Presidents speech tonight

You are writing asinine nonsense that has nothing to do with the reality we live in. A U.S. Citizen on the No-Fly list does not justify revoking their Constitutional Rights.
Not all terrorists are US Citizens and if they are citizens and terrorists they should not have access to guns any more than felons and the mentally unstable.

So that means you should never posse a gun as all far left drones are mentally unstable. (See all their posts on this board)..

So you want to strip all guns from your far left religious brothers and sisters?
Are you going to claim everyone that is on the No-Fly list are terrorists including those that were mistakenly put on it in the past like Ted Kennedy the former Senator?
Most, not all and Kennedy was able to remove himself from the list and fly, so the list gets more accurate over time.

See how the far left drone has just proven that Kennedy was able to get removed as he had influence to do so, most that are not prominent members of Congress have to fight tooth and nail to get removed. Often with a large legal expense..

Silly far left drones!
You have the same rights as Kennedy under the law. Others without Kennedy's pull have also gotten their names removed, as long as they weren't terrorists.

No one has the same rights as anyone in Congress. Only a far left drone would promote such things!
Are you going to claim everyone that is on the No-Fly list are terrorists including those that were mistakenly put on it in the past like Ted Kennedy the former Senator?
Most, not all and Kennedy was able to remove himself from the list and fly, so the list gets more accurate over time.

See how the far left drone has just proven that Kennedy was able to get removed as he had influence to do so, most that are not prominent members of Congress have to fight tooth and nail to get removed. Often with a large legal expense..

Silly far left drones!
You have the same rights as Kennedy under the law. Others without Kennedy's pull have also gotten their names removed, as long as they weren't terrorists.

No one has the same rights as anyone in Congress. Only a far left drone would promote such things!
Where does it say that in the Constitution?
You are writing asinine nonsense that has nothing to do with the reality we live in. A U.S. Citizen on the No-Fly list does not justify revoking their Constitutional Rights.
Not all terrorists are US Citizens and if they are citizens and terrorists they should not have access to guns any more than felons and the mentally unstable.

You are being daft just because you wish to play stupid!

The fact is not everyone on that list is a Terrorist, and a U.S. Citizen should not be deny their constitutional rights.

Do you actually believe that law will prevent a terrorist from obtaining a firearm is that is the weapon of choice to wreak havoc with?

If so then you are beyond stupid and need a reality check.

Terrorists do not care about laws because if they did they would not go around causing mass killings. They could care less about a law that will prevent U.S. Citizens that are on a list that is faulty from being able to obtain a firearm because they will obtain it illegally if they have to.

Only someone naive would believe the nonsense President Obama is selling on the No-Fly list law he want.

Also it has been pointed out too many times to you how faulty the list is, and the possible abuse that could come with a law that uses the list, so let me put it simple that one day a GOP President will be in power again, and he can have DHS put those like you on the list and demand that your Constitutional Rights be denied because hey to him or her you're a possible threat to the security of this nation, so why should you have rights?

You will write it is absurd and will never happen, but the history of this country will prove you wrong from the fact German Americans rights were restricted during W.W. I and Japanese Americans had the same issue during W.W. II and many are calling for the same nonsense against Muslim Americans in today time, and laws like President Obama is proposing have a massive possibility of being abused in the near future, but hey why do you care, right?
Are you going to claim everyone that is on the No-Fly list are terrorists including those that were mistakenly put on it in the past like Ted Kennedy the former Senator?
Most, not all and Kennedy was able to remove himself from the list and fly, so the list gets more accurate over time.

See how the far left drone has just proven that Kennedy was able to get removed as he had influence to do so, most that are not prominent members of Congress have to fight tooth and nail to get removed. Often with a large legal expense..

Silly far left drones!
You have the same rights as Kennedy under the law. Others without Kennedy's pull have also gotten their names removed, as long as they weren't terrorists.

No one has the same rights as anyone in Congress. Only a far left drone would promote such things!
Where does it say that in the Constitution?

Oh so you can do insider trading openly and not go to jail?

You can make laws for others to follow without being in Congress?

You can have your entire healthcare subsidize no matter how much money you make?

You can use government property as you see fit?
Are you going to claim everyone that is on the No-Fly list are terrorists including those that were mistakenly put on it in the past like Ted Kennedy the former Senator?
Most, not all and Kennedy was able to remove himself from the list and fly, so the list gets more accurate over time.

See how the far left drone has just proven that Kennedy was able to get removed as he had influence to do so, most that are not prominent members of Congress have to fight tooth and nail to get removed. Often with a large legal expense..

Silly far left drones!
You have the same rights as Kennedy under the law. Others without Kennedy's pull have also gotten their names removed, as long as they weren't terrorists.

Total nonsense!

You are telling others that they have to worry if you believe they are a terrorist, and if your name is flagged then you need to have your Constitutional Rights denied because you feel the list is fair, and just.

Then you are telling someone if they want their Constitutional Right to be given back they have to prove beyond a doubt that they are not what you deem as a terrorist or a threat to the nation, and need to fill out paperwork, wait until some government paid employee checks to see if you are or are not a terrorist, and then if they fail you will have to take them to court and waste more money and time to prove beyond a doubt you should have your Constitutional Rights be give back to you.

Yeah, that sounds really logical and not insane at all, and yes I am mocking you now!
You are telling others that they have to worry if you believe they are a terrorist, and if your name is flagged then you need to have your Constitutional Rights denied because you feel the list is fair, and just.
No, I'm saying the list is CORRECTABLE, so no one who is not a terrorist or felon will be deprived their Constitutional rights.
a U.S. Citizen should not be deny their constitutional rights.
So felons who are US Citizens have a 2nd amendment right to all the guns and ammo their felonious heart desires.

Jesus fucking Christ!

Someone on the No-Fly list may not be a Felon and have never been convicted of a crime, so you are just grasping for straws!

First it is that everyone on the list are terrorists to you, and when that was debunked now you want to go to the felon route and scream well they're U.S. Citizens without understanding they committed a crime and had certain rights taken away because of their crime.

You are reaching too hard to support a proposed law that is based on denying someone that the Government deems a threat and could be used as a political weapon from any side, but hey support that law, and hope you do not discover the slippery slope you are going down!

Want to try the illegal alien nonsense again?
You are telling others that they have to worry if you believe they are a terrorist, and if your name is flagged then you need to have your Constitutional Rights denied because you feel the list is fair, and just.
No, I'm saying the list is CORRECTABLE, so no one who is not a terrorist or felon will be deprived their Constitutional rights.

Another example of the far left not understanding the Constitution, but they do like to use the word. Makes them feel like they know what they are talking about..
You are telling others that they have to worry if you believe they are a terrorist, and if your name is flagged then you need to have your Constitutional Rights denied because you feel the list is fair, and just.
No, I'm saying the list is CORRECTABLE, so no one who is not a terrorist or felon will be deprived their Constitutional rights.

Bull fucking shit!

They will be denied while on the damn list and will have to prove to DHS that they are not the person that the Government deemed as a threat. it take time and most likely money and you are for this because you believe the list is perfect and can not be wrong because President Obama said so.

Well the fact is a law should never be created based off a list that is made up by the government to deny a U.S. Citizen their rights. You keep on reaching for the Felon and Terrorist nonsense and the fact is the U.S. Government under a GOP could deem you as a terrorist just because you voted for the Democrat Presidential Candidate.

of course you will write that is absurd but as I have pointed many times this country has done the absurd more times than not!
Here are the points Obama made tonight

1. He restated his view of the war on terror, climate needs fixed
2. He listed measures the US has already been taking against ISIS, let Russia deal with them
3. Obama said Congress should toughen gun laws, Americans need vetted, not incoming refugees from Syria
4. US should avoid another "long and costly ground war," Like the one he has been involved with in Afghanistan since in office which he escalated?
5. Americans shouldn't retaliate against Muslims. Really this is the reason for the press conference. The trouble is, there has been NO violent retaliation towards Muslims in the US, which makes it that much more puzzling why he would come out and say this.

Visionless, spineless, clueless, and bigoted toward Average Americans whom he thinks are violent bigots.


there has been RETALIATION------people have ---sneaked around for
the opportunity to fiddle with the hijab rags of muslim women and they
have also been sneaking around mosques throwing feces at the walls thereof---
at nite----unwitnessed
Are you going to claim everyone that is on the No-Fly list are terrorists including those that were mistakenly put on it in the past like Ted Kennedy the former Senator?
Most, not all and Kennedy was able to remove himself from the list and fly, so the list gets more accurate over time.

See how the far left drone has just proven that Kennedy was able to get removed as he had influence to do so, most that are not prominent members of Congress have to fight tooth and nail to get removed. Often with a large legal expense..

Silly far left drones!
You have the same rights as Kennedy under the law. Others without Kennedy's pull have also gotten their names removed, as long as they weren't terrorists.

Others without Kennedy's pull have also gotten their names removed, as long as they weren't terrorists.

LIke singer Cat Stevens?

Took him a couple of years to get his name removed
Here are the points Obama made tonight

1. He restated his view of the war on terror, climate needs fixed
2. He listed measures the US has already been taking against ISIS, let Russia deal with them
3. Obama said Congress should toughen gun laws, Americans need vetted, not incoming refugees from Syria
4. US should avoid another "long and costly ground war," Like the one he has been involved with in Afghanistan since in office which he escalated?
5. Americans shouldn't retaliate against Muslims. Really this is the reason for the press conference. The trouble is, there has been NO violent retaliation towards Muslims in the US, which makes it that much more puzzling why he would come out and say this.

Visionless, spineless, clueless, and bigoted toward Average Americans whom he thinks are violent bigots.


there has been RETALIATION------people have ---sneaked around for
the opportunity to fiddle with the hijab rags of muslim women and they
have also been sneaking around mosques throwing feces at the walls thereof---
at nite----unwitnessed
That's not retaliation, that's vandalism. Retaliation would be killing them.
Are you going to claim everyone that is on the No-Fly list are terrorists including those that were mistakenly put on it in the past like Ted Kennedy the former Senator?
Most, not all and Kennedy was able to remove himself from the list and fly, so the list gets more accurate over time.

You are either a liar or just playing daft!

The list has been proven to be inaccurate many time over and over again, and because President Obama tell you to support such nonsense is not right at all.

President Obama is incorrect on this issue, and I have proven beyond a doubt that passing a law that deny a U.S. Citizen their Constitution Right is beyond stupid seeing it would be based on a faulty list controlled by the Government that uses a system that watches for certain names and flags them as possible threats.

It is not easy to remove your name from that list, and with the law you are wanting to pass even if you have your name removed it still will take time, money, and possible courts hearing to get the government to correct the mistake that should not have happen in the first place, and yet you have no problem with that at all!

So as I have said many times in my responses it is a no on the No-Fly list law because the reality is the list is faulty and to write well you can have your name removed is not a simple answer as you wish to make it!

Also Ted Kennedy was stopped more than once and because he was a FAMOUS Senator it was quicker than the average American that does not have the political connections like the former Senator had.

I've read/heard that 30-40% of those on the No Fly list were there erroneously.
Are you going to claim everyone that is on the No-Fly list are terrorists including those that were mistakenly put on it in the past like Ted Kennedy the former Senator?
Most, not all and Kennedy was able to remove himself from the list and fly, so the list gets more accurate over time.

See how the far left drone has just proven that Kennedy was able to get removed as he had influence to do so, most that are not prominent members of Congress have to fight tooth and nail to get removed. Often with a large legal expense..

Silly far left drones!
You have the same rights as Kennedy under the law. Others without Kennedy's pull have also gotten their names removed, as long as they weren't terrorists.

Others without Kennedy's pull have also gotten their names removed, as long as they weren't terrorists.

LIke singer Cat Stevens?

Took him a couple of years to get his name removed
But didn't Cat Stevens call for the murder of Salman Rushdie?

Cat Stevens Gives Support To Call for Death of Rushdie
You are telling others that they have to worry if you believe they are a terrorist, and if your name is flagged then you need to have your Constitutional Rights denied because you feel the list is fair, and just.
No, I'm saying the list is CORRECTABLE, so no one who is not a terrorist or felon will be deprived their Constitutional rights.

Another thing is a Terrorist and Felon could care less about some damn law that tell them if their name is on this list they can not buy a firearm, so why pass a worthless law in the first place?

The FBI, DHS, and CIA will be tracking those individuals no matter what and if they obtain a firearm they will know and the law proposed by President Obama is a political tool and nothing more.

It is like the passing of the Patriot Act and the fact is we had laws already on the book that were strong enough, and yet our government felt the need for a stronger one that gave the U.S. Government more power that it did not need.

So as you write about how it will prevent a possible terrorist attack the reality is most if not all of the mass shooters are not even on the No-Fly list and would have not stopped them at all, so the passing of a asinine law like the one President Obama is not going to prevent anything but just piss off those on the list that should not be on there and may not even know they are on there and make them prove they are not a threat to the greater society because their name matches some lunatic that the government deem dangerous!
Here are the points Obama made tonight

1. He restated his view of the war on terror, climate needs fixed
2. He listed measures the US has already been taking against ISIS, let Russia deal with them
3. Obama said Congress should toughen gun laws, Americans need vetted, not incoming refugees from Syria
4. US should avoid another "long and costly ground war," Like the one he has been involved with in Afghanistan since in office which he escalated?
5. Americans shouldn't retaliate against Muslims. Really this is the reason for the press conference. The trouble is, there has been NO violent retaliation towards Muslims in the US, which makes it that much more puzzling why he would come out and say this.

Visionless, spineless, clueless, and bigoted toward Average Americans whom he thinks are violent bigots.


Wow, you couldn't even get past # 1 without lying.

Good job!
Here are the points Obama made tonight

1. He restated his view of the war on terror, climate needs fixed
2. He listed measures the US has already been taking against ISIS, let Russia deal with them
3. Obama said Congress should toughen gun laws, Americans need vetted, not incoming refugees from Syria
4. US should avoid another "long and costly ground war," Like the one he has been involved with in Afghanistan since in office which he escalated?
5. Americans shouldn't retaliate against Muslims. Really this is the reason for the press conference. The trouble is, there has been NO violent retaliation towards Muslims in the US, which makes it that much more puzzling why he would come out and say this.

Visionless, spineless, clueless, and bigoted toward Average Americans whom he thinks are violent bigots.


Wow, you couldn't even get past # 1 without lying.

Good job!

Says the far left drone!

Another far left drone already proved number one was correct!

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