"Presidential Harassment?"


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
If it wasn't so sad, it would be laughable that Trump derides legitimate Democrat investigations of him and his as "presidential harassment." Like Nixon before him, he eschews The Constitution's requirement of separate branches of government. We know that he loves dictators and would like to be one with a lifetime appointment.
Even during his sorry state of the union address, he threatened to take down the economy if the Democrats persisted with their legal and proper investigations.

Aside from his constant rejoinders of "no collusion," his claims of "presidential harassment" goes beyond the pale. This is the man who wrote the book on "presidential harassment. Look at his constant, over the top, absolutely bogus, repeated ad nauseam claims that President Obama was not born in the U.S. That was the worst "presidential harassment we have ever seen. So, Trump, you of all people should be aware that "what goes around, comes around." And richly deserved. Bigly!!!
There are no legitimate Democrat investigations. There is nonsense to stop him from running for president in 2020.
There are no legitimate Democrat investigations. There is nonsense to stop him from running for president in 2020.

Thank you for posting. It;s important to hear what you on the crazy fringe are thinking

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