President WTF's prayer breakfast.....the man is insane!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Before I go there, lets all say it together "He's not a politician, he's a business leader".....okay, now that we've gotten that off our chest....who the fuck goes into a religious environment and talks about a fuckin reality show?

(sigh) You guys will rule the day, you voted this insane, ego maniac into the white house. LIke, who does shit like this? It may be to boost ratings, but gotdamnit, this man is on a path of sheer craziness.

And true to form, you have his sap dogs on national tv, SPLAININ THE SHIT AWAY AND LAUGHING ABOUT IT, LIKE ITS OKAY????????
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It's so nice to watch liberals meltdown over trivial stuff that really doesn't matter. ..... :thup: ... :cool:
Oh, like the fuckin meltdown you bitches had when Obama and Michelle fist bumped each other, or the Cling to your guns comment or the fact he wore a blue suit one day or the time he saluted with a cup of coffee in his hands or the time he took a breath of fresh air? Meltdown Pot, meet fuckin meltdown kettle, you simplistic moronic fuck head!!
It's so nice to watch liberals meltdown over trivial stuff that really doesn't matter. ..... :thup: ... :cool:
Oh, like the fuckin meltdown you bitches had when Obama and Michelle fist bumped each other, or the Cling to your guns comment or the fact he wore a blue suit one day or the time he saluted with a cup of coffee in his hands or the time he took a breath of fresh air? Meltdown Pot, meet fuckin meltdown kettle, you simplistic moronic fuck head!!

So what you're saying is America shouldn't expect the democrats to behave any better under Trump than the republicans did under Obama?

Oh wonderful!
Oh, like the fuckin meltdown you bitches had when Obama and Michelle fist bumped each other, or the Cling to your guns comment or the fact he wore a blue suit one day or the time he saluted with a cup of coffee in his hands or the time he took a breath of fresh air? Meltdown Pot, meet fuckin meltdown kettle, you simplistic moronic fuck head!!
Nice meltdown Tiger!! .... I give it an A+ ..... :thup: .. :cool:
I happened to be driving when the radio played part of the prayer breakfast speech ---- this part:

" I want to express clearly today, to the American people, that my administration will do everything in its power to defend and protect religious liberty in our land. America must forever remain a tolerant society where all face are respected and where all of our citizens can feel safe and secure."


It was all I could do to keep the car on the road, I was laughing so hard. What a bald-faced transparent complete lying HYPOCRITE.

Elsewhere in the speech he also said:

"Freedom of religion is a sacred right, but it is also a right under threat all around us"

Yeah NO SHIT Sherlock. Maybe you oughta quit doing it then, you fucking waste of human protoplasm.

Many people work on that show and depend on the paycheck so Trump did the right thing. I don't want to see anyone lose their job.
Okay, we have a person who is obviously upset that the President would dare mention a reality show in conjunction with the religious atmosphere surrounding a "prayer breakfast". Has society really devolved to the point that a lady with the mouth of a drunken sailor actually can find fault with the President? When did this happen to our society? The 'F" word, the "S" word. etc., are not acceptable from a gentlemen, let alone a lady. No wonder the Democrats lost. They don't deserve to win if they have no problem with this sort of thing. Even the uneducated 50 years ago didn't dare express themselves in such terms --- in writing never the less!
I'll tell you what, I don't express myself this way! I would NEVER again date a girl who would use such language. No child of mine would hear such from his parents --- let alone his mother..
Ignorance is bliss I suppose.
Hey littlenipper I'm not at all agreeing with Tiger here, but welcome to freedom of speech sweety.
Real freedom of speech is when someone can express their opinion without words that have nothing to do with the topic. Real freedom is when creationism can be discussed in a science class. Real freedom is when one can send the gay couple thinking that they are getting "married" down the street to another bakery. Real freedom is when one can let the children play outside and ride their bike into town without fear. Real freedom is singing "God Bless America" in school without a threat from the ACLU! I hope this President will reverse "Political Correctness,"
First, realize that you are actually attacking an ally of the majority of the other political baggage you just randomly unloaded onto the table after the fact.

Secondly, real freedom speech means you can use curse words, even as a lady.

I'm afraid I don't play the same game liberals do with 'waaaah words hurt' as you appear to. My position? If someone wants to say "God" in school that's totally fine with me, but, true story here, I shouldn't be suspended from school and have to fight to the state supreme court for refusing to say the line "Under God" during the pledge - you get where I'm coming from? So don't try to throw too many "PC is so evil" flags on the point of words vs true freedom of speech/expression/religion, because quite frankly the religious right has been just as guilty of the same sort of shit in the rather recent past (aka mid-80s.) There's a balance that needs to be found, it was too far right for a while, now it's swung too far left, we need to get things back to the middle. Both sides just need to stop the ridiculous hand wringing and stick to valid issues.

I'm not going to address the other matters in full as I'd wall-o-text but I'll respond in short: Religious injection in public schools is unconstitutional, someone else's SSM is none of /your/ business, helicopter you-are-not-that-kids-mom's are rather dangerous assholes when they suddenly have government power, the ACLU has some issues, aka I think they've lost their way and purpose in modern America, and PC doesn't mean you can't talk.
Okay, we have a person who is obviously upset that the President would dare mention a reality show in conjunction with the religious atmosphere surrounding a "prayer breakfast". Has society really devolved to the point that a lady with the mouth of a drunken sailor actually can find fault with the President? When did this happen to our society? The 'F" word, the "S" word. etc., are not acceptable from a gentlemen, let alone a lady. No wonder the Democrats lost. They don't deserve to win if they have no problem with this sort of thing. Even the uneducated 50 years ago didn't dare express themselves in such terms --- in writing never the less!
I'll tell you what, I don't express myself this way! I would NEVER again date a girl who would use such language. No child of mine would hear such from his parents --- let alone his mother..
Ignorance is bliss I suppose.

Ah, fuck that shit. Let it out. ;)

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