listening?
We need to work out some kind of communication link.
You know, like Haley Joel Osment did in '6th Sense'.
Like Congress would investigate the fraud? They knew they could not cover their tracks that early. Jan 6th should have organized a committee to investigate fraud. They knew 40% of voters smelled a rat. Why didn't they before the inauguration? There was ample time.

They were complicit in the fraud. And there was enough evidence for 7 states to symbolically appoint different electors for Trump. Your one line excuses are lies.

If Jesus Christ told that 40% there was no fraud, they would not believe it.
RINOs are worse than Democrats, says Trump

"i don't want to embarass you, but you have a couple of them in Arizona, and they're gonna be defeated in primaries"

RINOs are Republicans who accept reality and accept the will of the voter vs the fascist Trump supporters who want a dictatorship.
But wouldn't it be nice if he'd throw a little 'go-get-em' for vaccines?
As we know it is the red states....his base.....that is tardy on getting their shots.
Maybe in these rallies Don Trump could tell 'em all what a great job he did in getting the vaccines out to the market.....and it would be a sign of their loyalty to him and to Making America Great if they went and got their double dose?

BTW, did he do that in the Phoenix rally?


"100% obvious".
OK, got it.
Should be a slam dunk case to make in any one of dozens and dozens of courts.
How's that going for you Quasar?

You know that has been a subject here before.
And, like before, I will make the request to any poster ---maybe even 'wamose'? --- If
you know any of the dead people who voted, well,
ask if they've seen my Mom.

She went to her reward many years ago; however, a cousin recently had one of those genealogy/DNA tests done.
And lemme tell you, it has now raised some questions among our wide family circle.
Questions that really would be nice-to-knows.

So, posters who saw dead people voting.....are you listening?
We need to work out some kind of communication link.
You know, like Haley Joel Osment did in '6th Sense'.
If you loved someone when they were alive, your line of communication will remain open after they pass. My father still guides me with all that stuff that Democrats consider White supremacy. You know, work ethic, being dependable, giving your best all the time and being on time. He also reminds me not to brag, and to never put myself above anyone with good intentions. But the part I like most is his sense of humor and the way he still can make me and the rest of my family laugh just thinking of how he would have reacted in certain situations. Those things never die.
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The Pelosi circus
WTF are you talking about? We're discussing the false claims of election fraud. Pelosi is investigating Insurrection Day, not election fraud.
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A cool story, poster Wamose.
However, you kinda trash the whole spirit and intent when you say Democrats consider a work ethic and dependability as "White Supremacy".

I can't speak for Democrats, nor Republicans, nor White Supremacists......I ain't any of them.

But, I do think I know what White Supremacy is.
And it is jackass whiteys who think because they ARE a whitey they are therefore superior to any other race. And too often that belief is exhibited by prejudicial and bigoted actions towards people of color.

If be a White Supremacist means living a life believing that only Whiteys have a work ethic, are dependable, try hard to do their best......well, that is proof that being a White Supremacist means being dumb as a rock......besides being a Blue Ribbon Jackass. favorite part of your cool story was your Pop still sparking laughter. Good spirited laughter.
THAT is a great epitaph for anybody.
I hope folks remember me that way.
Actually, we're talking about 1/6...the fraud was just the spark...
Still waiting for proof of such fraud.
The proof is not believing you. Never again. You are the harbingers of death and destruction and your egos will not admit to it.

Who cares what you believe? Rightards to this day have yet to prove widespread fraud which would have overturned the election.

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