President Trump Tweets Gateway Pundit Video Showing Poll Workers Stuffing Ballots Into Tabulators Numerous Times on Election Night

Why would anyone, other than a complete fool, watching anything coming out of OAN? You are that complete fool Frank.

I had always considered you one of the smarter right wingers around here. Unlike BriPat or Norman, you seemed to have a brain, however misdirected it may be, but clinging to these fictions that Trump is pushing, no matter how irrational or unlikely, makes me think you're just as dumb and gullible as the rest of them.
The heart has its reasons that reason knows not of.

Those who are controlled by emotion, especially passion, and, in particular, ideological passion, are irrational, and rational folks often fail to understand that the emotionally-driven are impervious to their appeals to logic.

Seriously? Democrats are the most emotionally driven imbeciles on the planet and it isn’t even close. It is hard to have a conversation with one becuase they start screaming and claiming racism the first time there is a disagreement.


Trump supporters have become a professional victim class in and of themselves. Seldom is there a dday that goes by without us hearing about how you guys have been victimized by the courts, the press, democrats, women's groups, social media, intellectuals, etc...

Everyone has been out to get Trump from day one. He would have been a great President but the MSM never gave him a chance. He's been treated worse than any President in history, even the ones who were assassinated. But Obama . . .
What little Donnie doesn't want to admit is that deep down, every time he hears a reporter say something "horrible," "unfair," or "nasty" about him, he is hearing it in the voice of Fred Trump. And that's because he knows that no matter how many towers he builds or even how many elections he wins, none of it will change the fact that daddy knew exactly what a pathetic failure and embarrassment his son is.

Why aren't these poll workers being arrested?
That's a great question.
I have a great answer....


Otherwise, you'd have people, at the very least, being investigated, arrested, being magistrated, having bail hearings, posting bond, hiring attorneys, etc..

Wouldn't it make (or have made) the arguments to the state lawmakers more effective if you could point to poll workers being arrested?
Sorry, turd, but that isn't going to happen in the Democrat county were the election officials perpetrated the fraud.
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud...
... as do Trump's AG, his cybersecurity chief, Republican governors, secretaries of state, state attorneys general, and other election officials, as well as dozens of judges across America, Trump appointees included, all the way up to the Supreme Court.

Love is good - It's at the foundation of major religions, after all - and is entirely commensurate with integrity.

Petty sniveling that arises from perverse, irrational fantasies is not lovable.

Is there a vast conspiracy against the Cry Baby Loser? Of course! It was carried out in a secretive process called "voting" by over 81 million co-conspirators when finally given the chance to express the sentiment they had expressed, consistently and relentlessly, for four years, in poll after poll.

View attachment 432923

View attachment 432925
"Ooooo! I'm so pissy because
everybody's being mean to

Did you watch the video, Biden Loon?

Why would anyone, other than a complete fool, watching anything coming out of OAN? You are that complete fool Frank.

I had always considered you one of the smarter right wingers around here. Unlike BriPat or Norman, you seemed to have a brain, however misdirected it may be, but clinging to these fictions that Trump is pushing, no matter how irrational or unlikely, makes me think you're just as dumb and gullible as the rest of them.

Where do you get your news? Do you really think CNN is telling you the truth? How about Reuters? MSNBC? ABC, CBS and NBC? Really?

Given that all have "journalistic standards", requiring them to verify what they publish, and that all have publically corrected the record when they do, on occasion, get things wrong, yes, I tend to believe most of the sources you named. All are publically owned company whose boards of directors are beholding to the shareholders.

The right wing billionaire media has no such journalistic standards. FOX News was created for Rupert Murdoch to push Republican policies because he personally benefits from Republican Tax cuts. Ditto the Mercer Family and Breitbart, and the Sinclair Family, and their chain of local television stations. These media outlets aren't answerable to anyone but their billionaire owners.

The guys who get billions in tax cuts when Republicans are in office.
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:


Why aren't these poll workers being arrested?

Because the governor is a spinless establishment douche. One thing is certain: he wont be reelected. The same goes for the SOS

The governor doesn't arrest people...the local police and/or sheriff does. Again, if there was a crime being committed...why hasn't anyone who supposedly committed fraud been arrested in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada? You guys keep saying there are thousands of instances of voter fraud...yet no arrests.

Please explain.

Because the fraud they are claiming never happened...


And of course there is also the fact that you cant have more absentee paper ballots counted than the absentee envelopes counted, in the election Checks and Balances process...

AND, Fulton county and all of Georgia had 3 hand recounts of the ballots, where the machine count matched the hand count....


What part of there were no signature or registration checks for all of the recounts the just kept counting the same ballots over and over dont n.v you get?

what part of all video of the election counting in Fulton County being investigated by the SOS, and them stating it was all normal procedures of the counting process that you clearly know nothing about, thus misinterpret, as ballots being counted twice.

what part of getting a count of all absentee ballot envelopes being received, then a count of all removed ballots run through the optical scan vote counter, and the two counts having to MATCH as a check preventing ballots from being counted twice, do YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?

An audit on the envelope signatures is happening right now..... when they are all eligible and no fraud detected that changes any result,


Yeah, we heard his flat out lies. He's the guy who said no one told the observes to go home even though several news stations reported at the time that the election workers were told to go home.
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud...
... as do Trump's AG, his cybersecurity chief, Republican governors, secretaries of state, state attorneys general, and other election officials, as well as dozens of judges across America, Trump appointees included, all the way up to the Supreme Court.

Love is good - It's at the foundation of major religions, after all - and is entirely commensurate with integrity.

Petty sniveling that arises from perverse, irrational fantasies is not lovable.

Is there a vast conspiracy against the Cry Baby Loser? Of course! It was carried out in a secretive process called "voting" by over 81 million co-conspirators when finally given the chance to express the sentiment they had expressed, consistently and relentlessly, for four years, in poll after poll.

View attachment 432923

View attachment 432925
"Ooooo! I'm so pissy because
everybody's being mean to

Did you watch the video, Biden Loon?

Why would anyone, other than a complete fool, watching anything coming out of OAN? You are that complete fool Frank.

I had always considered you one of the smarter right wingers around here. Unlike BriPat or Norman, you seemed to have a brain, however misdirected it may be, but clinging to these fictions that Trump is pushing, no matter how irrational or unlikely, makes me think you're just as dumb and gullible as the rest of them.

Where do you get your news? Do you really think CNN is telling you the truth? How about Reuters? MSNBC? ABC, CBS and NBC? Really?

Given that all have "journalistic standards", requiring them to verify what they publish, and that all have publically corrected the record when they do, on occasion, get things wrong, yes, I tend to believe most of the sources you named. All are publically owned company whose boards of directors are beholding to the shareholders.

The right wing billionaire media has no such journalistic standards. FOX News was created for Rupert Murdoch to push Republican policies because he personally benefits from Republican Tax cuts. Ditto the Mercer Family and Breitbart, and the Sinclair Family, and their chain of local television stations. These media outlets aren't answerable to anyone but their billionaire owners.

The guys who get billions in tax cuts when Republicans are in office.
The have "journalistic standards?"

Why would anyone, other than a complete fool, watching anything coming out of OAN? You are that complete fool Frank.

I had always considered you one of the smarter right wingers around here. Unlike BriPat or Norman, you seemed to have a brain, however misdirected it may be, but clinging to these fictions that Trump is pushing, no matter how irrational or unlikely, makes me think you're just as dumb and gullible as the rest of them.
The heart has its reasons that reason knows not of.

Those who are controlled by emotion, especially passion, and, in particular, ideological passion, are irrational, and rational folks often fail to understand that the emotionally-driven are impervious to their appeals to logic.

Seriously? Democrats are the most emotionally driven imbeciles on the planet and it isn’t even close. It is hard to have a conversation with one becuase they start screaming and claiming racism the first time there is a disagreement.


Trump supporters have become a professional victim class in and of themselves. Seldom is there a dday that goes by without us hearing about how you guys have been victimized by the courts, the press, democrats, women's groups, social media, intellectuals, etc...

Everyone has been out to get Trump from day one. He would have been a great President but the MSM never gave him a chance. He's been treated worse than any President in history, even the ones who were assassinated. But Obama . . .
What little Donnie doesn't want to admit is that deep down, every time he hears a reporter say something "horrible," "unfair," or "nasty" about him, he is hearing it in the voice of Fred Trump. And that's because he knows that no matter how many towers he builds or even how many elections he wins, none of it will change the fact that daddy knew exactly what a pathetic failure and embarrassment his son is.
You really are one vast pile of foul smelling shit, aren't you?
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:


Why aren't these poll workers being arrested?

Because the governor is a spinless establishment douche. One thing is certain: he wont be reelected. The same goes for the SOS

The governor doesn't arrest people...the local police and/or sheriff does. Again, if there was a crime being committed...why hasn't anyone who supposedly committed fraud been arrested in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada? You guys keep saying there are thousands of instances of voter fraud...yet no arrests.

Please explain.

Because the fraud they are claiming never happened...


And of course there is also the fact that you cant have more absentee paper ballots counted than the absentee envelopes counted, in the election Checks and Balances process...

AND, Fulton county and all of Georgia had 3 hand recounts of the ballots, where the machine count matched the hand count....


What part of there were no signature or registration checks for all of the recounts the just kept counting the same ballots over and over dont n.v you get?

what part of all video of the election counting in Fulton County being investigated by the SOS, and them stating it was all normal procedures of the counting process that you clearly know nothing about, thus misinterpret, as ballots being counted twice.

what part of getting a count of all absentee ballot envelopes being received, then a count of all removed ballots run through the optical scan vote counter, and the two counts having to MATCH as a check preventing ballots from being counted twice, do YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?

what part of 3 recounts done and hand recounts matching the machine recounts do you not understand?

An audit on the envelope signatures is happening right now..... when they are all eligible and no fraud detected that changes any result,


The SOS has already lied about the election several times. Why should anyone trust him?
Videos don’t lie, but the mind-meld is strong with lefties.
It's Christmas, and I don't want to shatter your illusions concerning chimney visitations, Virginia, but, alas, videos are eminently amenable to deceiving those who need to believe.

Rather than embrace some crackpot source that excretes whatever it is you crave, why not admit that the cult's metastasizing paranoia directed at the broad panoply of rational sources of information - e.g., the respected, conservative WALL STREET JOURNAL -
has sputtered and fizzled like a Korean War-vintage whoopee-cushion picked up for a song at a Bam Bam Bannon "Build The Wall" fundraiser.

"Don't believe your lyin' eyes"? Really?

Dress it up in flowery prose if you wish, but that's what you're saying...dumbass.
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:


Why aren't these poll workers being arrested?

Because the governor is a spinless establishment douche. One thing is certain: he wont be reelected. The same goes for the SOS

The governor doesn't arrest people...the local police and/or sheriff does. Again, if there was a crime being committed...why hasn't anyone who supposedly committed fraud been arrested in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada? You guys keep saying there are thousands of instances of voter fraud...yet no arrests.

Please explain.

Because the fraud they are claiming never happened...


And of course there is also the fact that you cant have more absentee paper ballots counted than the absentee envelopes counted, in the election Checks and Balances process...

AND, Fulton county and all of Georgia had 3 hand recounts of the ballots, where the machine count matched the hand count....


What part of there were no signature or registration checks for all of the recounts the just kept counting the same ballots over and over dont n.v you get?

what part of all video of the election counting in Fulton County being investigated by the SOS, and them stating it was all normal procedures of the counting process that you clearly know nothing about, thus misinterpret, as ballots being counted twice.

what part of getting a count of all absentee ballot envelopes being received, then a count of all removed ballots run through the optical scan vote counter, and the two counts having to MATCH as a check preventing ballots from being counted twice, do YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?

what part of 3 recounts done and hand recounts matching the machine recounts do you not understand?

An audit on the envelope signatures is happening right now..... when they are all eligible and no fraud detected that changes any result,


The SOS has already lied about the election several times. Why should anyone trust him?

Donald Trump has already lied over 25,000 times in the past four years and you still trust him. In fact, you believe everything he says.
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:


Why aren't these poll workers being arrested?

Because the governor is a spinless establishment douche. One thing is certain: he wont be reelected. The same goes for the SOS

The governor doesn't arrest people...the local police and/or sheriff does. Again, if there was a crime being committed...why hasn't anyone who supposedly committed fraud been arrested in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada? You guys keep saying there are thousands of instances of voter fraud...yet no arrests.

Please explain.

Because the fraud they are claiming never happened...


And of course there is also the fact that you cant have more absentee paper ballots counted than the absentee envelopes counted, in the election Checks and Balances process...

AND, Fulton county and all of Georgia had 3 hand recounts of the ballots, where the machine count matched the hand count....


What part of there were no signature or registration checks for all of the recounts the just kept counting the same ballots over and over dont n.v you get?

what part of all video of the election counting in Fulton County being investigated by the SOS, and them stating it was all normal procedures of the counting process that you clearly know nothing about, thus misinterpret, as ballots being counted twice.

what part of getting a count of all absentee ballot envelopes being received, then a count of all removed ballots run through the optical scan vote counter, and the two counts having to MATCH as a check preventing ballots from being counted twice, do YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?

An audit on the envelope signatures is happening right now..... when they are all eligible and no fraud detected that changes any result,


Yeah, we heard his flat out lies. He's the guy who said no one told the observes to go home even though several news stations reported at the time that the election workers were told to go home.

Yes, the election workers who were absentee ballot envelope counters and processors WERE TOLD they were done for the night, to go home. That was ALL NORMAL PROCEDURE.

The handful of election workers left were the workers assigned to feeding the vote counting machines, the ballots. The envelope processor workers were no longer needed....the ballots had been separated from the envelopes, and ballots flattened for the machine counting process and put in to ballot storage cases then put under the black tableclothed folding table, waiting to be counted by the optical scanning vote counting machines.

You were duped, they counted on YOU not understanding the process of election counting, in that hearing with the broad showing you this video and her FAKE story on what was happening....
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:

Then the number of votes cast and the number of voters would be way off. It didn't happen.

Not only that, but they've testified now numerous times why re-scans happen, and re-scans don't count the same Vote twice. The software prevents it. They're rescanned because there was a scan error on the first run through.

People like bripat are abject fucking morons. They fall for anything if its what they want to hear, fact checks and failed court cases be damned and now...the very SOURCES of these stories, like Newsmax, are publicly retracting because they're being faced with a lawsuit...and here we STILL cannot fix STEEWWWPIDDD
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:


Why aren't these poll workers being arrested?

Because the governor is a spinless establishment douche. One thing is certain: he wont be reelected. The same goes for the SOS

The governor doesn't arrest people...the local police and/or sheriff does. Again, if there was a crime being committed...why hasn't anyone who supposedly committed fraud been arrested in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada? You guys keep saying there are thousands of instances of voter fraud...yet no arrests.

Please explain.

Because the fraud they are claiming never happened...


And of course there is also the fact that you cant have more absentee paper ballots counted than the absentee envelopes counted, in the election Checks and Balances process...

AND, Fulton county and all of Georgia had 3 hand recounts of the ballots, where the machine count matched the hand count....


What part of there were no signature or registration checks for all of the recounts the just kept counting the same ballots over and over dont n.v you get?

what part of all video of the election counting in Fulton County being investigated by the SOS, and them stating it was all normal procedures of the counting process that you clearly know nothing about, thus misinterpret, as ballots being counted twice.

what part of getting a count of all absentee ballot envelopes being received, then a count of all removed ballots run through the optical scan vote counter, and the two counts having to MATCH as a check preventing ballots from being counted twice, do YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?

An audit on the envelope signatures is happening right now..... when they are all eligible and no fraud detected that changes any result,


Yeah, we heard his flat out lies. He's the guy who said no one told the observes to go home even though several news stations reported at the time that the election workers were told to go home.

Yes, the election workers who were absentee ballot envelope counters and processors WERE TOLD they were done for the night, to go home. That was ALL NORMAL PROCEDURE.

The handful of election workers left were the workers assigned to feeding the vote counting machines, the ballots. The envelope processor workers were no longer needed....the ballots had been separated from the envelopes, and ballots flattened for the machine counting process and put in to ballot storage cases then put under the black tableclothed folding table, waiting to be counted by the optical scanning vote counting machines.

You were duped, they counted on YOU not understanding the process of election counting, in that hearing with the broad showing you this video and her FAKE story on what was happening....

They can always count on the stupidity of the Cult. Duping them has a 0% error rate. They don't understand how to responsibly vet information, they merely take what they're told and try to shove it up their own ass.
Why would anyone, other than a complete fool, watching anything coming out of OAN? You are that complete fool Frank.

I had always considered you one of the smarter right wingers around here. Unlike BriPat or Norman, you seemed to have a brain, however misdirected it may be, but clinging to these fictions that Trump is pushing, no matter how irrational or unlikely, makes me think you're just as dumb and gullible as the rest of them.
The heart has its reasons that reason knows not of.

Those who are controlled by emotion, especially passion, and, in particular, ideological passion, are irrational, and rational folks often fail to understand that the emotionally-driven are impervious to their appeals to logic.
So you are admitting that you're irrational?
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:

Then the number of votes cast and the number of voters would be way off. It didn't happen.

Not only that, but they've testified now numerous times why re-scans happen, and re-scans don't count the same Vote twice. The software prevents it. They're rescanned because there was a scan error on the first run through.

People like bripat are abject fucking morons. They fall for anything if its what they want to hear, fact checks and failed court cases be damned and now...the very SOURCES of these stories, like Newsmax, are publicly retracting because they're being faced with a lawsuit...and here we STILL cannot fix STEEWWWPIDDD

So they are rescanning piles of ballots multiple times because of errors? You can't be that stupid.
I'll explain. There was no fraud.

Watch the video, Biden Loon

Video’s don’t matter to them. They don’t care about the facts. They are in lala land. Nothing more than useful idiots for the Democrat‘s crime machine.

They act like mindless zombies, impervious to any input outside of what the Party allows. Scary
Oh the irony.

It isn’t ironic at all. Videos of poll workers LITERALLY cheating aren’t enough to make those on the left admit that there was at least SOME fraud that needs to be investigated. If you can’t believe you own eyes and ears and must rely on the MSM to tell you what you saw and heard then you are a a zombie.

If there was thousands of cases of fraud, someone would have been arrested. Nobody has. Your explanation is that every law enforcement officer in six states where it took place is "in on it" are all of the state election officials, the courts, the federal courts and the supreme court.

No, someone wouldn’t have been arrested. You act as if a local cop can watch a video, no matter how obvious, and go arrest the poll worker. It doesn’t work like that.

Correct, someone has to file a complaint and make out a police report. Some video can be submitted as evidence which would lead to a probable cause arrest or at least questioning.

To the best of my knoweldge...that hasn't happened.

Why not? Oh yeah, I forgot...every LEO in 6 states is "in on it".

Also, all the thousands of election workers, and poll watchers from both parties who swore affidavtis that the election was fair and honest, and the Secretaries of State for all these states as well. The number of people who were in on the conspiracy simply boggles the mind.

There is an old saying that "Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead". Trump hasn't been in the slightest bit successful in keeping his illegal moves under wraps. Trump's White House has been the leakiest in history. That's how he got himself impeached - because staffers refused to cover up his illegal behaviour.

Yet thousands of workers in the Deep State keep their conspiracies a secret. No evidence of their existence can be found, and they all got together, rigged the election, and nobody is ratting anybody out on any of it.
Now Michigan! Poll challengers sign affidavits swearing ballot fraud witnessed at troubled Detroit center
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:

Then the number of votes cast and the number of voters would be way off. It didn't happen.

Not only that, but they've testified now numerous times why re-scans happen, and re-scans don't count the same Vote twice. The software prevents it. They're rescanned because there was a scan error on the first run through.

People like bripat are abject fucking morons. They fall for anything if its what they want to hear, fact checks and failed court cases be damned and now...the very SOURCES of these stories, like Newsmax, are publicly retracting because they're being faced with a lawsuit...and here we STILL cannot fix STEEWWWPIDDD

So they are rescanning piles of ballots multiple times because of errors? You can't be that stupid.

Yes, dipshit. The machine Counts in batches so that tracing back any particular Vote upon audit is easier to do. You know? For Election Integrity.

If one ballot in a batch fails to count, there's a scanning error. You know? So that every American Patriot's Vote is sacrosanct, and counts. The machine then restarts the batch, you know? Because of the error. This was testified to, under oath, and all Court cases to the contrary have failed. Wanna know why? Because the recounts match up.

So you sit there with a "but but but" with your thumb up your ass looking like a Cult sycophant who believes everything he's told, even THOUGH its now been retracted by Fox and Newsmax...but guess what? Reality doesn't care about your butthurt and stupidity.

But morons like you, who cannot grasp the most basic shit on the fucking planet, sit in your disgusting computer chairs going, "finkle...einhorn...finkle...einhorn. I get it! Finkle IS Einhorn! Derpa derp derp derp, derpitty derp."
I'll explain. There was no fraud.

Watch the video, Biden Loon

Video’s don’t matter to them. They don’t care about the facts. They are in lala land. Nothing more than useful idiots for the Democrat‘s crime machine.

They act like mindless zombies, impervious to any input outside of what the Party allows. Scary
Oh the irony.

It isn’t ironic at all. Videos of poll workers LITERALLY cheating aren’t enough to make those on the left admit that there was at least SOME fraud that needs to be investigated. If you can’t believe you own eyes and ears and must rely on the MSM to tell you what you saw and heard then you are a a zombie.
Does anyone in this forum believe that if they ironclad evidence they demand was posted in this forum that any leftist would concede that fraud occurred?

Wow..if you really think're incredibly stupid.
Are you really pretending that there are no sympathetic LEOs anywhere in GA, MI, PA, WI, NV, AZ that would have arrested someone given probable cause?
Remember the "stand down" orders that were given to many police depts. during the "peaceful protests" over the summer?
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:

Then the number of votes cast and the number of voters would be way off. It didn't happen.

Not only that, but they've testified now numerous times why re-scans happen, and re-scans don't count the same Vote twice. The software prevents it. They're rescanned because there was a scan error on the first run through.

People like bripat are abject fucking morons. They fall for anything if its what they want to hear, fact checks and failed court cases be damned and now...the very SOURCES of these stories, like Newsmax, are publicly retracting because they're being faced with a lawsuit...and here we STILL cannot fix STEEWWWPIDDD

So they are rescanning piles of ballots multiple times because of errors? You can't be that stupid.

Yes, dipshit. The machine Counts in batches so that tracing back any particular Vote upon audit is easier to do. You know? For Election Integrity.

If one ballot in a batch fails to count, there's a scanning error. You know? So that every American Patriot's Vote is sacrosanct, and counts. The machine then restarts the batch, you know? Because of the error. This was testified to, under oath, and all Court cases to the contrary have failed. Wanna know why? Because the recounts match up.

So you sit there with a "but but but" with your thumb up your ass looking like a Cult sycophant who believes everything he's told, even THOUGH its now been retracted by Fox and Newsmax...but guess what? Reality doesn't care about your butthurt and stupidity.

But morons like you, who cannot grasp the most basic shit on the fucking planet, sit in your disgusting computer chairs going, "finkle...einhorn...finkle...einhorn. I get it! Finkle IS Einhorn! Derpa derp derp derp, derpitty derp."

You haven't explained why they would run a stack of ballots through the machine multiple times. When did the woman even check for an error?
Why would anyone, other than a complete fool, watching anything coming out of OAN? You are that complete fool Frank.

I had always considered you one of the smarter right wingers around here. Unlike BriPat or Norman, you seemed to have a brain, however misdirected it may be, but clinging to these fictions that Trump is pushing, no matter how irrational or unlikely, makes me think you're just as dumb and gullible as the rest of them.
The heart has its reasons that reason knows not of.

Those who are controlled by emotion, especially passion, and, in particular, ideological passion, are irrational, and rational folks often fail to understand that the emotionally-driven are impervious to their appeals to logic.

Seriously? Democrats are the most emotionally driven imbeciles on the planet and it isn’t even close. It is hard to have a conversation with one becuase they start screaming and claiming racism the first time there is a disagreement.


Trump supporters have become a professional victim class in and of themselves. Seldom is there a dday that goes by without us hearing about how you guys have been victimized by the courts, the press, democrats, women's groups, social media, intellectuals, etc...
That couldn't be because the most massive election swindle ever recorded has just occurred, do you suppose?

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