President Trump Tweets Gateway Pundit Video Showing Poll Workers Stuffing Ballots Into Tabulators Numerous Times on Election Night

You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:

Then the number of votes cast and the number of voters would be way off. It didn't happen.

Not only that, but they've testified now numerous times why re-scans happen, and re-scans don't count the same Vote twice. The software prevents it. They're rescanned because there was a scan error on the first run through.

People like bripat are abject fucking morons. They fall for anything if its what they want to hear, fact checks and failed court cases be damned and now...the very SOURCES of these stories, like Newsmax, are publicly retracting because they're being faced with a lawsuit...and here we STILL cannot fix STEEWWWPIDDD

So they are rescanning piles of ballots multiple times because of errors? You can't be that stupid.

Yes, dipshit. The machine Counts in batches so that tracing back any particular Vote upon audit is easier to do. You know? For Election Integrity.

If one ballot in a batch fails to count, there's a scanning error. You know? So that every American Patriot's Vote is sacrosanct, and counts. The machine then restarts the batch, you know? Because of the error. This was testified to, under oath, and all Court cases to the contrary have failed. Wanna know why? Because the recounts match up.

So you sit there with a "but but but" with your thumb up your ass looking like a Cult sycophant who believes everything he's told, even THOUGH its now been retracted by Fox and Newsmax...but guess what? Reality doesn't care about your butthurt and stupidity.

But morons like you, who cannot grasp the most basic shit on the fucking planet, sit in your disgusting computer chairs going, "finkle...einhorn...finkle...einhorn. I get it! Finkle IS Einhorn! Derpa derp derp derp, derpitty derp."

You haven't explained why they would run a stack of ballots through the machine multiple times. When did the woman even check for an error?

Yes, I literally just explained it. And so did the professionals that program the machines, under oath, and so did the workers who scanned the Votes, and their location supervisors.

You "understanding" the process isn't some prerequisite. You're an anti knowledge fuggin dipshit on a message board. You don't matter.

At all.
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:


Why aren't these poll workers being arrested?

I'll explain. There was no fraud.
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:

your widely rejected troll in chief hard at work. and you twats wonder why he lost...


Why aren't these poll workers being arrested?
That's a great question.
I have a great answer....


Otherwise, you'd have people, at the very least, being investigated, arrested, being magistrated, having bail hearings, posting bond, hiring attorneys, etc..

Wouldn't it make (or have made) the arguments to the state lawmakers more effective if you could point to poll workers being arrested?
The video is probable cause
Obviously not.
You don't need to sign your posts, we know who you are.
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:

Then the number of votes cast and the number of voters would be way off. It didn't happen.

You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:

Why aren't these poll workers being arrested?
Because the governor is a spinless establishment douche. One thing is certain: he wont be reelected. The same goes for the SOS

The governor doesn't arrest people...the local police and/or sheriff does. Again, if there was a crime being committed...why hasn't anyone who supposedly committed fraud been arrested in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada? You guys keep saying there are thousands of instances of voter fraud...yet no arrests.

Please explain.

Because the fraud they are claiming never happened...
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:
Who is the Gateway Pungent?
As far as I am aware there is no good explanation for why people were told to go home and the counting continued despite that.

Um, yeah, here's why people were told to go home at 2 AM. because they had already been working 12 hours straight.

The votes in Georgia were double counted and triple counted.

The votes in Wisconsin were counted a second time in two counties and Biden actually gained votes.

Trump lost by 7 million votes nationally. He lost by 250,000 votes in the swing states that made the difference.
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:

Why aren't these poll workers being arrested?
Because the governor is a spinless establishment douche. One thing is certain: he wont be reelected. The same goes for the SOS

The governor doesn't arrest people...the local police and/or sheriff does. Again, if there was a crime being committed...why hasn't anyone who supposedly committed fraud been arrested in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada? You guys keep saying there are thousands of instances of voter fraud...yet no arrests.

Please explain.

Because the fraud they are claiming never happened...

And of course there is also the fact that you cant have more absentee paper ballots counted than the absentee envelopes counted, in the election Checks and Balances process...

AND, Fulton county and all of Georgia had 3 hand recounts of the ballots, where the machine count matched the hand count....

You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:
The thread premise is a lie.

There was no voter ‘fraud,’ no ‘cheating.’

There is no evidence of ‘fraud’ or ‘cheating.’

The 2020 General Election was fair, honest, and lawful – the most secure election in this country’s history; and Trump lost.

Gateway Pundit is a rightwing fake news site and consequently not a unreliable source.

LefTard Logic:
“Ofcourse we’ve seen the videos showing fraud and corruption, ofcouse we’ve heard and read the testimony from witnesses who watched or participated in the fraud and corruption...but, but, but...we swear there was no fraud or corruption...Yet, despite Robert Muellers findings, the lack of videos and damning testimonials we know there was Russian collusion...Yep, we swear we’re credible.”
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:


Why aren't these poll workers being arrested?

I'll explain. There was no fraud.
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:

your widely rejected troll in chief hard at work. and you twats wonder why he lost...


Why aren't these poll workers being arrested?
That's a great question.
I have a great answer....


Otherwise, you'd have people, at the very least, being investigated, arrested, being magistrated, having bail hearings, posting bond, hiring attorneys, etc..

Wouldn't it make (or have made) the arguments to the state lawmakers more effective if you could point to poll workers being arrested?
The video is probable cause
Obviously not.
You don't need to sign your posts, we know who you are.
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:

Then the number of votes cast and the number of voters would be way off. It didn't happen.

You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:

Why aren't these poll workers being arrested?
Because the governor is a spinless establishment douche. One thing is certain: he wont be reelected. The same goes for the SOS

The governor doesn't arrest people...the local police and/or sheriff does. Again, if there was a crime being committed...why hasn't anyone who supposedly committed fraud been arrested in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada? You guys keep saying there are thousands of instances of voter fraud...yet no arrests.

Please explain.

Because the fraud they are claiming never happened...
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:
Who is the Gateway Pungent?
As far as I am aware there is no good explanation for why people were told to go home and the counting continued despite that.

Um, yeah, here's why people were told to go home at 2 AM. because they had already been working 12 hours straight.

The votes in Georgia were double counted and triple counted.

The votes in Wisconsin were counted a second time in two counties and Biden actually gained votes.

Trump lost by 7 million votes nationally. He lost by 250,000 votes in the swing states that made the difference.
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:

Why aren't these poll workers being arrested?
Because the governor is a spinless establishment douche. One thing is certain: he wont be reelected. The same goes for the SOS

The governor doesn't arrest people...the local police and/or sheriff does. Again, if there was a crime being committed...why hasn't anyone who supposedly committed fraud been arrested in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada? You guys keep saying there are thousands of instances of voter fraud...yet no arrests.

Please explain.

Because the fraud they are claiming never happened...

And of course there is also the fact that you cant have more absentee paper ballots counted than the absentee envelopes counted, in the election Checks and Balances process...

AND, Fulton county and all of Georgia had 3 hand recounts of the ballots, where the machine count matched the hand count....

You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:
The thread premise is a lie.

There was no voter ‘fraud,’ no ‘cheating.’

There is no evidence of ‘fraud’ or ‘cheating.’

The 2020 General Election was fair, honest, and lawful – the most secure election in this country’s history; and Trump lost.

Gateway Pundit is a rightwing fake news site and consequently not a unreliable source.

LefTard Logic:
“Ofcourse we’ve seen the videos showing fraud and corruption, ofcouse we’ve heard and read the testimony from witnesses who watched or participated in the fraud and corruption...but, but, but...we swear there was no fraud or corruption...Yet, despite Robert Muellers findings, the lack of videos and damning testimonials we know there was Russian collusion...Yep, we swear we’re credible.”

Can you please post a couple of the witness afadavits that you believe are election fraud?
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:


Why aren't these poll workers being arrested?

I'll explain. There was no fraud.
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:

your widely rejected troll in chief hard at work. and you twats wonder why he lost...


Why aren't these poll workers being arrested?
That's a great question.
I have a great answer....


Otherwise, you'd have people, at the very least, being investigated, arrested, being magistrated, having bail hearings, posting bond, hiring attorneys, etc..

Wouldn't it make (or have made) the arguments to the state lawmakers more effective if you could point to poll workers being arrested?
The video is probable cause
Obviously not.
You don't need to sign your posts, we know who you are.
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:

Then the number of votes cast and the number of voters would be way off. It didn't happen.

You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:

Why aren't these poll workers being arrested?
Because the governor is a spinless establishment douche. One thing is certain: he wont be reelected. The same goes for the SOS

The governor doesn't arrest people...the local police and/or sheriff does. Again, if there was a crime being committed...why hasn't anyone who supposedly committed fraud been arrested in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada? You guys keep saying there are thousands of instances of voter fraud...yet no arrests.

Please explain.

Because the fraud they are claiming never happened...
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:
Who is the Gateway Pungent?
As far as I am aware there is no good explanation for why people were told to go home and the counting continued despite that.

Um, yeah, here's why people were told to go home at 2 AM. because they had already been working 12 hours straight.

The votes in Georgia were double counted and triple counted.

The votes in Wisconsin were counted a second time in two counties and Biden actually gained votes.

Trump lost by 7 million votes nationally. He lost by 250,000 votes in the swing states that made the difference.
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:

Why aren't these poll workers being arrested?
Because the governor is a spinless establishment douche. One thing is certain: he wont be reelected. The same goes for the SOS

The governor doesn't arrest people...the local police and/or sheriff does. Again, if there was a crime being committed...why hasn't anyone who supposedly committed fraud been arrested in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada? You guys keep saying there are thousands of instances of voter fraud...yet no arrests.

Please explain.

Because the fraud they are claiming never happened...

And of course there is also the fact that you cant have more absentee paper ballots counted than the absentee envelopes counted, in the election Checks and Balances process...

AND, Fulton county and all of Georgia had 3 hand recounts of the ballots, where the machine count matched the hand count....

You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:
The thread premise is a lie.

There was no voter ‘fraud,’ no ‘cheating.’

There is no evidence of ‘fraud’ or ‘cheating.’

The 2020 General Election was fair, honest, and lawful – the most secure election in this country’s history; and Trump lost.

Gateway Pundit is a rightwing fake news site and consequently not a unreliable source.

LefTard Logic:
“Ofcourse we’ve seen the videos showing fraud and corruption, ofcouse we’ve heard and read the testimony from witnesses who watched or participated in the fraud and corruption...but, but, but...we swear there was no fraud or corruption...Yet, despite Robert Muellers findings, the lack of videos and damning testimonials we know there was Russian collusion...Yep, we swear we’re credible.”

you need a nap.
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:


Why aren't these poll workers being arrested?

Because the governor is a spinless establishment douche. One thing is certain: he wont be reelected. The same goes for the SOS

The governor doesn't arrest people...the local police and/or sheriff does. Again, if there was a crime being committed...why hasn't anyone who supposedly committed fraud been arrested in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada? You guys keep saying there are thousands of instances of voter fraud...yet no arrests.

Please explain.

Because the fraud they are claiming never happened...


And of course there is also the fact that you cant have more absentee paper ballots counted than the absentee envelopes counted, in the election Checks and Balances process...

AND, Fulton county and all of Georgia had 3 hand recounts of the ballots, where the machine count matched the hand count....


What part of there were no signature or registration checks for all of the recounts the just kept counting the same ballots over and over dont n.v you get?

what part of all video of the election counting in Fulton County being investigated by the SOS, and them stating it was all normal procedures of the counting process that you clearly know nothing about, thus misinterpret, as ballots being counted twice.

what part of getting a count of all absentee ballot envelopes being received, then a count of all removed ballots run through the optical scan vote counter, and the two counts having to MATCH as a check preventing ballots from being counted twice, do YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?

what part of 3 recounts done and hand recounts matching the machine recounts do you not understand?

An audit on the envelope signatures is happening right now..... when they are all eligible and no fraud detected that changes any result,


The SOS has already lied about the election several times. Why should anyone trust him?

Donald Trump has already lied over 25,000 times in the past four years and you still trust him. In fact, you believe everything he says.

Not about what he says, but more about what he gets done, and what he delivers. Even Briben praised Trump's "warp speed" program.. Ohhhhhh I know that had to have drove you all insane. LOL. Shut up Biden you blubbering idiot right ????
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:


You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:

Notice that twitter says the claim is disputed. It's frikken video!

If the video doesn't show what the Gateway Pundit claims it shows, do you still want Twitter to pretend it shows fraud?

No I don't. However, I'm not the one trying to prevent the evidence from being examined. You are.
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:

Notice that twitter says the claim is disputed. It's frikken video!

There are fact checks on the incident - one which is clearly fake fact check.

As far as I am aware there is no good explanation for why people were told to go home and the counting continued despite that.

Fact check sites are fake news. They are just another department of the so-called "news" sources that sponsor them.

Are courts fake courts?
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:

Then the number of votes cast and the number of voters would be way off. It didn't happen.

Not only that, but they've testified now numerous times why re-scans happen, and re-scans don't count the same Vote twice. The software prevents it. They're rescanned because there was a scan error on the first run through.

People like bripat are abject fucking morons. They fall for anything if its what they want to hear, fact checks and failed court cases be damned and now...the very SOURCES of these stories, like Newsmax, are publicly retracting because they're being faced with a lawsuit...and here we STILL cannot fix STEEWWWPIDDD

So they are rescanning piles of ballots multiple times because of errors? You can't be that stupid.

Yes, dipshit. The machine Counts in batches so that tracing back any particular Vote upon audit is easier to do. You know? For Election Integrity.

If one ballot in a batch fails to count, there's a scanning error. You know? So that every American Patriot's Vote is sacrosanct, and counts. The machine then restarts the batch, you know? Because of the error. This was testified to, under oath, and all Court cases to the contrary have failed. Wanna know why? Because the recounts match up.

So you sit there with a "but but but" with your thumb up your ass looking like a Cult sycophant who believes everything he's told, even THOUGH its now been retracted by Fox and Newsmax...but guess what? Reality doesn't care about your butthurt and stupidity.

But morons like you, who cannot grasp the most basic shit on the fucking planet, sit in your disgusting computer chairs going, "finkle...einhorn...finkle...einhorn. I get it! Finkle IS Einhorn! Derpa derp derp derp, derpitty derp."

You haven't explained why they would run a stack of ballots through the machine multiple times. When did the woman even check for an error?

Yes, I literally just explained it. And so did the professionals that program the machines, under oath, and so did the workers who scanned the Votes, and their location supervisors.

You "understanding" the process isn't some prerequisite. You're an anti knowledge fuggin dipshit on a message board. You don't matter.

At all.

No you didn't. The same batch was run through multiple times. Your "explanation" would justify running it through again once. How are the "batches" even determine? It looks like the woman just grabs a hand full of ballots.

You idiots fell for the Russia! Russia! Russia! hoax for 3 years and put half a dozen people through utter hell, but you just swallow anything these criminal election officials say. Yeah, right.
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:

Notice that twitter says the claim is disputed. It's frikken video!

There are fact checks on the incident - one which is clearly fake fact check.

As far as I am aware there is no good explanation for why people were told to go home and the counting continued despite that.

Fact check sites are fake news. They are just another department of the so-called "news" sources that sponsor them.

Are courts fake courts?

They are corrupt and spineless.
Let's assume she did run the ballots through multiple times. What does that prove? The algorithm to count ballots can easily deal with this situation. Upon entry of a ballot the ballot's ID code is checked against ballots already processed and if a duplicate is found, then the entries from that ballot ID's prior run are marked as void. Thus one could run the same ballot through a thousand times and only the latest entry would be counted. It isn't rocket science.

Mistakes are bound to happen. But systems are designed to catch them. This why manual recounts of paper ballots vary so little from the machine count. Computer systems easily catch this sort of thing.
Sore losers, when driven by ideological fanaticism, are impervious to reason that does not support their hyper-partisan dogma.

It may be kinder to just leave them to fester in their fantasy land of grievance and paranoia.

One recalls how the reviled Hillary "Lock her up!" Clinton, having received 2.9 million more votes than the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer, graciously conceded his electoral college victory despite the expectation of so many that she would win.

Meanwhile, Trump whined - with no evidence, as usual - that 3-5 invisible bogus balloteers had cost him the popular vote.

Trump, with almost 7 million fewer voted than his opponent, and in line with all expectations, is too weak, insecure, and dishonest to follow his and his enabler's advice.

Screen Shot 2020-12-24 at 7.13.01 AM.png

One would think that a cult could find someone more worthy of their veneration.
We let purple haired, woke racist communist domestic terrorist BLMturds count ballots without supervision...?

Anyone involved with BLM is already demonstrating their complete lack of integrity...How is anyone surprised these scumbags cheated?

We were all saying months before the election that they were going to do this...
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:

Then the number of votes cast and the number of voters would be way off. It didn't happen.

Not only that, but they've testified now numerous times why re-scans happen, and re-scans don't count the same Vote twice. The software prevents it. They're rescanned because there was a scan error on the first run through.

People like bripat are abject fucking morons. They fall for anything if its what they want to hear, fact checks and failed court cases be damned and now...the very SOURCES of these stories, like Newsmax, are publicly retracting because they're being faced with a lawsuit...and here we STILL cannot fix STEEWWWPIDDD

So they are rescanning piles of ballots multiple times because of errors? You can't be that stupid.

Yes, dipshit. The machine Counts in batches so that tracing back any particular Vote upon audit is easier to do. You know? For Election Integrity.

If one ballot in a batch fails to count, there's a scanning error. You know? So that every American Patriot's Vote is sacrosanct, and counts. The machine then restarts the batch, you know? Because of the error. This was testified to, under oath, and all Court cases to the contrary have failed. Wanna know why? Because the recounts match up.

So you sit there with a "but but but" with your thumb up your ass looking like a Cult sycophant who believes everything he's told, even THOUGH its now been retracted by Fox and Newsmax...but guess what? Reality doesn't care about your butthurt and stupidity.

But morons like you, who cannot grasp the most basic shit on the fucking planet, sit in your disgusting computer chairs going, "finkle...einhorn...finkle...einhorn. I get it! Finkle IS Einhorn! Derpa derp derp derp, derpitty derp."

You haven't explained why they would run a stack of ballots through the machine multiple times. When did the woman even check for an error?

Yes, I literally just explained it. And so did the professionals that program the machines, under oath, and so did the workers who scanned the Votes, and their location supervisors.

You "understanding" the process isn't some prerequisite. You're an anti knowledge fuggin dipshit on a message board. You don't matter.

At all.

No you didn't. The same batch was run through multiple times. Your "explanation" would justify running it through again once. How are the "batches" even determine? It looks like the woman just grabs a hand full of ballots.

You idiots fell for the Russia! Russia! Russia! hoax for 3 years and put half a dozen people through utter hell, but you just swallow anything these criminal election officials say. Yeah, right.

No, dumbass, the explanation is that the batch is run as many times as it takes for the error to be resolved. And rerunning batches doesn't recount batches. Why are you so fucking dumb?
Why would anyone, other than a complete fool, watching anything coming out of OAN? You are that complete fool Frank.

I had always considered you one of the smarter right wingers around here. Unlike BriPat or Norman, you seemed to have a brain, however misdirected it may be, but clinging to these fictions that Trump is pushing, no matter how irrational or unlikely, makes me think you're just as dumb and gullible as the rest of them.
The heart has its reasons that reason knows not of.

Those who are controlled by emotion, especially passion, and, in particular, ideological passion, are irrational, and rational folks often fail to understand that the emotionally-driven are impervious to their appeals to logic.

Seriously? Democrats are the most emotionally driven imbeciles on the planet and it isn’t even close. It is hard to have a conversation with one becuase they start screaming and claiming racism the first time there is a disagreement.


Trump supporters have become a professional victim class in and of themselves. Seldom is there a dday that goes by without us hearing about how you guys have been victimized by the courts, the press, democrats, women's groups, social media, intellectuals, etc...

Everyone has been out to get Trump from day one. He would have been a great President but the MSM never gave him a chance. He's been treated worse than any President in history, even the ones who were assassinated. But Obama . . .
What little Donnie doesn't want to admit is that deep down, every time he hears a reporter say something "horrible," "unfair," or "nasty" about him, he is hearing it in the voice of Fred Trump. And that's because he knows that no matter how many towers he builds or even how many elections he wins, none of it will change the fact that daddy knew exactly what a pathetic failure and embarrassment his son is.
You really are one vast pile of foul smelling shit, aren't you?
The sounds of surrender.

You forgot that even Trump appointed federal judges (all the way to the US supreme court) said there was insufficient evidence.

Evidence is actual eye witness to an illegal act, not hearsay, or supposition. Such as I saw somebody doing something suspicious. Or somebody had a guilty look in their eyes.
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:

Notice that twitter says the claim is disputed. It's frikken video!

There are fact checks on the incident - one which is clearly fake fact check.

As far as I am aware there is no good explanation for why people were told to go home and the counting continued despite that.

Fact check sites are fake news. They are just another department of the so-called "news" sources that sponsor them.

Are courts fake courts?

If they rule against fat donnie they are.
We let purple haired, woke racist communist domestic terrorist BLMturds count ballots without supervision...?

Anyone involved with BLM is already demonstrating their complete lack of integrity...How is anyone surprised these scumbags cheated?

We were all saying months before the election that they were going to do this...
It's over.

Instead of contriving embarrassingly laughable excuses for the American electorate voting consistent with the sentiment they had expressed in survey after survey for four years, you might want to start looking around for a more legitimate cause to latch onto - like flat-eartherism.

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