Presidents and the Economy


Active Member
Nov 24, 2014
How much influence does the occupant of the White House have on the economy, anyway? The standard answer among economists, at least when they aren’t being political hacks, is: not much. But is this time different?

Do we ever, as a nation, learn any lessons from the greedy who we admire more than anyone else in our society, since we set them up on the highest of pedestals?
FDR's involvement in America's economy is one reason, historians rate FDR as America's best president.
FDR's involvement in America's economy is one reason, historians rate FDR as America's best president.

if 15 years of world wide depression during which 60 million died is best then what is worst?
A political party that allows a great depression to start and does nothing, but promise a chicken in every pot.

dear, how on earth could any president be worse than FDR given 15 years of depression and 5 years of world war? This is too complex for a liberal isn't it?
FDR's involvement in America's economy is one reason, historians rate FDR as America's best president.

if 15 years of world wide depression during which 60 million died is best then what is worst?
A political party that allows a great depression to start and does nothing, but promise a chicken in every pot.

dear, how on earth could any president be worse than FDR given 15 years of depression and 5 years of world war? This is too complex for a liberal isn't it?
Not at all. FDR still rated the best president, top of the heap, none better, I think your best response is that historians are communists.
FDR's involvement in America's economy is one reason, historians rate FDR as America's best president.

if 15 years of world wide depression during which 60 million died is best then what is worst?
A political party that allows a great depression to start and does nothing, but promise a chicken in every pot.

dear, how on earth could any president be worse than FDR given 15 years of depression and 5 years of world war? This is too complex for a liberal isn't it?
Not at all. FDR still rated the best president, top of the heap, none better, I think your best response is that historians are communists.

dear, how on earth could any president be worse than FDR given 15 years of depression and 5 years of world war?
FDR's involvement in America's economy is one reason, historians rate FDR as America's best president.
The fact is that historians rate him as America's best president because they are mostly a bunch of Marxists.
FDR's involvement in America's economy is one reason, historians rate FDR as America's best president.

if 15 years of world wide depression during which 60 million died is best then what is worst?
A political party that allows a great depression to start and does nothing, but promise a chicken in every pot.

dear, how on earth could any president be worse than FDR given 15 years of depression and 5 years of world war? This is too complex for a liberal isn't it?
Not at all. FDR still rated the best president, top of the heap, none better, I think your best response is that historians are communists.
FDR was the second worst president. Lincoln was the worst.
A Presidents influence on the economy is most cases. In the case of Obama, Executive Orders - whether bad or good. Other than that, who controls the money?
A Presidents influence on the economy is most cases. In the case of Obama, Executive Orders - whether bad or good. Other than that, who controls the money?

The FED controls the money and it does pretty much whatever the President tells it to do.
A Presidents influence on the economy is most cases. In the case of Obama, Executive Orders - whether bad or good. Other than that, who controls the money?

The FED controls the money and it does pretty much whatever the President tells it to do.
Who appropriates the money?

The FED prints money. It doesn't appropriate it. The Treasury Dept collects taxes.
A Presidents influence on the economy is most cases. In the case of Obama, Executive Orders - whether bad or good. Other than that, who controls the money?

The FED controls the money and it does pretty much whatever the President tells it to do.
Who appropriates the money?

The FED prints money. It doesn't appropriate it. The Treasury Dept collects taxes.
In the end, who appropriates the money?
A Presidents influence on the economy is most cases. In the case of Obama, Executive Orders - whether bad or good. Other than that, who controls the money?

The FED controls the money and it does pretty much whatever the President tells it to do.
Who appropriates the money?

The FED prints money. It doesn't appropriate it. The Treasury Dept collects taxes.
In the end, who appropriates the money?

What's your point, asshole?
A Presidents influence on the economy is most cases. In the case of Obama, Executive Orders - whether bad or good. Other than that, who controls the money?

The FED controls the money and it does pretty much whatever the President tells it to do.
Who appropriates the money?

The FED prints money. It doesn't appropriate it. The Treasury Dept collects taxes.
In the end, who appropriates the money?

What's your point, asshole?
Do you not know who appropriates the money, canadian?
The FED controls the money and it does pretty much whatever the President tells it to do.
Who appropriates the money?

The FED prints money. It doesn't appropriate it. The Treasury Dept collects taxes.
In the end, who appropriates the money?

What's your point, asshole?
Do you not know who appropriates the money, canadian?
What's your point, asshole?
Who appropriates the money?

The FED prints money. It doesn't appropriate it. The Treasury Dept collects taxes.
In the end, who appropriates the money?

What's your point, asshole?
Do you not know who appropriates the money, canadian?
What's your point, asshole?
I simply want to hear you tell me who appropriates the money, canadian. It's okay...the same principle is applied whether the President is of a darker hue, a Democrat or a Republican.
The FED prints money. It doesn't appropriate it. The Treasury Dept collects taxes.
In the end, who appropriates the money?

What's your point, asshole?
Do you not know who appropriates the money, canadian?
What's your point, asshole?
I simply want to hear you tell me who appropriates the money, canadian. It's okay...the same principle is applied whether the President is of a darker hue, a Democrat or a Republican.

Why should anyone give a flying fuck who appropriates the money, asshole?

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