Presidents speech tonight

Here are the points Obama made tonight

1. He restated his view of the war on terror, climate needs fixed
2. He listed measures the US has already been taking against ISIS, let Russia deal with them
3. Obama said Congress should toughen gun laws, Americans need vetted, not incoming refugees from Syria
4. US should avoid another "long and costly ground war," Like the one he has been involved with in Afghanistan since in office which he escalated?
5. Americans shouldn't retaliate against Muslims. Really this is the reason for the press conference. The trouble is, there has been NO violent retaliation towards Muslims in the US, which makes it that much more puzzling why he would come out and say this.

Visionless, spineless, clueless, and bigoted toward Average Americans whom he thinks are violent bigots.


there has been RETALIATION------people have ---sneaked around for
the opportunity to fiddle with the hijab rags of muslim women and they
have also been sneaking around mosques throwing feces at the walls thereof---
at nite----unwitnessed
That's not retaliation, that's vandalism. Retaliation would be killing them.

yes----I do appreciate your precision-----but Killing requires a dead body----
claims of vandalism are so easily tricked up------as are claims "someone touchmy smelly hijab?. Regarding the many warnings of late----against the offending of
our dear muslim bretheren------I notice that Killing of, spitting upon by,
vandalizing of-----Kaffirin----by muslims remains legal
In sum----Obama did not say anything that Obama has already said-----the speech
was very superfluous
Obama: We should not give in to terrorists by allowing them to change our way of life, but we should allow terrorists to erode our 2nd amendment rights? :eusa_eh:
If ISIS does pull of an attack in the US, then they will talk tough. The chickenhawks will call for blood, and rush right out and buy new yellow ribbon magnets while they wait for someone else to enlist and do the heavy lifting and sacrificing.

Right, so, let's just get rid of our infantry troops all together and call it a day. We don't bother to use them I mean, it's their lives to sacrifice. If they were afraid of the sacrifice, they wouldn't be there. That must be the best job in the world there... not doing the job they enlisted to do. If I got paid to sit on my butt on station doing absolutely nothing, I most certainly wouldn't be here.

So, what right do you have to act so self righteous about "sacrifice?"

Then again, Obama could dress in as Princess Leia and keep saying "we are a nation of peace! We have no weapons! You can't possibly--" as ISIS plays the role of Grand Moff Tarkin giving the order to blow us to smithereens.

"Don't worry" ISIS says, "we will deal with the infidels soon enough."
Here are the points Obama made tonight

1. He restated his view of the war on terror, climate needs fixed
2. He listed measures the US has already been taking against ISIS, let Russia deal with them
3. Obama said Congress should toughen gun laws, Americans need vetted, not incoming refugees from Syria
4. US should avoid another "long and costly ground war," Like the one he has been involved with in Afghanistan since in office which he escalated?
5. Americans shouldn't retaliate against Muslims. Really this is the reason for the press conference. The trouble is, there has been NO violent retaliation towards Muslims in the US, which makes it that much more puzzling why he would come out and say this.

Visionless, spineless, clueless, and bigoted toward Average Americans whom he thinks are violent bigots.


it was one of his worst

one guy on cnn

said isis is laughing at his speech
Obama: We should not give in to terrorists by allowing them to change our way of life, but we should allow terrorists to erode our 2nd amendment rights? :eusa_eh:


he cant figure out why anyone would reject an individuals right to firearm

based on their name simply appearing on a no fly list

maybe he has never heard of due process
Here are the points Obama made tonight

1. He restated his view of the war on terror, climate needs fixed
2. He listed measures the US has already been taking against ISIS, let Russia deal with them
3. Obama said Congress should toughen gun laws, Americans need vetted, not incoming refugees from Syria
4. US should avoid another "long and costly ground war," Like the one he has been involved with in Afghanistan since in office which he escalated?
5. Americans shouldn't retaliate against Muslims. Really this is the reason for the press conference. The trouble is, there has been NO violent retaliation towards Muslims in the US, which makes it that much more puzzling why he would come out and say this.

Visionless, spineless, clueless, and bigoted toward Average Americans whom he thinks are violent bigots.

Just more proof that all Right-wingers are worthless lying scum.
What Obama said was not even close to what you posted. There are so many lies it is not worth my time to go through every one, but just to show how the lying scum Right hear what they want to hear no matter what was actually said, I'll use number 1 as a perfect example.

Nowhere in Obama's entire address did he ever mention anything about climate.

See for yourselves, here is the transcript:

Transcript: President Obama's address to the nation on the San Bernardino terror attack and the war on ISIS -

He did restate he position on terror, and he has in the past said that climate change Is responsible.

he called for stripping some peoples rights to a firearm without due process
Here are the points Obama made tonight

1. He restated his view of the war on terror, climate needs fixed
2. He listed measures the US has already been taking against ISIS, let Russia deal with them
3. Obama said Congress should toughen gun laws, Americans need vetted, not incoming refugees from Syria
4. US should avoid another "long and costly ground war," Like the one he has been involved with in Afghanistan since in office which he escalated?
5. Americans shouldn't retaliate against Muslims. Really this is the reason for the press conference. The trouble is, there has been NO violent retaliation towards Muslims in the US, which makes it that much more puzzling why he would come out and say this.

Visionless, spineless, clueless, and bigoted toward Average Americans whom he thinks are violent bigots.

Just more proof that all Right-wingers are worthless lying scum.
What Obama said was not even close to what you posted. There are so many lies it is not worth my time to go through every one, but just to show how the lying scum Right hear what they want to hear no matter what was actually said, I'll use number 1 as a perfect example.

Nowhere in Obama's entire address did he ever mention anything about climate.

See for yourselves, here is the transcript:

Transcript: President Obama's address to the nation on the San Bernardino terror attack and the war on ISIS -

He did restate he position on terror, and he has in the past said that climate change Is responsible.

he called for stripping some peoples rights to a firearm without due process

Obama has done away with Due Process and the far left is ok with it..
Here are the points Obama made tonight

1. He restated his view of the war on terror, climate needs fixed
2. He listed measures the US has already been taking against ISIS, let Russia deal with them
3. Obama said Congress should toughen gun laws, Americans need vetted, not incoming refugees from Syria
4. US should avoid another "long and costly ground war," Like the one he has been involved with in Afghanistan since in office which he escalated?
5. Americans shouldn't retaliate against Muslims. Really this is the reason for the press conference. The trouble is, there has been NO violent retaliation towards Muslims in the US, which makes it that much more puzzling why he would come out and say this.

Visionless, spineless, clueless, and bigoted toward Average Americans whom he thinks are violent bigots.

Just more proof that all Right-wingers are worthless lying scum.
What Obama said was not even close to what you posted. There are so many lies it is not worth my time to go through every one, but just to show how the lying scum Right hear what they want to hear no matter what was actually said, I'll use number 1 as a perfect example.

Nowhere in Obama's entire address did he ever mention anything about climate.

See for yourselves, here is the transcript:

Transcript: President Obama's address to the nation on the San Bernardino terror attack and the war on ISIS -

He did restate he position on terror, and he has in the past said that climate change Is responsible.

For fuck's sake. Admit that you were wrong or dishonest. For once in your miserable existence.
The only thing I rejected from President Obama speech was his request to Congress to pass a law to prevent people on a No-Fly list not to be able to obtain a firearm because their name is on a government list that is faulty.

A list created by the government that does not prove that the person is a convicted criminal should not be used to deny someone Constitutional Right, and again the list is faulty and has been shown to be incorrect in the past.
That is a very weak argument because there is a simple mechanism already in place to get your name removed from the list if you are on it in error.

It is a weak argument to use a list like that to deny someone their Constitutional Right. I should not have to worry some Government Bureaucrat put my name on a list mistakenly which lead to the government denying me my constitutional right.

Also it is not a easy task to remove your name from the list, and the list is flawed as can be.

So as you write it is a weak argument not to support such laws the fact remains a list like that can become a political tool to prevent individuals from their Constitutional Rights, and I am not signing on such nonsense.

Also most mass shooters if not all of them were not on the No-Fly list, so how would have a law prevent them from obtaining a firearm?

Constitutional right MY ASS. Scalia gave individuals this right. Americans were content to live without this right for well over 200 years.
Well for someone who says he's protecting America he still plans to bring all those Syrians into the country.

Syrians that can't be vetted.

One has to wonder just which country he's protecting??
A I predicted, he used this opportunity to push his gun grabbing agenda. He knows criminals and terrorists will have guns no matter what, his only objective is to disarm law abiding Americans to make it easier for his terrorist friends to kill them.

SJ's crazy nutbag post of the day.
Here are the points Obama made tonight

1. He restated his view of the war on terror, climate needs fixed
2. He listed measures the US has already been taking against ISIS, let Russia deal with them
3. Obama said Congress should toughen gun laws, Americans need vetted, not incoming refugees from Syria
4. US should avoid another "long and costly ground war," Like the one he has been involved with in Afghanistan since in office which he escalated?
5. Americans shouldn't retaliate against Muslims. Really this is the reason for the press conference. The trouble is, there has been NO violent retaliation towards Muslims in the US, which makes it that much more puzzling why he would come out and say this.

Visionless, spineless, clueless, and bigoted toward Average Americans whom he thinks are violent bigots.


The only thing I rejected from President Obama speech was his request to Congress to pass a law to prevent people on a No-Fly list not to be able to obtain a firearm because their name is on a government list that is faulty.

A list created by the government that does not prove that the person is a convicted criminal should not be used to deny someone Constitutional Right, and again the list is faulty and has been shown to be incorrect in the past.

No guff. The freaking moron in chief didn't know that Ted Kennedy was on a no fly list.

Someone get this list to 1600!

False positives and abuses that have been in the news include:

  • Numerous children (including many under the age of five, and some under the age of one) have generated false positives.

  • Daniel Brown, a United States Marine returning from Iraq, was prevented from boarding a flight home in April 2006 because his name matched one on the No Fly List.

  • David Fathi, an attorney for the ACLU of Iranian descent and a plaintiff in an ACLU lawsuit, has been arrested and detained because his name was on No Fly List.

  • Asif Iqbal, a management consultant and legal resident of the United States born in Pakistan, plans to sue the U.S. government because he is regularly detained when he tries to fly, because he has the same name as a former Guantanamo detainee.

  • Iqbal's work requires a lot of travel, and, even though the Guantanamo detainee has been released, his name remains on the No Fly List, and Iqbal the software consultant experiences frequent, unpredictable delays and missed flights.

  • He is pushing for a photo ID and birthdate matching system, in addition to the current system of checking names.

  • Robert J. Johnson, a surgeon and a former lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army, was told in 2006 that he was on the list, although he had had no problem in flying the month before. Johnson was running as a Democrat against U.S. Representative John McHugh, a Republican. Johnson wondered whether he was on the list because of his opposition to the Iraq War. He stated, "This could just be a government screw-up, but I don't know, and they won't tell me."

  • Later, a 60 Minutes report brought together 12 men named Robert Johnson, all of whom had experienced problems in airports with being pulled aside and interrogated. The report suggested that the individual whose name was intended to be on the list was most likely the Robert Johnson who had been convicted of plotting to bomb a movie theater and a Hindu temple in Toronto

  • In August 2004, Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) told a Senate Judiciary Committee discussing the No Fly List that he had appeared on the list and had been repeatedly delayed at airports. He said it had taken him three weeks of appeals directly to Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge to have him removed from the list. Kennedy said he was eventually told that the name "T Kennedy" was added to the list because it was once used as an alias of a suspected terrorist.

  • There are an estimated 7,000 American men whose legal names correspond to "T Kennedy". (Senator Kennedy, whose first name was Edward and for whom "Ted" was only a nickname, would not have been one of them.) Recognizing that as a U.S. Senator he was in a privileged position of being able to contact Ridge, Kennedy said of "ordinary citizens": "How are they going to be able to get to be treated fairly and not have their rights abused?"

  • Former mayor of New York City Rudy Giuliani pointed to this incident as an example for the necessity to "rethink aviation security" in an essay on homeland security published while he was seeking the Republican nomination for the 2008 presidential election.

  • U.S. Representative, former Freedom Rider, and Chairman of SNCC John Lewis (politician) (D-GA) has been stopped many times.

  • Canadian journalist Patrick Martin has been frequently interrogated while traveling, because of a suspicious individual, believed to be a former Provisional Irish Republican Army bomb-maker, with the same name.

  • Walter F. Murphy, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton, reported that the following exchange took place at Newark on 1 March 2007, where he was denied a boarding pass "because I [Murphy] was on the Terrorist Watch list." The airline employee asked, "Have you been in any peace marches? We ban a lot of people from flying because of that."

  • Replied Murphy, "I explained that I had not so marched but had, in September 2006, given a lecture at Princeton, televised and put on the web, highly critical of George Bush for his many violations of the constitution." To which the airline employee responded, "That'll do it."

  • David Nelson, the actor best known for his role on The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet, is among various persons named David Nelson who have been stopped at airports because their name apparently appears on the list.

  • Jesselyn Radack, a former United States Department of Justice ethics adviser who argued that John Walker Lindh was entitled to an attorney, was placed on the No Fly List as part of what she [44] believes to be a reprisal for her whistle-blowing.

  • In September 2004, former pop singer Cat Stevens (who converted to Islam and changed his name to "Yusuf Islam" in 1978) was denied entry into the U.S. after his name was found on the list.

  • In February 2006, U.S. Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK) stated in a committee hearing that his wife Catherine had been subjected to questioning at an airport as to whether she was Cat Stevens due to the similarity of their names.

  • U.S. Representative Don Young (R-AK), the third-most senior Republican in the House, was flagged in 2004 after he was mistaken for a "Donald Lee Young".

  • Some members of the Federal Air Marshal Service have been denied boarding on flights that they were assigned to protect because their names matched those of persons on the no-fly list.

  • In August 2008, CNN reported that an airline captain and retired brigadier general for the United States Air Force has had numerous encounters with security officials when attempting to pilot his own plane.

  • After frequent harassment at airport terminals, a Canadian businessman changed his name to avoid being delayed every time he took a flight.

  • In October 2008, the Washington Post reported that Maryland State Police classified 53 nonviolent political activists as terrorists, and entered their names and personal information into state and federal databases, with labels indicating that they were terror suspects.
  • The protest groups were also entered as terrorist organizations. During a hearing, it was revealed that these individuals and organizations had been placed in the databases because of a surveillance operation that targeted opponents of the death penalty and the Iraq war.

  • In April 2009, TSA refused to allow an Air France flight from Paris to Mexico to cross U.S. airspace because it was carrying Colombian journalist Hernando Calvo Ospina. Air France did not send the passenger manifest to the US authorities; they did however send it to Mexico who forwarded it to the US.

  • Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan was held for extensive questioning by US Immigration and Customs officials in August 2009, because as he reported, "his name came up on a computer alert list." Customs officials claimed he "was questioned as part of a routine process that took 66 minutes." Khan was visiting the United States to promote his film My Name Is Khan, which concerns racial profiling of Muslims in the United States.

  • In June 2010, The New York Times reported Yahya Wehelie, a 26-year-old Muslim-American man was being prevented from returning to the United States, and trapped in Cairo. Despite Wehelie's offer to FBI agents to allow them to accompany him in the plane, while shackled, he was not permitted to return. The ACLU has argued that this constitutes banishment.

  • A U.S. citizen, stranded in Colombia after being placed on the no-fly list as a result of having studied in Yemen, sought to re-enter the U.S. through Mexico but was returned to Colombia by Mexican authorities.

  • Michael Migliore, a 23-year-old Muslim convert and dual citizen of the United States and Italy, was detained in the United Kingdom after traveling there from the U.S. by train and then cruise ship because he was not permitted to fly. He said that he believes he was placed on the no-fly list because he refused to answer questions about a 2010 Portland car bomb plot without his lawyer present.

  • He was released eight or ten hours later, but authorities confiscated his electronic media items including a cell phone and media player.

  • Abe Mashal, a 31-year-old Muslim and United States Marine Veteran, found himself on the No Fly List in April 2010 while attempting to board a plane out of Midway Airport. He was questioned by the TSA, FBI and Chicago Police at the airport and was told they had no clue why he was on the No Fly List. Once he arrived at home that day two other FBI agents came to his home and used a Do Not Fly question-and-answer sheet to question him.

  • They informed him they had no idea why he was on the No Fly List. In June 2010 those same two FBI agents summoned Mashal to a local hotel and invited him to a private room. They told him that he was in no trouble and the reason he ended up on the No Fly List was because of possibly sending emails to an American imam they may have been monitoring. They then informed him that if he would go undercover at various local mosques, they could get him off the No Fly List immediately and he would be compensated for such actions.

  • Mashal refused to answer any additional questions without a lawyer present and was told to leave the hotel. Mashal then contacted the ACLU and is now being represented in a class-action lawsuit filed against the TSA, FBI and DHS concerning the legality of the No Fly List and how people end up on it. Mashal feels as if he was blackmailed into becoming an informant by being placed on the No Fly List. Mashal has since appeared on ABC, NBC, PBS and Al Jazeera concerning his inclusion on the No Fly List. He has also written a book about his experience titled "No Spy No Fly."

  • In November 2002 Salon reported that the No-Fly program seemed "to be netting mostly priests, elderly nuns, Green Party campaign operatives, left-wing journalists, right-wing activists and people affiliated with Arab or Arab-American groups." Art dealer Doug Stuber, who ran Ralph Nader’s Green Party presidential campaign in North Carolina in 2000, was prevented from flying to Europe on business in October 2002.

  • He was repeatedly pulled out of line, held for questioning until his flight left, then told falsely he could take a later flight or depart from a different airport. Barbara Olshansky, then Assistant Legal Director for the Center for Constitutional Rights, noted that she and several of her colleagues received special attention on numerous occasions. On at least one occasion, she was ordered to pull her trousers down in view of other passengers
No Fly List - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Granny liked the part about how Obama...

... gonna whup up onna jihadis...

... like stink onna monkey.

I loved the part in one interview where he said ISIS is contained and the United Nations reported that ISIS just took over Afghanistan.
Here are the points Obama made tonight

1. He restated his view of the war on terror, climate needs fixed
2. He listed measures the US has already been taking against ISIS, let Russia deal with them
3. Obama said Congress should toughen gun laws, Americans need vetted, not incoming refugees from Syria
4. US should avoid another "long and costly ground war," Like the one he has been involved with in Afghanistan since in office which he escalated?
5. Americans shouldn't retaliate against Muslims. Really this is the reason for the press conference. The trouble is, there has been NO violent retaliation towards Muslims in the US, which makes it that much more puzzling why he would come out and say this.

Visionless, spineless, clueless, and bigoted toward Average Americans whom he thinks are violent bigots.

He said that we'll get used to being attacked by Muslims on our own soil eventually.

If we'd just give up the right to defend ourselves....everything will be fine.
In his speech, Obama once again asked the Republican Congress to approve an AUMF against ISIS. The ostriches have refused to do so for over a year.

Finally, if Congress believes, as I do, that we are at war with ISIL, it should go ahead and vote to authorize the continued use of military force against these terrorists. For over a year, I have ordered our military to take thousands of airstrikes against ISIL targets. I think it's time for Congress to vote to demonstrate that the American people are united, and committed, to this fight.
Obama can do that on his own, and you and your boss (Obama) knows that, Raghead.
He's just trying to make it look like the GOP and clingers are the problem, not radicalized Muslims living here in America.
Does anyone have any data on how many have done mass shootings who got guns and were on the no fly list?
So far in my search it has been zero.
In his speech, Obama once again asked the Republican Congress to approve an AUMF against ISIS. The ostriches have refused to do so for over a year.

Finally, if Congress believes, as I do, that we are at war with ISIL, it should go ahead and vote to authorize the continued use of military force against these terrorists. For over a year, I have ordered our military to take thousands of airstrikes against ISIL targets. I think it's time for Congress to vote to demonstrate that the American people are united, and committed, to this fight.
Obama can do that on his own, and you and your boss (Obama) knows that, Raghead.
He's just trying to make it look like the GOP and clingers are the problem, not radicalized Muslims living here in America.

He has always used politics rather than what's good for the country.

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