President's climate funds remain intact

Funds for Obama climate deal survive in spending bill

In a victory for the Obama administration, the spending package released by congressional leaders on Wednesday won’t block American financial contributions to an international climate fund for poorer nations. [\QUOTE]

This entire thing is going to be a financial disaster for the American public, it's also going to cost many jobs and of course, in America losing the job means the healthcare goes down the toilet also.

In fact, the Climate scam is going to be a financial disaster for every Western nation.

Global Warming is a hoax, it's not humans fault, it's cattles fault....the majority of the damaging stuff is produced by cattle, cattle are constantly chewing all day and every other 5 chews they....well "you know" ahem.

Regarding poorer nations, who cares? Isn't it enough that Western nations have wasted hundreds of billions for decades giving them free stuff only for 80% of them to make a leap from square one onto square two and stay there?
Denier kooks and their policies are now considered to be poisonous even by the Republicans.

That's how far the denier cult has fallen, how insignificant it is. Even the Republicans are running from them.
Everything, buddy boy, everything.

Fact Sheet: Jobs in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (2015) | White Papers | EESI

Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Employment

The following sections provide employment assessments by government agencies, nonprofits and industry groups for the energy efficiency and renewable energy sectors. Many of the assessments include direct employment (directly related to on-site operations), indirect employment (resulting from the supply of materials to on-site operations), and induced employment (employment that arises from the generation of revenue by the direct and indirect workers). Data collection methodologies and specific job categorizations differ between assessments, because the information for each sector was collected from different sources.

The Ecotech Institute used the Bureau of Labor Statistics definition of a green job to calculate the number of clean job openings in 2014. The organization found a 13 percent increase in clean job openings from 2013 to 2014, from 3.6 million clean job openings in 2013 to 3.8 million openings in 2014. The institute estimates that there were 1.2 million clean job openings in the first three months of 2015.
Denier kooks and their policies are now considered to be poisonous even by the Republicans.

That's how far the denier cult has fallen, how insignificant it is. Even the Republicans are running from them.
Pretty much yeah
Everything, buddy boy, everything.

Fact Sheet: Jobs in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (2015) | White Papers | EESI

Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Employment

The following sections provide employment assessments by government agencies, nonprofits and industry groups for the energy efficiency and renewable energy sectors. Many of the assessments include direct employment (directly related to on-site operations), indirect employment (resulting from the supply of materials to on-site operations), and induced employment (employment that arises from the generation of revenue by the direct and indirect workers). Data collection methodologies and specific job categorizations differ between assessments, because the information for each sector was collected from different sources.

The Ecotech Institute used the Bureau of Labor Statistics definition of a green job to calculate the number of clean job openings in 2014. The organization found a 13 percent increase in clean job openings from 2013 to 2014, from 3.6 million clean job openings in 2013 to 3.8 million openings in 2014. The institute estimates that there were 1.2 million clean job openings in the first three months of 2015.
Everything, buddy boy, everything.

Fact Sheet: Jobs in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (2015) | White Papers | EESI

Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Employment

The following sections provide employment assessments by government agencies, nonprofits and industry groups for the energy efficiency and renewable energy sectors. Many of the assessments include direct employment (directly related to on-site operations), indirect employment (resulting from the supply of materials to on-site operations), and induced employment (employment that arises from the generation of revenue by the direct and indirect workers). Data collection methodologies and specific job categorizations differ between assessments, because the information for each sector was collected from different sources.

The Ecotech Institute used the Bureau of Labor Statistics definition of a green job to calculate the number of clean job openings in 2014. The organization found a 13 percent increase in clean job openings from 2013 to 2014, from 3.6 million clean job openings in 2013 to 3.8 million openings in 2014. The institute estimates that there were 1.2 million clean job openings in the first three months of 2015.
What does that have to do with me funding a third world shithole?
Global Warming "funding" is the biggest SCAM since the Pet Rock or New Coke. People that willingly join in are either getting rich from the SCAM or just plain old fashioned gullible.

Its but a few billion dollars just to keep the special interests happy for the next year. Let remember........going green costs 76 trillion ( UN estimate ) 20 billion is like building a football stadium and funding only 2 rows of seats!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

This is nothing more than symbolic bows from the AGW religion who otherwise have nothing to show for their 97% consensus!!:funnyface::funnyface:

Legislatively........we wont see dick from congress for a long, long time!!:fu:
The forum is a hoot.........I have about 5 bookmarked sites I like to go to daily but by far and away, this one makes me crack up or I crack myself up as I post my stuff.........

Cant be having more fun on any forum anywhere.........:bye1:
Denier kooks and their policies are now considered to be poisonous even by the Republicans.

That's how far the denier cult has fallen, how insignificant it is. Even the Republicans are running from them.

^ Still hasn't posted a single experiment linking a rounding error increase in a trace element to warming
Ryan is a total scumbag.


Frank.....indeed we elected a bunch of treasonous fakes that should all be tossed out but don't sweat the $$ going to this climate deal.......symbolic bs to settle down the nuts. Think about it.........20 billion. Laughable $$. Like putting a lifeguard stand out on the beach to stop a tsunami!!:banana:

DOTCOM is famous for posting up a thread every time a naked progressive on the street is walking around shaking a banana in the faces of somebody on the right!!:2up:

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