CDZ Presumptions of White/male superiority?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
It occurs to me that our current obescience to the meme "all men are created equal" has, at its essence, a presumption of White/male superiority. (We all should know that the Declaration of Independence was referring to equal rights, not equal abilities.)

Why else are inquiries into racial and gender differences generally banned from public discussion? Are all geneticists potential Nazis?
White men are held to a higher standard than anyone else. All over the world, black and brown people commit unspeakable atrocities on a daily basis but only when a white man shoots up a mosque does the media make an international spectacle of it.
It occurs to me that our current obescience to the meme "all men are created equal" has, at its essence, a presumption of White/male superiority. (We all should know that the Declaration of Independence was referring to equal rights, not equal abilities.)

Why else are inquiries into racial and gender differences generally banned from public discussion? Are all geneticists potential Nazis?

I hold no presumptions. Especially in music.
The most important word being "presumption". The same old, as in "assume" makes an ass of you and me..
Men are superior to women.
We are stronger. We are also more apt to use logic instead of emotion.
Think about this: women got the right to vote and a few years later we got the great depression :D
Men are superior to women.
We are stronger. We are also more apt to use logic instead of emotion.
Think about this: women got the right to vote and a few years later we got the great depression :D


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