Presidential hopeful Christie risks backlash with retiree policy


Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2012
So he has a plan and that plan is to pretty much steal peoples money. Why he hasn't switched parties I will never know.

The governor, despite his own stalled efforts at reforming the New Jersey pension system, proposed Social Security "means-testing" that would reduce the size of benefits for people earning more than $80,000 annually and phase them out entirely for those earning $200,000 or more.

"Do we really believe that the wealthiest Americans need to take from younger, hard working Americans to receive what, for most of them, is a modest monthly Social Security check?" Christie asked.

Does he not realize these same people he thinks are taking from younger people are the same fucking ones that were paying in when they were younger? Wasn't that the entire basis of SS in the first place? You work while young and pay into the system and then when you get old the young pay for you. Apparently that is true unless you made too much and at that point Christie like obie has decided you made too much and don't get what you paid for. Isn't government retirement grand?
Damn...Fat Christie is an R...who knew??

Oh well it is all a puppet show, but some people strangely think otherwise.
Damn...Fat Christie is an R...who knew??

Oh well it is all a puppet show, but some people strangely think otherwise.
When did paying into SS become contingent on if you only didn't make enough to support yourself? It's like an insurance program you can only get if you fail? That's crazy.

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