Zone1 Gaslighting


And if IQ is so important then why ain't you calling out the low IQ white ppl ? Maybe it's Irish Americans ? Italian Americans ? English Americans ? I don't know but I do know that some white American group will be at the bottom

And if IQ is so important then why don't you take your argument to the end and demand that EVERYTHING be based on IQ ? Hmm ?

IQ is simply a white racist way to justify harming blk ppl, that's all it is
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I'll ask for the second time

If blacks people's IQ are so low then why for the past 400 yrs has there been an on going need from whites for systematic depravation towards blks ?

If blks are so dumb then why do you have system to take from dumb ppl ? If we are so dumb you should be able to give blk ppl the best of everything and we'd still fk up ? No ?

If blks are so dumb then why do whites make sure that predominantly Black school districts are under-funded, under-staffed with inexperienced teachers, denied books, microscopes and other lab equipment, and put hazardous waste near black schools, cut art and music classes, sports teams and sometimes hot meals in a cafeteria ?

If we are so dumb you dont create a system of Jim Crow were blk ppl cant get the proper schooling. A system were you have to house them in prison and beat on them

Why are you beating on a person who is mentally retarded ? What does that say about white ppl if that's the real narrative ?

And if whites are so smart then why do many Universities in America give out 16 points to kids from certain lily-white Upper Peninsulas ? And 4 points for children of overwhelmingly white alumni ? And 10 points for students who went to the state’s “top” schools ? And 8 points for those who took a full slate of Advanced Placement classes in high schools (which classes are far less available in schools serving students blk students)

And if whites are so smart then why are there tons of scandals were affluent whites including television actors, corporate executives and bankers bribe and frauded their way to get admission for their children into America's most prestigious universities ?
Yeah, and IF you could deal with FACTS rather than playing the victim and race card, maybe we could make favorable changes in the methods to make up for the difference.

For instance, what can YOU do to change black kids ridiculing other kids who study and intimidating them? How do YOU change the young thug mentality that it's macho to play the gangsta role?

And if IQ is so important then why ain't you calling out the low IQ white ppl ? Maybe it's Irish Americans ? Italian Americans ? English Americans ? I don't know but I do know that some white American group will be at the bottom.
BRILLIANT! That's why it is called an AVERAGE.

Yeah, and IF you could deal with FACTS rather than playing the victim and race card, maybe we could make favorable changes in the methods to make up for the difference.

For instance, what can YOU do to change black kids ridiculing other kids who study and intimidating them? How do YOU change the young thug mentality that it's macho to play the gangsta role?

As I said before

Call me intellectually inferior all day.

I don’t give a crap about that

All I want to know from guys like you and others that are always running around trying to prove how stupid blk ppl are is this

What do you do with a race of blk people who you claim are stupid ?

You’re saying I’m stupid ? OK. Sh*t. I am then. Now what ?

If people like you got some guts and said “We are going to stop telling black people what we think they are. We finally going to tell them what we are gonna do”

I’d be like


And I’d tune in and if they said “We’re gonna kill every blk person on earth or die trying”

I’d say “OK. Cool. Now get on with it” and I’d go down fighting and if we are not meant then we are not meant to be here.

And that’s how you deal with ppl who come with the race and IQ talk.

Don't spend one second trying to prove to them that blk ppl are intelligent or trying to disprove them.

Racists were saying blk ppl were stupid long b4 the IQ test.

So stop trying to prove points. We don’t need them. Either stop the B.S or let’s just get it on for the last time and for the final time
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BRILLIANT! That's why it is called an AVERAGE.


Here comes the wimping out "but some blk ppl are smart, butt I just mean on average"

No. I am dumb and I am stupid. Now what do you DO with dumb and stupid blk ppl like me ? The DOING PART
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As I said before

Call me intellectually inferior all day.

I don’t give a crap about that

All I want to know from guys like you and others that are always running around trying to prove how stupid blk ppl are is this

What do you do with a race of blk people who you claim are stupid ?

You’re saying I’m stupid ? OK. Sh*t. I am then. Now what ?

If people like you got some guts and said “We are going to stop telling black people what we think they are. We finally going to tell them what we are gonna do”
Why do you believe it is up to someone else to fix the problem? Why should anyone else, if you don't want to solve or at least minimize the issue?

How can I fix this?
Why do you believe it is up to someone else to fix the problem?

Because I'm a mental retard. You have all these facts to prove how stupid the average blk person is.

So how can a mental retard fix his own problems ?

Why should anyone else, if you don't want to solve or at least minimize the issue?

How can I fix this?

But what do you expect from mentally retarded people ?
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Racial gaslighting is; “the political, social, economic and cultural process that perpetuates and normalizes a white supremacist reality through pathologizing those who resist.” In short, this is where whites try to create an impression that blacks or nonwhites are the ones with the problem because we point out the racism in white America. Part of America has developed an alternate reality whereby they claim that people of color who point out past and present forms of white racism are racists because they define all whites because of race. This is not the case. Opinions on whites by people of color are generally not based on their skin color, false, untrue stereotypes, or assumed genetic, moral, cultural, intellectual, and human superiority, but opposition to a behavior exhibited by members of the white community. We see that here and in other forms of social media.

Racial gaslighting can manifest in various ways, including:

  1. Denial of Racism: People of Color are often told that their experiences of racism are imagined or exaggerated, leading them to doubt their own lived realities. A person in denial of racism may refuse to take responsibility for their actions by pretending to forget what happened or blaming their behavior on someone else (Huizen, 2022). This form of gaslighting may also dismiss the systemic and structural nature of racism. For example, a person who dismisses racism in response to the complaint of a BIPOC or marginalized individual may say, “stop playing the race card” or “it has nothing to do with race, I don’t see color” (Strong, 2022).
  2. Trivializing Racism: This occurs when a person belittles or disregards the victim's feelings. They may accuse the victim of being too sensitive or overacting in response to their concerns. A person who is trivializing racism may say, “don’t be so sensitive,” or “it was just a joke” (Strong, 2022).
  3. Reverse Victimization: Racial gaslighting sometimes occurs when individuals from privileged backgrounds claim to be victims of racism in response to conversations about racial inequality. This diversionary tactic aims to invalidate the experiences and concerns of marginalized communities. An example of reverse victimization is the “All Lives Matter'' movement. People who say “all lives matter '' as a counter response to Black Lives Matter attempt to dismiss racism, saying that all lives are equal and yet refusing to acknowledge the systematic violence perpetrated against Black people in the US (Strong, 2022). This strategy aims to invalidate the experiences of BIPOC individuals by claiming that the Black Lives Matter movement excludes people who aren’t Black. This claim, of course, is not true, and it is a form of racial gaslighting.
I actually am beginning to see some hope for the impoverished blacks in our nation as they are beginning to realize it is the Democrats who are the most racist and many are leaving the Democratic Plantation.

If the Republican Party doesn’t welcome them perhaps they can come up with a third Party of their own and finally gain some real political power with their votes.

One day I'll find some white racist who has the guts to tell me what should be done with all these stupid black ppl
Again, if you can't mediate the problem, why is it someone else's problem?

How do you propose that I have a solution for this if you do not?


Again, if you can't mediate the problem, why is it someone else's problem?

How can mentally retarded ppl mediate there problems ?

How do you propose that I have a solution for this if you do not?

Bcoz I'm a mental retard.

So I can't compete with you dude. Your the MAN

You really don't wanna throw dirt here.

Black men in the west ARE THE ONLY PPL were the abuse of children is not systematic.

Meaning. YOU CANNOT COME TO ANY BLACK AREA IN THE WEST (America and Europe) and blk ppl will point you to places were you can mess with kids.

Where as in white society it's law

Black ppl ain't on the dark web exchanging messed up pics of kids. WHITE PPL ARE

Black PPL ain't travelling abroad looking for places where they can abuse kids. WHITE PPL ARE

All these white child s.e.x rings, white olympic s.e.x.ual abuse of young female athletes, all the white peado running around in hollywood.


White child s.e.x abusers in Europe are protected EVEN more.











Elvis Presley spent much of his adult life pursuing s.e.xual encounters with 13 year old girls (who he called "cherries").

The book "Baby Lets Play House" goes into meticulous details about harems of 12-14 year old girls Elvis would have in his bedroom


Look at how young the girls are ? Look about 13 or 14 or 15 max, meanwhile Elvis is a grown ass man in his mid 20's.

White ppl have an open child molestation culture and that cultures comes from from the top people in Hollywood, to royalty, to millionaires.

You really dont wanna go here with me. I have TONS of sh*t about white ppl
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I worked to reduce gang violence. I have seen how whites talk loud and long about their concerrn about gang violence then when asked to put their money where their mouths are, they fund the same stale agencies that have done nothing to solve the problem.

A prime example of white-think was Moron Miikes obsession with Pastorr Brooks. To him Brooks was doing a great thing raising money to build a community center and how that center was going to train people for jobs.. He and other whites scoffed at me saying he could have put that 20 mil to better use by building a supermarket. Blacks don't need job training,, blacks need jobs. Young blacks in gangss need something else to sell besides drugs. 20 mil could have purchased products to sell where thoe kids could earn a cut.

Um, yeah, you can build a supermarket that would go out of business in a few months because of all the shoplifting.

And some kid is going to happily take a minimum wage job at that supermarket when he could be making six figures selling drugs.

An acquaintance of mine is a CPD teacher, and she talks about a 13-year-old in her class who is a lookout for a drug gang. The kid actually tried to bribe her!

Here's how you solve the gang problem. Throw the little bastards in Jail. When they do a drive by, arrest them and throw them in jail. Don't say, "Nobody saw nothin'!"

But, no let's whine about the cops being too rough on a serial criminal like George Floyd. (Incidently, I think Chauvin belongs in Jail, I just wouldn't have made Floyd a national hero when there is so much worse going on.)
Look at how young the girls are ? Look about 13 or 14 or 15 max, meanwhile Elvis is a grown ass man in his mid 20's.

White ppl have an open child molestation culture and that cultures comes from from the top people in Hollywood, to royalty, to millionaires.

You really dont wanna go here with me. I have TONS of sh*t about white ppl

Reading that Diatribe, I'm convinced that BlackUK_Dude is Paul Essen.

Welcome back, Paul.
BlackUK_Dude The sexualization of children is the domain of liberals. This is what liberal culture does to black kids. And you defend your masters doing this.

“White people are to blame for all of black peoples problems”. Also, black people on black people -

How can mentally retarded ppl mediate there problems ?

Bcoz I'm a mental retard.

So I can't compete with you dude. Your the MAN

You really don't wanna throw dirt here.

Black men in the west ARE THE ONLY PPL were the abuse of children is not systematic.

Meaning. YOU CANNOT COME TO ANY BLACK AREA IN THE WEST (America and Europe) and blk ppl will point you to places were you can mess with kids.

Where as in white society it's law

Black ppl ain't on the dark web exchanging messed up pics of kids. WHITE PPL ARE

Black PPL ain't travelling abroad looking for places where they can abuse kids. WHITE PPL ARE

All these white child s.e.x rings, white olympic s.e.x.ual abuse of young female athletes, all the white peado running around in hollywood.


White child s.e.x abusers in Europe are protected EVEN more.











Elvis Presley spent much of his adult life pursuing s.e.xual encounters with 13 year old girls (who he called "cherries").

The book "Baby Lets Play House" goes into meticulous details about harems of 12-14 year old girls Elvis would have in his bedroom


Look at how young the girls are ? Look about 13 or 14 or 15 max, meanwhile Elvis is a grown ass man in his mid 20's.

White ppl have an open child molestation culture and that cultures comes from from the top people in Hollywood, to royalty, to millionaires.

You really dont wanna go here with me. I have TONS of sh*t about white ppl
Thank you for going so far to prove my point that you do not want solutions; all you can do is hurl childish insults.

BlackUK_Dude The sexualization of children is the domain of liberals. This is what liberal culture does to black kids. And you defend your masters doing this.

View attachment 868839

White ppl adopting black kids to abuse, kill or mistreat is fully condoned in white society

The black kansas teen with autism who died of heat exhaustion.

He was out walking in the heat and his mother "didn't know"


Matt and Jenny Barker who "accidentally" left their Black adopted daughter (Katera Barker) in a car all day, where she later died because of the heat.


It was two kids in the car at the same time. The other kid (who was white) was dropped off at the day-care that they both attend.

How convenient

Neither of them were charged

Devonte Hart who white mom done a murder - suicide drove them off a cliff killing them and all their black adopted kids.



Or Paula Poundstone adopted ? She was charged with molesting and abusing her adopted Black children.


But of course was allowed to make a plea deal and get a slap on the wrist


This couple took their adopted Black child..... To do a photo shoot...... in a cotton field.


The black adopted kids of Lemomine Cheeks of Memphis who locked her black adopted kids in cages.

White South African actress Charlize Theron adopted a black child and put the black child in a dress even though the child is boy. Look how “nurturing” Charlize looks in this picture.


I'm highly suspicious of Charlize Theron.


I'm highly suspicious of Angelina Jolie


I'm highly suspicious of Sandra Bullock


I'm highly suspicious of Tom Cruise


I'm highly suspicious of Madonna


I'm pretty sure or 99.9% sure that all of these blk kids are being beaten, raped, molested by these white "celebs" because that part of white culture


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I'm insulting ? Says the person who is running around USMB trying to prove how stupid blk ppl are ?

I'm not trying to prove anything I post FACTS. If you can't deal with them, that's your problem.

Why do you behave like a terrible two-year-old child instead of an adult working toward solutions?

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