Priest Returns from China—Has Mass Blocked by U.S. Government


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Returning from Tyranny, coming home to Tyranny.:mad:

I had to say Mass in my room,” says Father Ray Leonard, recalling the years he served in the Tibetan region of the People’s Republic of China. In that country, where the Communist government has created a state-sanctioned facsimile of the Catholic Church and driven faithful Catholics underground, Father Leonard saw firsthand how totalitarians approach religion. “Everything is controlled,” he told me in an interview. “If you are part of the public church, what is known as the Patriotic Church, the church which is for the most part governed by the Communist Party, they restrict everything. They restrict the times that you are open. They restrict the messages that you can preach about.

As the partial shutdown started, Father Leonard commenced his own duties “providing support” to the families at Kings Bay. “No one even said anything,” he said. “I was there during the week and having the Mass.” Then, that Friday, four days after Obama signed the Pay Our Military Act, and three days after the partial shutdown started, Father Leonard’s office was informed: “There will be no services this weekend.”

Priest Returns from China?Has Mass Blocked by U.S. Government | CNS News
[ame=]Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction - YouTube[/ame]
church's preach against sin, abortion, homosexuality, extra marital sex, the usual suspect.
The Priest just wanted to hold mass for Christians...We can't have that:eusa_hand:
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People don't realize it, but the freedom to worship has been long dead. According to the first Amendment;

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[1]

. . . and yet, if you were to found a Christian church, if it became a larger and active organization, like some of the largest tele-evalgelical churches, and you started preaching from the pulpit, they would attempt to tax you.

In order to register as a 501c non-taxable foundation, you need to not preach about the corruption in government. Well, that makes your church corrupt. As such, any and all churches that have filed for 501c statuses and agree not to preach politics, specific politics against or for particular candidates and policies, essentially have a gag order placed on them.

This is unconstitutional. If anyone is interested, there is literature that has been written about this, but it has largely been suppressed and isn't real easy to come by. The biggest problem with this literature, is it tends to be biased, it is written by religious scholars, rather than secular scholars. The reason, obviously, is that state institutions are funded, by the government and big non-profit foundations that engage in socialist societal engineering, attempting to stratify the populace and make everyone the same. Stripping morality from the population, making the State the final arbitrator of morality.

If this is done, it encourages a materialistic and consumerist society. It is good for economic growth, it places power in the hands of the ruling elites and metastasizes the power of the State. But does it create a moral and just nation?

In Caesar’s Grip by Peter Kershaw
“It is impossible to have religious freedom in any nation where churches are licensed to the government. In this book Peter Kershaw exposes the root cause problems of rampant and unhindered immorality, government tyranny and corruption, and the inability of the State-licenses church to offer any real hope for combatting these devastating societal problems. For the first time in any book I am aware of, the author offers a credible and absolutely indispensable solution for restoring what is the most important of all our rights — freedom of religion, and its vital partner, freedom of speech. In Caesar’s Grip is indispensable.” George Hansen, Member of Congress (ret.)

In Caesar’s Grip is the most in-depth exposè that has ever been written on the legal and theological pitfalls and perils of church incorporation and the IRS 501c3 tax-exempt status. Kershaw bring to light valuable historic information regarding the origins of the corporation and why the early church was accused of civil disobedience for refusing to incorporate. Also includes the historic influence of the “nonconformist” clergy (branded the “Black Regiment” by King George), without whom it is inconceivable that America would have ever declared independency.

Chapter Titles

1. The First Amendment and Freedom Of Religion
2. The Bloody Trail Our Fathers Trod To Religious Freedom
3. Dear Mr. Caesar, I’d like to be a Christian (can I have a license please?)
4. Christianity, Inc.
5. 501c3 Religion
6. Where Do We Go From Here?

“The federal government has proved a tremendous impediment to the ongoing work of Christians. In all the laws that they have passed against Christian schools, gagging the church, taxation, and all kinds of things that they have done, they have made it harder for the church to exercise its prerogatives and to preach the gospel…The IRS, a branch of our government, has succeeded in gagging Christians.” The Late Dr. D. James Kennedy, Pastor, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church

Remember folks, the Bible is NOT the word of GOD. It was Emperor Constantine that decided which books would go into the Bible at the first Council of Nicaea. This is akin to the Department of Homeland Security telling the Nation what is and isn't the word of God from selected revered works.

So find out what is in the Nag Hammadi and the Dead Sea Scrolls. Don't let Rome and the elites tell you what your soul is worth.
The Priest just wanted to hold mass for Christians...We can have that:eusa_hand:

Each and every Priest must conduct the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on a daily basis no matter where he resides. Even if it's alone.

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