President Trump to fire multiple staff members for leaking ........

One America News was first to report that three White House staffers have been identified for leaking classified information. The President is expected to fire multiple people upon his return from the Middle East and Europe.
The American people should fire Trump for leaking classified info to the Russians. His attempt to "drain the swamp" is looking more and more like cover-up.
As the President Trump can 'declassify' anything he wants to.
I knew about the 'laptop' warning three weeks before the russians met with Trump................and so did the russians you moron!
You and your 'type' are living in a fucking bubble of LIB dummies who think like eight year olds.
While everyone else is playing chess none of you have moved past playing checkers.
No one in their right minds believes some duffus like Carter Page could "collude" with the russians to get Trump to lift the russian sanctions.
When all this bullshit blows up in the DEM's stupid faces the whole world will spend the next decade making jokes about how fucking stupid the DEMs and their army of LIB MSM were/are.
Because he can, should he? That's another question and one Trump isn't prepared to answer. Some of his aides could, but he's "too smart" to listen to them. What about the bubble you're living in? If Obama or Clinton did what Trump did re: the Russians, you wouldn't be calling for impeachment, you'd be demanding execution for treason, you hypocrite.

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