President's poll number at 37.8 approval, should he resign?

Polls proved themselves to be rigged when they told us last oct/nov that trump didn't have a chance.

I wouldn't necessarily say they were rigged. I think it was more the case that the polling system was faulty. Some polls are certainly rigged, but I didn't see a single poll,that head him winning, and I know some of those pollsters would have loved to be right.
Yes...with a poll number this low should the President resign and leave office? Do you really think the President can make it through his first 4 years, let alone another 4 year term with approval numbers this low.....

I mean...come on...isn't it time for him to quit with a 37.8% approval number?

Should President bill clinton, a rapist, leave office since his approval numbers are 37.8 percent on day 138 of his Presidency....I mean...his approval is lower than President Trump.....whose number is 39.8....and Trump has been under constant attack by the democrat controlled press.....while clinton experienced a never ending love fest.....

Trump has a really low approval rating—but it surpasses where Bill Clinton stood at this point in his first term

Different polling outfits put Trump at varying levels of approval, but the RealClearPolitics average had him at 39.8 percent Tuesday, while the weighted average from FiveThirtyEight had him at exactly 39 percent. Not great numbers, but still better than Clinton. On Day 138 of his presidency, just 37.8 percent of Americans approved of the job he was doing, acco to FiveThirtyEight.
Fake news. He is at 96 % of those who would vote for him again.

You do realize that Trump lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million, yes?

And what do you mean by 'fake news'? You seem to be apeing the president....but do you even know what what it means?

I should just make a file with canned responses for you idiots. It would save me the typing.

We will soon have proof, that many illegals voted in the past election. There is an independant panel investigating. Many states insanely offer illegals drivers licenses. And in many states in America, that automatically regesters one to vote. It is a way for liberals to place better in elections. It is mainly liberal states who do this. Do you think illegals just said, nah I'm not gonna go vote, I'm fine with the guy who wants law and order? Tired of hearing this popular vote garbage. That vile woman, couldn't even win under these circumstances.

Ah, so you're basing your position on imaginary 'future' evidence that you don't actually have. But you imagine you will.

Oddly, I don't find your assurances of evidence you don't have to be very compelling. Nor would any rational person.

You know what, you know god damn well I'm right. You can say whatever you want. When they tried those sham recounts, that were designed to make those states late for the January electoriate vote. They found fraudulent votes for that vile woman. That's why they basically ended it, because it was just embarrassing them even more.
How about some polls on the % of people
who are tired of the never ending bullshit already!

The % of people who find
the constant stream of accusations, suspect!

The % of people who think
a whole new government needs to be re elected!
Polls proved themselves to be rigged when they told us last oct/nov that trump didn't have a chance.

I wouldn't necessarily say they were rigged. I think it was more the case that the polling system was faulty. Some polls are certainly rigged, but I didn't see a single poll,that head him winning, and I know some of those pollsters would have loved to be right.

I saw an NBC online poll, about a month before the election. The front page of it, the one you see before you even clicked link. It showed that vile woman at about 70%. But when you clicked to see the actual results, it showed Trump. Way up. In fact, in those actual results she wasn't even 2nd. That is the way the msm worked it, to try and give Trump supporters no hope. May as well not bother, shes gonna win.

It's a despicable practice, and I will never trust them again. Trying to sway elections. Liberals don't have enough maturity, to be in charge of anything.
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You do realize that Trump lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million
The so-called "popular vote" you people keep bringing up is a non-existent , fake number that has no meaning! Legal or otherwise. Our government doesn't recognize it. Find me a government web-site displaying that bogus number. President Trump won in a super majority landslide. We have video.
Remember, I have the official vote tallies. And you have you citing a youtube video.
Huffington Post is not an official source for the vote count that elected our President. Show us (dot) gov posting of those numbers to refute President Trump's landslide vote count. You can't, it doesn't exist.
It's a despicable practice, and I will never trust them again. Trying to sway elections. Liberals don't have enough maturity, to be in charge of anything
This is why we, the American people, need to reconsider the Freedom of the Press clause in OUR constitution. #repealFOTP
Yes...with a poll number this low should the President resign and leave office? Do you really think the President can make it through his first 4 years, let alone another 4 year term with approval numbers this low.....

I mean...come on...isn't it time for him to quit with a 37.8% approval number?

Should President bill clinton, a rapist, leave office since his approval numbers are 37.8 percent on day 138 of his Presidency....I mean...his approval is lower than President Trump.....whose number is 39.8....and Trump has been under constant attack by the democrat controlled press.....while clinton experienced a never ending love fest.....

Trump has a really low approval rating—but it surpasses where Bill Clinton stood at this point in his first term

Different polling outfits put Trump at varying levels of approval, but the RealClearPolitics average had him at 39.8 percent Tuesday, while the weighted average from FiveThirtyEight had him at exactly 39 percent. Not great numbers, but still better than Clinton. On Day 138 of his presidency, just 37.8 percent of Americans approved of the job he was doing, according to FiveThirtyEight.

Oh boy! You found the talking point! Good boy!

Let's do this exercise every month. We will compare Trump and Clinton on approval numbers, number of FBI investigations and other fun stuff. You in?
But when Comey testified that he was fired because of the Russia investigation, Trump admits that he was thinking about the Russia investigation when he fired Comey, and Comey testified that Trump ordered him to end his investigation into Flynn's ties to Russia?
The President has the prerogative to order the FBI to not investigate someone. They work for him. Alan Dershowitz confirms it
QU Poll Release Detail

Trump is even with the media, but lower than the courts and intelligence agencies, in winning American voters' trust:
  • A total of 34 percent of voters say they can trust Trump to do what is right "almost all of the time" or "most of the time;"
Yeah maybe, but it is very tough to ratify the constitution.
Maybe it will make them break a sweat as we go thru the process. At minimum, maybe they'll straighten up their act. In 8 years, the Press found nothing to fault Obama with and with Trump, it only took 8 minutes, if that.

The MSM is in bed with the Democrat Party, they are tainted with corruption. That's is not something we need to protect with our sacred Constitution. Thanks to our Constution, we can bring the States into a new Convention and strike that clause and end this absolute protection scoundrels hide behind.

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eatmorechiken has as evidence the voices telling him in his head that it exists.

The focus is on Trump. No matter how much the right attempts to deflect to Clinton and Obama, the glare is on Trump and he can't get out of the spotlight.

Trump: release your tapes.
Yes...with a poll number this low should the President resign and leave office? Do you really think the President can make it through his first 4 years, let alone another 4 year term with approval numbers this low.....

I mean...come on...isn't it time for him to quit with a 37.8% approval number?

Should President bill clinton, a rapist, leave office since his approval numbers are 37.8 percent on day 138 of his Presidency....I mean...his approval is lower than President Trump.....whose number is 39.8....and Trump has been under constant attack by the democrat controlled press.....while clinton experienced a never ending love fest.....

Trump has a really low approval rating—but it surpasses where Bill Clinton stood at this point in his first term

Different polling outfits put Trump at varying levels of approval, but the RealClearPolitics average had him at 39.8 percent Tuesday, while the weighted average from FiveThirtyEight had him at exactly 39 percent. Not great numbers, but still better than Clinton. On Day 138 of his presidency, just 37.8 percent of Americans approved of the job he was doing, according to FiveThirtyEight.

/----- To quote Bill Clinton, "I feel your pain." Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

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