President Trumps First Month


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
  • Trump nominated Judge Neil M. Gorsuch to the Supreme Court
  • Trump signed an Executive Order instructing Federal agencies to "minimize the burden" of Obamacare
  • Trump signed an Executive Order to improve security by enabling the construction of a wall on the southern border
  • Trump signed an Executive Order to protect Americans by limiting admission of refugees from several terrorist hotspots
  • Trump signed an Executive Order to make sure Federal immigration laws are enforced and that Americans' tax dollars do not go to sanctuary cities
  • Under Trump's leadership, the Department of the Treasury sanctioned 25 entities and individuals involved in Iran's ballistic missile program
  • Trump has required that for every new Federal regulation, two existing regulations by eliminated
  • Trump directed the Commerce Department to streamline Federal permitting processes for domestic manufacturing
  • Trump signed an Executive Order expediting the environmental review and approval process for infrastructure projects
  • Trump signed a Presidential Memorandum to clear roadblocks to construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline and the Dakota Access Pipeline
  • Trump signed legislation to block the so-called "Stream Protection Rule" from causing further harm to the coal industry
  • Trump signed an Executive Order establishing new ethics commitments for all Executive branch appointees, putting in place a five-year lobbying ban and a permanent ban on lobbying for foreign governments
  • Trump put in place a hiring freeze for Federal civilian employees
  • Most important and entertaining of all - Trump drove the fascist left out of the closet and has them on display for all to see what lying scum they are.
Ran up millions on security costs wh his jet setting . That's a thing now .
Played golf every weekend and really didn't do anything, signed a lot of stuff. Tweeted a lot. Spread a lot of alternative facts.

One accomplishment was getting his trademark in China he has been trying to do for 10 years.
Played golf every weekend and really didn't do anything, signed a lot of stuff. Tweeted a lot. Spread a lot of alternative facts.

One accomplishment was getting his trademark in China he has been trying to do for 10 years.
For someone who does nothing he sure has the lefts panties wedged tight into their asses.
Played golf every weekend and really didn't do anything, signed a lot of stuff. Tweeted a lot. Spread a lot of alternative facts.

One accomplishment was getting his trademark in China he has been trying to do for 10 years.
For someone who does nothing he sure has the lefts panties wedged tight into their asses.

It has to be his personality.
Trump lives in your house? Tell him to leave, his personality is incompatible with you being a bitch and you need a safe zone.

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