Priebus Pal David Lane: 'Wicked' Pro-Equality Republicans Threaten Collapse of GOP


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
Looks like they are cannibalizing each other

Religious Right political strategist David Lane, who urges greater political engagement by conservative evangelical pastors and promotes right-wing candidates, has managed a pretty neat trick: he trashes “establishment” Republicans while taking RNC members on junkets to Israel and being embraced by top RNC officials, including GOP Chairman Reince Priebus and Director of Faith Engagement Chad Connelly. Lane is out today with another slam at Republicans who support legal equality for LGBT Americans – a category that does not, to be clear, include Priebus and Connelly. -

Priebus Pal David Lane Wicked Pro-Equality Republicans Threaten Collapse of GOP Right Wing Watch

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