President Trump: Where is that trickle down?

The current Unemployment Rate is the lowest in 17yrs, the African American Unemployment Rate just reached the lowest level ever recorded, Layoffs are at the lowest level in 28yrs, and Food Stamp recipients are down by 2 million.

I'd say that's pretty good. Trump's on a roll. But if you only access Democrat Fake News, you won't know about the real positive news. Trump isn't the Boogeyman and it isn't all Doom & Gloom. For me personally, Trump's doing all i ask of him. Now if he just gets 1 or 2 more Supreme Court Justices, he will have accomplished all i could have expected from him. Stay tuned.

Very true

But with low unemployment, salaries should be rising sharply to compete for fewer workers and keep the employees you have
Where is the trickle down?

What is Trump doing about that?

Well obviously y'all irrational hater-bots will continue moving the goal posts. I suspect y'all will never give Trump any credit on anything. Just a hunch anyway. But hey, y'all keep on hatin. Meanwhile, Trump's gonna keep on winnin. Take care. :)

Your rambling screed had nothing to do with what I posted

Like i said, i'm pretty sure you irrational hater-bots will just continue moving the goal posts. It's what haters do. But for me personally, Trump's doing all i've asked of him. It's been a great first year. And if you avoid the mass Democrat Fake News, you'll see that too.

he's been riding Obamas wave economic wise ..

The DOW is up about 5,000 points in a year, unemployment is at a 17 year low, illegal immigration is down about 80% all in a freaking year and the hypocrite left still finds a reason to whine. No surprises here.

Yet none of that wealth makes it down to those who create it
Like I said, his tax legislation that he got passed is the first time he actually did something with the economy. I'm gonna wait and see how things are going in June or July, with a final determination on his tax plan when I do my 2018 taxes.
Come on winger... even for you, this is really stupid. The bill wasn't even passed until nearly Christmas! December job numbers have nothing to do with this legislation, even in fairy tale liberal land. Who came up with this criticism, Joy Behar?

Companies don't plan anything NOW... idiot. Most companies have fiscal years which end in March or April, sometimes May or June, and that's when they plan for the next fiscal year. Even this planning doesn't always include addition of jobs, that's generally decided quarterly based on demand for labor, not tax savings.

If you want to act like you're 5-years-old and don't comprehend how business works, don't be surprised when Trump and the GOP clean your clocks in 2018.

apparently adding $1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS to the debt doesnt bother you in the least - ANY LONGER.

Adding $1.5 trillion over 10 years isn't a big problem for me, especially considering the last president added $10 trillion in 8 years and the Democrat candidates for president BOTH proposed adding another $10 trillion or more over the next decade. Some would argue that we've saved about $8.5 trillion.

But now hey, if you want to lobby the Democrat party to work with Conservatives to balance the budget and start paying down the national debt, I'm all for that! Let's see your serious proposals on where we're going to slash the budget? :dunno:
Lewis Black the great comedian explained how trickle down doesn’t work.

Drink a lot of beer, put a cup by your feet. Piss your pants, shake your pants and very little of the piss trickles down into the cup.

Proof it doesn’t work. Lol

Part of our problem, in my opinion, is that our leaders are chosen by a voter base who thinks that economic theory, which is LITERALLY the study of all human action at the aggregate level, trying to account for the behavioral patterns of billions of moving parts with more social and environmental factors contributing to each of those parts than the combined whole of human knowledge has yet to even accurately quantify, can be effectively distilled down to a one sentence pissing metaphor.

Lewis Black's funny as shit, don't get me wrong. Big fan. I also love John Stewart, used to watch his show semi-religiously because between him and the writing staff, I found it all hilarious. But I keep in mind that these guys are professional joke tellers. The moment you start taking them seriously and using The Daily Show like a political compass point is the moment you should do us all a favor and tear up your ballot.
Come on winger... even for you, this is really stupid. The bill wasn't even passed until nearly Christmas! December job numbers have nothing to do with this legislation, even in fairy tale liberal land. Who came up with this criticism, Joy Behar?

Companies don't plan anything NOW... idiot. Most companies have fiscal years which end in March or April, sometimes May or June, and that's when they plan for the next fiscal year. Even this planning doesn't always include addition of jobs, that's generally decided quarterly based on demand for labor, not tax savings.

If you want to act like you're 5-years-old and don't comprehend how business works, don't be surprised when Trump and the GOP clean your clocks in 2018.

apparently adding $1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS to the debt doesnt bother you in the least - ANY LONGER.

Adding $1.5 trillion over 10 years isn't a big problem for me, especially considering the last president added $10 trillion in 8 years and the Democrat candidates for president BOTH proposed adding another $10 trillion or more over the next decade. Some would argue that we've saved about $8.5 trillion.

But now hey, if you want to lobby the Democrat party to work with Conservatives to balance the budget and start paying down the national debt, I'm all for that! Let's see your serious proposals on where we're going to slash the budget? :dunno:

Sadly, the Swamp Creatures in both Parties love spending other peoples' money far too much to ever reach an agreement on a balanced budget. It just ain't gonna happen. I've come to grips with that sad reality. The massive Debt is here to stay.
Come on winger... even for you, this is really stupid. The bill wasn't even passed until nearly Christmas! December job numbers have nothing to do with this legislation, even in fairy tale liberal land. Who came up with this criticism, Joy Behar?

Companies don't plan anything NOW... idiot. Most companies have fiscal years which end in March or April, sometimes May or June, and that's when they plan for the next fiscal year. Even this planning doesn't always include addition of jobs, that's generally decided quarterly based on demand for labor, not tax savings.

If you want to act like you're 5-years-old and don't comprehend how business works, don't be surprised when Trump and the GOP clean your clocks in 2018.

apparently adding $1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS to the debt doesnt bother you in the least - ANY LONGER.

Adding $1.5 trillion over 10 years isn't a big problem for me, especially considering the last president added $10 trillion in 8 years and the Democrat candidates for president BOTH proposed adding another $10 trillion or more over the next decade. Some would argue that we've saved about $8.5 trillion.

But now hey, if you want to lobby the Democrat party to work with Conservatives to balance the budget and start paying down the national debt, I'm all for that! Let's see your serious proposals on where we're going to slash the budget? :dunno:

ADDING $1.5 tRILLION TO THE DEBT and 13 MILLION PEOPLE LOSING HEALTH INSURANCE doesnt bother you because Obama did ..

dumbest damn horseshit you could come up with ? .... try harder this time.
Come on winger... even for you, this is really stupid. The bill wasn't even passed until nearly Christmas! December job numbers have nothing to do with this legislation, even in fairy tale liberal land. Who came up with this criticism, Joy Behar?

Companies don't plan anything NOW... idiot. Most companies have fiscal years which end in March or April, sometimes May or June, and that's when they plan for the next fiscal year. Even this planning doesn't always include addition of jobs, that's generally decided quarterly based on demand for labor, not tax savings.

If you want to act like you're 5-years-old and don't comprehend how business works, don't be surprised when Trump and the GOP clean your clocks in 2018.

apparently adding $1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS to the debt doesnt bother you in the least - ANY LONGER.

Adding $1.5 trillion over 10 years isn't a big problem for me, especially considering the last president added $10 trillion in 8 years and the Democrat candidates for president BOTH proposed adding another $10 trillion or more over the next decade. Some would argue that we've saved about $8.5 trillion.

But now hey, if you want to lobby the Democrat party to work with Conservatives to balance the budget and start paying down the national debt, I'm all for that! Let's see your serious proposals on where we're going to slash the budget? :dunno:

ADDING $1.5 tRILLION TO THE DEBT and 13 MILLION PEOPLE LOSING HEALTH INSURANCE doesnt bother you because Obama did ..

dumbest damn horseshit you could come up with ? .... try harder this time.

1.5 trillion over 10 years if revenue levels remain static despite profit margins loosening up something like 15 percent on the back end for all corporations come tax time. Between Bush and Obama, they beat that number in corporate and big bank giveaways in just under 2 years. Neither here nor there, though.

The bigger issue is the 13 million number. You certain they're -all- gonna lose their insurance again? And what about the ones who didn't want it in the first place? Throughout my 20's, I never had health insurance, because I've always been relatively healthy. The times I had a problem that required medical attention, I paid out of pocket. No health insurance, no burden on anybody else's bill, but a plan that saved me tens of thousands that I would have paid out in premiums for services I rarely sought. There's a lot of young people like that who were helping make up that 13 million. Something tells me that they're not gonna cry over losing the mandate that requires them to drop a couple hundred a month for medical care they aren't using. Figure out how that number breaks down and who's -actually- at risk of losing coverage and then get back to us with a less hysterically simplistic reading of that stat.
ADDING $1.5 tRILLION TO THE DEBT and 13 MILLION PEOPLE LOSING HEALTH INSURANCE doesnt bother you because Obama did ..

dumbest damn horseshit you could come up with ? .... try harder this time.

It really doesn't bother me how many people lost health insurance they couldn't afford to use and couldn't afford to pay the premiums for. I guess if I had some interest in the Insurance lobby, it might be different. If my political party was depending on big campaign contributions from corporate billionaires who are profiting from health care, maybe this would be more of a concern for me. But since I am genuinely more concerned with people being free to make their own health care decisions and take care of their own health care needs through a free market system that offers them options and alternatives, I'll stick with my viewpoint.

And again... whenever you want to present your list of things we can cut from the budget to balance it, I'm all ears! Let's hear your plan! So far you're sounding like a total hypocrite who doesn't really give two shits about the deficits or debt. You just think it's an expedient way to bash the GOP because you're a partisan hack.
Because the law hasn’t even fully taken affect?
Do you actually believe that?
If they can give out all those bonuses to managers.

Where is the "trickle down"?
The bonuses is the start of the trickle down, dumbass.
Giant corporations employees got a few bucks. 99% of the other part of the working class got nothing. Poor example on your part.
It was passed a couple weeks ago. Shit never held Obama to the same. Spent billions on shovel ready jobs. That never happened.
ADDING $1.5 tRILLION TO THE DEBT and 13 MILLION PEOPLE LOSING HEALTH INSURANCE doesnt bother you because Obama did ..

dumbest damn horseshit you could come up with ? .... try harder this time.

It really doesn't bother me how many people lost health insurance they couldn't afford to use and couldn't afford to pay the premiums for. I guess if I had some interest in the Insurance lobby, it might be different. If my political party was depending on big campaign contributions from corporate billionaires who are profiting from health care, maybe this would be more of a concern for me. But since I am genuinely more concerned with people being free to make their own health care decisions and take care of their own health care needs through a free market system that offers them options and alternatives, I'll stick with my viewpoint.

And again... whenever you want to present your list of things we can cut from the budget to balance it, I'm all ears! Let's hear your plan! So far you're sounding like a total hypocrite who doesn't really give two shits about the deficits or debt. You just think it's an expedient way to bash the GOP because you're a partisan hack.

the entire health care industry TOP TO BOTTOM will suffer when millions of people lose their healthcare ..

jobs vanish
consumer confidence vanishes
consumer spending takes a heavy hit
product consumption takes a heavy hit
product production takes a heavy hit
state tax revenue takes a heavy hit
heavy hit after heavy hit .......................................................................

and so on down the line .... and you and the rest of RW idiots dont give a damn?

that was trying hard enough - back under your economic rock
Because the law hasn’t even fully taken affect?

Your hero is claiming that the law has been great for the economy. He said it yesterday when he appeared ON TAPED VIDEO during a live press briefing.

Odd? He thinks the law is in effect.
ADDING $1.5 tRILLION TO THE DEBT and 13 MILLION PEOPLE LOSING HEALTH INSURANCE doesnt bother you because Obama did ..

dumbest damn horseshit you could come up with ? .... try harder this time.

It really doesn't bother me how many people lost health insurance they couldn't afford to use and couldn't afford to pay the premiums for. I guess if I had some interest in the Insurance lobby, it might be different. If my political party was depending on big campaign contributions from corporate billionaires who are profiting from health care, maybe this would be more of a concern for me. But since I am genuinely more concerned with people being free to make their own health care decisions and take care of their own health care needs through a free market system that offers them options and alternatives, I'll stick with my viewpoint.

And again... whenever you want to present your list of things we can cut from the budget to balance it, I'm all ears! Let's hear your plan! So far you're sounding like a total hypocrite who doesn't really give two shits about the deficits or debt. You just think it's an expedient way to bash the GOP because you're a partisan hack.

the entire health care industry TOP TO BOTTOM will suffer when millions of people lose their healthcare ..

jobs vanish
consumer confidence vanishes
consumer spending takes a heavy hit
product consumption takes a heavy hit
product production takes a heavy hit
state tax revenue takes a heavy hit
heavy hit after heavy hit .......................................................................

and so on down the line .... and you and the rest of RW idiots dont give a damn?

that was trying hard enough - back under your economic rock

It's funny how the OPPOSITE of all that is happening when you claim millions have lost their health care coverage.

I think you fundamentally have a problem understanding the difference between health care and health care insurance.
Come on winger... even for you, this is really stupid. The bill wasn't even passed until nearly Christmas! December job numbers have nothing to do with this legislation, even in fairy tale liberal land. Who came up with this criticism, Joy Behar?

Companies don't plan anything NOW... idiot. Most companies have fiscal years which end in March or April, sometimes May or June, and that's when they plan for the next fiscal year. Even this planning doesn't always include addition of jobs, that's generally decided quarterly based on demand for labor, not tax savings.

If you want to act like you're 5-years-old and don't comprehend how business works, don't be surprised when Trump and the GOP clean your clocks in 2018.

apparently adding $1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS to the debt doesnt bother you in the least - ANY LONGER.

Not when it hasn’t been added yet
Lewis Black the great comedian explained how trickle down doesn’t work.

Drink a lot of beer, put a cup by your feet. Piss your pants, shake your pants and very little of the piss trickles down into the cup.

Proof it doesn’t work. Lol

On what planet is Lewis black a great comedian, let alone an intellectual powerhouse?
They just released the employment numbers for December. Salaries increased an average of 9 cents

Employers added disappointing 148K jobs in Dec.

Last month, average hourly wages rose nine cents to $26.63, nudging the annual increase to 2.5% from 2.4%. Pay gains have been stuck at about 2.5% for well over a year. Economists have expected a bigger spike because of the low unemployment rate that’s making it tougher for employers to find workers

Employers just saw their tax rate cut in half
Why did wages only creep up 9 cents?

Well until they see that the trickle down is bullshit and hurts them personally they will not see that it really didn't work under the Bush admin either..

Middle class down got screwed and the rich got richer..


We have just seen the largest corporate tax cut in history shifting over a trillion dollars into their coffers

Employees saw a 9 cent raise
Keep spewing that lie, makes you look even more stupid.Law ain't even had time to do anything yet. Besides only regressive scum thinks they deserve a raise for nothing. You want a raise? Work for it!
The current Unemployment Rate is the lowest in 17yrs, the African American Unemployment Rate just reached the lowest level ever recorded, Layoffs are at the lowest level in 28yrs, and Food Stamp recipients are down by 2 million.

I'd say that's pretty good. Trump's on a roll. But if you only access Democrat Fake News, you won't know about the real positive news. Trump isn't the Boogeyman and it isn't all Doom & Gloom. For me personally, Trump's doing all i ask of him. Now if he just gets 1 or 2 more Supreme Court Justices, he will have accomplished all i could have expected from him. Stay tuned.

Very true

But with low unemployment, salaries should be rising sharply to compete for fewer workers and keep the employees you have
Where is the trickle down?

What is Trump doing about that?

Well obviously y'all irrational hater-bots will continue moving the goal posts. I suspect y'all will never give Trump any credit on anything. Just a hunch anyway. But hey, y'all keep on hatin. Meanwhile, Trump's gonna keep on winnin. Take care. :)

Your rambling screed had nothing to do with what I posted

Like i said, i'm pretty sure you irrational hater-bots will just continue moving the goal posts. It's what haters do. But for me personally, Trump's doing all i've asked of him. It's been a great first year. And if you avoid the mass Democrat Fake News, you'll see that too.

he's been riding Obamas wave economic wise ..


The one that didn’t exist until the market was celebrating the fact that he wouldn’t be in office anymore and Hillary wasn’t coming in? That wave?
Come on winger... even for you, this is really stupid. The bill wasn't even passed until nearly Christmas! December job numbers have nothing to do with this legislation, even in fairy tale liberal land. Who came up with this criticism, Joy Behar?

Companies don't plan anything NOW... idiot. Most companies have fiscal years which end in March or April, sometimes May or June, and that's when they plan for the next fiscal year. Even this planning doesn't always include addition of jobs, that's generally decided quarterly based on demand for labor, not tax savings.

If you want to act like you're 5-years-old and don't comprehend how business works, don't be surprised when Trump and the GOP clean your clocks in 2018.

apparently adding $1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS to the debt doesnt bother you in the least - ANY LONGER.

Adding $1.5 trillion over 10 years isn't a big problem for me, especially considering the last president added $10 trillion in 8 years and the Democrat candidates for president BOTH proposed adding another $10 trillion or more over the next decade. Some would argue that we've saved about $8.5 trillion.

But now hey, if you want to lobby the Democrat party to work with Conservatives to balance the budget and start paying down the national debt, I'm all for that! Let's see your serious proposals on where we're going to slash the budget? :dunno:

ADDING $1.5 tRILLION TO THE DEBT and 13 MILLION PEOPLE LOSING HEALTH INSURANCE doesnt bother you because Obama did ..

dumbest damn horseshit you could come up with ? .... try harder this time.

What's this horse shit?

They are losing there health insurance because they don't want it

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