President Trump Tweets Gateway Pundit Video Showing Poll Workers Stuffing Ballots Into Tabulators Numerous Times on Election Night

I'll explain. There was no fraud.

Watch the video, Biden Loon

Video’s don’t matter to them. They don’t care about the facts. They are in lala land. Nothing more than useful idiots for the Democrat‘s crime machine.

They act like mindless zombies, impervious to any input outside of what the Party allows. Scary
Oh the irony.

It isn’t ironic at all. Videos of poll workers LITERALLY cheating aren’t enough to make those on the left admit that there was at least SOME fraud that needs to be investigated. If you can’t believe you own eyes and ears and must rely on the MSM to tell you what you saw and heard then you are a a zombie.
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You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:

You have two videos that OAN tells you is proof of voter fraud. If not for the voice over telling you what to think, you wouldn't have a clue as to the notion of voter fraud. Until Trump tells you what to think, you're incapable of knowing anything.
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud...
... as do Trump's AG, his cybersecurity chief, Republican governors, secretaries of state, state attorneys general, and other election officials, as well as dozens of judges across America, Trump appointees included, all the way up to the Supreme Court.

Love is good - It's at the foundation of major religions, after all - and is entirely commensurate with integrity.

Petty sniveling that arises from perverse, irrational fantasies is not lovable.

Is there a vast conspiracy against the Cry Baby Loser? Of course! It was carried out in a secretive process called "voting" by over 81 million co-conspirators when finally given the chance to express the sentiment they had expressed, consistently and relentlessly, for four years, in poll after poll.

View attachment 432923

View attachment 432925
"Ooooo! I'm so pissy because
everybody's being mean to

Did you watch the video, Biden Loon?

Why would anyone, other than a complete fool, watching anything coming out of OAN? You are that complete fool Frank.

I had always considered you one of the smarter right wingers around here. Unlike BriPat or Norman, you seemed to have a brain, however misdirected it may be, but clinging to these fictions that Trump is pushing, no matter how irrational or unlikely, makes me think you're just as dumb and gullible as the rest of them.
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:

Then the number of votes cast and the number of voters would be way off. It didn't happen.

WRONG, Boob. All that would affect is give you an usually high turnout, which is EXACTLY what happened in only the key counties in the key swing states Joe needed to win.

And it was really amazing that Joe knew what counties he needed to win before the fact and didn't rig Florida but, instead, chose to rig 3 other states instead. Incredible!

He knew he needed certain swing states...the ones that couldn’t manage to count their ballots on election night and the ones that had the most corrupt big cities were the perfect opportunity. Might I remind you that Florida is Republican at the governor and both state legislature levels. They needed the more left-leaning swing states where the legislative or judicial branch would favor them. RHINO governors help too.

So it was easier to rig 6 states than just one or two?

To which one or two are you referring? Florida or Texas? Yeah, much easier, particular with states like Michigan, Wisconsin and PA. GA was easier than it should have been because the many votes come from heavily left-leaning, corrupt Atlanta area.

Kinda makes you wonder (giggle) why they didn't rig it all in 2016 if it were so easy to do. Makes you wonder (giggle again) how Scott Walker became governor and survived a recall. Sort of makes you wonder why the Michigan delegation is split 7-7 R's and D's.

Of course, to wonder about all of these things, you'd have to stop drinking the Trump kool aid for a moment and actually look at the results of the election.
In 6 states?
Wow...some conspiracy you've cooked up there.
There is a secretive cabal of Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, county clerks, and other election officials, in cahoots with dozens of Republican judges, all the way up to the Supreme Court, who coordinate via Navajo code talkers, in a heinous plot to make the election results comport with the disapproval of Trump expressed by most Americans, consistently and relentlessly, in public survey after public survey, for four years.

Claims that they all occasionally met in the back of Cesar 'False Flag' Sayoc's TrumpMobile to conspire over pedophile pizzas are somewhat suspect, however.
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:

And from such a reliable source, too!!

You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud...
... as do Trump's AG, his cybersecurity chief, Republican governors, secretaries of state, state attorneys general, and other election officials, as well as dozens of judges across America, Trump appointees included, all the way up to the Supreme Court.

Love is good - It's at the foundation of major religions, after all - and is entirely commensurate with integrity.

Petty sniveling that arises from perverse, irrational fantasies is not lovable.

Is there a vast conspiracy against the Cry Baby Loser? Of course! It was carried out in a secretive process called "voting" by over 81 million co-conspirators when finally given the chance to express the sentiment they had expressed, consistently and relentlessly, for four years, in poll after poll.

View attachment 432923

View attachment 432925
"Ooooo! I'm so pissy because
everybody's being mean to

Did you watch the video, Biden Loon?

Why would anyone, other than a complete fool, watching anything coming out of OAN? You are that complete fool Frank.

I had always considered you one of the smarter right wingers around here. Unlike BriPat or Norman, you seemed to have a brain, however misdirected it may be, but clinging to these fictions that Trump is pushing, no matter how irrational or unlikely, makes me think you're just as dumb and gullible as the rest of them.

Where do you get your news? Do you really think CNN is telling you the truth? How about Reuters? MSNBC? ABC, CBS and NBC? Really?
I'll explain. There was no fraud.

Watch the video, Biden Loon

Video’s don’t matter to them. They don’t care about the facts. They are in lala land. Nothing more than useful idiots for the Democrat‘s crime machine.

They act like mindless zombies, impervious to any input outside of what the Party allows. Scary
Oh the irony.

It isn’t ironic at all. Videos of poll workers LITERALLY cheating aren’t enough to make those on the left admit that there was at least SOME fraud that needs to be investigated. If you can’t believe you own eyes and ears and must rely on the MSM to tell you what you saw and heard then you are a a zombie.

If there was thousands of cases of fraud, someone would have been arrested. Nobody has. Your explanation is that every law enforcement officer in six states where it took place is "in on it" are all of the state election officials, the courts, the federal courts and the supreme court.
Why would anyone, other than a complete fool, watching anything coming out of OAN? You are that complete fool Frank.

I had always considered you one of the smarter right wingers around here. Unlike BriPat or Norman, you seemed to have a brain, however misdirected it may be, but clinging to these fictions that Trump is pushing, no matter how irrational or unlikely, makes me think you're just as dumb and gullible as the rest of them.
The heart has its reasons that reason knows not of.

Those who are controlled by emotion, especially passion, and, in particular, ideological passion, are irrational, and rational folks often fail to understand that the emotionally-driven are impervious to their appeals to logic.
In 6 states?
Wow...some conspiracy you've cooked up there.
There is a secretive cabal of Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, county clerks, and other election officials, in cahoots with dozens of Republican judges, all the way up to the Supreme Court, who coordinate via Navajo code talkers, in a heinous plot to make the election results comport with the disapproval of Trump expressed by most Americans, consistently and relentlessly, in public survey after public survey, for four years.

Claims that they all occasionally met in the back of Cesar 'False Flag' Sayoc's TrumpMobile to conspire over pedophile pizzas are somewhat suspect, however.

Videos don’t lie, but the mind-meld is strong with lefties.

Yes, Democrats cheated on a large scale and some Republicans are running cover for them, likely getting some type of kickback or maybe simply self-preservation. Not sure why it is such a stretch to believe that many politicians aren’t honest.
Why would anyone, other than a complete fool, watching anything coming out of OAN? You are that complete fool Frank.

I had always considered you one of the smarter right wingers around here. Unlike BriPat or Norman, you seemed to have a brain, however misdirected it may be, but clinging to these fictions that Trump is pushing, no matter how irrational or unlikely, makes me think you're just as dumb and gullible as the rest of them.
The heart has its reasons that reason knows not of.

Those who are controlled by emotion, especially passion, and, in particular, ideological passion, are irrational, and rational folks often fail to understand that the emotionally-driven are impervious to their appeals to logic.

Seriously? Democrats are the most emotionally driven imbeciles on the planet and it isn’t even close. It is hard to have a conversation with one becuase they start screaming and claiming racism the first time there is a disagreement.
I'll explain. There was no fraud.

Watch the video, Biden Loon

Video’s don’t matter to them. They don’t care about the facts. They are in lala land. Nothing more than useful idiots for the Democrat‘s crime machine.

They act like mindless zombies, impervious to any input outside of what the Party allows. Scary
Oh the irony.

It isn’t ironic at all. Videos of poll workers LITERALLY cheating aren’t enough to make those on the left admit that there was at least SOME fraud that needs to be investigated. If you can’t believe you own eyes and ears and must rely on the MSM to tell you what you saw and heard then you are a a zombie.

If there was thousands of cases of fraud, someone would have been arrested. Nobody has. Your explanation is that every law enforcement officer in six states where it took place is "in on it" are all of the state election officials, the courts, the federal courts and the supreme court.

No, someone wouldn’t have been arrested. You act as if a local cop can watch a video, no matter how obvious, and go arrest the poll worker. It doesn’t work like that.
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:


I'll explain. There was no fraud.

Watch the video, Biden Loon

Video’s don’t matter to them. They don’t care about the facts. They are in lala land. Nothing more than useful idiots for the Democrat‘s crime machine.

They act like mindless zombies, impervious to any input outside of what the Party allows. Scary
Oh the irony.

It isn’t ironic at all. Videos of poll workers LITERALLY cheating aren’t enough to make those on the left admit that there was at least SOME fraud that needs to be investigated. If you can’t believe you own eyes and ears and must rely on the MSM to tell you what you saw and heard then you are a a zombie.

If there was thousands of cases of fraud, someone would have been arrested. Nobody has. Your explanation is that every law enforcement officer in six states where it took place is "in on it" are all of the state election officials, the courts, the federal courts and the supreme court.

No, someone wouldn’t have been arrested. You act as if a local cop can watch a video, no matter how obvious, and go arrest the poll worker. It doesn’t work like that.

Correct, someone has to file a complaint and make out a police report. Some video can be submitted as evidence which would lead to a probable cause arrest or at least questioning.

To the best of my knoweldge...that hasn't happened.

Why not? Oh yeah, I forgot...every LEO in 6 states is "in on it".
I'll explain. There was no fraud.

Watch the video, Biden Loon

Video’s don’t matter to them. They don’t care about the facts. They are in lala land. Nothing more than useful idiots for the Democrat‘s crime machine.

They act like mindless zombies, impervious to any input outside of what the Party allows. Scary
Oh the irony.

It isn’t ironic at all. Videos of poll workers LITERALLY cheating aren’t enough to make those on the left admit that there was at least SOME fraud that needs to be investigated. If you can’t believe you own eyes and ears and must rely on the MSM to tell you what you saw and heard then you are a a zombie.

If there was thousands of cases of fraud, someone would have been arrested. Nobody has. Your explanation is that every law enforcement officer in six states where it took place is "in on it" are all of the state election officials, the courts, the federal courts and the supreme court.

No, someone wouldn’t have been arrested. You act as if a local cop can watch a video, no matter how obvious, and go arrest the poll worker. It doesn’t work like that.

People have been arrested for voter fraud. More than a dozen people cast illegal ballots across the country and they were arrested. Some of them illegally voted for Trump. One Trump voter applied for a ballot for his deceased mother who died shortly before the election, because his dead mother was a Trump supporter and would have voted for him.
Why would anyone, other than a complete fool, watching anything coming out of OAN? You are that complete fool Frank.

I had always considered you one of the smarter right wingers around here. Unlike BriPat or Norman, you seemed to have a brain, however misdirected it may be, but clinging to these fictions that Trump is pushing, no matter how irrational or unlikely, makes me think you're just as dumb and gullible as the rest of them.
The heart has its reasons that reason knows not of.

Those who are controlled by emotion, especially passion, and, in particular, ideological passion, are irrational, and rational folks often fail to understand that the emotionally-driven are impervious to their appeals to logic.

Seriously? Democrats are the most emotionally driven imbeciles on the planet and it isn’t even close. It is hard to have a conversation with one becuase they start screaming and claiming racism the first time there is a disagreement.


Trump supporters have become a professional victim class in and of themselves. Seldom is there a dday that goes by without us hearing about how you guys have been victimized by the courts, the press, democrats, women's groups, social media, intellectuals, etc...
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:


Why aren't these poll workers being arrested?

You should by trying to answer that question yourself, but of course you don't want to know the answer, so you come in here playing your cute games... No one is amused by you.
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:


Why aren't these poll workers being arrested?

You should by trying to answer that question yourself, but of course you don't want to know the answer, so you come in here playing your cute games... No one is amused by you.

You've obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a shit about your amusement.

Look...if you see a crime being committed, you should report it to the police. Nobody is doing that.

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