Presidents speech tonight

Here are the points Obama made tonight

1. He restated his view of the war on terror, climate needs fixed
2. He listed measures the US has already been taking against ISIS, let Russia deal with them
3. Obama said Congress should toughen gun laws, Americans need vetted, not incoming refugees from Syria
4. US should avoid another "long and costly ground war," Like the one he has been involved with in Afghanistan since in office which he escalated?
5. Americans shouldn't retaliate against Muslims. Really this is the reason for the press conference. The trouble is, there has been NO violent retaliation towards Muslims in the US, which makes it that much more puzzling why he would come out and say this.

Visionless, spineless, clueless, and bigoted toward Average Americans whom he thinks are violent bigots.

Just more proof that all Right-wingers are worthless lying scum.
What Obama said was not even close to what you posted. There are so many lies it is not worth my time to go through every one, but just to show how the lying scum Right hear what they want to hear no matter what was actually said, I'll use number 1 as a perfect example.

Nowhere in Obama's entire address did he ever mention anything about climate.

See for yourselves, here is the transcript:

Transcript: President Obama's address to the nation on the San Bernardino terror attack and the war on ISIS -

He did restate he position on terror, and he has in the past said that climate change Is responsible.

So no, it's not a lie at all.
And of course worthless lying scum never admit they were caught lying, which is why they are worthless scum as well as liars.

Do you deny that Obama has said climate change is responsible for terrorism?
He said no such thing in his address as you lied in your OP.

You do know the CIA and the DOD have both said Climate Change contributes to the kind of instability that produces terrorism, but the fact still remains that you lied when you said Obama brought up the climate in his address, which makes you worthless lying scum too dishonest to admit you lied.

The CIA and DOD? You mean like the time they said Iraq has WMD's? LOL. It' s funny how they say what the President wants them to say, isn't it?

Character assassination is all you left wingers know. I did not misrepresent one thing Obama believes or has said in the past.
And he restated his views on terrorism.

Did he specifically leave out climate change? For the first time in his life he did, but everyone knows his position. He need not talk about it every day.
But the worthless lying scum on the Right need to LIE about it every day.
And he restated his views on terrorism.

Did he specifically leave out climate change? For the first time in his life he did, but everyone knows his position. He need not talk about it every day.
But the worthless lying scum on the Right need to LIE about it every day.

Lie about what? You just agreed that Obama thinks climate change and terrorism are linked.
4. US should avoid another "long and costly ground war," Like the one he has been involved with in Afghanistan since in office which he escalated?

Oh, were you against the surge?

Obama was against any surge before he was for it, even the man that suggested such surge was ridiculed by the far left.

Typical far left drone denies much to protect their messiah!
Obama: We should not be drawn once more into a long and costly ground war in Iraq or Syria. That's what groups like ISIL want. They know they can't defeat us on the battlefield. ISIL fighters were part of the insurgency that we faced in Iraq. But they also know that if we occupy foreign lands, they can maintain insurgencies for years, killing thousands of our troops, draining our resources, and using our presence to draw new recruits.

I've said it several times. If we decide to put boots on the ground in Syria to "wipe out ISIS", it will require at least ten years of occupation in Syria. We will be committing the next two or three Presidents to a long and costly war.

As usual, the pants shitters avoid making any commitment to such a plan, because they are cowards. So they just armchair quarterback the guy who IS doing something, downplaying their own country's efforts while creaming their jeans every time a KGB goon drops a single bomb (80 percent of whose bombs are not even dropped on ISIS targets).

Traitors. Useful idiots.

If ISIS does pull of an attack in the US, then they will talk tough. The chickenhawks will call for blood, and rush right out and buy new yellow ribbon magnets while they wait for someone else to enlist and do the heavy lifting and sacrificing.
4. US should avoid another "long and costly ground war," Like the one he has been involved with in Afghanistan since in office which he escalated?

Oh, were you against the surge?

Obama was against any surge before he was for it, even the man that suggested such surge was ridiculed by the far left.

Typical far left drone denies much to protect their messiah!
Votto whined about the escalation, just like Obama did. So there's your far left drone: Votto.

And you yourself were caught citing an atheist and a socialist to support your position the other day.

I've said how much you pants shitters remind me of the whiny Leftists of the 70s, and you do so every day.
Obama: We should not be drawn once more into a long and costly ground war in Iraq or Syria. That's what groups like ISIL want. They know they can't defeat us on the battlefield. ISIL fighters were part of the insurgency that we faced in Iraq. But they also know that if we occupy foreign lands, they can maintain insurgencies for years, killing thousands of our troops, draining our resources, and using our presence to draw new recruits.

I've said it several times. If we decide to put boots on the ground in Syria to "wipe out ISIS", it will require at least ten years of occupation in Syria. We will be committing the next two or three Presidents to a long and costly war.

As usual, the pants shitters avoid making any commitment to such a plan, because they are cowards. So they just armchair quarterback the guy who IS doing something, downplaying US efforts while creaming their jeans every time a KGB goon drops a single bomb (80 percent of whose bombs are not even dropped on ISIS targets).

Useful idiots.

If ISIS does pull of an attack in the US, then they will talk tough. The chickenhawks will call for blood, and rush right out and buy new yellow ribbon magnets while they wait for someone else to enlist and do the heavy lifting and sacrificing.

And you far left drones do not realize that is what is going to take, no matter who gets elected n 2016 ground troops are inevitable because of the cut and run policy of Obama to appease the extremists like you..
Obama: We should not be drawn once more into a long and costly ground war in Iraq or Syria. That's what groups like ISIL want. They know they can't defeat us on the battlefield. ISIL fighters were part of the insurgency that we faced in Iraq. But they also know that if we occupy foreign lands, they can maintain insurgencies for years, killing thousands of our troops, draining our resources, and using our presence to draw new recruits.

I've said it several times. If we decide to put boots on the ground in Syria to "wipe out ISIS", it will require at least ten years of occupation in Syria. We will be committing the next two or three Presidents to a long and costly war.

As usual, the pants shitters avoid making any commitment to such a plan, because they are cowards. So they just armchair quarterback the guy who IS doing something, downplaying US efforts while creaming their jeans every time a KGB goon drops a single bomb (80 percent of whose bombs are not even dropped on ISIS targets).

Useful idiots.

If ISIS does pull of an attack in the US, then they will talk tough. The chickenhawks will call for blood, and rush right out and buy new yellow ribbon magnets while they wait for someone else to enlist and do the heavy lifting and sacrificing.

Why then did Obama not pull out of Afghanistan?

Better yet, why did he go into Libya? Now it is an ISIS base.
4. US should avoid another "long and costly ground war," Like the one he has been involved with in Afghanistan since in office which he escalated?

Oh, were you against the surge?

Obama was against any surge before he was for it, even the man that suggested such surge was ridiculed by the far left.

Typical far left drone denies much to protect their messiah!
Votto whined about the escalation, just like Obama did. So there's your far left drone: Votto.

Show where votto whined about it far left drone..
Here are the points Obama made tonight

1. He restated his view of the war on terror, climate needs fixed
2. He listed measures the US has already been taking against ISIS, let Russia deal with them
3. Obama said Congress should toughen gun laws, Americans need vetted, not incoming refugees from Syria
4. US should avoid another "long and costly ground war," Like the one he has been involved with in Afghanistan since in office which he escalated?
5. Americans shouldn't retaliate against Muslims. Really this is the reason for the press conference. The trouble is, there has been NO violent retaliation towards Muslims in the US, which makes it that much more puzzling why he would come out and say this.

Visionless, spineless, clueless, and bigoted toward Average Americans whom he thinks are violent bigots.


I turned it off after five minutes, but the transcripts thus far show that it was another monumental waste of time from an inveterate liar.

"Coalition of 65 nations"? Laughable. He's either hallucinating, delusional, or making it up as he goes. Take your pick.
Here are the points Obama made tonight

1. He restated his view of the war on terror, climate needs fixed
2. He listed measures the US has already been taking against ISIS, let Russia deal with them
3. Obama said Congress should toughen gun laws, Americans need vetted, not incoming refugees from Syria
4. US should avoid another "long and costly ground war," Like the one he has been involved with in Afghanistan since in office which he escalated?
5. Americans shouldn't retaliate against Muslims. Really this is the reason for the press conference. The trouble is, there has been NO violent retaliation towards Muslims in the US, which makes it that much more puzzling why he would come out and say this.

Visionless, spineless, clueless, and bigoted toward Average Americans whom he thinks are violent bigots.


I turned it off after five minutes, but the transcripts thus far show that it was another monumental waste of time from an inveterate liar.

"Coalition of 65 nations"? Laughable. He's either hallucinating, delusional, or making it up as he goes. Take your pick.

Obama is a broken record. When he is not turning every issue into an opportunity to preach against guns he is using it to preach for higher energy taxes, as if that will reduce carbon emissions and save the world.
Here are the points Obama made tonight

1. He restated his view of the war on terror, climate needs fixed
2. He listed measures the US has already been taking against ISIS, let Russia deal with them
3. Obama said Congress should toughen gun laws, Americans need vetted, not incoming refugees from Syria
4. US should avoid another "long and costly ground war," Like the one he has been involved with in Afghanistan since in office which he escalated?
5. Americans shouldn't retaliate against Muslims. Really this is the reason for the press conference. The trouble is, there has been NO violent retaliation towards Muslims in the US, which makes it that much more puzzling why he would come out and say this.

Visionless, spineless, clueless, and bigoted toward Average Americans whom he thinks are violent bigots.


I turned it off after five minutes, but the transcripts thus far show that it was another monumental waste of time from an inveterate liar.

"Coalition of 65 nations"? Laughable. He's either hallucinating, delusional, or making it up as he goes. Take your pick.

It was to stay on message and blame anyone but his own horrid polices and you can see so far how many of the far left drones believe his comments!
The only thing I rejected from President Obama speech was his request to Congress to pass a law to prevent people on a No-Fly list not to be able to obtain a firearm because their name is on a government list that is faulty.

A list created by the government that does not prove that the person is a convicted criminal should not be used to deny someone Constitutional Right, and again the list is faulty and has been shown to be incorrect in the past.
That is a very weak argument because there is a simple mechanism already in place to get your name removed from the list if you are on it in error.

It is a weak argument to use a list like that to deny someone their Constitutional Right. I should not have to worry some Government Bureaucrat put my name on a list mistakenly which lead to the government denying me my constitutional right.

Also it is not a easy task to remove your name from the list, and the list is flawed as can be.

So as you write it is a weak argument not to support such laws the fact remains a list like that can become a political tool to prevent individuals from their Constitutional Rights, and I am not signing on such nonsense.

Also most mass shooters if not all of them were not on the No-Fly list, so how would have a law prevent them from obtaining a firearm?
I'm glad you defend Constitutional rights for terrorists, but what about undocumented immigrants?
Here are the points Obama made tonight

1. He restated his view of the war on terror, climate needs fixed
2. He listed measures the US has already been taking against ISIS, let Russia deal with them
3. Obama said Congress should toughen gun laws, Americans need vetted, not incoming refugees from Syria
4. US should avoid another "long and costly ground war," Like the one he has been involved with in Afghanistan since in office which he escalated?
5. Americans shouldn't retaliate against Muslims. Really this is the reason for the press conference. The trouble is, there has been NO violent retaliation towards Muslims in the US, which makes it that much more puzzling why he would come out and say this.

Visionless, spineless, clueless, and bigoted toward Average Americans whom he thinks are violent bigots.


I turned it off after five minutes, but the transcripts thus far show that it was another monumental waste of time from an inveterate liar.

"Coalition of 65 nations"? Laughable. He's either hallucinating, delusional, or making it up as he goes. Take your pick.

Obama is a broken record. When he is not turning every issue into an opportunity to preach against guns he is using it to preach for higher energy taxes, as if that will reduce carbon emissions and save the world.
I did not misrepresent one thing Obama believes or has said in the past.

Instability brought on by climate change, Obama said, is what creates an environment for terrorism.

"They don’t have a lot of margin for error, and that has national security implications. When people are hungry, when people are displaced, when there are a lot of young people, particularly young men, who are drifting without prospects for the future, the fertility of the soil for terrorism ends up being significant," Obama said, "and it can have an impact on us."

He also said that climate change can lead to wars by fostering conflict over resources
The only thing I rejected from President Obama speech was his request to Congress to pass a law to prevent people on a No-Fly list not to be able to obtain a firearm because their name is on a government list that is faulty.

A list created by the government that does not prove that the person is a convicted criminal should not be used to deny someone Constitutional Right, and again the list is faulty and has been shown to be incorrect in the past.
That is a very weak argument because there is a simple mechanism already in place to get your name removed from the list if you are on it in error.

It is a weak argument to use a list like that to deny someone their Constitutional Right. I should not have to worry some Government Bureaucrat put my name on a list mistakenly which lead to the government denying me my constitutional right.

Also it is not a easy task to remove your name from the list, and the list is flawed as can be.

So as you write it is a weak argument not to support such laws the fact remains a list like that can become a political tool to prevent individuals from their Constitutional Rights, and I am not signing on such nonsense.

Also most mass shooters if not all of them were not on the No-Fly list, so how would have a law prevent them from obtaining a firearm?
I'm glad you defend Constitutional rights for terrorists, but what about undocumented immigrants?

What rights do undocumented immigrants have under the Constitution?
The only thing I rejected from President Obama speech was his request to Congress to pass a law to prevent people on a No-Fly list not to be able to obtain a firearm because their name is on a government list that is faulty.

A list created by the government that does not prove that the person is a convicted criminal should not be used to deny someone Constitutional Right, and again the list is faulty and has been shown to be incorrect in the past.
That is a very weak argument because there is a simple mechanism already in place to get your name removed from the list if you are on it in error.

It is a weak argument to use a list like that to deny someone their Constitutional Right. I should not have to worry some Government Bureaucrat put my name on a list mistakenly which lead to the government denying me my constitutional right.

Also it is not a easy task to remove your name from the list, and the list is flawed as can be.

So as you write it is a weak argument not to support such laws the fact remains a list like that can become a political tool to prevent individuals from their Constitutional Rights, and I am not signing on such nonsense.

Also most mass shooters if not all of them were not on the No-Fly list, so how would have a law prevent them from obtaining a firearm?
I'm glad you defend Constitutional rights for terrorists, but what about undocumented immigrants?

Another false hood being promoted by far left drones, another debunked narrative being run..
The only thing I rejected from President Obama speech was his request to Congress to pass a law to prevent people on a No-Fly list not to be able to obtain a firearm because their name is on a government list that is faulty.

A list created by the government that does not prove that the person is a convicted criminal should not be used to deny someone Constitutional Right, and again the list is faulty and has been shown to be incorrect in the past.
That is a very weak argument because there is a simple mechanism already in place to get your name removed from the list if you are on it in error.

It is a weak argument to use a list like that to deny someone their Constitutional Right. I should not have to worry some Government Bureaucrat put my name on a list mistakenly which lead to the government denying me my constitutional right.

Also it is not a easy task to remove your name from the list, and the list is flawed as can be.

So as you write it is a weak argument not to support such laws the fact remains a list like that can become a political tool to prevent individuals from their Constitutional Rights, and I am not signing on such nonsense.

Also most mass shooters if not all of them were not on the No-Fly list, so how would have a law prevent them from obtaining a firearm?
I'm glad you defend Constitutional rights for terrorists, but what about undocumented immigrants?

Are you kidding me?

Are you going to claim everyone that is on the No-Fly list are terrorists including those that were mistakenly put on it in the past like Ted Kennedy the former Senator?

Also illegals immigrants are protected by certain laws within our border but are still not citizens of this country where as individuals that are citizens should not have their rights denied because of some faulty list.

The No-Fly list is faulty, and has been proven faulty many times in the past, and you want a law that will revoke a individual Constitutional Right based on a faulty list?

Also your switch to illegals is just typical nonsense from those that want to change the subject matter to something else when they realize their support of a law based on a faulty list is beyond stupid!

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